Favoriting Do or DIY with People Like Us: Playlist from December 3, 2020 Favoriting

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A mixture of pop and avant-garde side by side, sometimes on top of one another. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting December 3, 2020: Children of the Resolution (People Like Us fills in for Trouble Week 2)

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Wobbly  Welcome   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
HAT  Arizona Analyzer   Favoriting 0:00:54 (Pop-up)
Domenique Dumont  Message Of The Diving Bird   Favoriting 0:09:35 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Faust Boop   Favoriting 0:11:28 (Pop-up)
John Zorn  The Mockingbird   Favoriting 0:13:08 (Pop-up)
Erik Satin  I Know How Music Sounds   Favoriting 0:19:00 (Pop-up)
George Harrison  Ski-ing   Favoriting 0:22:28 (Pop-up)
Ergo Phizmiz  The Top Of Your Head   Favoriting 0:24:15 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Michael Armstrong 

Lullaby Renditions of The Cure - Close To Me   Favoriting

0:27:35 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Transparent then Can You Hear Me? Brussels   Favoriting 0:32:18 (Pop-up)
John Oswald  Mystery Tapes etc. - Mystery Sampler A   Favoriting 0:35:00 (Pop-up)
Dim Dim  Olo   Favoriting 0:35:15 (Pop-up)
Gwilly Edmondez  David Dafydd Dewi Denus   Favoriting 0:36:19 (Pop-up)
Dim Dim  Ing   Favoriting 0:36:38 (Pop-up)
Domenique Dumont  Le Debut De La Fin   Favoriting 0:38:40 (Pop-up)
Neil Cicierega  Close to the Sun   Favoriting 0:45:36 (Pop-up)
Mary Schneider  Stairway To Heaven   Favoriting 0:46:38 (Pop-up)
The Evolution Control Committee  Stairway to Britney   Favoriting 0:47:11 (Pop-up)
Neil Cicierega  Brithoven   Favoriting 0:49:00 (Pop-up)
Woody Phillips  Toolbox Classics - Beethoven's Fifth   Favoriting 0:50:04 (Pop-up)
Walter Murphy  Saturday Night Fever - A Fifth Of Beethoven   Favoriting 0:50:55 (Pop-up)
PDQ Bach  Beethoven's Fifth Symphony   Favoriting 0:51:08 (Pop-up)
Mary Schneider  Minuet Yodel   Favoriting 0:52:29 (Pop-up)
John Oswald  Mystery Tapes etc. - Mystery Sampler A   Favoriting 0:54:49 (Pop-up)
Leif Elggren + Thomas Liljenberg  9-11 - Desperation Is The Mother Of Laughter   Favoriting 0:55:27 (Pop-up)
Carl Stalling  Flea-Ridden Sheep Dog   Favoriting 0:55:37 (Pop-up)
Dave Soldier and Komar & Melamid  The Most Unwanted Song (edit)   Favoriting 0:56:00 (Pop-up)
Richard Grossman  Ahh Ha Ha   Favoriting 0:56:38 (Pop-up)
M.C.Schmidt  peacock impersonaton   Favoriting 0:56:49 (Pop-up)
Huun Huur Tu  Chylandyk   Favoriting 0:56:50 (Pop-up)
Dave Soldier and Komar & Melamid  The Most Unwanted Song (edit)   Favoriting 0:56:58 (Pop-up)
Systema Solar  Quien Es El Patron (Charles Tox Efectivo rmx)   Favoriting 0:58:07 (Pop-up)
Puffy  Ai No Shirushi (Proof of Love)   Favoriting 1:04:37 (Pop-up)
Halcali  Kono Seikai ni, Kono Ryote ni   Favoriting 1:06:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 Theme from 'A Summer Place'   Favoriting

1:12:01 (Pop-up)
Monitress  Medieval Refrigerator   Favoriting 1:18:36 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Anything Else Extendo   Favoriting 1:21:31 (Pop-up)
Negativland  True False   Favoriting 1:22:50 (Pop-up)
Pidgin  Oh! Lori   Favoriting 1:23:18 (Pop-up)
Koron Korak  YayYayYay (Covering Parry Gripp - NomNomNom)   Favoriting 1:23:21 (Pop-up)
Parry Gripp  nom nom nom nom nom nom nom (Live @ Square Garden 2020)   Favoriting 1:24:43 (Pop-up)
Neil Cicierega  Wah   Favoriting 1:25:48 (Pop-up)
Suicide  Dream Baby Dream (Long Version)   Favoriting 1:26:40 (Pop-up)
Julee Cruise  The World Spins   Favoriting 1:32:58 (Pop-up)
Asher Ogre Groin (John Oswald)  Way   Favoriting 1:39:18 (Pop-up)
Sam Spence  Sunken Ship   Favoriting 1:41:48 (Pop-up)
Sam Spence  Moog Shot   Favoriting 1:42:38 (Pop-up)
Caetano Veloso  Gua   Favoriting 1:44:08 (Pop-up)
Ergo Phizmiz  Borderline   Favoriting 1:47:14 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
101 Strings 

Theme From A Summer Place   Favoriting

1:51:52 (Pop-up)
Carl Stone  Au Jus   Favoriting 1:55:33 (Pop-up)
Gilberto Gil  Oma Lao   Favoriting 1:59:08 (Pop-up)
Die Welttraumforscher  In Der Stadt   Favoriting 2:01:07 (Pop-up)
The The  Soul Catcher   Favoriting 2:02:07 (Pop-up)
Thurston Moore  Dreamers Work   Favoriting 2:05:12 (Pop-up)
David Toop  You Could Touch Him But He Wasn’t There   Favoriting 2:09:50 (Pop-up)
Mike Cooper  Kokoke Nalu   Favoriting 2:12:34 (Pop-up)
Haruomi Hosono  Koi Wa Momo-Iro   Favoriting 2:16:02 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Backwater   Favoriting 2:18:40 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  Murder Most Foul   Favoriting 2:22:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 Theme from 'A Summer Place'   Favoriting

2:38:42 (Pop-up)
…And The Native Hipsters  Mr Magic   Favoriting 2:43:38 (Pop-up)
Porest  Abject Mirror   Favoriting 2:47:58 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Destroying Anything   Favoriting 2:51:05 (Pop-up)
Carlo Patrão  Second Hand Third Eye   Favoriting 2:56:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
same time next week... 


2:58:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11/30 7:33pm

well, herro dere!
Avatar 12/1 5:48am
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hi Dale!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12/1 7:32pm

hullo dale hullo PLU
Avatar 1:54pm
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hello Yes!
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People Like Us:

See you in a few hours
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am

setting up my folding chair and umbrella early.
Avatar 8:54am

You can start now....I am here
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Avatar 8:55am

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good afternoon, London time. The British Isles are still afloat, I trust?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am

hello hello
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so psyched for this show today!
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it's raining
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Handy Haversack:

Hello, PLU and all the DIYers!

Some early birds around these parts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am

i like the action music in the background.
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Steve from Dunwoody:

PLU roolz.
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Rick from SC:

morning all.
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Krys O.:

Greetings! Listening from work in the wilds of Roseland, NJ.
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People Like Us:

goood morning!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

Greetings, PLU and WFMU palz! Ready for freeform magic to infuse my spirits for the day!
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Webhamster Henry:

I'm ready for my Sample Broadcast Programming!
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and some afternoons!
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Good morning Londonwich.
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All the PLU's in PLU-ville are happy today!
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Thank you PLU for doing more shows on WFMU!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Krys O.:

We have a Labradoodle visiting us in the office today. He's a friend of our regular Irish Wolfhound office dawg.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Rich in Washington:

I woke up just in time!
Mornin', Vicki!
Hello everyone!
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how could I refuse?! Happy to be here!
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A big hello to all of you going through PLU-berty
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Really Lisa:

Hi PLU and all. Glad to be listening!
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Any word from DJ Trouble? Recovering nicely I hope?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

PLU-berty eh? No wonder I felt kinda funny.
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so happy that this is here now!
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It's normal to be emotional
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I hope no one is confusing this with price look-up codes used with produce, like 4011 for bananas.
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Yeti, DJ Trouble is ill?
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she broke a wrist
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@Ken Even better, use the tones at a pay phone to make free calls!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am

Hi everyone!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yippee ! PLU time !
All Loves & Healing to DJ Trouble.
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This is the perrrr-fect soundtrack to the Kitten
Academy live-stream
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Lixiviated Life:

Been listening to DO or DIY archives and I'm hooked now.
Thanks FMU
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ha ha vince
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yes, from Macy's to Kitten Academy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Mx. Granny (e/em):

Yeah! Thanks WFMU! I <3 U!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Coincidentally, I was reading about People Like Us just last night.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Awfuss Dawgz
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Now, THAT'S a title for your next album!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Uncle Michael:

Nice HAT!
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Trouble broke her wrist and so I'm filling in for the next 3 more weeks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

“... Now you come shining through my tears
How can I refuse?” -Robert Hunter

Gooood Morning! Gotta LoVe WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

is it bad luck to say break a leg?
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must rest the wrist
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leg broken, so no
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wrist in peace
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imagine how difficult it would be to do a radio show with a broken wrist
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Let me call the good doctor
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Why have I never heard THIS Negativland song?
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where are you all listening from?
I am in London and it is chucking it down with rain and rather nice
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PLU: Indeed. We're sending our best wishes to Trouble for a speedy recovery.
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because it is unreleased
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

1960’s good doctor (not the t.v dribble)
  Swag For Life Member 9:13am
captain beef fart:

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@PLU: Plush, plummy, plurisyllabic pluviosity!
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@People Like Us: No kidding! I dislocated mine a decade ago and working as a programmer and a writer was nearly impossible and exhausting.
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wow....very sweet
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listening from Chicago, aka "Paris on the Prairie"
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hello Baltimore, do you know Matmos?
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hello Paris on the Prairie :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am

Listening in Schenectady, New York! “The land beyond the pines”
Sunny here & 39° F
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@People Like Us: I am listening from the states on the very sunny (for today) coast of Maine.

Glad to be along for the sonic ride!
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I am in Washington Heights, Manhattan, NYC. Actually a little subsection of Wash Hts. called Hudson Heights. I'm still recovering from viewing the Thanksgiving Parade over the internet.
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is nice imagining all these places
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I've stumbled in and like what I'm hearing. Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA.
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Last time I was in B'more I bought a used Beatles CD from Normal's books. Owen Gardner from Horse Lords was working there.

I'm listening from the Italian alps in a cold, sunny Thursday afternoon
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thank you, in advance of my marathon co-hosting and pronouncing it all wong
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Rich in Washington:

This sounds fantastic on headphones.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm in the Hyde Park north of New York City, on the outer fringe of the 90.1 transmitter. The sun is shining brightly on the frosted grass.
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I know Owen :)
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Months later Horse Lords played Chicago (in a basement), after the set Owen comes up to me and says "You bought a Beatles CD in Baltimore!"
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Here in Toronto, PLU, melting my mind watching Kitten Academy live stream, while waiting to take a dog to the vet on this sunny, cold morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Handy Haversack:

Still here in Greenpoint, PLU.
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I'd put headphones on but i have the habit of standing up and walking away with them and everything else on the table

Actually, I'm only listening because Jim Groom is...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Handy Haversack:

We have mockingbirds.
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ha ha Yeti Bob
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

sounding great Vicki
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Krys O.:

Here at work in Roseland, NJ which I just found out was originally called Centerville which makes me think of 200 Motels.

I saw a fox running across the lawn of our building the other day. We have wild turkeys, deer, and other assorted wildlife.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

this is very windham hill.
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@StringOfperils: It's very addictive.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Lebanon, New Hampshire near Dartmouth college - hoping winter never comes but it will & it will be too long.

@Stephan That is very wise of you :)
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lots of foxes here too - and paraqueets
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@dale: haven't thought about Windam Hill is AGES!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@People Like Us: Here's the view (no, can't see the water): imgur.com...
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Uncle Michael:

Listening from on top of the duvet while working on tomorrow's show.
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nice choice in paint colour WoodofNH
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@RRNov63: I have friends in East Thetford. They feel the same way.
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I think I have to pick up this Zorn record. It reminds me of some of the stuff he did with "The Dreamers". And I love Bill Frisell

@jimgroom :)

Hello PLU! Nice to hear your show while waiting for NYC’s alternate side parking to end in my neighborhood. Good start to my day!
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there is a Thetford here in the UK too - a forest
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

a wvkr deejay played a lot of michael hedges. it was nice on a sunday morning.
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hi Irene, hello outdoors
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we actually went on a tube train yesterday - first time since March
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Webhamster Henry:

Facebook says it's Porest's birthday!

Hello fellow troublemakers
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@People Like Us: Thetford, Vermont could certainly be described that way!
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it is Henry!
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Rich in Washington:

Oh goody. My coffee's the exact correct drinking temperature #Itsthelittlethings
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i'm a peoplemaker

Also sending healing vibes to Trouble, after breaking a wrist.
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indeed yes
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Krys O.:

Wow, I haven't been on a train since March. I take buses to work, but I'm never on them for more than 20 minutes and masks are required.
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The Beatles CD was for the van, by the way. I have a couple GBV discs and a copy of the White Album, that's what I listen to when I'm driving around. The van has a really crappy stereo.

@Granny putting things off till i hear some wonderful freeform
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the tube was almost empty (and yes masks)
we wanted to see if central London still existed
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Really Lisa:

Wow this Erik Satin💗
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at home it's all vinyl & WFMU!
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Mask The Gap
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It's almost dawning here in Vienna, this seasons first snow slowly melting on the rooftops and falling down on the street.
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YES! Love me some "Wonderwall Music"!!!
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i don't have a record player
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Guten Morgen nach Wien!
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indeed vince
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Handy Haversack:

@Irene, I'll be heading out at noon to do the ASP dance.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Clapton for a film about being indoors. Just sayin' Eric.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB: Did you ever get to hear The Beatles mono releases that came out a few years ago?

wow, great harpsichord break.
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hello Vienna
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I have Wonderwall on cassette. My brother has the LP.
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@Woods: No, but definitely interested
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am

Red car parked in the sunset
Drive you in my dreams tonight

Good luck Handy! ASP has become a horrible hassle in my neighborhood. People now stay in their cars until the street sweeper comes through. It’s like a car version of musical chairs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB: I bought the box and it's definitely worth it.
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Phillippe Bastille:

good morning
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Would Aristotle be a celebrity today?
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good morning
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good afternoon
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Rich in Washington:

This mix is fantastic.
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Tuning in from Park Slope Nature Preserve...
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Handy Haversack:

Same here, Irene. I am hoping a spot opens up so I can at least get the car back on our block ...
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Krys O.:

I have two VHS copies of Wonderwall. Slightly different edits. The music is my favorite by George Harrisong.
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i love these lullaby renditions
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Believe it or not, I listened to the original of this, this morning
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wfmu is one of the only things that keep me sane these days! This 2nd Lockdown here is so much worse than the first...
thx for the great set sofar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Rich in Washington:

I miss the Illegal Art label.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

Good morning to you, not-so-good morning for me! I've got a politics hangover from silly pointless commenting a mere 7 hours ago. Why do I do it? I should have just said "the music is great" and left it at that.
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me too Rich!!!
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we just came out of lockdown 2
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Rich in Washington:

They were brilliant. Bless Bertrand.
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lockdown 2: The RE-lockening
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when Illegal Art shut down they sent me over 400 CDs/vinyl in the post - it filled up the whole hallway
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Mx. Granny (e/em):

Daybreak & the Hybrid Life:

I wish Trouble very well in healing,
but you are very welcome People Like Us!
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(so let's just say he's very generous)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am

GM planet FMU - beautiful day in Bklyn because we can't help that. Love everywhere is it not

good morning!

So glad I got a turntable just before everything locked down! A co-worker was selling a Stanton DJ turntable for $100. I took it, and felt it was a sign that I should get back into hosting a show, not to mention all my lonely LPs that had gone unplayed for so long.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Rich in Washington:

HA! They were wonderful about sending new stuff to me when I was just starting out DJing online.
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Handy Haversack:

Yeah, well said, p/b. Brooklyn sun is shining!
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yes I do want a record player - it's just money and reasons

Ello PLU, Sorry to hear about trouble's, trouble's of having a broken wrist. may her trouble's soon (Wrist in peace)
Daybreak & the Hybrid Life:

How did you see me???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Handy Haversack:

We all see you, Daybreak!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Rich in Washington:

@Irene: I had just started building my home DJ setup up again when the Covid thing happened and my local station closed down.
  Swag For Life Member 9:33am
captain beef fart:

I don't know Matmos but am certainly now intrigued. thx
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don't get freaked out
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"normally" i'd never have been able to host 4 3-hour shows in a row but it's such a year that it's most welcome!
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@Irene: We're glad you returned to the airwaves! I've been listening to your show (and your record collection) for many years, always enjoy it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Rich in Washington:

This new Negativland LP and bonus stuff is just brilliant. It also really compliment/completes the previous album.

faster and louder and harder and louder
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I wish the sports channels would show monkey bowling. That sounds like it would be interesting. (Monkeys rolling balls at pins, not people rolling monkeys at pins or rolling balls at monkeys.)

@PLU have been listening to the BBC news a lot lately and they were talking about the lockdown
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captain beef tart - they are pillars of the experimental music community in baltimore
  Swag For Life Member 9:35am
captain beef fart:

I just ordered a new turntable. Moving on from my 70s era Technics direct drive with a bit of sadness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

We never had a real lockdown here. Americans are too stupid and obstinate. Or obstinately stupid. Or something.
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btw I'm recording a conversation with Matmos tomorrow for the show

Rich, my home studio is entirely cobbled together from all the gear I’ve collected over time + my home stereo. In time I will need to upgrade some but it’s working pretty well so far.
  Swag For Life Member 9:36am
captain beef fart:

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... so as long as it doesn't bugger up that will broadcast in two weeks time

@Trouble if you are observing the chats, get better soon

Aww, thanks YETI BOB! Doing radio again has saved my sanity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am
Mx. Granny (e/em):

Irene, you've saved my own and a few others' in the bargain!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am
Rich in Washington:

Mine too, Irene, ancient stuff I've found used over the years. It's very Rube Goldbergian, but it works - or hopefully works - cat invasions not withstanding.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

This set is tickling my fancy!
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glad to hear Mx.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

and good morning, Rich, the sun is finally coming up over the hills here!

@PLU, hope your Matmos interview goes well.
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This is wonderful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am

looking forward to that interview!
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thanks Irene - will be very conversational rather than any questions since I am not very good at doing that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Rich in Washington:

Hi Granny! It's beautiful on the left coast right now, isn't it?

Thanks granny!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey there Granny!

Fellow listeners this station with knowledgeable DJs are doing a
Bang up job keeping us sane, and the accu is filled with good people who know a lot of things, so I salute my coffee mug to you
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holding my cup of tea to you
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Irene. It's really true. We thank the DJ's a lot in the comments but it's hard to express how much gratitude I feel toward you all this year.

@PLU thanks kind miss
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hey fellow listeners hi trouble. good to hear that u are still alive and kicking…
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Krys O.:

I've got two turntables though they're far from top of the line. One is a cheapo Crosley and other is a USB turntable I bought on eBay for $100 5 years ago.
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wfmu provides much needed routines which otherwise are somewhat lacking at times!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

Phillippe Bastille: hey! good to see you here!
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just looked up Crosleys - oh they are cheap aren't they - any good?
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"Safe/Sane" -motto of an insane year.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

jn34282: i'll drink to that! (puerh)
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Red car parked in the sunset
Gleaming with a touch of gold
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@People Like Us: I've read a lot about how they damage the vinyl.
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i haven't even heard my own releases
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i have to ask someone else to play it
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this is good
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Whoops, there's the doorbell!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

i'm in my happy place
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

hi all! *waves hand*
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where's that?
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@PLU: I wouldn't let my records anywhere near a Crosley. If you're looking for a good inexpensicve turntable I recommend Audio-Technica
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New audio-technica record player is reasonable
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

…hmmm, more like when is that? It is NOW.

Vick - You are some awesome, please come back!!!! We miss you. To quote Bill Graham: You aren't the best at what you do, you are the only one that does what you do. xoxox
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Granny, the DJ is geographically curious.

Thanks @Woods! In turn, because I now work from home I seem to have more time to listen to WFMU and the streams. You all provide a welcome diversion from all the crazy in the news.
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it's the best cheap turntable, and it won't eat your vinyl
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vicki - run from them.

i got a free garrard zero 100 at a yard sale because the guy said it didn't work. i took the platter off and the idler wheel turned but it didn't contact the platter rim. cleaning and oiling helped things.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

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Ken From Hyde Park:

Do they call it the doorbell in Britain? Like the lorry/truck or lift/elevator situation?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Budget turntables: Pro-ject is good, as is U-Turn Audio.
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Lol Yeti good thinking there
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I'm here now, ha ha

@Granny hee hee hee
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Britney Spears birthday was yesterday! She turned 39. And now we all feel old. Apologies.
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I have a Pro-Ject but it's a little more fussy than the Audio-Technica, and not as cheap
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Phillippe Bastille:

@KrysO I cobbled together a decent turntable from a couple different sources, all thrift shops. Base unit one place, a cartridge pirated from another, and a cover off a third. Maybe $40 total.
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this Britney has been my earworm for two weeks, my own fault - yes it was her birthday
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

TDK60: ha ha! i can get a little esoteric.
I'm in the hills of San Francisco, and the gloaming is revealing a beautiful, clear sunny day!
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Whatever happened to TradeMark ?
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brand-new Audio-Technica is just a bit over $100 including sylus, etc
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

and Britney Spears still can't vote, buy coffee, do anything without asking for permission
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I second that recommendation @Yeti
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she can't sing either but that never stopped her producers.
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Insanity Britney!
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I actually won some cash off of one of those Britney slot machines...here in Vegas!
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Rich in Washington:

I believe TradeMark is either teaching or working on a degree in Ohio. The nerd.
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Handy Haversack:

PLU, thanks for this hour. I now have two freaking hours of meetings and then have to go deal with the car. I hope to see you all on the other side.
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what model of Audio-Technica?
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you're welcome Handy!
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AT-LP60X baby
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Phillippe Bastille:

Later Handy. And stay outta my meeting, will ya?
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thank you
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Chin up, Handy!

@Sylvia morning, never thought Brittany spears had any talent
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

see you later, Handy!!!
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LP60 is a good choice. Some have extra features like USB port, etc. Depends on the features you want.
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Rich in Washington:

I recently bought one of those Audio-Technicas that are a knockoff of a Technics 1200. An ATLP-120. I like it. Especially since it can play records backwards and also has 78rpms.
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See ya after chores, HH!
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oh yes, they are 99 pounds

Have a good meeting handy
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

i can't clicky star hard and fast enough!
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Webhamster Henry:

There's a Monty Python routine like this PDQ Bach sketch.
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say hi to everyone in the meeting from us
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Hubig Pie:

Ludwig Von's b'day coming up inna couple weeks (exact date not known)

Elementary school, went over to my best friend's house every day and begged her to play A Fifth of Beethoven from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack
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when someone gives me some money i will buy an audio technica
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The kittens just walked into the food bowl while this was playing
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Now, they're walking all wobbly
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i'm not sure cats like yodelling
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Morning, People Like Us and company,! Making coffee in San Gabriel, CA,
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my cat friend loves yodeling.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

my cat would bite my face off if i yodeled
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Rich in Washington:

I was recently pleased to see some of Oswald's Mystery Tape releases appearing on Bandcamp.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

chrestikins! the fastest clicky-star clicker in the west!
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Rich in Washington:

I actually prefer the 'Most Unwanted' song to the 'Most Wanted'.
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if the person that just emailed me is in here then my playlists are to the left and up a bit "do or diy with people like us playlists"
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Webhamster Henry:

The famous "Rubber Band" voiced by Mel Blanc, followed by the Philospophy bagpipe rap.
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Davefrom Brooklyn:

Hey Vicky great show! I could listen to you and Hearty talk for months! Thanks for helping us stay in trouble!

@Granny my cat would just ignore me
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Webhamster Henry:

You know you can play along to the Most Unwanted Song, right? davesoldier.com...
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Have a 1959 Rachmaninoff thrift store record playing in the backround. Very pleasant juxtaposition
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yes i enjoy those hour-long conversations with Hearty - if others here don't know about those go across to wfmu.org... for the most recent but DON'T LISTEN NOW
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i might not remember (great, thanks) but if any of you have questions for matmos let me know
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Krys O.:

When I got the Crosley about ten years ago, it reminded me of the kiddy record player that I used in Paris. I stayed in my sponsor's daughter's room. She was about 7 years old and was at Club Med for Kids while the other students and I stayed at her mom's apartment. I listened to my Cure singles on a kiddy record player in 1981.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

faceborg says it's Mr. Mark Porest's B-Day.
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I'm afraid i just lost control of what on earth i was just playing but this is now Systema Solar
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it's Porest's birthday, yes
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I messaged him and said "i hope you go outside"
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Surprised that no one has gone stark raving Covid and invented a robotic bagpipe playing machine yet.
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we can always hope
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Rich in Washington:

That Porest/Chopping Channel World Release thing is nuts.
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The Robotic Bagpipes- GREAT band name
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Joyeux Sagittarian Solar Return Porest !
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The Man From The World!
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he did that Man From The World when he introduced Negativland at their London gig last year
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I was going to play it - i didn't realise it was his b-day until too late
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good segue Vicki
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YES! LOVE Puffy!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I found a video once and posted on a Bryce playlist an automated ruler-twanging machine.
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do you still have that video?
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The guy who runs the kitten Academy has one kitten walking on an exercise wheel!
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that's a hamster
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Hubig Pie:

Electronic bagpipes are a real thing. A little box that blows out the drone notes attached to a small chanter that you manually manipulate to play your jigs,reels and strathspeys
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Hamster & Cheese-ster
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Webhamster Henry:

Do you mean there's way off this wheel?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

I saw a video of a woman playing a bagpipes solo with a jazz band. Not as freaky as I was expecting.
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bagpipes are like cheese, they go with everything
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Uncle Michael:

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vacuum cleaners are a bit like bagpipes
Mark Williams:

logic says: vacuum cleaners are like cheese.
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Krys O.:

When we were kids in the late 60s, we used our older sisters' bonnet hair dryer hoses to make great sounds.
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ha ha
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Ken From Hyde Park:

From his August 7 programme: www.vimeo.com...
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The Hair Dryer Hoses- Great band name, too!
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thanks ken
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“ Sweet little wheels

It's your lucky day
Give you the keys, let you drive it away!
One more thing,
Radio cuts out so you’ll have to sing!”
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Listening Out There:

If I weren't listening to a meeting, I would be listening to this high-quality, audio content....
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Uncle Michael:

I used to do that too, Krys...until we ran out of hamsters. (sorry, Henry)
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hi vicky then… :-)
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hello Cologne!
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More like MIDI-evil Refrigerator
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Holy smokes, what a show!
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it's 3.20 and it's getting dark
what on earth
I can't wait to get that record player
it does sound midi-evil nice pun
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that was my poem for the day
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Krys O.:

Bravo! I'm snapping my virtual fingers in praise of your poem.
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Krys O.:

I can't wait for the solstice so we can have minute incremental increases in daylight.

same here Krys O.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Krys O: Yes! This morning I poured the coffee at 6:10. Turned around to switch the light off...and the realized that I couldn't see the coffee cups, not a problem a few weeks ago.
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ha ha
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less than 3 weeks, Krys O
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

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Rich in Washington:

I've got to drive to work for some stupid reason. I shall try to listen in my car. See you on the flipside!
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need my lunch
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Poetry can be grand, it can be!
“She took a wrong turn and wound up in a ditch. She could have done worse, though, and ended up rich!
Her songs were cut open and found to be clay...”
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safe drive
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I can't but think of, "Hold the pickles, Hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve us your way."

nom nom nom
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Webhamster Henry:

Parry Gripp is going to be a guest on Double Dip Recess.
J&E in Ithaca NY:

Oh No Nom!

Square Garden, is that kind of like Madison Square Garden...?
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my stomach just started a'-growlin'
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i didn't know who parry gripp was
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Parry Gripp is the mad genius behind "Van Halen," which is better than any actual Van Halen song. And I like Van Halen!
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“...the hope of the future served up on a tray. I mean, who do you think is gonna believe it... when you tell em you got the keys to the rain!”
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please give me the link Roberto
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Krys O.:

I'm up at 4:45 am M-F and I leave the house around 6am. I come home from work around 11-12 hours later in darkness. I've had this schedule for over 22 years at this job. The sleep deprivation usually gets worse by Thursdays and Fridays are outta me head daze sometimes.
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There should've been an all-girl Van Halen cover band called, "Van Helen"
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love me some suicide
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Krys O.:

Former WFMU dj, Laurie S was in a band called Lynnette Skynard.
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that old WAR song who was it? that was my 1st

Hello Vicki!
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Eleanor Rugby
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Krys O.:

I should have added an all-female band.
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hi Martinibomb :)
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Better than Eleanor Rug-burn...right?
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The Oscar:

Morning! My partner is a preschool teacher, and she's gotten her kids hooked on Parry Gripp (along with other favorites from Double Dip Recess)!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Wow - this is a special event - I’m glad I happened to tune in!

Parry gripp did the most nagging earworm of all time, chimpanzee riding on a segway
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It is happening again
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i was thinking about how important the Top 10 (singles) used to be, now i have no clue, sort of sad
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well apparently it IS
David Lynch has a netflix deal for 2021 (not TP)
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Hubig Pie:

Twin Peaks, Ave Maria mashed
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oh does that exist yet?
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just a sign of the times..you've 'turned me on' to stuff WAY better than any Top 10 chart, V
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you're quite right, it is like Ave too
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but it used to be (uselessly) exciting, the top 10 countdown
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Electric Ave Maria
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The Oscar:

I went through a full rewatch of seasons one and two at the beginning of quarantine. I seriously need to revisit The Return-- it really is a miracle.
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Devin B.:

Amirtha Kidambe and Charlie Looker have a cover of this Julee Cruise song in a kind of early music style under the name Seven Teares.
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Jason from Houston:

꒰⌯•̩̩̩́ ᴗ •̩̩̩̀⌯꒱
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@PLU: agreed. it was.
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will search after, Devin, thanks
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Devin B.:

seaventeares.bandcamp.com... :)
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I could see this
'mashed' with "My Father" by This Mortal Coil
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my god www.officialcharts.com
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i was going to play some Liz
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Van Halen: www.youtube.com...
I don't know why it's so out of focus.
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Handy Haversack:

O sweet Providence, that meeting ended 25 mins. early! Spin me, Julee!
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David Lynch wanting This Mortal Coil for TP
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Hey, Vicki..Is it true that, when Maggie Thatcher died, "Ding Dong The Which Is Dead" actually CHARTED?
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It took Lynch so long to do Twin Peaks S3 that I wonder if we'll see his Netflix project any time before 2023.
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thanks Roberto
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@The Oscar...Have you seen Lynch's "What did Jack do?" It's short at 17 minutes and it's a few years old, but it is fantastic! It's on Netflix.
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i think it did vince
hi Handy, well done
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Krys O.:

Vicki, the guys in production listen to a horrible Top-10 station and I can't help hearing the same songs repeated every 20 minutes, day after day. It's maddening. Thank goodness there are only 16 working days left for 2020. We close between Xmas and New Year's.
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indeed Ike
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The Paul Is Dead crowd says it says Paul is Bloody backwards here.
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The Oscar:

@Strandlund Yes-- it's so good! I preordered the 7"from Lynch's Bandcamp, and then completely forgot about it until it arrived, which was an amazing surprise :)
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Krys O.:

I met John Oswald at the old WFMU studios in Froeberg. I think he was a guest on Irwin's show.
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I liked What did Jack do but look forward to him working with a big team again
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turn me on, dead man
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Webhamster Henry:

The Beat-less Yeah Yeah Yeah!
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I was with John Oswald in Kitchener a few years back and we sneaked into an amish horse auction
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I have always said Eleanor RUgby. Perhaps this is something every human being has done but no two have discussed it.
I wonder what the sum effect of Lynch on Music has been.
The Beatles were reasonably good @ making lysergic Musics. George was always there with other Sounds - like his fellow Pisces Brian in the Stones...
It's a testament to The Beatles how well they stand up to deconstruction...
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sorry i mean mennonites
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Krys O.:

Ha! My friend was in a band called the Farmers with Roger Miller of Mission of Burma. He dressed as a Mennonite farmer.
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good look!
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how many bands has Roger Miller been in? I used to see him play all the time around Boston/Cambridge, under all kinds of names, like "No Man"
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

If you have amnesia you won't know I mentioned ammonites.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Tank Top:

Great song!
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB: Loved Birdsongs of the Mesozoic. Saw Trinary System a while back. LOUD!!
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Almost thought this was "Wild Honey Pie"!
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could be!

I LOVE this cover Ergo made! He inspired me to start doing this at Karaoke heh
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in fact i think i played it next to that once
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Those guitar chords are pavlovian
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he did Barry Manilow though, that is very good!
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@Woods: I loved Birdsongs, don't know Trinary System. For a while Roger Miller was famously avoiding LOUD due to tinnitus, I guess he has better ear protection now?
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The Oscar:

I've told this story around here before, but several years ago some friends and I attended a "Surrealist Parlor Games Night" hosted by Roger Miller. We all assumed going in that he was just the celebrity host the venue landed, but he was really into it-- he'd give the rules for each game, then go from table to table to see how everyone was doing. I guess it's just something he loves doing and hosts periodically in different venues around Boston.
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Feels like I ALREADY lost my mind, Ergo!
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Webhamster Henry:

Ergo's production skills are evident here!
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buy some ergo composterofmusic.bandcamp.com...
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Handy Haversack:

Wow, did I ever need this. Vicki, you are balm. You too, WFMU in toto!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hi People Like Us and People Who Like People Like Us!
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good mornin!
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@TheOscar: I knew Peter Prescott from MoB, met Roger Miller a few times, always could tell he was a cool dude.
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Krys O.:

I've bought some Ergo Phizmiz and heartily endorse it.
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Paul is what!?
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"well done and carry on" hee!
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Sept 23rd right? Ahahaha
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Big Kat:

psst! @PeopleLikeUS your playlist archives are actually wfmu.org/playlists/PL correct?

I believe you said a diff't URL
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yes, to your left
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or wfmu.org/peoplelikeus
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Irene Trudel:

Vicki, I hope you can find the time to do WFMU shows on a more regular basis. I know it's a big time commitment. Great that you can help Trouble out for a few weeks while she recuperates.
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this is nice
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Handy Haversack:

Aaaaaaand going back in for another hour. Thanks again, Vicki.
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thanks Irene, 12 hours is almost a summer season, ha ha
maybe at some point but i hope work will step up next year
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Krys O.:

Ah, The Alloy Orchestra was the band name of Roger and friends that i was trying to recall. They accompanied silent films.
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Big Kat:

Good on ya' @PLU — great show, good stuff
Yup, the longform URL works as well, forwards to the ".../PL" apparently
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB: (back from zoom call) You would hope he'd figured out the hearing thing. I mean, I wear earplugs at nearly everything I go to. (Or did go to...wah....)

I had to put my show on hiatus starting this week.. have to catch up on life stuff. Yeh having a radio show takes a chunk o yer life.
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@Woods: Ancient history of course but that's why MoB broke up the first time, IIRC
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And I'll check out the Trinary System (are they like the Trilateral Commision?)
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Krys O - I got to see the Alloy Orchestra accompany a Valentino film. It was pretty great.
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i hope to return to making my 360 a/v work in the new year and once i'm in that it's hard to do anything else
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Were you planning to take the 360 stuff 'on the road'?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB: Ha! Not quite as ominous.
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yes, but only to very specific places (a tour - it's a very expensive project)
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Krys O.:

We're very lucky to have you with us now, Vicki.
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I'm lucky to be here
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Krys O.:

Off the tangent, I just received an email from a customer and their logo has the slogan: WE ARE...ER. The ER is the abbreviation of the school name, but now I can't help but hear a loop of We are...er, We are...er, We are...er, etc.
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where do you live again vince?
we'll show in SF
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ha ha Krys
GenKen does all the ER stuff too!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@those following the MoB thread - in the late oughts I went to see MoB in my former home town of Kalamazoo, MI. Before the show I stopped at the Bell's Brewery general store to pick up some brewskis to take home with me. Roger Miller was also there. I was about to go up to talk to him to tell him how much I admired his music. As I approached he was talking to the clerk and I heard Roger say "I'm a beer bigot." I thought that was about the greatest thing I could have heard and left it at that.
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Krys O.:

Sean from Dublin Ireland:

Great to hear The The on WFMU! Thanks PLU!
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I'm in Vegas...but, yeah...any West Coast show, and I'll move heaven and earth to get there!
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yes, love The The
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enjoying the show Vicki.
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Krys O.:

I've absorbed a lot of WFMU in almost 40 years of listening.
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did you see his tour, Sean?
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hello, Vicki! good to hear you
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@PLU - Did you hear DJ Sheila B's story about getting in a food fight at a chip shop and unbeknowingly getting chips on Matt Johnson who chewed her out?
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hello all :)
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i did and i asked Matt about it!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hahahaha! Did he remember the incident?
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Matt didn't remember but said that it could have happened, he might have said that
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it would have been a while ago
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ah dad rock
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ha ha!!!
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not sure he intended that..
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@cutrCloud - hahaha! Who else is in the Dad rock genre? I'm afraid I might be in the target demographic. I'm in my late 40s and the a 4 year old daughter and 16 month old son.
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Jason from Houston:

Cheat on Kim Gordon Rock
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I know you meant Thurston, but at the The The tour it was mostly blokes in their early 50s losing their hair
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now THIS isn't dad rock
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it all depends on who your dad is :)
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

i know some WEIRD dads
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is true, ha ha
we have a joke here about "oh that's something your nan would do"
... unless it's like most americans that i know who's nan sewed someone's head back on or something
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Phillippe Bastille:

@Granny Thank you!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

i like weird dads!
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Hubig Pie:

I'm in the late stage of my bloke period, soon entering geezerville
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

and weird moms! and weird parents, guardians, etc. thanks for taking care of the kids!
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Mike Cooper is fabulous. I heard that he turned down a chance to be in the Rolling Stones (when they were just getting started)
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

i'm just a weird camp counselor
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I'm just weird.
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he is brilliant, yes
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I got turned on to him when Paradise of Bachelors label reissued his 70's masterpieces "Trout Steel" and "Machine Gun Company"
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I identify as weird.
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You think you're listening to some folk-rock, then this soprano sax comes out of nowhere ...
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tim from champaign (now washington):

How do you know a dad joke is a dad joke?

When it's a parent.

Hosono! ❤️
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Trey from Phish has been writing some dad rock tunes recently
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Haroumi Hosono literally performed every style of music possible. And he did them all extremely well.
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Krys O.:

At my age, I could easily be a grandmother, that is if I ever had kids to begin with. I am a great-aunt though.
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not a sausage to do
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Phillippe Bastille:

Nice! Haven't heard this in years
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going to get an audio technica, wheee
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(that was an earlier thread btw)
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@common: I literally wondered for decades what Eno was singing there.
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Krys O.:

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May you experience turntable bliss.
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@YETI BOB: always cracked me up!
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Eno: I've spent a lot of time listening to his Music For Installations this year.
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thank you thank you
andy the painter:

oh man. i really thought that Hosono was John Cale...very similar vocal sound.
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these playlists come about by memory tag teaming
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Heya Vicki and PLU-ers. I have a vintage Technics turntable that will survive the nuclear war.
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Phillippe Bastille:

Pyle makes a decent inexpensive turntable preamp if you need it. I had to get one, but it may have been because all my equipment is vintage
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would love technics but on a budget
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i don't do mixing atm either with vinyl
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Phillippe Bastille:

@charmichael me as well, PL-512
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Krys O.:

I've got a Pyle preamp and my USB turntable is a Pyle model too.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@andy the painter - I thought the Eno song was John Cale at first.

Bob sounds like Smoke
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I need to step out while this is on. ( I was there for Dave The Spazz's Covid absentee show, where he looped this song for three hours straight.)
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my cunning plan works (everyone sounds like someone else)
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Wow, never heard this one before. Ladies and gentlemen, the famous lyricist Bob Dylan! What a poet! (???)
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Krys O.:

Dylan incantations like this sound like a Catholic mass on acid.
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memories of when Dave The Spazz did an entire show with this foul song
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this track is AMAZING

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i think it's very religious/mantra feeling
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I can't tell if this Dylan is Nick Cave/Warren Ellis influenced or if it's the Dylan influenced Cave/Ellis songs come around again.
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his latest album is really something else
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did anyone hear Dave the Spazz play this track for 3 hours?
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Lizardner Dave !:

It really is. Thanks for playing this Vicki!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks for the great music, PLU! I've got to bounce but I'm looking forward to your upcoming fill-ins!
upstairs dave:

Hearing the Tom Waits influence on this 1
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thanks Tim!
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Speaking of Waits, I wish he'd put something out. His silence makes me nervous.
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Krys O.:

I heart Dylan in his many stages. I find his voice soothing.
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Steve from Dunwoody:

Yay! BD and the Wolfman!
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We are bad people and we deserve what Dave did to us on that night.
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When does the monkey come in?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Phil Ochs was the Poet of Political Folk - while Dylan understandably abdicated being everyone's Messiah & became the Poet of personal Poetry. He told us a hard rain was gonna fall before JFK was shot - & it's taken him this long to say this...
Everyone badgered him for Answers - & he got older & started stating his answers & fewer & fewer have cared...
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TDK are you in Bristol? just saw there's been an explosion

Loving this!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Foul Most Redrum
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Lizardner Dave !:

I took my wife to see BD at the Beacon theater a few years ago when he was doing a lot of covers of pre-rock standards and about halfway through it we just looked at each other and said.."This actually....works? " It was great. Unironically. As is his most recent record.
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i only heard him outside the wall
i would love to see him
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Superstars need editors too.
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Vicki @ 126 yes (...me @124)... that was a trip.
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ha ha
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paddy in matawan:

RIP Dave Lubner
Toothgrinder Tom:

‘It is what it is’? Really?
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Rich in Washington:

I had a dream recently that I walked past him on a big staircase in a ballroom.
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wasn't sure i'd ever hear it again. unforgettable track
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Mr. Narrator, This is Bob Dylan to me.
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this puts me in mind of Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Anybody else see the vid of Dylan and his band playing for one guy? Sorta awkward, sorta funny.
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@toothgrinder: is he quoting orange face's answer to COVID...and then Kamala's reaction?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@Vicki @11:26 - I persevered to the end that night.
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it was so fitting somehow when dave the spazz played this back to back - being too ill with covid to dj
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

He can't match his mid1960s peak. No one will.
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paddy in matawan:

BD was the worst show I ever saw at Hard Rock ACNJ. But I still love him. That was a great night regardless.
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History Lesson, Part III
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Rich in Washington:

I've been thinking about that track lately. Probably my favorite Bryars piece.
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i listened to it all too, TWICE
andy the painter:

@Krys O——yes, that’s it....Father Gerber tripping balls
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@People Like Us: First time I listened to that I had NO idea that Waits was going to show up. Scared me a little!
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Krys O.:

True, Vicki. I hear that.

I really liked the song Blood in My Eyes from some years back.
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i love that he's naming everyone
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Oh wow
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Bob Dylan is on top of the game!
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it really feels like a 2020 song - with all that is going on
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cheers, Rich. my tea as well
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Gosh wow
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i think this is one of his best ever

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@PLU: Apparently he had recorded it a few years back and was sitting on it. Can you imagine having a track like this just lying around?
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hi Steev
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i know, well he chose a good moment
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seriously, he's had a brilliant career and he just topped himself
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This song is as long as 2020.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@common I think the song was released before that happened.
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Toothgrinder Tom:

Just an example of lazy songwriting, in my opinion.
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i thought you were going to say it was released before he stopped recording it
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@toothgrinder: just read that...pretty prophetic.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Gotta grab lunch...FANTASTIC show!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It stands out - reminds me of Tarantula almost. Or Gibsberg's Howl. More Literal than he's ever been - but the Poetry of the collage of History as observation.

This song is not long enough......
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thanks woods
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Now, if he had sang, "Play PeopleLike Us", I would've liked it more...
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that was 3 hours of bliss

played by Todd o Phonic...

This is a great song though
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that makes sense, prudy!

Highway 61 is my favorite
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Ha, HA
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that just prompted another peppermint
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The Oscar:

Dylan is great, and that song is amazing, but he absolutely ruined the harmonica for four generations of musicians and counting.
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very funny, the crinkly wrapper!
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Rich in Washington:

vocal-era Eno never fails to lift my spirits. Quite enjoyed cranking that up on my drive to work.
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best Eno

Time out of Mind is pretty amazing...
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@TheOscar: Keepin' the HARM in HARMonica
Windy City:

Your too funny ...peppermints and Dylan
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Bringing It All Back Home my favorite Bob - but maybe Blonde on Blonde - & Highway 61 is the other of the peak trilogy I leave out somehow. But really everything up to the bike crash is Holy.
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Rich in Washington:

The Pidge is a national treasure.
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Devin B.:


i only heard this for the first time when scott chose it but it’s changed my life
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oh jeez just when I finally got this song out of my head ... HEY YOU!
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another earworm, this
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Pidge is stealthily gifted.
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Lizardner Dave !:

I bought this CD from the band years ago after hearing this on Ken's show (I think).
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ha ha yes i know...
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@The Oscar. I’m wondering have you heard Robert Hunter belt out tunes on the harmonica! Perhaps Dylan opened a door!
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Kenny used to play them a lot too
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Webhamster Henry:

I like Clay's little songs!
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This reminds me of Tom Waits' "Hey Man", which is the entire lyrics of his song.

nice to hear you again Vicki...
Toothgrinder Tom:

There was a time in my life when I listened to ‘Infidels’ quite heavily, lest anyone think I don’t like Dylan.
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Rich in Washington:

This is nuts! Loving it.
Toothgrinder Tom:

What kind of accent is that? Norwegian?
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english i think
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Lizardner Dave !:

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It's a Native Hipster accent, of course
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she sounds posh english
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first heard this on ken's show...i think. so increadibly insane.
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D Rok:

It's been great to have you a second week in a row Vicki. You play some great stuff. I haven't heard "The most Unwanted Song" in YEARS!

this is the first time ive heard this
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Love it!
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thanks d rok
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Bob's harp is expressive like Blues & Free like Jazz - but @ least no one here now bothered to slam his voice...
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Webhamster Henry:

Björk needs to cover this.
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Lizardner Dave !:

Appreciate the fact that the woman in this band had the stage name "blatt", just like the Pidge's blatts.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Miss the transitions Clay Pigeon and Matty Warwick used to do, pre-Covid.
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thanks for joining me/us here everyone
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sounds like something is wrong with her (in addition to being posh)
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i was already thinking of bjork's naked man song, Webhamster Henry!
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they could do that transition still...
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Always a joy
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Really Lisa:

This has been such a treat, thank you, PLU!
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anyone listen to Chuck Warner's DIY comps at Hyped2Death.com ? Messthetics series - He always had a booth at WFMY record fair
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Lizardner Dave !:

Wonderful show Vicki! Thank you!
Toothgrinder Tom:

I thought she was Chinese, initially.
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Rich in Washington:

Oh yeah, TT. That was hilarious! Also, the transitions between Clay and Fabio were also priceless.
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we'll have to look them up...
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Tying to parse that idea, pre-Covid. I understand it in theory, but I can't quite recall such a thing.

thanks for the show Vicki
Toothgrinder Tom:

Something about the ‘yu’ sound in ‘hey yuu’.
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I thought she was Japanese, speaking 'estuary' English.
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yes she could well be, ok, shall we look them up?
we still have time, ha ha
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Rich in Washington:

I miss going into a radio station and those sometimes awkward changing of the DJs rituals.
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Silty vowels?
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Bryan look at some old photos, people standing near each other, hugging, touching hands, going to parties and sporting events.
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And the Native Hipsters was a London-based duo of musicians William Wilding from Romford England, and Blatt (Nanette Greenblatt) from Cape Town, South Africa. They had previously worked together as the Wildings, and then the Patterns with Robert Cubitt and Tom Fawcett.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Rubber Soul 3rd Dec. 1965
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oh - england and south africa
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listener 126464:

Thank you Vicki and FMU crew!
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I thought that sounded a bit South African
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Blatt (Nanette Greenblatt) from Cape Town, South Africa.
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Thank you for another wonderful show, V
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thanks for listening
and clapping Matt Warwick who's board opping

that was hilarious
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oops sorry for the superflous post. thanks for the show Vicki, this has been SO MUCH FUN
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Krys O.:

I saw a movie scene recently with people crowded around a salad bar and it seemed nostalgic like another planet.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Yeah, I caught the ‘estuary’ but thought that was where she learned English.
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That Native Hipsters tracks was so good
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Rich in Washington:

Thanks, Matty!
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Have a safe week... see you all next week!
Toothgrinder Tom:

This is must-listen radio!
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Krys O.:

Thanks so much for brightening up the day, Vicki! Take care, all!
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Rich in Washington:

Don't forget to tip your board op, ladies and gentlemen.

99% genius! - enjoying as always !
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Coming up:

Pseu's Thing With A Hook

Continental Subway
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thanks, Vicki!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes applause.
Many can be DJs & be great
- but some create their own palette & it's so richly satisfying & yes miracle nutrition.
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Webhamster Henry:

What a lot of fun Vicki!
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thanks all, see you next week
and stay tuned for Pseu's great show
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Thank u PLU!
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I'll water trees, but I *will* not water a lawn.
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thank you, vicki! this show got me out of a very dark mood.

Thank you!
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thanks, Vicki!
thanks, Matt!
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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This has been a great show—really enjoyed it
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Thanks to people like me!
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yes, wfmu is good for that!
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Rich in Washington:

This was wonderful, Vicki! Thanks! I'm glad you're able to fill in so much this Winter but also wish healing for Trouble.
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@RR: Yes, I'm so glad to have Clay, Hearty and Vicki in my radio life. All the FMU dj's really but they are extra-special.
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Thanks PLU and Matt! Peace and love ya’ll! Always
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Thanks for the vial of purified radio essence. I'll wear it around my neck all day to ward off the Covidarona. Cheers!!
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Trouble is healing? Wha?
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Big Kat:

Hey team, pls support the LinkedIn prop I just posted for this wunnerful D-J, okay???
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listen to all of Carlo Patrao here
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Phillippe Bastille:

Thanks PLU!
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Carlo was more recently Clay's associate producer - i know him from Portugal though!
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No linked-in account. Nor facebook, nor instagr ....
judy from croton:

Oh dear
My brain is this
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“Socrates was a homo we all know it” -Richard Nixon
Toothgrinder Tom:

Is Trouble okay? Hope so.
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thanks all!
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Krys O.:

That's great! Thanks for the link, Vicki.
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she has a broken wrist
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Rich in Washington:

See you on the radio next week!
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same time next week...
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Big Kat:

Yay @Brian, I wish I didn't hafta BUTT....
my creative sh!t aims to DESTROY FROM WITHIN mwuahaha
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well that was great. if Trouble is reading this I hope you are doing OK!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Vicki. PLU ya later!
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