Favoriting The Funhouse with Harry Parmenter: Playlist from July 23, 2023 Favoriting

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A weekly hour of unpredictable rockin' fun featuring unheard music with occasional history, commentary and anecdotes from host Harry Parmenter. THE FUNHOUSE offers the listener a brief respite from the onslaught of daily existence.

Sunday 9 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting July 23, 2023: THE JELLY LORDS

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
The Stranglers  The Waltzinblack (Intro)   Favoriting The Gospel According To The Meninblack  EMI  1981  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jelly Roll Morton  Midnight Mama   Favoriting Blues and Stomps from Rare Piano Rolls  Biograph    LP  0:01:01 (Pop-up)
Clarence Garlow  Bon Ton Roulet   Favoriting Zydeco Champs  Arhoolie  1992  CD  0:04:53 (Pop-up)
Jools Holland Orchestra  Smoking Shuffle   Favoriting Live Performance  BEAUTIFUL/One Fifteen Records  2005  CD  0:07:03 (Pop-up)
Mica Paris & David Gilmour  I Put A Spell On You   Favoriting Jools Holland & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra and Friends  Warner Music  2001  CD  0:10:28 (Pop-up)
Commander Cody  Home of Rock and Roll   Favoriting Let It Rock  Blind Pig Records  1994  CD  0:14:17 (Pop-up)
Carl Perkins  Give Me Back My Job   Favoriting Go Cat Go  WCMC  1999  CD  0:16:55 (Pop-up)
Chris Isaak  It Wouldn't Be The Same Without You   Favoriting Good Rockin' Tonight - The Legacy of Sun Records  London-Sire Records  2001  CD  0:20:45 (Pop-up)
Lightnin' Hopkins  Don't Think 'Cause You're Pretty   Favoriting The Herald Recordings - 1954  Collectables Records  1989  CD  0:23:41 (Pop-up)
Johnny Winter  Short Fat Frannie   Favoriting Roots  Megaforce Records  2011  CD  0:26:12 (Pop-up)
Black Oak Arkansas  Jim Dandy   Favoriting High on the Hog  ATCO  1973  LP  0:32:00 (Pop-up)
The Strypes  Heart of the City   Favoriting Snapshot  Virgin/EMI  2014  CD  0:34:40 (Pop-up)
The Clash  Safe European Home   Favoriting Give 'Em Enough Rope  Sony Music Entertainment  1978  LP  0:37:54 (Pop-up)
Lee Ving + Dave Grohl and Others  Your Wife is Calling   Favoriting Sound City - Reel to Reel  Roswell Records  2013  CD  0:41:45 (Pop-up)
Sylvain Sylvain  I'm Your Man   Favoriting (Sleep) Baby Doll  Fishhead Records  1998  CD  0:47:33 (Pop-up)
Muse  Pressure   Favoriting Simulation Theory  Warner Bros.  2018  MP3  0:47:34 (Pop-up)
Nervous Eaters  Sharleen   Favoriting Delusional  Hell on Earth Records  2005  CD  0:51:26 (Pop-up)
Sly & Robbie  Sly & Robbie, The Kings Of Dub   Favoriting Riddim  Trojan Records  2004  CD  0:56:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:01pm

Hello HP.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm
Tom P:

Hi Harry and Motobro!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

Gimme some of that Jelly Roll
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

Hi Harry!

I don't think I was ready for that jelly
Avatar 9:03pm
Harry Parmenter:

Welcome, friends.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

Hi ya Harry!

people of the BBQ...Harry is your friend. don't tyrn on him!
Avatar 9:04pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:02
Hey Fatherflot! I missed the chat Thursday night (tought time) but dug the archive! Here it is folks for anyone who missed it: wfmu.org...
Avatar 9:04pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ rychurd @9:04
Hilarious. And apprciated;)
Avatar 9:05pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:03
Heyya Jessie
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:02
and howd the Drop In go?
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
This one's for you
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
Jessie, that is, in the big easy
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:06pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
Nice! Thanks Harry. Would you like some heat and humidity in exchange? :)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
I'm happy with it. Got nice feedback. A ton of work to produce, however!
Avatar 9:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:06
I'll pass! But I would love to visit there. Memories dim. I recall some diner out by Tulane, I think, where fried green tomatoes were the specialty
Avatar 9:08pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:07
no doubt. again, we stand in awe of the medson man
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:07
It was extremely well done Ff!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Tom P:

Looks like Jelly Roll had a rough evening!
Avatar 9:09pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tom P @9:08
A pensive moment for JR
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

Sounds like The Crescent City Connection tonight
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:09
gotta mix it up to try and fit in to the murderer's row of Becky/Rychurd and RAMA LAMA
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

↳ Jessie @9:08
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↳ Tom P @9:08
The Vieux Carre claims another victim!!
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David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Smoking Shuffle" by "Jools Holland Orchestra"
I haven't gotten MTV Live in years. Is Jools' show still on it?
Avatar 9:15pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ David Shortell @9:14
Me neither. No clue. Probably BritBox or something
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:15pm

I picture Harry preparing his as kinda like Vincent Price in a lavender smoking jacket going into his vast and cobwebbed wine cellar and saying to himself "these indeed are heady days -- what shall we drink tonight?"
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:15
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:15
I LOVE that! And i LOVE Vincent Price!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

↳ Song: "Give Me Back My Job" by "Carl Perkins"
McCartney once claimed that “if there were no Carl Perkins, there would be no Beatles.“
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:16
Seriously, I appreciate the DJs who fiercely resist genre pigeon-holing. True freeform programming needs risk and variety and an audience up for anything.
Avatar 9:20pm
Harry Parmenter:

quick VP story: so my friends are making a low budget horror flick and it's towards end of VP's life. they're in awe of him, he's a complete gentleman, reserved, etc. Then they're confabbing and struggling with some scene he's in with a woman and Vincent Price walks up and interjects, "Well why don't we just SLIT HER THROAT!"
Avatar 9:20pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:19
thanks and backatacha amigo.
Avatar 9:20pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:19
yeah big influence he was apparently. not just Honey Don't
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:21pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:20
The sly old rogue!
Avatar 9:22pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:21
can't you just HEAR him saying that?!

↳ Song: "It Wouldn't Be The Same Without You" by "Chris Is...
the pride of Stockto California
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:23pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:22
yes, and the eyeroll that follows, big enough for the gang in the cheap seats.
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:22
is he then? never seen him perform. Twin Peaks...
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:25pm

↳ Song: "Don't Think 'Cause You're Pretty" by "Lightnin' H...
Nice. Had some blues on earlier today. Sounding great.
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ medson @9:25
never gets old
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:27pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:25
Avatar 9:29pm
Max D:

Hey Harry! Hi all! Been enjoying the show - first chance I've had to chime in. Have any of you seen les Blank's The Blues According to Lightnin' Hopkins? (I'm guessing FF has.)
bed bug eddie:

sorry I'm late Harry. Had to take some kid's thumb!
Avatar 9:29pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Max D @9:29
No! Sounds like a doc?
Avatar 9:30pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ bed bug eddie @9:29
guessing he deserved it

↳ Song: "Short Fat Frannie" by "Johnny Winter"
saw Johnny W once
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

↳ bed bug eddie @9:29
Hey, are you the guy WHO TOOK MY THUMB?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 9:30pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:30
never had the pleasure
Avatar 9:31pm
Max D:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:29
Yes. A short subject. About 30 min. Les Blank made some really great documentaries, including that one.
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:30
it's The 39 Steps all over again!
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Max D @9:31
know where to find it? probably streaming somewhere

saw Screamin' Jay once. W had to go get him Chinese food
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:32pm

↳ Max D @9:31
Love Les Blank. Got to meet him when we held a festival of his work at UPenn in the 80s and I worked at the film center.
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:32
sounds like a story
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Max D:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:31
Can definitely find it on Criterion Channel.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:31
Last I checked, all his stuff was on the Criterion Channel. In fact, I originally discovered and signed up for the CC's precedessor ("Filmstruck") because I was looking to watch "Always For Pleasure" -- his fantastic doc on Mardi Gras, shot on location in '76 I think.
Avatar 9:34pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:33
cool thx.
Avatar 9:34pm
Max D:

↳ Fatherflot @9:32
That's awesome! His Leon Russell documentary A Poem is A Naked Person is really interesting, too.

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:23
several venues Chris I. He's too nice. Signs autographs for a long long long time after shows. We know his drummer is really cool and plays for many bands
DJ Vikki V:

Enjoying the show Harry! Great way to end my weekend!

↳ Song: "Heart of the City" by "The Strypes"
like these guys
Avatar 9:35pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:34
yeah feel like he's a county fair guy
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:35pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:33
Of course his masterpiece was "Burden of Dreams" the feature-length doc on the making of "Fitzcarraldo" -- recently parodies brilliantly on "Documentary Now!" -- called "Soldier of Illusion"
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ DJ Vikki V @9:35
Hey THANKS Vikki! Appreciate it.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

↳ Max D @9:34
And no one who watched "Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe" will ever be able to unsee it.

↳ Song: "Heart of the City" by "The Strypes"
Irish 2010-2018
Avatar 9:36pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:35
Fitzcarraldo...that was LOOOOONG. Even stoned.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
Tom P:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:30
I saw Johnny, but only as part of a John Lee Hooker Tribute at Madison Square Garden. Which was great, Willie Dixon was there too.
But would have liked to see Johnny live at his own gig. One memory of that JLH concert someone threw a lighted cigarette which burned a hole in the back of my shirt. Different days!
Avatar 9:37pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:36
yeah they stopped right?
Avatar 9:37pm
Max D:

↳ Fatherflot @9:32
I love his food and cajun culture documentaries. So cool you got to meet him. Quite an interesting character and great artist!
Avatar 9:37pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tom P @9:37
Ah...festival seating

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:37
wiki said so Harry
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:38pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:36
The doc is better than the film that it's about -- like "American Movie"

↳ Song: "Safe European Home" by "The Clash"
nice one my man
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:38
then it must be(?) true! yeah this song...is IT
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

↳ Max D @9:37
yeah, I was just a college kid doing a work study job and I had no idea who he was or what the fuss was about, but he was very cool and I treasure that opportunity now that I'm able to appreciate his work more fully.
bed bug eddie:

↳ Fatherflot @9:30
and now you have to be a coffee boy at the club
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

↳ bed bug eddie @9:39
Actually I sell propane and propane accessories. That's God's gas, son.
Avatar 9:41pm

↳ Song: "Safe European Home" by "The Clash"
Love this song and the fade….
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Motobro @9:41

worked a Fear show. He said he would stop the show if anyone spit on him
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Will thee Sound Guy:

Hi Harry and all, just got home

↳ Song: "Your Wife is Calling" by "Lee Ving + Dave Grohl a...
early in the show he said: " how many spitting f@ggots out there?" and the shower began
Avatar 9:43pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:42
yeah saw em once at Whisky. Fear is right.
Avatar 9:44pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @9:43
alright Will! how ya doing
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Tom P:

↳ Song: "Your Wife is Calling" by "Lee Ving + Dave Grohl a...
Another great song. Excellent mix
Avatar 9:44pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tom P @9:44
thx. you seen this doc? good one.
bed bug eddie:

PSA for those with Apple TV+ Watch The Crowded Room

likin' the hard and fast stuff. My weakness
bed bug eddie:

after Harry's show of course
Avatar 9:45pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:44
likewise, man
Avatar 9:45pm
David Shortell:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:23
I think you mean "Wild At Heart".
I finally forced myself this week to watch the Colts Neck library's DVD of "Inland Empire"--David Lynch's most recent (2006!) and least enjoyable film.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

↳ David Shortell @9:45
😖. That movie . .
Avatar 9:47pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ David Shortell @9:45
you're probably right but thought there was some CI in TP. may be confusing with that Laura Palmer tune
Avatar 9:47pm

Youse all watch too much TV…
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Tom P:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:44
No haven't seen yet, but will check it out!
bed bug eddie:

Tonight's show is making me rethink that cup of coffee. Think I'm pumped enough
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

↳ Motobro @9:47
The Great American Indoorsmen
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:44
Tired, went kayaking today, had a show to work late last night... Hope you are doing well!
Avatar 9:50pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ bed bug eddie @9:48
hahaha. stay tuned for RAMA LAMA DING DONG after this show it'll begin The Big Chill
Avatar 9:53pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ DJ Vikki V @9:35
Checking our your playlists: I need to be LISTENING! Great stuff. On the calendar now
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:53
Vikki's show is friggin awesome sauce

If the funhouse is rockin' don't bother knockin'
Avatar 9:55pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:55
gotta check it out. so many great shows
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:55
amen, brother!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Rockin time Harry thank you
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:55
Unfortunately too many to distribute deserving attention.
Avatar 9:56pm
David Shortell:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:43
That's interesting. Lee said something very similar in 1993 when I saw Fear at City Gardens (my final time at that Trenton venue, long closed and on the brink of collapse).
Avatar 9:57pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:56
yeah got my hands full just being alive
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Harry Parmenter:

Thanks everyone for listening and making this a great chat! Appreciate your time and ears!
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Max D:

Thanks Harry! Always a good time in the Funhouse!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

Thanks Har
Avatar 9:58pm
Harry Parmenter:

appreciate it Max and Fatherflot--and btw I bought propane today for the BBQ!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Will thee Sound Guy:

Thank you Harry
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