Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from December 11, 2020 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting December 11, 2020: Put the Needle On The Practice of Life

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments Images New Approx. start time
DJ ALF  PTNOTR_Fresh Way Intro [Challenges of Life Remix}   Favoriting   2020  includes pitch adjusted samples of Michael Jackson and Gary John Bishop 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Busta Rhymes  Look Over Your Shoulder (feat. Kendrick Lamar)   Favoriting Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God  2020   
*   0:01:18 (Pop-up)
Cee Gee x Genecist  I Got You   Favoriting Proverbz And Video Gamez  2020   
*   0:05:06 (Pop-up)
Zion I ft Locksmith & Sa-Roc  Endtimes   Favoriting   2020   
*   0:09:26 (Pop-up)
Homeboy Sandman  Waiting On My Girl   Favoriting Don't Feed The Monster  2020   
*   0:12:35 (Pop-up)
Jasari X  ROB JEFF BEZO$   Favoriting   2020  longtime revolutionary rap artist from Pittsburg PA turns his attention to Jeff Bezos for this new recording 
*   0:16:33 (Pop-up)
Product 90, DJ Ragz & Unown  The Practice of Life Pt 1   Favoriting   2020  yet another WFMU world premiere - this one from the hella talented collaborative trio of DJ Ragz (cuts and scratches), Product 90 (beats) and curated and engineered by Unown- not yet released 
*   0:19:15 (Pop-up)
Product 90, DJ Ragz & Unown  The Practice of Life Pt 2   Favoriting   2020   
*   0:28:32 (Pop-up)
Product 90, DJ Ragz & Unown  The Practice of Life Pt 3   Favoriting   2020   
*   0:35:43 (Pop-up)
Product 90, DJ Ragz & Unown  The Practice of Life Pt 4   Favoriting   2020   
*   0:40:48 (Pop-up)
Product 90, DJ Ragz & Unown  The Practice of Life Pt 5   Favoriting   2020   
*   0:49:33 (Pop-up)
$mall Change and DJ Reaganomics  Downtown Soulville (remix of Chuck Edwards song) EDIT   Favoriting   2013   
  0:58:06 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

ami ad:

Pump up the Jam.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
chris in the redwoods:

BillyJam! folks!
Avatar 7:01pm
Billy Jam:

"....and your dog will die".....but you will get thru it all.....with the Practice of Life....and a listening habit of F M U know!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

Billy Jam rules the universe!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Hi Billy Jam and PTNOTRs!

Billy! All ! Hello. Busta still keeping it all in check.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
listener 126464:

Hi Billy Jam, everyone. Once again, just read about this release, and ...!
Avatar 7:05pm
Billy Jam:

hello tim from champaign + listenere 126464 + chris in da Redwoods of NorCal and ami ad in the bowels of BK and chresti in SoCal - thanks for tuning into a show best listened to with headphones and no movement - relax - deep breath and focus on the practice of life from here forward + shout out to SCOTT WILLIAMS for engineering
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Hey Billy Jam! Greetings to the the Crew and all o' y'all too.
Avatar 🎧 7:06pm

Billy Jam y Alf!

For some reason I've been listening to Italian hiphop. (not Itlalian, just a bland agnostic wasp cracker)

here for the FRIDAY NIGHT
Avatar 7:09pm
Billy Jam:

hello to celeste in Albany + mariano + annette + NGH - thanks for tuning in today guys - appreciated - As I recover from my surgery on Monday been watching lots of movies inc. a great documentary that’s streaming free on YouTube entitled “Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story” which was really mind-opening on the amount of wasted food in this country - check it out at this link = youtu.be...
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

Hello DJ Billy Jam and all.. Hope the surgery went smoothly..
ami ad:

Hehe. The bowels of BK, that's about right. Hey mariano.
Avatar 7:10pm
Be Now Homeboy:

Show sounding sooooo good :)
Will check out that link, feel better Billy Jam we love ya!

yo- always listen rarely shout- peace Biiy J for always bringing it
Avatar 🎧 7:12pm

sentirse mejor, Billy!

I now say we make wfmu an adjective, as, " I'm WFMU AF!"
Avatar 7:13pm
Billy Jam:

hello radioronan in Brooklyn good to have you tune in and join in the comments + shout out to Be Now Homeboy — coincidentally got Homeboy Sandman cued up next with great song off his new album that anyone who has a close friend or significant other that tends to run late timewise will relate to wholeheartedly - listen closely to the lyrics - they made me crack up first time hearing them

Seedless in the house!
Avatar 7:15pm
Billy Jam:

sufferwords AND Seedless in da hizzhouse
Avatar 7:15pm
Be Now Homeboy:

yo I love homeboy sandman sooo much. I didn't realize he had a new record. how great is that. "trying 20 Dif outfits on makes me say wtf" lol "time exists on entirely different plain.. waiting on my girl" hahaha

2 more good docs on netflix Dior & I and ROOM 2806- assaulted case NYC hotel
Avatar 7:17pm
Billy Jam:

@Be Now Homeboy - haha glad u like this song too - and yeah his new album - the Quelle Chris produced "Don't Feed The Monster" is out a short while and is his most introspective to date -
Avatar 🎧 7:17pm

what Be Now Homeboy said....
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Billy Jam and cohorts. I was on the road last week and missed out.
Avatar 7:18pm

19,981,100,000,000.00 pesos
ami ad:

Avatar 7:19pm
Be Now Homeboy:

Billy Jam keeping me up to date. Homeboy Sandman should be a house hold rap name. For real! I can't wait to dig into his new record. Ty mr DJ !!!
Avatar 7:19pm
Billy Jam:

@hypothete - that's about right
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Mennlinn Rebarts:

That last track gave me feelings I cannot express in a public message board.
Avatar 🎧 7:21pm

damn this Jasari X!

The last time I was in Mexico, it was 11 pesos to the dollar, now it]s 20-1 (I would have made a killing crate digging w/ that exchange rate).
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

Thanks for the link, Billy J, looks good.
Avatar 7:23pm
Billy Jam:

@NGH and Mennlinn Rebarts re last song - think the artist wanted to call it Kill Jeff Bezos but toned it down -albeit putting guns in place of the letters "FF" in "JEFF" in the cover art
Avatar 🎧 7:25pm

@Billy Jam: I dig the sentiment.... (GOP relatives sent me an Amazon wish list, uh, I'm living in a car)
Avatar 7:25pm
Billy Jam:

@Be Now Homeboy - like u said about Homeboy Sandman - these three artists (Ragz, Unown and Product 90) should also be household names since they are so endlessly talented as this new album of theirs proves and I am going to play in its entirity
Avatar 🎧 7:27pm

(but I'm a hardcore pacifist, not that I*looks to the left* would condone such behavior)
Avatar 7:30pm
Billy Jam:

@NGH dude that's terrible that you are still enduring such hardships in your life - so is your wife living in the car too? - And what prospects lie ahead to get out this scenario for you?
Avatar 7:32pm
Be Now Homeboy:

Billy Jam - I literally set a timer to your show. I dont always come on here but you have turned me onto the best hiphop in the world. Mad love and appreciation.
Avatar 7:33pm

Billyjam goes it again,
How does he do it?
Loveya da man
Avatar 🎧 7:33pm

@Billy Jam: Nah, she's in Brooklyn, I'm in FL (although she also is unemployed. I've been fighting w/ FL unemployment for 6 weeks now. I can't wait until DeSantis gets canned (back in 1998, when I used to unemployment website, it was more streamlines, and I had my direct deposit w/in two weeks/)
Avatar 🎧 7:34pm

can't type in the dark, that ye goddesses for my phone hotspot....
Avatar 7:36pm
Billy Jam:

@Berd in da UK - hey hey hey hope U R well - say hi to Spidermank --- @Be Now Homeboy - thank YOU so much for those positive words - great to hear - really appreciated! - @NGH - yeah I knew u were in FLA - that's just crazy - FLorida and your situation - I wish u the best in your fight and the practice of life
Avatar 🎧 7:38pm

mad appreciation, Billy Jam!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
chris in the redwoods:

digging these Practice of Life tracks.
Avatar 🎧 7:41pm

The SCOTUS refusal to hear a certain case tonight, gives me a certain schadenfreude satisfaction w/ my blood relatives.....
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Be Now Homeboy:

This record is so amazing. I'm trying to find it online.
Avatar 🎧 7:44pm

meanwhile, although I'm left of the DNC, I saw they have jobs available, so I inquired how my skill set would fit in (technically non-party affiliated, but always vote, spent $60 in gas just to vote Nov 3).

awesome tracks..
Avatar 7:44pm
Billy Jam:

@Be Now Homeboy - dont think U will find it as it is not out yet - this is the premiere - but Product 90 and Ragz will be posting it to Bandcamp or maybe Soundcloud in near future - Glad u and CHRIS and chresti and all are enjoying it- me too - just love it and fact that these three artists do all for love and make little or no money proves their committment to their art form - one that they are true masters of!!! Tnx to DJ ALF for making initial intro to Ragz and Unown
Avatar 🎧 7:45pm

Product 90, DJ Ragz & Unown sound like they are into Steinski.....(another WFMU fave)
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handreaux in TO:

Thanks for all this music DJ Billy Jam!
Avatar 🎧 7:45pm

(and sometime WFMU dj....)

Evening Billy Jam and all! A mediocre take-out pizza and a failing sound system are conspiring against me. However the show tonight is helping persevere onward.
Avatar 7:47pm

Been sending you healing vibes in large amounts,
Apply liberally to all,
Avatar 7:48pm
Be Now Homeboy:

Thanks BILLY JAM.. always brining us that new new.. this is blowing my mind its so fire. Damn! I'm so digging this. Can we extend your show tonight lol
Avatar 7:49pm
Billy Jam:

@StRts and handreaux in TO - glad u guys are like me - feeling this "The Practice of Life". --- @Berd - thanks ---- @Andres - thanks for checking in with pizza n f m u
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

About to eat sushi...
Thanks Billy Jam for another great show!
Avatar 7:50pm
Billy Jam:

@Be Now Homeboy - yes we will continue the show into Downtown Soulville with Mister Fine Wine - best damn show on F M U know
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
chris in the redwoods:

mmmm sushi. enjoy, chresti!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Hi chris, thanks!
Avatar 7:52pm
Billy Jam:

shout out to DJ Ragz, Unown and Product 90 for premiering their new album "The Practice of Life" on WFMU today - and big ups to board-op engineer Scott Williams whose show airs Wednesdays 3-6pm (Eastern) -have a great week and weekend
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm
chris in the redwoods:

thanks, Ess Dub!
Avatar 🎧 7:53pm

mad props everyone! please enjoy the weekend. gotta charge me lappy. Salud y abrazos!
Phil the Crill:

Great set Billy J--thanks for the tunes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

Thanks Billy Jam! Thanks Crew, take care everyone!
Avatar 7:54pm
Billy Jam:

tnx Phil the Crill
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Hey, what is that picture of? I've seen it before...
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
chris in the redwoods:

yeah, take good care out there, everyone. shit is crazy.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

thanks DJ's Billy, ALF and co-contributors. thanks skeletons.. many positive vibes to all..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

The stairs and escalators picture up top, I mean.
ami ad:

Thank you DJ. Crew. Peace&Laugh.

THE BEST IS YET TO COME - truly! after winter solstice DEC 21
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Billy Jam. This show is clearing my mind tonight.
Avatar 7:56pm
Be Now Homeboy:

Thanks Billy Jam!!!!!
Great weekend y'all deserve it!
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

It is one of the Vessel structure over on the west side of Manhattan in Hudson Yards area that I took back in March of 2019 right when it was opening -its pretty amazing ---- reminds me of brain salad surgery cover or MC Escher

Thank you, Billy Jam!!! All the best in your recovery. I admire the way you practice life bringing us this great show each week!

Hip hop is still vital. But rap has lost creativity.

Superb show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Thanks for the info, Billy!
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