Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from May 21, 2023 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting May 21, 2023: The Moon My Head Hit

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Cocteau Twins  Violane   Favoriting Otherness EP  Capitol  1995  this is a longer mix by Mark Clifford (of Seefeel) & was released a year before their "Milk & Kisses" album    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Das Moon  Das Model   Favoriting Electrocution  Polskie Radio  2011  Das Moon is a band from Poland    0:05:45 (Pop-up)
New Order  Shellshock (Extended Version)   Favoriting Shellshock 12" Single  Factory  1986      0:08:44 (Pop-up)
Amon Tobin  Cujo vs. Two Fingers: Babou The Dog   Favoriting Nomark Selects, v. 1  Nomark  2023  this compiles tracks released under his given name + under his Cujo & Two Fingers aliases  *   0:18:51 (Pop-up)
LP Giobbi  Can't Let You Go (feat. Little Jet)   Favoriting Light Places  Counter  2023    *   0:22:17 (Pop-up)
LR Groove  Clap Back   Favoriting Cantankerous EP  Renk Groove  2023    *   0:24:53 (Pop-up)
English Beat  Hands Off... She's Mine   Favoriting I Just Can't Stop It  Sire  1980      0:29:50 (Pop-up)
Adam And The Ants  Prince Charming   Favoriting Prince Charming  Epic  1981  3rd full-length album / Album features guitarist Marco Pirroni & drummer Chris Hughes / The first incarnation of Adam & the Ants featured Dave Barbarossa, Matthew Ashman & Leigh Gorman, who left the band in 1980 to form Bow Wow Wow at the suggestion of Malcolm McLaren    0:32:48 (Pop-up)
Dreamfish  Fishology   Favoriting Dreamfish  Rising High  1993  Dreamfish is Mixmaster Morris & Pete Namlook    0:36:00 (Pop-up)
Philip Jeck  Hindquarters   Favoriting Touch 25 (V/A)  Touch  2006      0:45:18 (Pop-up)
Fenn O'Berg  In Stereo Part IV   Favoriting In Stereo  Editions Mego  2010  Fenn O'Berg is Christian Fennesz, Jim O'Rourke, & Peter Rehberg    0:50:55 (Pop-up)
Jim O'Rourke  There's Hell in Hello But More in Goodbye   Favoriting Bad Timing  Drag City  1997      1:06:36 (Pop-up)
Alva Noto  Ungewiss   Favoriting Kinder der Sonne  Noton  2023  "Kinder der Sonne" was originally composed for the soundtrack to Simon Stone's theatre piece "Komplitzen"  *   1:15:43 (Pop-up)
The Orb  Prism   Favoriting Prism  Cooking Vinyl  2023    *   1:22:05 (Pop-up)
FEAN  Peaoffer   Favoriting Fean  Moving Furniture  2018      1:31:28 (Pop-up)
Phew  Snow And Pollen   Favoriting New Decade  Mute  2021      1:42:02 (Pop-up)
Ben Vida With Yarn/Wire And Nina Dante  Drawn Evening   Favoriting The Beat My Head Hit  Shelter Press  2023    *   1:46:59 (Pop-up)
Emanuele Arciuli + Costanza Savarese  The Time Curve Preludes: I.   Favoriting William Duckworth: The Time Curve Preludes  Neuma  2023  Arciuli is on piano  *   1:53:23 (Pop-up)
Yuja Wang  You Come Here Often? (by Tilson Thomas)   Favoriting The American Project  Deutsche Grammophon  2023    *   1:55:28 (Pop-up)
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (Daniel Harding, conducting)  The Planets, Op. 32: IV. Jupiter, the Bringer Of Jollity   Favoriting The Planets (by Gustav Holst)  BR Klassik  2023    *   2:06:14 (Pop-up)
Trees Speak  Seraphim   Favoriting Mind Maze  Soul Jazz  2023  Trees Speak is Tuscon duo Daniel Martin & Damian Diaz  *   2:13:54 (Pop-up)
DJ Danifox  Gentleman   Favoriting Ansiedade  Principe  2023    *   2:17:34 (Pop-up)
Kabeaushe  Potassium   Favoriting The Coming Of Gaze  Hakuna Kulala  2023    *   2:20:38 (Pop-up)
Galen Tipton  The Scavengers Hymnal   Favoriting Brain Scratch  Galen Tipton  2023    *   2:24:17 (Pop-up)
O'o  Moho   Favoriting Spells EP  InFine  2023    *   2:26:51 (Pop-up)
B. Fleischmann  Slope   Favoriting Pop Loops For Breakfast  Morr Music  1999      2:30:36 (Pop-up)
Yaz  Ode To Boy   Favoriting You And Me Both  Mute  1983  "You And Me Both" was Yaz/Yazoo's 2nd album    2:35:01 (Pop-up)
Karen Young  You Don't Know What You Got (Party Mix)   Favoriting You Don't Know What You Got 12" EP  The Boardwalk Entertainment Co.  1983  song written by Tommy Uzzo, Debbie Stevens & Walter Kahn    2:38:50 (Pop-up)
Sally Dige  Doppelganger   Favoriting Hard To Please  Night School  2015      2:44:38 (Pop-up)
Sun Electric  U.F.O.   Favoriting Kitchen  R&S  1993      2:47:47 (Pop-up)
Tears For Fears  No Small Thing   Favoriting The Tipping Point  Concord  2022      2:50:50 (Pop-up)
Neil Diamond  America (Reprise)   Favoriting The Jazz Singer (Original Songs from the Motion Picture)  Capitol  1980      2:55:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Loving me some CT right off the bat (pun intended) Good morning Carol
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and moonsters.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Hi Ho Carol and listeners
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol! Good Morning Early Risers!
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Balthazar B:

Greetings Carol, fellow Sonataista's
David in London:

Morning Moonfaces 🌝🌖🌗
All hail the much admired Carol Crow.

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:05am
Balthazar B:


Usually I’m riding my bicycle this time of Sunday morning but I don’t have any spare tubes and I ALWAYS get a flat
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Andrea C:

Good morning everyone :)
Avatar 6:09am

Good morning, DJ Carol.
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Baja Joe:

Good morning Carol and everyone listening.
Avatar 6:13am

Good morning everyone! So happy to be with you all!
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Good morning ryansterlingvirtue!
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Never enough New Order
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Good morning, John in Columbus, OH!
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Hi Ho Robini!
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Good Morning, Greg k!
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Greetings Balthazar!
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@David in London@6:05: Right back at you! Morning.
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Peace ike-o
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Michael of Cologne:

Good noonday, Carol & all.
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Good morning Andrea :)
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Good morning, TDK60.
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Good morning Baja Joe.
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Hello fred
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Good noonday. Michael of Cologne
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Balthazar B:

↳ CarolCrow @6:18
That's easy for you to say..
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Guten Tag an alle in Köln und überall 🌞
Tom from Stirling.:

Bonjour! Hello!
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Stairway to the Moon
Ciao Ciao
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24am
James Douglas:

I’m loving this set. Good morning!
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Spikey BXL:

Greetings from the brunch table in sunny Brussels
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "Can't Let You Go (feat. Little Jet)" by "LP Giobbi"
I was feeling down and uninteresting. Then I tuned into WFMU and remembered that life is beautiful with you in it.
Avatar 🌜 6:26am

Interesting article on electronic music producer's attempt to recreate all the original "sounds" of the New Order category for Peter Hook & the Light... reasonstudios.com...
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Balthazar B:

↳ Andrea C @6:25
Rex P:

Wow what a great song to wake up to 🎶 thx

Antmusic for sex people
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Balthazar B:

This first set is righteous..I mean they all always are but..
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Prince Charming" by "Adam And The Ants"
Kinda crazy. Crazy good. Right?
Avatar 6:38am
Jessica B:

Really enjoying this set. Good morning.
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Prince Charming" by "Adam And The Ants"
Kinda like Sonic Boom. Right?

Morning fellow moonies
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Guten Tag sydnius in Köln
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Bonjour & Hello Tom from Stirling!
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@Toutevoix@6:23: Nice!
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Good morning, James D!
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Greetings Spikey in Brussels!
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↳ CarolCrow @6:42
Es tut mir leid, Ich bin in den Vereinigten Staaten 🇺🇸
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good morning Carol

↳ coelacanth∅ @6:46
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lazy pierogi:

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Balthazar B:

↳ Robm @6:48
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morning. nice krauty-sounding stuff here.
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Good ole' Jeck with at least some of his gear being analog stuff.
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hey Robm
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Hindquarters" by "Philip Jeck"
Oh my my. Oo la la.

↳ Balthazar B @6:50
Morning balthazar and dale
modern blaze:

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Balthazar B:

↳ modern blaze @6:52
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eric from lake hiawatha:

Thank you for being you Carol
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The Grateful who!
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Balthazar B:

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tom tom the pipers son:

@ carol, yr funny when you crack yrself up
Andrea C from the app:

Italy here :)
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Balthazar B:

Ally Pally London init.. :)
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Andrea C from the app @7:06
ciao caro!
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Ryan Sterlingvirtue:

bumblefuck belgium
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All around
Andrea C from the app:

Ciao Tesoro!
Frankie (9yo):

Listening from east London with my sister Bianca
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Creature Boy:

I'm in LA
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@WinksFMU@6:26: Thanks for posting!
Andrea C from the app:

So nice to know we are from all over the world. It gives a feeling of connection to be listening with you all :)
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Carol, I'm listening from a paper-cluttered desk in my bedroom, in a fifth storey apartment in Hudson Heights, Manhattan, NYC. I can see the George Washington Bridge and part of Fort Lee, New Jersey in the west through my window.
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Frankie (9yo) @7:08
almost lunch time, what are you guys having for lunch
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Thx for being with us, Rex P
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:10am
Bruce S.:

↳ Creature Boy @7:09
That's a good name for a song, I'm in LA
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@Jessica B@6:38: Glad to hear it! Good morning
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Morning Robm
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good morning coelacanth∅
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Welcome lazy pierogi
fisherman's shoes:

Great show! Listening from Belgium, Europe
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morning dale
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hello modern blaze
Avatar 7:13am

Morninggggggggggggg PaulRobeson1923
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "There's Hell in Hello But More in Goodbye" by "Ji...
Yeah, what's so good about goodbye, Jim?
LiXiviated Life:

"Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die.
Come watch TV." - Rick & Morty
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Thank you for being you eric from lake hiawatha
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Balthazar B:

↳ LiXiviated Life @7:13
I larfed..
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@tom tom the pipers son@7:03: :) :)
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Song: "Das Model" by "Das Moon"
Looked this one up on YT and must say I really dig this version.
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:10
Just finished brekkie of Müsli, facing sunny southward in loft.
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good morning, this Jim O'Rourke is sounding pretty good right now
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Yetz @7:15
Morning Yetz - are you totally off the pain medication?
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Good morning to you Carol.
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Balthazar B:

↳ Yetz @7:15
Good morning!
Avatar 7:17am

Bonjour Carol and all!
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:17am
Bruce S.:

Carol, you make sunday morning special
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Baja Joe:

↳ Song: "There's Hell in Hello But More in Goodbye" by "Ji...
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↳ LiXiviated Life @7:13
Morning Lix.
Sounds like the opposite of what a Tralfamadorian might say - Kurt V.
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↳ Spikey BXL @7:16
Yup, thanks. Just taking OTC stuff now (ibuprofen)
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Waaahhh! I slept through the first set! Good Morning, Carol! 🥰 Good Morning my Moon-a-Lunas! How are you!? ❤️
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:19am

I wonder if anyone is GListening in Dresden
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:15
nice to hear, kind of late breakfast for you though innit? i just finished a spinach and feta omelette from local deli, but i was really asking the kids in london what they were having for lunch. maybe they don't know how this chatboard works
Jeff formerly from Rahway:

Good morning from the Jersey Shore! Whatta delightful show. Gonna walk on the beach listening to this.
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @7:19
At one time, Dresden was the surface of the Moon
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↳ Song: "Ungewiss" by "Alva Noto"
Really nice segue from the O'Rourke into this Alta Nova track, which reminds me just a little bit of "Over Tage" by Svaneborg Kardyb ( svaneborgkardyb.bandcamp.com... )
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Ungewiss" by "Alva Noto"
Oh my goodness.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:22am
Balthazar B:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:20
I think the kids are having jelly unless one of them is older then it will be jellied eels or pie and mash..without liquor because it's nasty.
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Balthazar B:

↳ bluecharlie @7:19
Good morning!
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Yetz @7:21
yes enjoyed that segue subliminally while typing
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Morning all!
I missed Dreamfish!!! nooo.
Avatar 7:25am

↳ Song: "Prism" by "The Orb"
This is really great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Balthazar B @7:22
no, this isn't dickens, they don't eat jellied eels anymore, most likely be fish fingers
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Prism" by "The Orb"
Oh my goodness.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:25am
Bruce S.:

↳ Song: "Prism" by "The Orb"
what beautiful sounds

Good morning Carol! So happy to be up for the rest of the show!! Morning gang!
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Balthazar B:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:25
This is good news!
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:25
I thought they had fins
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↳ Song: "Prism" by "The Orb"
Some Bladerunner vibes here. wow!
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Balthazar B:

↳ sydnius @7:27
Me too
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↳ sydnius @7:27
Fish fingers all in a line!
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tom tom the pipers son:

in us... fish sticks, in uk ... fish fingers
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@Frankie (9yo)@7:08: Glad to have you & your sister Bianca with us today!
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:28
the cultural knowledge we acquire from British Punk...
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:28
We also have lower stocks of Quorn here
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Balthazar B:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:28
Yes but why do they need sticks or fingers?
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Welcome Bruce S. in LA!
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there was a guy on wvkr (the vassar station) on sunday mornings who played music like this. sadly he passed. lit was a great relaxing way to start the day..
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Hello fisherman's shoes listening in Belgium!
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↳ Balthazar B @7:23
Good Morning, Balthazar B! 😊
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:28
i guess its more lewis carroll-inian
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Prism" by "The Orb"
Music from the Hearts of Space. Remember that?
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:20
Yes, as usual late rising Sunday. Takes time to get into gear, and have to do my morning exercises before brekkie and even coffee. Where are our east London kinds?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:32am

Good Sunday Morning, Carol and everyone tuned in...
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Balthazar B @7:30
its what kids like, like chicken nuggets
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:31
don't know, they haven't replied
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Balthazar B:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @7:31
I remember their cover of No Fun on a Peel session.
The Orb are v.good.
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@LiXiviated Life@7:13: Haha:) Too funny
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Balthazar B:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:32
tru dat
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good morning, Yetz
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Good morning to you nortonjutland.
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Bonjour Sylvia!
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Peaoffer" by "FEAN"
Furniture Music - Be Bop Deluxe
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Good Morning, bluecharlie! Glad to have you with us anytime:)
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:31
michael, are you german or a transplant, if its ok to ask?
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Good morning Jeff formerly from Rahway! Enjoy your walk:)
Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

Carol! Moon 🌙 units! Good morning!
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Balthazar B:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @7:35
The Handsome Family - Moving Furniture Around.
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Good morn to Carol and the Moonish
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Morning sm-ll!
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Good morning Colleen!
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Good Sunday Morning, Strandlund
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↳ dale @7:30
Like what, Dale? O'Rourke?
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Good morning Peter from Boonton
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↳ LiXiviated Life @7:13
You know what i mean? Everyone is exactly where they are suppose to be. Schlachthof Fünf

and so it goes
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Good morning RB
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Peaoffer" by "FEAN"
Think of the children!!
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↳ Tom from Stirling. @7:41
“But you were babies! Still Virgins in the war!”
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music like the orb and the FEAN. mixed in with a lot of michael hedges sounding guitar. i can't remember the deejay's name.
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Welcome Fredericks
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tom tom the pipers son:

good flix on tcm late night tonight... the color of pomegranates and marketa lazarova a czech new waver
Avatar 🌜 7:52am

↳ Song: "Drawn Evening" by "Ben Vida With Yarn/Wire And Ni...
mmm. Ben Vida used to have a band "Town & Country" that I liked. Haven't thought about him much since he moved to New York
modern blaze:

woke up shaking, got okay, now cooking dinner
Avatar 🌜 7:53am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:51
Ooh Marketa Lazarova is AWESOME, I saw that on the big screen a few years back. A medieval historical epic, set in the mud, not really a lot in common with other films of the "Czech New Wave"
Ken palko:

drawn evening, very nice. I'm listening in Metuchen nj
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Ryan Sterlingvirtue:

this is pretty
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↳ Yetz @7:53
"voted the all-time best Czech movie in a 1998 poll of Czech film critics"
modern blaze:

it is pretty
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am

fish only use their fingers for various gestures; otherwise they're useless.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am

'morning Colleen!
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Yetz @7:53
i've never seen it, looking forward to it
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:38
Aussie transplant.
modern blaze:

check my SC page starting DAWZ
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:54
fish have fingers so they can give you the middle one.
modern blaze:

modern blaze:

i wanna talk about these
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:54
a bit like "Apocalypse Now" in that the conditions under which the film were made were not too different from the conditions depicted in the film ...
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Magic fingers - Kurt V.
modern blaze:

↳ Song: "You Come Here Often? (by Tilson Thomas)" by "Yuja...
cool vibe
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:56
i know, they keep giving me those, but i already have one!
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:56
Crows have fingers in their wings? At least the ones flying around here do. Raucous.
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "You Come Here Often? (by Tilson Thomas)" by "Yuja...
She so popular these days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59am

the crows here smoke parliaments.
badass mofos.
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↳ Song: "You Come Here Often? (by Tilson Thomas)" by "Yuja...
Catching a Keith Emerson vibe on the keys
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:55
ah, couldn't tell from your comments, i've been in germany three times mostly berlin, but took a train trip through cologne and down the rhine to nuremberg, really nice
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:00am
Bruce S.:

If I ever get a Crow I'm going to name it Fingers
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i hear that Winks

Go Carol!
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(now that you mention it)
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Yetz @7:56
interesting comparison
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:57
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @8:01
anyhow, hope you enjoy it!
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Andrea C:

the set was really soothing Carol.
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“chicken fingers”
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Balthazar B:

Fish nuggets
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Yetz @8:03
had a teacher in college that filmed the soviet invasion of czechoslovakia, he showed us a bunch of new wave films

Your show is a great soundtrack for my AM’s!!!! Thank you, Carol.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol. Ye olde Hyde Park representing!
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i assumed it's like "machine fabrique" -but i shouldn't assume, should i.
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @8:05
Cool. The Siskel Film Center in Chicago did a Vlasik retrospective a few years ago, otherwise I probably wouldn't have heard of him. But again, he's only tangentially part of the Czech New Wave - his style is a bit different from what's usually considered "New Wave"
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @8:00
Yeah, Cologne is nicely dilapidated, and so is much bigger Berlin. At one million pop., Cologne is more manageable. It used to be the contemporary art capital of western Europe, but many galleries moved to Berlin when it became capital in the 1990s. Cologne remains an important city for contemporary music. Just had the Acht Brücken festival foregrounding the astounding English composer Rebecca Saunders, who lives in Berlin.
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↳ Yetz @8:06
errr, Vláčil
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:07am
Bruce S.:

I'm actualy in Brooklyn NY, I just thought I'm in LA would make a good song for maybe Jackson Brown, or Randy Newman
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hey it's the invocation and ritual dance of the young pumpkin!
Tom from Stirling.:

It goes without saying; it's not Sunday without Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol, as the saying goes.
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Yetz @8:06
yeah, there's also valerie and her week of wonders which is also an outlier to new wave
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:09am
Bruce S.:

Yes you can always reach me .....I'm in LA
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Balthazar B:

↳ Bruce S. @8:07
Yeah but if you can make it in New York you can make it anywhere..
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The Butterman:

↳ Bruce S. @8:07
I looooooove N.J.
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Holst?? Oh man Carol I adore you.
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Love the smell of kettle drums in the morning
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↳ Balthazar B @8:09
i've heard that
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I just recognized the last passage from "Call Any Vegetable" by the Mothers.
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Balthazar B:

↳ coelacanth∅ @8:10
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "The Planets, Op. 32: IV. Jupiter, the Bringer Of ...
"tomorrow is another day"
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:07
found berlin easy to zip around on u and s bahn, will look out for rebecca saunders
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↳ ijustbcame @8:10
actually, (see coelacanth @ 8.08)
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-it could be either, or both! 'don't know where the line it
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Balthazar B:

Jupiter, the bringer of jollity..how good is that?
They can visit anytime.
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↳ coelacanth∅ @8:11
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kind of rodeo-esque, this piece.
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Manfred Mann's Earth Band also used part of this Holst Jupiter Jollity for music on their 'Solar Fire' album, 1973.
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♃! 🥰
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I'm getting ready and excited to go to The Drone Fest at Basilica this weekend! 🥰 🔊 Thank you Carol for bringing light to it. I hope to see some WFMU swag there. 🥰 If you see mine 🐄 🍅 🐕 , say hi! ❤️ Here is a link that I hope brings you to my Spotify basilica Dronefest playlist open.spotify.com...
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↳ TDK60 @8:14
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @8:11
Yeah, Berlin has a great U and S-Bahn, better than Köln. Contemporary music and art still get solid state support.
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "Seraphim" by "Trees Speak"
Wish they would stop cutting down trees. For "development".
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Balthazar B:

↳ bluecharlie @8:15
It does ty.
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↳ Michael of Cologne @8:18
The train station by the cathedral is truly something! Say hi to Lindt for me! 😎
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↳ RB @8:15
Hello, RB.
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:18
remember hearing that when the wall was up, berlin was a haven for experimental music, i know morton feldman was there on a daad grant at some point
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Andrea C:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @8:18
your comment triggered me to look for the "man waiting trees and shitting houses" street art piece. leading to this article. it may interest you www.artfido.com...
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ sydnius @8:19
We have Kaiser Wilhelm to thank for the location of the HBF.
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Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:18
To one who's never visited there, discussion of Berlin and Koln arts scene is fascinating.
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↳ Song: "Seraphim" by "Trees Speak"
Tuned in a little late for Holst, but this is pretty neat.
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Andrea C:

↳ Andrea C @8:21
typo: Eating trees. not waiting... d'oh!
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↳ Song: "Seraphim" by "Trees Speak"
Sounds of Zep
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @8:21
Conny Plank’s studio a skip and a jump from Köln
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Good morning Carol and all Moonies
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ sydnius @8:22
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Andrea C @8:21
got it. ty
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Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @8:18
A Wawa opened 18 months ago on Rt 10 in Randolph. A year later, one of the last remaining stands of trees on Rt 10 in Denville was bulldozed for a QuikChek. Depressing.
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Andrea C:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @8:23
my pleasure :)
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ @8:23
So sad.
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↳ Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ @8:23
my childhood home has been levelled for a superwawa. I need the map van to take a tour to see what it looks like now, the image I have is a levelled lot
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @8:21
Morty and John Cage were also often in Cologne, at the time when Stockhausen's electronic studio was in its heyday. Johannes Fritsch was one of Stockhausen's students. His (now dormant?) Feedback Studio is just around the corner. Around 1995 I heard Morty's two-hour Crippled Symmetry, performed by Petr Kotik et al., in a side room of Museum Ludwig full of abstract expressionist art: Pollock, Toby, Rothko, &c.
Tom from Stirling.:

Oh my my. O'o la la.
Noho, he really mad now. Look out Fuchs.
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out to hunt & gather on behest of family units. Thanks Carol; gl out there shiny people!
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:29
nice, i had breakfast at the same table as morty once though i knew little about him
Tom from Stirling.:

Fringe was a good TV show.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:33am
Bruce S.:

↳ Song: "Slope" by "B. Fleischmann"
really loving this
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ @8:21
Berlin's more a magnet these days for musos than is Köln, but both are plastered with composers. There's an astounding number of good art museums dotted around NRW. Today it's open museum's day in Köln. I should be out and about already.
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↳ TDK60 @8:20
Hey hey hey
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Andrea C:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @8:33
Fringe is absolutely amazing. The only wrong thing about it is that they had to cut it short and made 5 seasons instead of 7 :( Every time I watch it, I wonder what we have missed. The big time-jump leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Andrea C @8:37
You can't always get what you want. Right?
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:34
Johannes Fritsch (deceased)
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Andrea C:

↳ Tom from Stirling. @8:40
I guess that's a valid point for things not under your control.
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↳ Tom from Stirling. @8:33
Love 'Fringe!' 😍
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Doppelganger" by "Sally Dige"
is 2015 date on this right?
Tom from Stirling.:

↳ Song: "U.F.O." by "Sun Electric"
Oh, cheri.
It's gonna be a bright sun-shiny day.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:52am

Thanks, Carol!
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Fine mix of recordings today, DJ Carol. Thanks.
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tom tom the pipers son:

thanks, carol!
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Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

Great program today, Carol. Thank you.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:53am
Bruce S.:

Thanks Carol, very enjoyable show
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Andrea C:

Thank you Carol for the great show :) It made my day better. Love everyone <3
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Great show Carol! Thank you!
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Carol , Thank you !
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Balthazar B:

Thank you Carol. Wishing everyone a good week.
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The Butterman:

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Ryan Sterlingvirtue:

classic neil.
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Thanks Carol. Have a great week everyone!!
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Wonderful morning of music, thank you Carol.
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Once again, the show ends too soon!
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Ryan Sterlingvirtue:

i feel like the last 3 hours were just to get us to neil.
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i don't remember al jolson singing this one.
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omg wild ending. have a great week thanks Carol Crow!!!
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↳ Song: "America (Reprise)" by "Neil Diamond"
Carol...I love you.. TODAY! 😂🥰❤️ Thank you for raising me up! Lunarians! TODAY! 🤣❤️
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ALL RISE! Thanks Carol.
Tom from Stirling.:

Go go GO. It's amazing. go Go GO.
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what a finale
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↳ Song: "America (Reprise)" by "Neil Diamond"
Epic finale Carol, I love you!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for the show TODAY, Carol!
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thanks Carol
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lazy pierogi:


Mlle Carol Thanks for the Sunday morning music
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@JB@9:00: Thank you
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