Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from April 8, 2009 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting April 8, 2009

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
kevin drumm  land of lurches   Favoriting land of lurches  hanson  2003  Vinyl  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
flower corsano duo  the main ingredient   Favoriting the four aims  vhf  2009  CD  0:05:59 (Pop-up)
scratch acid  cheese plug   Favoriting just keep eating  rabid cat  1986  LP  0:20:55 (Pop-up)
chrome  riding you   Favoriting the visitation  siren  1977  LP  0:23:09 (Pop-up)
human hands  sensible guy   Favoriting s/t  nate starkman & son  1988  LP  0:28:03 (Pop-up)
adam payne  the one after eyes   Favoriting organ  holy mountain  2009  CD  0:30:40 (Pop-up)
boxer  hand on your heart   Favoriting absolutely  epic  1977  LP  0:35:09 (Pop-up)
gris gris  year zero   Favoriting live at the creamery  birdman  2008  CD  0:39:54 (Pop-up)
thomas bey william bailey    strangelet  belsona strategic  2009  CD  0:48:13 (Pop-up)
destroy all monsters  bored   Favoriting         0:52:16 (Pop-up)
ono  the model bride   Favoriting machiens that kill people  thermidor  1983  LP  0:58:02 (Pop-up)
dred foole & the din  so tough   Favoriting         1:01:53 (Pop-up)
dum dum girls  catholicked   Favoriting dum dum girls  captured tracks  2009  12"  1:05:57 (Pop-up)
nudge squidfish  are you fooling yourself   Favoriting s/t  squid songs  1983    1:09:29 (Pop-up)
guinea worms  i know where will foster lives   Favoriting   columbus discount  2009  7"  1:13:08 (Pop-up)
scott pinkmountain & the golden bolts of tone  unforgiven   Favoriting the full sun  howells transmitter  2008  CD  1:25:36 (Pop-up)
rob mazurek  the star splitter   Favoriting sound is  delmark  2009  CD  1:39:39 (Pop-up)
robedoor    shapeshifter slave  olde english spelling bee  2009  LP  1:44:05 (Pop-up)
jandek  upon the granduer   Favoriting one foot in the north  corwood  1991  LP  1:53:59 (Pop-up)
john martyn  seven black roses   Favoriting the tumbler  island  1968  LP  2:02:18 (Pop-up)
pari zangeneh  dai balal   Favoriting Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults  KS  1976/2009  LP  2:06:48 (Pop-up)
luisa la chouf  thousand miles of dreaming   Favoriting radio resistencia  enfant terrible  2009  CD  2:09:32 (Pop-up)
inca ore  aztlan at 4 altitudes   Favoriting   not not fun  2009  7"  2:11:33 (Pop-up)
petit mal  new century   Favoriting s/t  difficult fun  2009  CD  2:18:21 (Pop-up)
nine horses  the banality   Favoriting snow borne sorrow  samadhisound  2005  CD  2:24:17 (Pop-up)
mountains    choral  thrill jockey  2009  CD  2:29:36 (Pop-up)
blank dogs  from here   Favoriting under and under  in the red  2009  LP  2:44:43 (Pop-up)
units  the right mix   Favoriting   uproar records  1982  12"  2:48:23 (Pop-up)
margie joseph  knockout   Favoriting   houston connection recording corp  1982  12"  2:53:12 (Pop-up)
bailey / bevan / yoshihide / hession            2:58:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Thomas Bailey:

Hi there! Thanks very much for including me on your show, the lineup looks great. If you have a chance to change the playlist though, please note that Thomas Bey William Bailey is actually one person (I was born with two middle names.) All the best>>> Thomas
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