Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from June 27, 2012 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting June 27, 2012

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
k salvatore      kellippah  2012  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
steve lacy  chinese food   Favoriting the sun  eminem  1967/2012  CD  0:12:30 (Pop-up)
blues control  open air   Favoriting valley tangents  drag city  2012  LP  0:24:20 (Pop-up)
charles ives  the 4th of july   Favoriting new england holidays  cri  1913/  LP  0:30:37 (Pop-up)
bulanz orgabar  track 6   Favoriting s/t  blood in the boat  2012  CD  0:37:48 (Pop-up)
peaking lights  beautiful sun   Favoriting lucifer  mexican summer  2012  LP  0:42:50 (Pop-up)
black music disaster  black music disaster   Favoriting black music disaster  thirsty ear  2012  CD  0:48:52 (Pop-up)
john fahey  red cross, disciple of christ today   Favoriting red cross  revenant  2003  LP  1:08:14 (Pop-up)
jailbreak  white spider   Favoriting colour them gone  nyali  2012  CD  1:12:16 (Pop-up)
tia blake  my father is a lonely man   Favoriting folksongs and ballads  water    LP  1:20:30 (Pop-up)
hiss golden messenger  jesus shot me in the head   Favoriting bad debt  blackmaps  2011  CD  1:22:37 (Pop-up)
gene clark  for a spanish guitar   Favoriting white light  a&m  1971  LP  1:27:24 (Pop-up)
slug guts  stranglin' you too   Favoriting   hozac  2012  7"  1:35:17 (Pop-up)
panther burns  dateless night   Favoriting   mighty mouth  1980/2012  7"  1:40:54 (Pop-up)
ethel profit  life is a battle   Favoriting   mississippi    7"  1:41:59 (Pop-up)
jim polding  too late for love   Favoriting majic dog  polding bros  1984  LP  1:45:46 (Pop-up)
bobb trimble  selling me short while stringing me 'long   Favoriting   mighty mouth  1981/2012  7"  1:50:23 (Pop-up)
beach boys  cool cool water   Favoriting sunflower  reprise  1970    1:54:49 (Pop-up)
willie lane  rare psych for wayne   Favoriting guitar army of one  cord-art  2012  LP  1:59:55 (Pop-up)
chris brokaw  tidal mud   Favoriting tidal mud  robert & leopold  2012  Cassette  2:03:38 (Pop-up)
madalyn merkey  neptune   Favoriting scent  new images  2012  LP  2:20:14 (Pop-up)
harald grosskopf  trauma   Favoriting synthesist  sky  1980  LP  2:30:45 (Pop-up)
vito ricci  dance too   Favoriting whims  jmp  1995  CD  2:35:47 (Pop-up)
dark day  crib death   Favoriting exterminating angel  dark entries  1980/2012  LP  2:39:20 (Pop-up)
he said  shapes to escape   Favoriting hail  mute  1986  LP  2:41:32 (Pop-up)
led er est  bladiator   Favoriting the diver  sacred bones  2012  LP  2:46:40 (Pop-up)
aaron dilloway  after the showers   Favoriting modern jester  hanson  2012  LP  2:50:46 (Pop-up)
black dice  for better pleasure   Favoriting mr impossible  ribbon music  2012  LP  2:57:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

George of Troy:

Good morning, John!
Avatar 6:29am

morning, george!

good morning and good show. is there any chance you can fill in some of the labels? i'm listing these tracks myself and it helps to know where they came from
George of Troy:

Have to remember to pick up this Black Music Disaster. Really like it. I've got an album that Shipp and J Spaceman did a few years back that's pretty great as well.

g'morning John, George, Johnnykevlar...
Joined during the Ives, always like that piece..

hey masestroso.
the past few folk songs were nice
Jay /London:

hi all checking in from London UK
Avatar 7:56am

hi jay/london. hope everything is ok... the show, that is.

i always sing this beach boys tune to myself as "cool cool whip."
Jay /London:

yeah show good me not so as signed off work for 2 weeks after my op
Avatar 8:02am

cool whiplash
Jay /London:

this reminds me of some of the music from the film 2001
sinister dexter:

good morning John and fellow listeners ... good to be here ^_^
D in Miami:

Good morning, John et al. This Grosskopf is good.
George of Troy:

Really nice batch of tracks, these last few.
Ken the scientist:

Reminds me vaguely of the mechwarrior 2 soundtrack... now i want to go make dirty chipstep.
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