Favoriting Radio Futura with DJ Pedro Fumero: Playlist from March 5, 2025 Favoriting

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Radio Futura aims to put to rest the misconception of “latin music” as the one that exclusively happens to be coming from Latin America and in Spanish … Hopefully we get to bring you a much needed accurate, wider, and richer painting of the single biggest issue that still today brings ALL Latin cultures together: their music !

Wednesday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Wed. Apr 16th, Midnight - 3am: Semana Santa 2025 Edition (More info...)

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Favoriting March 5, 2025: MaraThonMode2025 With Co Host DJ Land Phil from ANTI-MUSIC Club !!! …. Keep FREEform going !! Pledge, whatever you can …Thank you !

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:05am

en nuevos ahora!, es cierto, es el maratón de la WFMU!
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 12:08am
Land Phil:

Ahora si!
Avatar 12:10am

siempre me encantan tus sonidos, dj pedro!
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↳ Land Phil @12:08
always a good day when i see ya!
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Land Phil:

↳ northguineahills @12:11
el <3

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Land Phil:

stoked to be here raising some dinero con el guapo Pedro
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↳ rw @12:11
arrrrr! double uuuuu!

ennnn! geeee! aaaitch!
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↳ Land Phil @12:12
te creo, nunca he visto a pedro en vivo!
Avatar 12:20am

This is Catherine Ribeiro & Alpes isn't it?

Easily my fave WFMU find.

If Mark E Smith was French, a woman & could sing really well then he'd've sounded like this I feel.

They share a 'summoning something' type vibe
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↳ rw @12:17
jajaja! good one, took me a second to get that!
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↳ Avspuk @12:20
ribeiro is a fave! win this one friends!
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Paulo AD:

Morning all :)
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↳ Paulo AD @12:23
pauloito! abrazos!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Good ☿Wednesday FMUvianz ~
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boa noite Pedro e futuristas
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rabbitine! (looks at non-existent watch), it is a miercoles!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...rare I am still up & commenting to compliment this Program on what an asset I think it is...
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↳ northguineahills @12:30
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Jim the Poet:

Let's gooooooooo
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Paulo AD:

This isn't pretty funny
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ northguineahills @12:30
Yes in the Romance languages it is more apparent how the Days correlate to Planets. Than the corresponding Gawds in our Germanic-derived English...
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @12:32
es cierto!
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @12:32
nordic and germanic names confused me for a good long time (latin was much easier for me)
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Paulo AD:

What's news?
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @12:32
Portuguese rather let's the romance side down tho.
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Jim the Poet:

I did a little Spanish
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Paulo AD:

I tried to learn Spanish, failed miserably and I lived in south America for 3 months lol
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Avspuk @12:41
- apparently ! While English gives Sunday to the ⦿Sun without equivocation - instead of to Our Lord...
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↳ Paulo AD @12:44
i was forced (but you know the story) 😉
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49am

Greetings, Pedro, Phil and all
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @12:45
Yeah but everyone* names Monday to the moon,..., except the Portuguese, who don't even think its the first day of the week!!!
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Jim the Poet:

You guys rule!!!!
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↳ spodiodi @12:49
spodi! hope all is souper!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53am

WFMU was born in 1958, but apparently just played boring classical music and preaching from Upsala College for the first 10 years, but then in 1968 a bunch of long-haired freaks took it over and started playing free-form.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54am

sputnik, 1957; wfmu, 1958.
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↳ Ike @12:53
wait, i love boring classical music (is that how i found this place?)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Ike @12:53
Informative. Kind of the story of FM Radio broadly...
Avatar 🐓 12:55am

re the shithole song-

reminds me of what a man said. “Be careful when you type. You can easily type I AM NOW A SHITHEAD when you meant I AM NOT A SHITHEAD”

Good evening. More money for wfmu!!!
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↳ coelacanth∅ @12:54
i stilll haz the shirt! (err, the wfmu one)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @12:55
...but @ FMU the Freaks never left...
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Land Phil:

↳ northguineahills @12:55
That's why it came to mind lol I thought they were the same year because of the shirt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57am

↳ northguineahills @12:55
that one's fairly recent. (well, i guess it was 2018!)
i still have my first wfmu t-shirt, i think. i hope! ... but it may have disintegrated.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58am

↳ Land Phil @12:56
sputnik was october 1957 - so, *almost* the same year.

Ah! Thanks guys! Love it. Luckily I have a turntable!
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↳ coelacanth∅ @12:57
i'm a n00b, my first shirt was 2003 (only have been listening since 98 online)
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San Pedro Girl:

Hola Pedro, Phil, mis companeros, wfmuistas y otros!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @12:59
I''m an other!
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @12:56
Well, to be pedantic, the freaks quit in protest for a while in the early 70s and the station became formatted AOR, but then the freaks came back, unlike in the wider world. Partly the free-form resurgence was led by Irwin, who transformed later from a hippie into a big Reagan fan, yet kept his wild musical tastes. (What that says about the world, if anything, I have no idea.)
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↳ northguineahills @12:59
my first few were in the 80s. $10 got a shirt.
($3 got a bumper sticker)
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(or maybe 20 got a t-shirt? ...i don't remember now.)
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↳ Ike @1:01
ike, the pedant! (it's why we love you!)
(leaves random apostrophe here ')
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ northguineahills @1:00
Yes! All--even freaks like you. ;)
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↳ Ike @1:01
the united states of hypocrisy
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↳ coelacanth∅ @1:02
(b/c i know the history, in the 80s it was $10)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Ike @1:01
Came back in the early 70s still ?
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @1:05
The resurgence led by Irwin started in, uh, maybe 1975 or 1976?
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↳ northguineahills @1:04
that's how i remember it, but i'm exhausted and don't trust my normally very good memory.
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:03
there's gotta a be a song for that!😜
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↳ Ike @1:06
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the wfmu site has been buggy since the marathon started. anyone else?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08am

But it was just gradual at first. Just a few late-night free-form shows like Irwin's show and "The Immigrant" and then maybe Bill Kelly. They slowly took over and kicked out the formatted AOR crap.

6 billion

Pledge alex Luthor pledge

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10am
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Ike @1:01
Well, people change. I’m thinking of Jerry Rubin, once an outspoken activist, member of the Chicago Seven, a Yippie for fuck's sake. Then, later became a stock broker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11am

Here's slightly more info on WFMU's history:
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↳ Ike @1:08
the immigrant goes back that far?
...i guess gone through most of the 80s then came back?
i listened to him every week, i think it was the 90s... (again, maybe my memory is faultering. it could've been the 80s)
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↳ Ike @1:11
back when the old codger was a lad!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ northguineahills @1:12
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↳ coelacanth∅ @1:12
I might've been getting Lou "The Duck" D'Antonio mixed up with The Immigrant. Maybe The Immigrant arrived later.
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↳ Ike @1:08
Kelly definitely goes back to the 70s. his was probably my first weekly listen.
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↳ coelacanth∅ @1:14
(which would be 1980)
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↳ Ike @1:13
the duck, yes. i think i just caught the duck by the tail. maybe his last year.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Ike @1:11
Oh great. Upsala didn't fold until 1995 ! Interesting...
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Paulo AD:

I reckon I win for furthest away lol
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↳ northguineahills @1:12
that would be ~1880. wfmu isn't that old.
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↳ coelacanth∅ @1:16
another keyboard, you owe me!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ coelacanth∅ @1:14
Same. The Bill Kelly show was my first wfmu weekly spot. But, back then I played my own music 99% of the time. I had no car.
Avatar 🐓 1:23am

Ooh. I won a prize! Thx a lot. My grandkids will be so happy. Wait, I no have grandkids. Nor kids.

And spkng of wfmu tees, my most prized is the one nachum segal designed. Shows Moses with two tablets, but wait, the tablets are radios. Very clever
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↳ herb.nyc @1:23
werd, my friend!
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↳ northguineahills @1:25
Ken. No. Not Ken freedman. Ken is Hebrew for yes

Master del "flow"
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:22
nice! ...then sometime between 1980 and beyond 1984 i was listening to Pat Duncan and Paul Cavenaugh - religiously.
also Jeff Sarge. he used to play mostly roots and rocksteady, and talked a lot less! but although i Love him as a person, i bailed when the music became mostly not-reggae. (jamaican, but not reggae)
...also the vanilla bean was a regular; but maybe that was a couple years later?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32am

i try to sleep now.
Thank you Pedro, and Land Phil.

tchau, camaradas
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↳ herb.nyc @1:27
i know my hebrew (and semetic languages are hard for indo-european speakers). i khen dig it! (i lultzed, nice joke!)
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ coelacanth∅ @1:32
Later Coel.
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ northguineahills @1:33
Any language is hard if you don’t speak it, hear it, read and dream it.
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:42
spanish (often), french (twice) are the only dreams i've had that aren't english.
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↳ northguineahills @1:44
ok, maybe some broken japanese
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Will thee SG OCNY:

I was driving home, diggin the runes and chat!
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Paulo AD:

I've got a fever, the only cure is more cowbell

With a micro-microphone size of a pea and a micro earphone everyone will can AI-translated in realtime to "talk" and by repetition experience learn live on the air any language-all languages.
Erik in VT:

Hiya All👋… love reading these comments on WFMU history revisited. Alotta fun learning folx’ gateway DJs & experiences & impressions. At this point my clarity is fading (going back to first WFMU awareness 1981/1982) - yet one of the really random joys (way-prior to streaming radio options) was to hear a former WFMU DJ on a different radio station or even country years later. Being a Radio Hound, it was a blast hearing Dan ‘the immigrant’ in Montreal 🇨🇦 (McGill University) for several summers. & Lou ‘the duck’ Antonio outta a small Montpelier VT FM radio station. Of course their shows still had a special quality, yet that intensity of the WFMU magick is hard to transfer somewhere else.
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↳ Erik in VT @1:50
mine was hearing monica in the summer of 98 after reading an article about wfmu, and that they were online. (still in uni), so, i waited until after work, to use the broadband, and tuned in. it was glorious (moved to nyc 2 years later)

I did eat pancakes today.
Avatar 1:57am

↳ Erik in VT @1:50
i've been to mcgill's campus many times (via going to the mutek festival)
Erik in VT:

↳ Ike @1:11
Thank you for posting that wonderful WFMU bookmarks in history!

Shut Up Weirdo was the show that hooked me.
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 2:11am
Land Phil:

↳ delawn @2:04
But did you ever win a shirt?
Erik in VT:

↳ northguineahills @1:57
McGill U/Mutek Festival? - don’t recall. what kind of music & at what time of year? (I was only in northern VT for July-Sept).
I recall hearing abt Victoriaville CA 🇨🇦 artsy music festival & all the wild avant (R.I.O. type artists & ‘ambience magnetique’ label) type stuff.
Erik in VT:

↳ northguineahills @1:57
Did you ever drop into an oddball lil record shop Brass City Records in Waterbury CT? I met some music fest & collectors going thru there more than once.
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 2:35am

Wait! So what color did day and night people see the dress as?? I saw black and blue (I'm also a millenial)
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Land Phil:

↳ lemoncurd @2:35
One of the theories was that "night people" saw blue and "day people" saw gold. This was also from a probably uncredited podcast so idk lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41am

need.need.need stars to click... this is all so good
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↳ Land Phil @2:38
I just looked it up and it was a NYU neuroscientist who did the study! I'm (clearly) a night owl, so that def tracks in my case
Erik in VT:

↳ Land Phil @2:38
I’m definitely a night person, & I recall 👁️ perceived Gold. Yet that was such a weird phenomenon (people were tweaking over that) I wish we could backtrack back to that ‘simpler’ mindset / focus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45am

↳ delawn @1:57
i'm having waffles tomorrow (universe willing)
Erik in VT:

just read up wiki page on Las Grecas sisters 👯‍♀️ = some dramatic life happenings there! Yikes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54am

fine show, gentlepeople. thank you very much
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Oh my god I'm Sara in Maplewood NJ!! I am so exciteddddddd
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Land Phil:

↳ lemoncurd @2:54
congrats! Tiempo para fiesta~
Avatar 🐓 Swag For Life Member 2:57am

Fiesta en mi casa!!

I need a radio show at 3 a.m. after Radio Futura. I'm diving into anti-social mid-life... I could do it for free in exchange for a green-card.

Erik in VT:

as always, Gracias!
- introductions to so much fantastico musics (Arco Iris - Argentina 🇦🇷!) is a fun-find intro 🕊️
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