Favoriting Seven Second Delay with Andy and Ken: Playlist from March 12, 2025 Favoriting

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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 12, 2025: Let's Make An Andy Mankini Mural!

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The minimum mural of Andy, if we can raise $4K by 7pm
The minimum mural of Andy, if we can raise $4K by 7pm
The minimum mural of Andy, if we can raise $4K by 7pm

Here's what will be added to the mural if we raise each amount:

$4500: The mural grows to six feet by 12 feet

$5000: Full size, ginormous, 10 by 20 foot mural

$5500: Andy's full name appears as a caption

$6000: Ken in a MAGA hat poking a dead dog with a stick

$6500: Listener Onyx : I think there should be two guys hiding behind a palm tree spying on andy through binoculars. My mom and dad are pledging to vote for this idea too.

$7000, Josh Breckman - Andy clearly has peed his pants. The mural is titled "The Soaking of the Andy" Idea

$8000, Listener Idea

$9000, Listener Idea

Pledge $50 or more to nominate a new idea to the list, and if three more people second your nomination (with a pledge of $50), it will be added to the menu!

Artist Comments Approx. start time
Listener Bryan  Mural Suggestion : The Beach Boys are wearing mankinis, walking by and staring, at Andy.  0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Listener Bryant  Mural Suggestion : The Beach Boys are storming the beach out of a D-Day landing craft, while Andy sits in the chaise longue, oblivious to them. Mike Love is face down in the water.  0:12:27 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Andy Breckman  Mural Suggestion : Ken in a MAGA hat poking a dead dog with a stick. VOTED IN IF WE MAKE 6K!  0:14:52 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Listener Michael  Mural Sugestion : I suggest Andy is pictured holding a sign that says “Sing like a man, Neil!!”  0:17:32 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Listener Ken H  Mural Suggestion : Andy has a "Save the Whales" tattoo.  0:18:27 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Listener Tim K  Mural Suggestion : Ken & Andy each in a lounger, holding hands, both with cartoonishly large erections, one erection aflame, a passenger plane heading towards the other erection.  0:22:32 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Listener Mike  Mural Suggestion : Cybertruck or Elon Musk on mural, in a mankini  0:33:52 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Listener Onyx  Mural Suggestion : I think there should be two guys hiding behind a palm tree spying on andy through binoculars. My mom and dad are pledging to vote for this idea too. Official nomination!  0:39:19 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Andy Breckman  Mural Suggestion : WFMU in the sky and underneath "May God Forgive Us"  0:40:53 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Josh Breckman  Mural idea: Andy and Ken. Andy clearly has peed his pants. The mural is titled "The Soaking of the Andy". IT'S OFFICIAL!  0:45:12 (MP3 | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

Pledge! Donate!

Ken needs a theme song too
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Michele with One "L":

HI everyone! Support SSD!
Listener Robert:

Pledge how much to make a more realistic head-body fit? I think you have enough captures of Andy being tattooed to use for both.
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Matt from Springfield:


HI Ken and Andy and Delayers and PLEDGERS!!
But you might want another prize than that mural, I can't think of a worse reason to give to 7SD!!
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Martin of the Berkshires:

your getting the go-ahead for the thumbs-up on the green light.
Avatar 6:03pm
the other nadia:

hey everyone

How about Andy arm in arm with tRUMP, of Jeffrey Epstein...
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Martin of the Berkshires:

Andy, didn't you once say that telling Ken to shut up was therapeutic?

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Ken From Hyde Park:

Your bad gateway to better radio!
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↳ the other nadia @6:03
Hi other nadia! Thanks for your votes!
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Matt from Springfield:

Not record-breaking ENOUGH!!
Victim of its own success, lots of us didn't even have the chance to Soak because we CRASHED it!! 😡
Avatar 6:05pm
the other nadia:

↳ PMD @6:04
you're very welcome, pmd. i threw away half of them to my name buddy.

How much to get Andy and Ken’s hair braided together??
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Martin of the Berkshires:

Wow Ken Daisy is quite talented.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ PMD @6:01
Pam's in charge. Best do what she says.

↳ Martin of the Berkshires @6:06
Thanks Martin! I'm still new to photoshop :)
Listener Robert:

Imagine many years from now as people walk by, even on their way to WFMU, and wonder, "Who are these people on the wall?"
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

↳ the other nadia @6:05
That's not throwing away! That's making a statement :-)

Everyone who pledges tonight will get directions to Dunkin Donuts!
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Martin of the Berkshires:

↳ Daisy @6:06
you're quite welcome.
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↳ Sam @6:05
You have to pay for them to implant hair first.
Listener Robert:

↳ Sam @6:05
Or using their Permanent Twister stunt?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

If this is successful I predict many USPS vehicle accidents.
Avatar 6:08pm
the other nadia:

↳ PMD @6:07
at least SOMEBODY gets it. i'm a big og nadia fan.

↳ PMD @6:07
I’m sure Andy still has hair somewhere on his body
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Matt from Springfield:

↳ the other nadia @6:03
Hi Nadia!
In case you missed the link at the end of Irwin's, you may like this one. The only big hit of musician Gregg Alexander. 1998 wasn't a great year for music, but I can't think of a better song for that year!

Those are called Budgie Smugglers
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I hope Andy's shoulder in the mural is oriented so his tattoo is visible.

↳ the other nadia @6:08
Nadias are special. Always stand together!
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Martin of the Berkshires:

Ken, how much to get Joey Heatherton in a bikini next to Andy?
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Love the show. I hope you get the help you need.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:08
don't worry, i saw it. and i said man, i'm missing everybody's references today.
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chris in the redwoods:

bespoke *and* personalized! wowee.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

I hope i get the help I need
Oh, do I hope 😃
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

Does it count if it's part of swag for life?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

how much will andy pay NOT to have a ginormous mural?
musical comments:

Why is there no example of the t-shirt on the pledge-drive website? Does it really exist?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Dan S:

Has this mural been cleared with local authorities? I could see this mural becoming a major political controversy in Jersey City. Well, perhaps any publicity is good publicity.
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the other nadia (hectic):

guys, i sincerely hope you get the help you need.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

I hope you get the stickfigure drawing you need
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Martin of the Berkshires:

They'll re-name the street Fat, Balding Jew Boulevard.
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Matt from Springfield:

I hope your station gets the help it needs!
And that you get the help you DESERVE!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

There's your $4k!

A Gatsby is greater if he exists than if he doesn’t; therefore the greatest possible gatsby MUST exist!
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↳ Ken From Hyde Park @6:13
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Woo hoo
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Matt from Springfield:

Pony!! 🥰🐶
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Dan S:

Well, there's an idea. Michele could go on the mural too.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

Hi friends
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Martin of the Berkshires:

Andy maybe it should say All Lives Matter

With a red clown nose.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

How about the president? Can she veto?

I am the Gatsbiest. I have all the best Gatsby's...
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Dan S:

No to either of those, Andy.
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Gross, Andy
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make minstrel shows great again.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Martin of the Berkshires @6:14
"MY Life Matters"
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Dan S:

Michele, would you like to be in the mural? If not, how much would you give to WFMU to keep yourself off the mural. Just kidding.
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↳ dale @6:15
These woke libs are trying to cancel culture me just for being a bold truth teller. Blah blah blah.
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Matt from Springfield:

OH!! If we get a certain amount, can we GUARANTEE there will be a Mike Love, face down in the water in ANY mural above that level! I would give for that!
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Dan S:

Or, what other FMU DJs could go the mural?
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the other nadia (hectic):

papa smurf standing next to andy, handing him a ziploc bag of human innards
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

I'd like this beach-lady (done after an early Monty Python animation done by Terry Gilliam) added to the beach:

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↳ DanFA @6:16
gotta follow your own piper.
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Get your heroin here!
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Dan S:

↳ (Murakami Whywolf))) @6:17
Wonderfully tasteful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

This mural is gonna turn into some insane Robert Williams vision of hell.

"Dope - You are what you use" (Frank Zappa)

How about a mural of Wonder Woman and it says Just say Yes to Heroine!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

↳ dale @6:18
Can I follow my own Roddy Piper?
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Martin of the Berkshires:

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:16
Ha yes thats more Andy.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

ARG the phone number is not on this page!
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the other nadia (hectic):

a group of people standing around andy. laughing at him.

Robot Survived Failed Lunar Landing But Was Trapped Inside and Died Afterward
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↳ DanFA @6:18
I read that as "Robin Williams vision of hell" and was very confused
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Hopey Sockmonkey:

↳ DanFA @6:18
I'd pledge 50 bucks for that!


"save the whales" sounds anti-japanese
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Matt from Springfield:

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:19
The Eagles band members pointing and laughing at him.
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↳ FoolishBandit @6:19
No, not our beloved Robin. Robert Williams.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ PMD @6:19
800 989 9368

Neil Young in a slingshot mankini.
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the other nadia (hectic):

ken and andy, idea: if you pledge $500 or more, you get to draw a tattoo on andy

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:21
They did that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

↳ Hopey Sockmonkey @6:19
Andy laying naked on top of a handburger while that American Pie guy in blackface points and laughs at him.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

I have an idea but it's likely lame.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Andy is good
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My brain is not working.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Sam @6:21
oh good.
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Dan S:

Oh, I get it, our suggestions don't count unless we give money NOW and then the suggestion goes into the Playlist area.
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Krull Sagan:

c'mon for listener Bryan! mom & I (Ken & Andy's band therapist) are seconding it
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:20
a singing cowboy standing next to andy.
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Martin of the Berkshires:

How about just King Zing
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the other nadia (hectic):

steve urkel playing magic: the gathering with andy.

Andy Breckman King of the Jews?
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Dan S:

↳ PMD @6:22
That hasn't stopped me yet. :-) Let's hear your idea.
Kim in NK:

Comrade Andy, we await your signal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

The DJs are required to take a bullet for the station.
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:22
Roy Rogers?
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Matt from Springfield:

The "Katyn 1940" massacre memorial, and the just as gorey fat balding Andy Breckman mural. Visit Jersey City!!
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the other nadia (hectic):

andy eating gumby.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

It's simple - just want him to have a Merzbow tattoo
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Handy Haversack:

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:21
Andy ended up with a Ken tattoo a couple of years back. Last year? Some Marathon. Thanks to Becky!
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Dan S:

↳ Sam @6:23
Yes, bigger than...No, that's what got The Beatles in such trouble.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ FoolishBandit @6:23
as good as any.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:24
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But I need to have something equivalent to the MAGA hat
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the chicken was hit by accident.
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:24
Roy Rogers is the Singing Cowboy
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Hopey Sockmonkey:

Ugh, do we really need more maga reminders?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

big kosher sausage pizza.
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Matt from Springfield:

Ahhh, "Go To Hell". Classic. As much as we try, you just can't top that perfect piercing line.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

If MAGA hat appeared on the mural, I would stop my Swag For Life, and I'd never enter the building again.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ FoolishBandit @6:25
what about grandpa jones? he could be good in the mural
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Can the Maga hat say "make WFMU great again"?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

I want a sign that says something for MAGA
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↳ Kevlicki @6:26
But WFMU is always great
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Make Andy Gay Again?

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:26
That's what it should say on Andy's tombstone...
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↳ McGroovey @6:26
But what if Mr.Ken was in Blackface and the dog was dead a week?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm
Dan S:

↳ Kevlicki @6:26
Excellent idea, but maybe that makes it a Fake MAGA Hat.
Listener Bryan:

↳ Krull Sagan @6:22
Krull were you able to pledge and vote for the Beach Men?

Can you really just inflict this on the community? Imagine having to walk by Ken kicking a dead dog every day. That’s going to affect property values.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

MAGA hat may invoke bad things to the building

↳ Sam @6:28
I'll do it tastefully, I swear
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↳ PaulRobeson1925 @6:27
Ken already vetoed blackface
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the other nadia (hectic):

there are visible flies around the dog.
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Krull Sagan:

↳ Listener Bryan @6:28
I did! We were! Great idea
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Dan S:

↳ Sam @6:28
Yeah, I can see Jersey City sending some goons there to paint over this mural.
Listener Robert:

↳ PaulRobeson1925 @6:27
How would that work? Someone periodically smear it with rotten meat?
Listener Bryan:

↳ Krull Sagan @6:30
Yes! That's got two votes because Hank voted for it too.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
Matt from Springfield:

↳ beej @6:27
Yes, his signature phrase.

I would add below it what looks to be a Hebrew prayer, but is actually one of the fiercest Yiddish insults.
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the other nadia (hectic):

ken is wearing the hat and is dressed like velma from scooby doo

Can we ask Andy to replace the unmentionable hat with something else in poor taste, non-political?

Idk if having a MAGA hat is a good idea...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

↳ McGroovey @6:29
& what if it was Mr.Frank Zappa dressed up like Mr.Ken walking a dog with yellow custard for eyes?
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Sam @6:28
Yeah, we beat a dead horse here, not kick a dead dog...
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Daisy is too busy on the message board!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Dan S @6:30
Goons?! In Hudson County? Well I never!

How about a hungry dog sinking its teeth into dead Andy?
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the other nadia (hectic):

your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

Can't we do something against Andy??

Or dead Ken being devoured by 30 cats
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the other nadia (hectic):

ken is wearing a shirt that says "van halen is my jam"
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:31
Of course... ;)

How about a poo emoji on Ken's head instead?

Sometimes Ken's butt has a mind of its own?
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Commentory @6:34
ken has "bruuuuh" painted on his forehead
andy the painter:

this is getting pretty involved! i feel bad for Daisy having to spend all that time dodging USPS vehicles. i had to be careful when i painted the FRONT of the building.
Listener Robert:

Is Andy bringing up the baby naming ting again?

She’s got the dad-block feature
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There's $5k ... let the embiggening continue!
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Andy's cybertruck is next to him
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Dan S:

I'm thinking this mural needs to go into a museum. I nominate MoMA PS1 in Long Island City, Queens. My home borough.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Matt from Springfield:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @6:36
A noble donation embiggens the smallest mural!
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chris in the redwoods:

↳ PMD @6:36
or dead in the water behind him, maybe. hehe.

↳ Dan S @6:27
"Fooled You!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

Shout out to the great men and women of the USPS for making sure WFMU mail gets to where it needs to go.
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the other nadia (hectic):

ken is releasing wolves from a cage and laughing.

Put "Welcome to the Hotel California" at the top of the mural.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:38
He's releasing the hounds.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ DanFA @6:38
smithers, release the hounds.

Ken's not a tree - he can't grow a pear...
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Breckman mobile
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:38
There's actually a button on the studio sound board that releases them.
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Handy Haversack:

Will the mural not say WFMU 91.1 FM?
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Commentory @6:38
at the top of the mural it says "we built this city on rock and roll" and andy's shrieking as his eyes melt away
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Dan S:

A Cybertruck in a mankini?
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Matt from Springfield:

"Bloody Bloody Shark..." 🎵
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ DanFA @6:39
...and out come the wolves! OUT COME THE WOLVES!
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Dan S:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:39
God, we hope not. :-)

Don McLean singing “You’re the meanest shark… that I ever knew”
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the other nadia (hectic):

andy is wearing a baby shark pool floatie
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ DanFA @6:39
It looks a lot like the button that puts a phone call on the Air - hosts have to be careful not to mix them up!
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↳ Sam @6:40
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These suggestions are delightfully nightmarish and surreal.
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brian turning the other cheek so to speak.
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↳ Matt from Springfield @6:41
We've lost many a volunteer because of that mistake,
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:40
Is that a Rancid reference?
Tom Not on Swan’s Island Maine:

How about a plane pulling a banner with WFMU and God Forgive Us
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Handy Haversack:

↳ DanFA @6:42
They knew what they were signing up for.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

the coppertone ad is a good one
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ DanFA @6:42
junkie man, tell me what your story is...
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Yea. Z-100 -come for the clap along happy song stay for the blackface

In big letters: “Legalize It (murder)!"
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:42
It's in the fine print.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:43
i've been listening to them a lot the past few days.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

<< Full name = Onyx Abe
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"if you've gotten to the fat balding jew you've gone too far" should be on a t-shirt.
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:44
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↳ Kevlicki @6:45
90s California pop punk band
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↳ DanFA @6:45
I like that
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Kevlicki @6:45
yeah, rancid. i like op ivy better though.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ DanFA @6:45
some ska too.
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OH I want to change my vote!!!!
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Matt from Springfield:

YEAH! Emphasize Andy being Soaked! (And pissed!)

How about Andy barfing on Ken's head, and the Beach Boys (like on Pet Sounds) are behind them
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andy should be smoking a blunt
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Dan S:

Does anyone want to start a betting pool on how long this mural would stay up before some local/state/Federal authority demands it be taken down? Or it gets defaced? I'd give it 3 days.
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:46
Oh, right. Yes, correct.

Musk and Putin as marionettes with a giant laughing Andy holding the strings
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Henry Hudson's Distant Relative:

Station Manager Ken: Is Andy an oligarch? Should we listeners be worried?
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Thanks Ken!
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Dan S:

↳ Sam @6:49
That I'd like to see!
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Matt from Springfield:

Asheville Strong 💖
L.A. Strong 💖
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The future is bright . ...no politics pls
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I really don't want the MAGA hat. Can I veto that?
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Black Cat:

Amend MAGA and Elon Musk references. How much would it cost?

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The neighbors are going to have so many questions after this mural goes up.
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An Al Green cane ?
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$83 away from me withdrawing my support for WFMU.
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Dan S:

↳ DjLorraine @6:50
The future's so bright I gotta wear shades.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Whatever happens at $6k, it's happening!
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What kind of dog?
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Black Cat:

I’m going to deface the hell out of MAGA and Elon Musk.

This mural will get the help it needs.
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↳ Micheal @6:51
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Dan S:

↳ PMD @6:51
If you have a thousand bucks or more to donate.
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the other nadia (hectic):

my dad says don mcclean should be one of the guys behind the tree
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Apparently I am going to have to cancel my pledge.
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Dan S:

Another Andy zinger!
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Krull Sagan:

we paid for it...can we deface it?

The chicken had musical taste
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Dan S:

↳ McGroovey @6:53
Don't do that. Just join the mob defacing the mural.
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G G Allin has that song “GIVE ME HEROIN! Give me somthibg somthing”
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this is much like a more terrible Komar and Melamid art project
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Black Cat:

↳ Krull Sagan @6:53
Don’t ask. Just do it.

I will.
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Dont make it a protest site. They will want to use the restroom
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Handy Haversack:

↳ erik @6:55
The Most Unpopular Mural
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"Soaking of the Andy" DONE!
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Krull Sagan:

↳ Black Cat @6:55
..... see you there.....
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The mural can have a QR code that links to the pledge URL.
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I hope i get the help...i need
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Hopey Sockmonkey:

Pledge to support President Pam!
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Black Cat:

Calvin will be pissing on Ken’s hat and head.

I won’t say what I’m doing to the Elon portion of the mural.
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Handy Haversack:

Onix is in.
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Dan S:

↳ DjLorraine @6:55
Put up a sign: "Restrooms for WFMU supporters only."
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chris in the redwoods:

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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:55
The Most Popular Mural would be easy - just some modern kitschy hotel mural of a beach or other pleasant place.

Now how to make an Unpopular Mural, that's as good as the Unpopular Song!...

So, people are donating for a mural that doesn't promote the station?

Seems like a misuse of the donations.
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I did NOT veto the peeing!
Avatar 6:58pm
the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:57
the most popular mural needs a bunch of rainbow flags all over it and some quote about love
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:57
I have been doing production editing on a most popular/most unpopular novel crafted through opinion polls. Due out soon!
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I vetoed the hat!
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Pam, go executive order
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Matt from Springfield:

Wet Andy Breckman Contest!! 🤘
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Oh please please someone do $400
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:58
Sounds promising! Good luck on that! 👍
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Dan S:

↳ DjLorraine @6:56
If this mural goes up we'll all need that help.
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Hopey Sockmonkey:

Veto Veto Veto
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the other nadia (hectic):

this will be an epic mural.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ PMD @6:58
Becky saved us once, will she do it again ... not with the MAGA hat in there, I have to assume.
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↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:59
Rhymes with epidural
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Ken From Hyde Park:

$7k! !! !!!
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ PigeonsAndRust @6:59
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Urine therapy?
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Whew... I was just about to pick up the phone and I can't afford it.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @6:58
The more cliché, the better.
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Black Cat:

This is the beginning of a 52-week soak. Go to hell, Andy Breckmanman.
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Erin in TO:

I can't express how much I love this station and it's listeners
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Best legal ID lead in, ever
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:59
Dave V:

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Krull Sagan:

↳ Black Cat @7:00
he'll pay

Okay, artist veto. Im not painting a MAGA hat
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Thank you Michele ken and andy!
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Matt from Springfield @7:00
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thanks everyone!
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the other nadia (hectic):

this was super funny, thanks ken and go to hell andy!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Daisy @7:00
That's what I was hoping to see!
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Matt from Springfield:

WOOOO! $7000 - Andy is SOAKED again!! 😈

THANKS Ken & Andy & Michele & Volunteers working hard behind the scenes & ALL PLEDGERS who got us here!!!

Have a great night everybody! KEEP PLEDGING!!
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↳ Black Cat @7:00
So is the mega hat in, or out?
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Handy Haversack:

↳ PMD @7:00
She put through the pledge that made Andy get the Ken tattoo a couple of years back. I guess she saved Ken more than "us."
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Dan S:

This was fun. I just hope it wasn't goddamn serious.
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Oh, was hoping she'd stop the MAGA
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Handy Haversack:

↳ McGroovey @7:01
Daisy says no.
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↳ Handy Haversack @7:02
No it's not in?
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Black Cat:

If it’s in, it’s in. I know where to find spray paint.

This mural was made to be defaced.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ PMD @7:03


Okay, artist veto. Im not painting a MAGA hat
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↳ Handy Haversack @7:06
Someone tell Ken 'urine luck'
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↳ Handy Haversack @7:06
Well, that's a relief.
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↳ McGroovey @7:06
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A possible concession is to not have Andy's full name on the mural. Maybe just Andy Breckma Or just Andy
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↳ McGroovey @7:07
Those are my eyes, paying attention
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Practicing reaching across the aisles
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↳ Handy Haversack @7:06
Oh duh. Just saw that.
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James in ATL:

Great show! Thank you!
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James Douglas:

If WFMU could just add a 25% tariff to Andy's profits from his Canadian project, now that would be a beautiful, perfect marathon-ender.
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