Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from March 25, 2009 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 25, 2009

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
vert  the light, the femininity of the thing   Favoriting new things at novova  sonig  2009  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
hikashu  nochidori   Favoriting ikirukoto  makigami  2008  CD  0:09:18 (Pop-up)
indian jewelry  zing zang   Favoriting split w/ fututre blondes    2009  12"  0:13:08 (Pop-up)
arthur brown  2024   Favoriting requiem  remote  1982  LP  0:23:34 (Pop-up)
true believers  accept it   Favoriting   new age  1978  7"  0:28:47 (Pop-up)
zenlo  dance school   Favoriting skeletal antics  porter  2009  CD  0:38:28 (Pop-up)
darius and the magnets  stonesteps   Favoriting in the valley of dreams  dee jay records  1982  LP  0:45:02 (Pop-up)
party boys  human train   Favoriting truckers strike  iridescence  1992  LP  0:50:17 (Pop-up)
artless entanglements  how's the blood taste? pt. 2   Favoriting cracks in the sidewalk  new alliance  1980  12"  0:52:42 (Pop-up)
weirdos  destroy all music   Favoriting   bomp  1977  7"  0:54:51 (Pop-up)
uncle woody sullender    live at barkenhoff  kunstlerhauser  2009  CD  0:56:24 (Pop-up)
steve gunn  money train blues   Favoriting sundowner  digitalis  2009  LP  1:04:15 (Pop-up)
barry mann  something better   Favoriting lay it all out  new design records  1971  LP  1:08:16 (Pop-up)
chris darrow  whipping boy   Favoriting under my own disguise  everloving  1972/2009  CD  1:11:48 (Pop-up)
jim & jean  hold on to me babe   Favoriting s/t  phillips    LP  1:15:45 (Pop-up)
mountains    choral  thrill jockey  2009  CD  1:19:19 (Pop-up)
phil manzanera  bogota   Favoriting primitive guitars  editions eg  1982  LP  1:27:06 (Pop-up)
el jesus de majico  skin this cat another way   Favoriting scalping the guru  columbus discount  2009  LP  1:31:44 (Pop-up)
axemen    big cheap motel  siltbreeze  1984/2009    1:33:50 (Pop-up)
peter c. johnson  snowblind   Favoriting s/t  a&m  1978  LP  1:46:17 (Pop-up)
michaelangelo  inner reflections   Favoriting s/t  void  1977/ 2008  LP  1:51:23 (Pop-up)
magic lantern  vampires in heat   Favoriting s/t  woodsist  2008  LP  1:54:43 (Pop-up)
lawrence english    hipshot guitars  hipshot  2008  CD  2:00:07 (Pop-up)
rtfo bandwagon  between the ears   Favoriting dums will survive  dull knife  2009  LP  2:08:59 (Pop-up)
marissa nadler  river of dirt   Favoriting little hells  kemado  2009  CD  2:14:17 (Pop-up)
claire hamill  go now   Favoriting stage door johnnies  konk  1974  LP  2:18:11 (Pop-up)
john martyn  don't you go   Favoriting   wea  1981  7"  2:21:44 (Pop-up)
har-you percussion group  santa cruz   Favoriting sounds of the ghetto youth  esp  1967/ 2009  CD   
deryll inman  it's so hard   Favoriting electric skyway  LA records  1977  LP  2:27:02 (Pop-up)
marc jordan  jungle choir   Favoriting mannequin  wb  1978  LP   
david diggs  sudden madness   Favoriting elusion  blue jay records  1978  LP  2:37:33 (Pop-up)
boxtops  i seeee only sunshine   Favoriting   mala    7"  2:47:02 (Pop-up)
faces  glad and sorrow   Favoriting ooh la la  wb  1973  LP  2:49:09 (Pop-up)
the saints  all times through paradise   Favoriting   harvest  1978  7"  2:52:41 (Pop-up)
dum dum gilrs  hey sis   Favoriting s/t  captured tracks  2009  12"  2:56:37 (Pop-up)
greg kelley  accumulating errors   Favoriting self-hate index  semata  2009  CD  2:58:43 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Oops, I almost forgot to pledge!!
This oversight has been corrected.
WFMU is still the only radio station even remotely
like itself in the known universe.
It's almost lunch-time here in Paris.
A bientôt, Will

bonjour will. thanks for catching up!

Greetings from England! Despite only having dial-up access I still listen to WFMU more than any other music station. Just been sending the link to some friends over here....... Paul
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi. Listening online as I catch up on the news. I must get the kids ready for school now. See you next time.

Ciao from London

Axemen rocks!
Jξrξmy thξ listξnξr:

good day from northern virginia.

I must go and eat...thanks for a great show!

Great radio,
I was wondering what was the track title and version of the Marissa Nadler's song you played

river of dirt off little hells

Thanks a lot,
Again, your radio rocks my boat.
Bäd R☺nald:

Love the sound of vinyl!
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