Favoriting Radio Futura with DJ Pedro Fumero: Playlist from March 12, 2025 Favoriting

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Radio Futura aims to put to rest the misconception of “latin music” as the one that exclusively happens to be coming from Latin America and in Spanish … Hopefully we get to bring you a much needed accurate, wider, and richer painting of the single biggest issue that still today brings ALL Latin cultures together: their music !

Wednesday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Wed. Apr 16th, Midnight - 3am: Semana Santa 2025 Edition (More info...)

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Favoriting March 12, 2025: MaraThonMode2025 With Co Host DJ BONCE from THE BONSULATOR !!! …. Keep FREEform going !! Pledge, whatever you can …Thank you !

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09am
Drunken Creep:

Sounding excellent DJ, gracias
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 12:11am
Marley P. Dogg:

DJ Pedro! Happy marathon friends! Pledge please!
Avatar 12:11am

GoooDMorning/Aftrnoon?evening WEEK 2 Marathon WFMU.... From Planet FUTURA with DJ BONCE
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 12:14am
DJ Bonce:

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Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 12:15am
Jim the Poet:

Let's gooooooooo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39am
Paulo AD:

Morning all :)
Avatar 12:45am

pedro y bonce, amigos!
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Mark T:

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↳ Paulo AD @12:39
paulo mt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02am
Paulo AD:

↳ northguineahills @12:47
Hahah not quite yet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02am
Paulo AD:

Como esta?
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↳ Paulo AD @1:02
estoy contigo mi hermano! besos!
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Mark T:

The bunker is iPhone only no android
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 1:07am
DJ Bonce:

↳ Mark T @1:06
Thank you Mark!
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feeling better. the anniversary of losing my mother and me making bad dating decisions b/c of the former, is passing. i have good wfmu friends up here in VT, but hope to return back to brooklyn.
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wfmu is the only 'social medium platform' where your personal details won't be shared or data mined. this is a refuge, a community. please pledge, it doesn't have to be much. even hoserinos like me found som yen....
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 1:21am
DJ Bonce:

↳ northguineahills @1:20
Couldn't have said it better myself
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↳ Mark T @1:06
not to be confused w/ the bunker nyc (friends, and a place i used to dj) : thebunkerny.com
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↳ DJ Bonce @1:21
bonce, yer the best. i rarely catch your show live (diurnal cycles), it's (as they say in monterrey, mexico), 'que chico;!
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 1:25am
DJ Bonce:

↳ northguineahills @1:23
Thank you so much!
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↳ northguineahills @1:23
errr. 'que chido' (got my mexican slang mixed up)
Reloj no marques las horas:

23:28 in MEXICO!
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wfmu is a safe space. if you're nerdo musicians, artists, or actually, 'smart' people. we're here to be goofy and love each other (the vermont might be rubbing off on me)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31am
Paulo AD:

↳ northguineahills @1:07
Ahhh dude. I've got you
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @1:28
estas en cdmx!? en WFMU no todos hablamos ingles (i've lost my spanish since leaving brooklyn) errr, ya no puedo traducir!
Reloj no marques las horas:

Hablo español "nativo" y el inglés que hablan todos los que no nacieron en un país angloparlante pero que tienen mucha influencia. Siempre llego tarde a la cita de Radio Futura, mis respetos por el "show" (programazo) que hace Pedro Fumero. Quisiera ser rico para donarles un millón pero si lo fuera tal vez la vida no me permitiría escucharles...
Reloj no marques las horas:

10 second of delay between live Instagram and wfmu stream
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CDToaster aka (mta) Tony:

@DJ Pedro:
Anthony G. from NYC checking in to say hi and you're welcome. It's my pleasure to donate to your show.
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @1:43
solia ​​ser dj en xico y estuve en una relacion deme 14 anos con mi ex pareja. mi espanol sucks ahora.
me alegro de verte aqui en wfmu!
Avatar 🐓 1:56am
CDToaster aka (mta) Tony:

@DJ Pedro:
I also want to say how wonderful it is to hear you speak English so well. You must be highly educated and intelligent and I salute your linguistic skill.
Reloj no marques las horas:

Fabuloso! Xico Veracruz? es un Estado muy bonito y especialmente nublado a veces muy húmedo, yo soy del "centro" pero prefiero no decir dónde estoy ahora exactamente. Sigue practicando tu espanglish
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @1:52
errr. i get about 14 seconds of delay in FL, 5 in nyc, and 6 in VT. (my internet connector has been an issue [how do friends in australia hear songs before me?])
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @1:56
mis amigos están en mty, pachuca, cdmx y caremen del playa (esos son los amigos hippies)
Reloj no marques las horas:

aún hay hippies? ¿Seguro que no son hipsters?
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @1:56
so, you know, when going to posh restaurants, department stores, the phenomenon of morrisey everywhere (i prefer mexirressey)
Reloj no marques las horas:

that surpass me...
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @2:01
my former partner, said as much. from guadalajara, my firend, olivia, opened up a vegan restaurant there. I love that friend. (lo siento, a mi cerebro le toma un tiempo traducir por la noche
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old school cumbio!
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juro que era fluido hace unos aons
Reloj no marques las horas:

Pero si les dan diez mil se convertirían en Radio Disney :-(
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pledge my friends! esperanza de mas promesas! love y'all
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @2:10
i just escaped from orlando to vermont. (happy to leave that state).
Reloj no marques las horas:

Background musical taste education of Pedro Fumero please!
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pedro and bonce can disclose as much information as they care to. this is freeform. love the deejays as they present themselves!
Reloj no marques las horas:

Nunca te acabes radio futura!
Reloj no marques las horas:

Long life to Radio Futura!
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @2:19
perfectly said!
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @2:19
Tank Youuuu
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↳ OMGPEDRO @2:22
now that is woofmoo language, abrazos mis amigos!
Reloj no marques las horas:

Me recuerda a las tardeadas de mis tiempos de secundaria auuu ya llovió.
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↳ Reloj no marques las horas @2:29
the connecticut river is still frozen over o'er here... (but it's 3C)
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CDToaster aka (mta) Tony:

Can ANYONE tell me if that previous track (with the "Supernature" motif) heard an additional mash-up incorporation of the nervous violin from "The Days of Pearly Spencer"? To me, it sounded like a combination of both songs. Anyone agree?

You are killing me with LIME!!!!!
Reloj no marques las horas:

That was the style of freeform radio at the beginning's of Radio UNAM and Radio Educación
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pedro, bonce, dyankyu!
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