Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from June 20, 2012 Favoriting

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"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting June 20, 2012

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
RED trio + nate wooley  tides   Favoriting stem  clean feed  1012  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
domingo cura  golpes de america   Favoriting tiempo de percusion 1971-77  em recordings  2012  LP  0:11:48 (Pop-up)
blues control  love's a rondo   Favoriting valley tangents  drag city  2012  LP  0:16:11 (Pop-up)
vito ricci  blue space   Favoriting say no more  creation production company  1984  Cassette  0:21:07 (Pop-up)
john wall/ mark durgan    s/t  entracte  2012  CD  0:38:36 (Pop-up)
charles amirkhanian  muchrooms   Favoriting lexical music  arch   1979  LP  0:44:24 (Pop-up)
rat catching    s/t  fedora corpse  2011  LP  0:49:07 (Pop-up)
sun araw & m. geddes gengras meet the congos  food clothing & shelter   Favoriting frkwys vol. 9: icon give thank  rvng  2012  LP  0:56:42 (Pop-up)
decimus    decimus 3  kellippah  2012  LP  1:03:43 (Pop-up)
dolphins into the future    canto arquipelago  underwater peoples  2012  LP  1:14:08 (Pop-up)
can  exceprt from the sampler   Favoriting a 5 song sampler of the lost tapes at least it wasnt a soundcloud  mute  2012  CD  1:25:17 (Pop-up)
mario diaz de leon  oneirogen   Favoriting hypnos  shinkoyo  2012  CD  1:28:04 (Pop-up)
annea lockwood  jitterbug   Favoriting in our name  new world  2012  CD  1:39:46 (Pop-up)
jherek bischoff & carla bozulich  counting   Favoriting composed  brassland  2012  CD  1:45:46 (Pop-up)
liars  who is the hunter   Favoriting wixiw  mute  2012  CD  1:48:21 (Pop-up)
richard youngs  big waves of an actual sea   Favoriting long white cloud  grapefruit  2012  LP  1:52:25 (Pop-up)
monochrome set  on my balcony   Favoriting platinum coils  disquo bleu  2012  CD  2:01:23 (Pop-up)
biff bang pow!  she shivers inside   Favoriting the girl who runs the beat hotel  creation  1987  LP  2:05:02 (Pop-up)
the triffids  hometown farewell   Favoriting calenture  island  1987  LP  2:08:43 (Pop-up)
tim lee  eager to please   Favoriting what time will tell  coyote  1988  LP  2:12:37 (Pop-up)
david kilgour  spasm   Favoriting here come the cars  fusetron  1991/2012  LP  2:15:51 (Pop-up)
chris forsyth  the first 10 min of cocksucker blues   Favoriting kenzo deluxe  northern spy  2012  LP  2:27:49 (Pop-up)
jim polding  breakaway   Favoriting majic dog  polding brothers  1984  LP  2:38:20 (Pop-up)
william tyler  naked ladies and electric ragtime   Favoriting oh michael, look what you've done: friends play michael chapman  tompkins square  2012  CD  2:41:41 (Pop-up)
blag twig pickers  life on the ceiling   Favoriting oh michael, look what you've done: friends play michael chapman  tompkins square  2012  CD  2:44:30 (Pop-up)
blue velvet band  weary blues   Favoriting sweet moments with the blue velvet band  warner brothers  1969  LP  2:47:05 (Pop-up)
lee dresser  i'll be leavin' you again   Favoriting to touch the wind  bella linda records  1977  LP  2:49:32 (Pop-up)
trummors  platte clove road   Favoriting over and around the clove  ernest jenning  2012  LP  2:52:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Jay /London:

Good Morning John Allen A am a wfmu enlister, but first time I listen to tour show s at home after a op greetings from London
Avatar 6:27am

good news Jay London. stay tuuned!

Hello John, Jay, everyone!
Jay /London:

hey john I will still a bit out of it from being put under for the op as you can see from my spelling .. morning Looms !
George of Troy:

Hello JA, Looms, and J/L! Happy Solstice, everyone.

Mornin' John! Who's playing on trumpet on Vito Ricci tune?!
Avatar 6:36am

youseff yancy

thanks, amazing stuff!
Sometimes Jasmine:

Really starting to look forward to your show :) it caught me by surprise again this week.

This Sun Araw sounds great! Really nice modern hipster dub.
Avatar 7:09am

andrew, i just went to the comments log and couldn't help noticing that you also used the term "hipster" on feb 8th of this year. going forward can you break it up and call them poor yuppies. i agree, sun araw & hipster friends the Congos is a real good one

JA - Roger that. Though from looking at the photos - the congos appear to be ancient Jamaicans, and it turns out that it is Sun Araw who are the poor yuppies.
Jay /London:

@ JA is that the sound of real dolphins ?
Avatar 7:25am

these are hipster dolphins
Jay /London:

ahh nothing like hipster s JA
Jay /London:

a dolphin shooting its self up that’s hard with its flippers .. but anything is possible .. love the show thought i would not like it i was wrong love it thanks John

hipster dolphin
George of Troy:

That Kilgour track was pretty great. Thought it was The Feelies for a second when it came on.
sinister dexter:

hey John ... hi listeners .... nice day happenning .... good to be here ^_^
Avatar 8:29am

hey dex!
Cheri Pi:

Great show this morning JA
Greg from Detroit:

Great show! Have you found out anything more about Jim Polding?
Avatar 8:43am

I did, i'll hit you back offlist

I wish the weather here were as fine as the show; two good reasons to stay indoors. Thanks John.
Jay /London:

lovely music will listen again for sure thanks, been very good :)
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