Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from November 30, 2020 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

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Favoriting November 30, 2020: I Got Older

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Dan Brooks, Sonny Terry, and Brownie McGhee  Theme Music from "Buck and the Preacher"   Favoriting single  Columbia Pictures  1972  MP3  composed by Benny Carter    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bill Withers  Theme from "Man and Boy" (Better Days)   Favoriting "Man and Boy" Original Motion Picture Score  Sussex  1971  LP      0:13:39 (Pop-up)
Arthur Lee  (Title Song from the Motion Picture) Thomasine & Bushrod   Favoriting Black Beauty  High Moon  2014  CD  From 1974    0:17:09 (Pop-up)
Tommie Young  Plantin' Time   Favoriting Tommie Young Sings Themes from "A Woman Called Moses"  MCA  1978  LP  composed by Van McCoy    0:19:47 (Pop-up)
The Blackbyrds  Cornbread   Favoriting "Cornbread, Earl and Me" Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Recording  Fantasy  1975  LP  composed by Donald Byrd    0:22:56 (Pop-up)
Gladys Knight & the Pips  On and On   Favoriting Singing the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack "Claudine"  Buddah  1974  LP  composed by Curtis Mayfield    0:26:28 (Pop-up)
The Staple Singers  Let's Do It Again   Favoriting "Let's Do It Again" Original Sound Track  Curtom  1975  LP  as was this    0:30:22 (Pop-up)
Aretha Franklin  Giving Him Something He Can Feel   Favoriting Music from the Warner Bros. Motion Picture "Sparkle"  Atlantic  1976  LP  Curtis 3-For!    0:35:19 (Pop-up)
Thelma Houston  The Bingo Long Song (Steal On Home)   Favoriting single  Motown  1976  45  theme from "The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings"    0:41:33 (Pop-up)
G.C. Cameron  It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday   Favoriting "Cooley High" Original Soundtrack  Motown  1975  MP3      0:44:27 (Pop-up)
Rose Royce  Car Wash   Favoriting "Car Wash" Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  MCA  1976  LP  composed by Norman Whitfield    0:47:50 (Pop-up)
David Newton and Thee Mighty Angels  My First Band   Favoriting A Gateway to a Lifetime of Disappointment  Parkfield  2020  CD    *   1:06:51 (Pop-up)
Andy Bell  Skywalker   Favoriting The View from Halfway Down  Sonic Cathedral  2020  MP3    *   1:09:47 (Pop-up)
Cocteau Twins  Bluebeard   Favoriting Four-Calendar Cafe  Capitol  1993  CD      1:15:53 (Pop-up)
Dead Famous People  Turn On the Light   Favoriting Harry  Fire  2020  CD    *   1:19:49 (Pop-up)
Holy Motors  Come On, Slowly   Favoriting Horse  Wharf Cat  2020  CD    *   1:22:43 (Pop-up)
Deidre & the Dark  Can't Believe You're Mine   Favoriting single  You Too Can Woo  2020  MP3    *   1:26:04 (Pop-up)
Nic Dalton  Good to Me #2   Favoriting Romolo  Half a Cow  2020  LP  circa 1988  *   1:27:59 (Pop-up)
R.AGGS  Tell Us Yourself   Favoriting //TAPE 1//  Rachel Aggs  2020  MP3    *   1:30:16 (Pop-up)
Heather Trost  Train to Nowhere   Favoriting Petrichor  Third Man  2020  CD    *   1:32:26 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of orderly 45s in a disorderly row for about a half-hour
Lesley Gore  Just Let Me Cry   Favoriting single  Mercury  1963  45      1:45:25 (Pop-up)
Clarence Carter  I Smell a Rat   Favoriting single  Atlantic  1969  45      1:47:08 (Pop-up)
Randy Newman  I Love to See You Smile   Favoriting single  Reprise  1989  45      1:49:44 (Pop-up)
Hon. Nick Jones and Ian McCrae  The Ballad of Lady Di   Favoriting single  Stiff Aussie  1981  45      1:52:05 (Pop-up)
Peter Gabriel  No Self Control   Favoriting single  The Famous Charisma Label  1980  45      1:55:27 (Pop-up)
Bobby Caldwell  What You Won't Do for Love   Favoriting single  Clouds  1978  45      1:59:20 (Pop-up)
Loretta Lynn  Coal Miner's Daughter   Favoriting single  Decca  1971  45      2:02:39 (Pop-up)
Geri Galian and His Caribbean Rhythm Boys  Tara Lara   Favoriting single  X  1953  45      2:05:44 (Pop-up)
Donna Summer  Try Me, I Know We Can Make It   Favoriting single  Oasis  1976  45      2:08:07 (Pop-up)
Matt Lajoie  Light Vortex   Favoriting Light Emerging  Trouble in Mind  2020  Cassette    *   2:21:11 (Pop-up)
Sarah Davachi  Ruminant   Favoriting Cantus, Descant  Late Music  2020  LP    *   2:33:53 (Pop-up)
Alison Cotton  How My Heart Bled in Bleeding Heart Yard   Favoriting Only Darkness Now  Cardinal Fuzz/Feeding Tube  2020  LP    *   2:39:47 (Pop-up)
Joseph Allred  Earthly Love   Favoriting Michael  Feeding Tube  2020  LP    *   2:45:36 (Pop-up)
Mary Lattimore  Pine Trees   Favoriting Silver Ladders  Ghostly International  2020  CD  can't believe I haven't played the new Mary on the show yet  *   2:51:28 (Pop-up)
John Cale  Cable Hogue   Favoriting Helen of Troy  Island  1975  LP      2:54:37 (Pop-up)
Robyn Hitchcock  Not Dark Yet   Favoriting Hits from the Cloud, v. 5: The Frow Show's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  with William Tyler, Benmont Tench, and Thayer Serrano, live in L.A. 8/30/18    2:58:13 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
David (in London):

Good afternoon Yippers. Hey Joe.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Ray Dee Oh!
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Handy Haversack:

Yip and tuck, Yippers! And good morning (local time), Joe, David, all.
WFMU listener john:

Morning fellow yippers
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👽 📻 👾
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Marley P. Dogg:

Yip yip for you, yip yip for me, I’ll have a yip and you’ll have one too
WFMU listener john:

@David morning
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Krys O.:

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Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Joe McGasko! Hi gang!
Avatar 9:04am

Good morning Joe. I was gonna say something clever or funny but am blank (even tho I'm older than the blank generation).
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Good morning/afternoon Joe! David! Handy! 12539! listener John! TDK60! and all!
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Oh radio.
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David (in London):

Handy, john, Krys, TDK, greetings groovers. I have an online workshop to attend this afternoon, but I'm trying to squeeze all the juice out of this first half hour of the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
David (in London):

Buddha, Sylvia!
Rick A.:

After Devon, you are the king of film music, Joe! I really appreciate your recent focus on film music. Incidentally, I saw this film not too long ago. It's great. Harry Belafonte is barely recognizable as the roguish Buck.
Avatar 🎸 9:06am

i missed the yips but this is pretty great. i love the bouncy jaw harp. good morning!
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Handy Haversack:

Hi, Sylvia!
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Webhamster Henry:

Good morning Harmonicats!
WFMU listener john:

@Sylvia morning
@YETI BOB morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

hello. was this an abc movie of the week?
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Good Morning from rainy Montclair!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Joe McG:

Hey, radio friends, welcome to the show! Starting off with some film music today since I'm watching a lot of movies lately. Thanks for joining me!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

morning @Deborah!
WFMU listener john:

@Deborah morning
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Hi John, happy Monday! (And Handy and Sylvia and David and TDK and Buddha and all the friendly folks here)
Avatar 9:09am

Radio radio radio radio
Rick A.:

You are teaching me a lot about unheralded 70s movies. I have never heard of this film nor did I know that Bill Withers sang a movie theme song. The world is still filled with new possibilities of knowledge!
Avatar 9:10am
Buddha of Suburbia:

LOL! Dale, you're such a gooph. Hey Joe! Hi David in London! Hey Yeti Bob! I thought this was Richie Havens at first.
WFMU listener john:

@joe mcg we all are and boy does Shazam come in handy at times
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Handy Haversack:

Stashu!!! Happy radio days!
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a bill cosby comedy/drama western - who knew?
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Buddha of Suburbia:

STASHU!!!! STASHU!!! Hello my darling!!!
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High low hi ho dee doo
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Joe McG:

Stashu stashu stashu stashu! @Rick: Glad I can shine the spotlight sometimes. :)
Avatar 🎸 9:11am

You've been watching some obscure movies, Joe!
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(Which is to say, I haven't heard of 'em)
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The Oscar:

Mornin'! Digging these soundtrack tunes-- never heard this Arthur Lee!
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Rich in Bay Ridge:

I havet to admit to ignoring Bill Withers' music for most of my life. Took 40+ years before I realized how incredible he is.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Speaking of obscure movies, I've been reading Goldsmith's book about ubuweb. Didn't even know there was a WFMU connection there.
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Handy Haversack:

I am also from 1974, but that tune sounded a lot better than I do.
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Enjoying the smooth vibes this AM Joe! Ps belated hi Mr. Haversack! Happy rainy Monday all!
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Handy Haversack:

Woods! I was the production editor on that book! Are you enjoying?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Handy Totally! It's fantastic. I've been a fan of that site for years. Really interesting to read about it from the inside.
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David (in London):

Phsaw, Handy! There's hardly a sliver of difference between a nightingale and your good self.

Hey Yeti Bob.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14am

ubuweb is incredible! I love that site!
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Hi David, Yeti, and you over there, radio/internet listener.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

For those interested, the book is "Duchamp Is My Lawyer" by Kenneth Goldsmith. Great stuff!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Got my shiny satin overalls & I'm ready for that Kuntry Disko !
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Handy Haversack:

So cool to hear someone enjoying something I worked on. I will let the acquiring editor know, too. Scholarly books don't necessarily always elicit enjoyment -- it feels great to work on one that's both important *and* interesting. Really glad you like it. Any editing errors are, uh, Bagpipe's fault!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

He's Cornbread?
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I should probably pick up a copy, I've been a fan of KG and Ubuweb for years.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am

I'll look that title up WoodsOfNH (now Maine). Thanks!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Webhamster Henry:

Kenny G started at WFMU curating the Coyle and Sharpe interview air check show.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Handy I know how you feel. I've been working on software for decades and the vast majority of it has disappeared into the bowels of embedded systems. But one time, I was on a project that did a site redesign for the NBA. For several years, I could actually see stuff that I'd written on that site.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:19am

"He was just drinking his orange pop..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

is the theme from 'mother jugs and speed' far off?

“Cornbread Earl and Me” was Laurence Fushburn’s acting debut. The film was based on two legendary Philly graffiti writers (Google Cornbread if you’re curious)....Ironically, by the time it made it to the screen no graffiti aspects were in the film at all.
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Krys O.:

Claudine is still a powerful movie.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

As Duchamp is my lawyer I didn't know the mighty Arthur Lee did any soundtrack either - but I can imagine LA stylee working like that...
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Webhamster Henry:

@WoodsOfME: I used to see my custom email X-headers in Notify New York alert emails. But they switched providers a few years ago.
Avatar 9:21am

Sounds like an interesting book, Woods and Handy. I've barely scratched the surface of the Ubu area.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Krys O.:

I remember seeing Buck & the Preacher, Cornbread, and Claudine on TV.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Joe McG:

@Krys O.: I just watched it on Saturday. The ending is a bit too neat, but up to then, it was outstanding. Great film.
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Phillippe Bastille:

Good morning

just checking in to say still being thankful for ALL you wonderful folks world over. oh yeah. music touching me.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Webmaster Henry: It felt sort of nerdy and pathetic to do a "view source" on the site just to see what I'd written. Didn't stop me from doing it. Ha!

Thanks for letting me relive my teenhood! Great tunes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Krys O.:

Got anything from the Bustin' Loose soundtrack?
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Ya Boods what does it mean??
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, Phillippe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Joe McG:

Thanks for saying hello, Annette and Gerard!
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Curtis Mayfield once again winning on the songwriting/production on this Gladys Knight track!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Google Cornbread If You're Curious
...gems just appear as you walk thru the path of FMU comments...
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

If I wasn't so tired I'd get up and bust a move. Or something.
WFMU listener john:

@Phillippe morning
Dancing in my chair guys
Rachel Bo Bachel:

I can’t even tell if it’s a compliment or what. Cornbread is delish tho so I’m guessing yes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Phillippe Bastille:

What's goin' on Handy, Listener John? Good holiday?
WFMU listener john:

@Phillippe pretty good
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Rachel Bo Bachel, right?? I mean I love Cornbread tis true, but if someone called me that I think I'd have a problem.
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A Curtis production/writing doubleshot!
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Webhamster Henry:

One of Kenny G's segments was the "Letters to Kenny G" from people who thought he was the other Kenny G. brooklynrail.org...
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Handy Haversack:

I could use another weekend, Phillippe, but we got through. No cranberry pie, though! Kate made her feelings clear on that one. You?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Joe McG: Diggin' these vibes. Hopefully we don't have any trolls today.
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Krys O.:

The movie Car Wash is another one that is must-see.
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Ubu Web used to be linked on the WFMU main page. Doesn't appear to be anymore. [?]
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Webhamster Henry I once quit a waitressing job because we only had one C.D. and it was Kenny G. 8 hours of Kenny G. When asked why I was leaving, "I said, "THERE'S ONLY SO MUCH ONE CAN TAKE OF KENNY FUCKING G! EVERY DARN DAY!!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...ahm gettin' a very non-Sunday School thang from this Staples !! :O

Theme song to the 1975 movie. Directed by Sidney Poitier. Hi Joe & Surface Dwellers.
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Webhamster Henry:

@Buddha/Suburbia I feel your pain.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Buddha Such words!! "DARN"!!! ;-)
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Buddha, even waiters have principles!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Phillippe Bastille:

@Handy I made that cranberry pie I linked to. Too tart for the family. The green tomato pie was consumed well beforehand.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
David (in London):

Hey Phillippe.
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A Curtis OST rock block!
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Handy Haversack:

History will vindicate you, Phillippe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am

phillipe - i've made apple pie and tossed cranberries in. perfect mix of sweet and tart.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am
David (in London):

Darn it, gotta split now. Thanks for a great, er, half hour Joe.
See you later groovers.
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Handy Haversack:

L8r, David!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Too Tart For The Family
...I'm set for album names for a few years @ this rate...
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Buddha of Suburbia:

TDK60, WoodsofNH, and Webmaster Henry, apologies, not very Buddhist of me I know, but KENNY G?? 8 hours a day??!!
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Brian in UK:

Hey Joe & Monday morning people.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

just damn but voice of Aretha
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am

Atlantic era Aretha is the pinnacle!

Nothing Buddhist about Kenny G. If you checked with Alan Watts he would 100% confirm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
Phillippe Bastille:

@dale that would've been better. Mine was pretty to look at, but not great to eat.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

My favorite Kenny G-related thing is Pat Metheny teeing off on him for doing the music of Louis Armstrong.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Buddha - as Jaques Attali made explicit - Sound is Territory.
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Tim 07030:

Good morning Joe, hope you had a great Thanksgiving! And thanks for a baseball song on a rainy November day!

I'm flashing on great soundtracks and "Killer of Sheep" just went by. No album though...
Morning, Joe
Avatar 9:37am

@Sylvia, Listener John
Good morning! Rainy and damp around here. Good day to lounge and listen to Radio Radio!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Sorry Webhamster Henry for spelling your name wrong. Revolution Rabbit Nov 63, absolutely! WoodsofNH, LOL!
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Krys O.:

Cooley High! Wow, dipping back into the memory banks. Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs was in that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

someone slowed down freedird!
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LW Rhino:

Good Morning Joe Mc Gasko.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Ha ha Dale! You're a funny bloke!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hey Krys.O! Hi LW Rhino! Rachel Bo Bachel are you still here? Hey Deborah!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Krys O.:

BTW-G.C. Cameron was in The Spinners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Joe McG:

@dano59: Great film, yes! I don't know of any music from it, though. @Tim: Sure! I think that's a very fun baseball movie. @LWRhino: Hey, Rhino!
andy the painter:

oh man i remember this Bingo Long movie.
a baseball Harlem Globetrotters thing set in the thirties(?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Krys O.:

Correct, andy the painter.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Tim 07030:

I think I only own one soundtrack album to a movie I've never seen: 'The Horse Whisperer'

another great set selecter
thomasine & bushrod
included w/amazon prime
just added it to watchlist

with Billy Dee Williams as Not Satchel Paige and James Earl Jones as Not Josh Gibson.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Krys O.:

YAY!!!!! My favorite! Rose Royce <3
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Krys O.:

Used to watch Cotton Comes to Harlem on TV back then too.
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good morning! was delighted to get a wfmu hellraiser package in the mail this week
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Asheville Jon:

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LW Rhino:

Mother Nature is going to wash my car today for sure here in Northern NJ !!!!!
Avatar 9:43am

! Haven't heard Car Wash since when....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am
Krys O.:

Franklin Ajaye should have been HUGE.
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Boods I am on and off as usual ;D just put some egg nog in my coffee, cheers! Krys O. these guys are so good, right? Boods can’t believe you survived all that Kenny G! I hope they took notes at your exit interview!!
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Baja Joe:

Hidey Ho Joe!
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Krys O.:

We used to break out Rose Royce and Atlantic Starr albums at the record store in the 80s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am

Cool rainy day in the NYC area and we got a dance party goin' on, fragmented into separate home dance spaces! So nice.
andy the painter:

i remember my friends and i trying to replicate
the baseball tricks after seeing the movie
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:44am

I just put egg nog I'd frosted flakes

on the bright side. worked in friends chinese restaurant. cassette tapes in unknown lingo being played forever. BUT some tapes i hated. others, i could feel the story and loved even though i didnt know the language
John In Bklyn:

Prof. Irwin Corey should have gotten the Oscar for his performance. Hello Joe and Noisers!
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Rocky Horror:

The Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show needsto show up at some point!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Krys O.:

RIGHT, John in Bklyn!
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Adampsyche someone’s gonna be hyper! Rocky!!!
Avatar 9:47am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Rachel Bo Bachel, My bosses were two New Yorkers who left their high level corporate jobs in city to move to CT and open up a big Ice-cream/restaurant. They lived together as well, but would never admit they were a gay couple. Anyway, I still can't listen to Kenny G to this day. Saw him recently on some awards show performance. He made no sense being there. And he still had the hair.
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Stillwell Coney Islander:

What about The Landlord with Beau Bridges, Louis Gossit Jr. A 1970 film
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Rocky Horror:

Good morning Rachel Bo Bachel

there was a great photo
of professor irwin corey
in the office of the
village vanguard

Claudine! A neglected classic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, Joe & all!

egg nog for my milk bath while viewing a christmas tree made of toilet paper. write a covid song if you pleeze

Morning WFMU!
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@Buddha of Suburbia
Hi Buddha! Reading the posts and silently replying. Love the music this morning and not doing necessary teaching work. Oh well!
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LW Rhino:

Hey there GZ5.

“Car Wash” soundtrack is my super fave album.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Annette, there's this Thai restaurant my dad and I like to go to. And they have great Thai music playing covers of Bon Jovi and Guns N Rose's and other Rock all in Thai. It's awesome.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

I was confused for a second, thought he was talking about "Glitter." Oops.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

I try, I really do, but never enjoy Egg Nog. My boyfriend LOVES it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am

Good morning Joe and everyone. Hope all are doing well.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

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Brian in UK:

Remember seeing Hickey & Boggs way back with Bob Culp & Bill Cosby. There was one scene in it where they eat chili dogs, the most disgusting looking food on film.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
listener Rey:

Good morning. That was a nice set, I'll need to revisit some of these movies. Saw most of them as a kid and don't rememer all that much about them anymore.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Did anyone see THE UNDOING on HBO? With Hugh Grant and Nicole Kidman?
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Brian in UK:

Joe, do you like M. Hulot films?
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Krys O.:

@Brian in UK: The movie Mother, Juggs & Speed had Cosby, Robert Culp and Rachel Welch. It was trash, but somewhat entertaining back then. Don't think it would have aged well.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Movies: It is time for my twice-yearly rewatching of "Big Night." And then my favorite movie: Diva.
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Krys O.:

*Raquel Welch....
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Chris S:

Just watched Light Sleeper. Great. Just like American Gigolo, only replace Richard Gere with Willem Defoe.

I highly recommend "I Lost My Body" and Netflix's "Circus Of Books"
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Rocky Horror:

Alice's Resturant staring Arlo Guthrie is a good one
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Greg from ZONE 5:

I did all the Tatis in September and now I'm stuck in a Karel Zeman rabbit hole. All day. Zeman, Zeman, Zeman. Baron Prasil and Invention for Destruction are 2 of the best films ever filmed.
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Krys O.:

Golly, I misremembered Robert Culp. It was Harvey Keitel in MJ &S. Oy, need more coffee. ;P
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Chris S:

@Rocky Horror Alice’s Restaurant is great and delightfully weird

Great series on TCM for films directed by women. Checked out "Heart of a Dog" by Laurie Anderson,
"Outrage" by Ida Lupino, and "Stories We Tell," by
Sarah Polley.
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Joe McG:

@Greg: I'm glad you understand my Tati love. I have to check out Karel Zeman! Love hearing about what everyone is watching, thanks for the recommendations.
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Tim 07030:

@Buddha I saw it! During the finale last night did you, like me, wish you had a brick to throw at the TV?
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Chris S:

@Ed if you’re into Mexican movies, check out Sin Dejar Huella, also directed by a woman, Maria Novaro
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Are you a Francophile, Joe McGasko? My dad is the president of Alliance Alliance Alliance Française. The treasurer owns a film theatre and would get foreign films in just for their group. I always enjoyed them. Did you ever see The Hairdresser? Directed by Leconte. Jean Rochefort stars in it. Very good!!!
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Tim 07030:

Well Greg, I've always said that you ze-man!
John in Phoenixville:

@ Joe McG: I’ve been doing 30 days of film noir for NOirVEMBER. I think you might have inspired it when you played that track from “Kiss Me Deadly” a while back (“I’d Rather Have The Blues” by Nat “King” Cole), so thanks! I would recommend “Raw Deal,” “Act of Violence,” and “City That Never Sleeps” if you haven’t seen them and are interested.
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Chris S:

@WoodsofNH Diva is underrated for sure
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Tim O7030! Oh my GOD! Absolutely!!! What the heck? All that build up for that?? Seriously?
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Joe McG:

@Buddha: Yes, I love French films! How cool that you had that access. @John: Great to hear! I've seen all of those and they are great faves.
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, Greg from ZONE 5.

Of our Oct.-Nov. horror movie dive, the ones we liked the most are

Color Out of Space
The Girl with All the Gifts
The Wolf of Snow Hollow
Possessor: Uncut
Vampires vs. the Bronx
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Oh my Lordeth..Did I write Alliance Alliance Alliance.....what the heck?
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Back atcha, Tim!
And if you haven't seen The Illusionist, check that out! Made from an unproduced Tati script.
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Phillippe Bastille:

Hulu had a great Black Friday deal -- $24 for the whole year. Link is good for another 16 hours. Bargain access to even more movies! www.hulu.com...
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@Chris S: I feel like I'm the only person who's ever heard of it! Love the soundtrack too.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

My friend recommended Wolf of Snow Hollow as well, Handy. Def on the list.
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We watched some French Noir recently. I loved "Elevator to the Gallows" (Miles Davis soundtrack!) and "Bob Le Flambeur"

@Buddha...while learnin italian language, music was a great teacher. fell in love with AVENTURRA A DURANGO only to find it was a Dylan song. another puzzle piece.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB: That Miles soundtrack rates right up there for me. Atmospheric in the same manner as In A Silent Way.
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Joe McG:

@YETI BOB: Both stone classics!
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Chris S:

@WoodsofNH yeah I wish more people knew about it, but it does feel like you enter a parallel universe when you discover it
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Annette, that's so interesting!! Love that!!!I'll have to check them out, Yeti Bob.
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Glorious Estephonic:

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh love this song <3 my anthem
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Love this song!! It’s one of my friend Este’s favorites!!

Cocteau Twins...blast from the past...
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Has anyone ever watched the French soap Plus Belle La Vie? It's on TV5Monde. My dad has that channel at his house. We used to watch it when I'd come over. It's pretty good. Cocteau Twins brings me back. LOL!
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Krys O.:

@Ed: I've recorded all the Women Make Film episodes. Tomorrow is the last one. It's been a fascinating 14 weeks.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Joe and noisemakers. Last day of the month already!
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I have such a soft spot for Four Calendar Cafe. Glad to hear it on this rainy Monday. Been listening to your show since the start. Killer Aretha track! Morning Joe!
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Krys O.:

@Buddha: I won a scholarship to study at Alliance Francaise in Paris when I graduated high school in 1981.
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Joe McG:

Good morning, Sheila B.! Glad everyone's enjoying.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Sheila. How is your social media situation going? Making progress? We support you!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Krys O, that's AMAZING!!! You went, right?? Rachel Bo Bachel keep your peepers out for a parcel in the mail. They're thinking today, but that mail's been slow lately.
John in Phoenixville:

@ Joe McG: As I’ve said before, you have excellent taste! Thanks brightening this dreary day with another great show.
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Baja Joe:

Love hearing Cocteau Twins. Thank you!
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'Morning all.
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Brian in UK:

Joe, you could do worse that watch films of Patricia Highsmith's books. Double Indemnity, The American Friend & Carol being a small selection.
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Rocky Horror:

You know what these songs need? MORE COWBELL!!
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Joe McG:

That's so kind, John, thanks for the nice words. @Brian: Good idea! I could watch "Double Indemnity" over and over.
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Love that song!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...needs me on weird lead gittar. Or cowbell. There's parity there...
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Buddha of Suburbia:

This reminds me of Julee Cruise meets Cowboy Junkies.
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Brian in UK:

Holy Motors, band & film.
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Joe McG:

@Buddha: I think that's a pretty spot-on assessment! @brian: I love that accordion song in the middle of that movie.
WFMU listener john:

@Buddha listen to the cowboy junkie trinity album, they do a killer version of sweet Jane

gotta leave ya. rain falling hard. love the sound. YOOZ and me and rain on the roof...cuddles,all

thank you for the holy motors <3
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Chris S:

@Joe McG the accordion song is a RL Burnside cover, I believe
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Chris S:

And it’s amazing!
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Joe McG:

@Chris S.: Yes! I love it. @dominque: You're welcome!
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On the French Noir kick, "Touchez pas au grisbi" is also fantastic. I have always loved "Grand Illusion" and it was interesting seeing Jean Gabin's late-career comeback. (These films are all on Criterion)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Can't Believe reminds of Nilsson - oddly enuff...
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"Double Indemnity" is Highsmith? Interwebs say it's James M. Cain. Sorry, don't mean to roll the golden apple of discord into our midst.
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Brian in UK:

Liking the last three labels.
Wharf cat you too can woo half a cow.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

WFMU Listener John! I know that one! Thanks for reminding me though. Love their version!! So good! Hey Mariano! Hey thanks, Joe McGasko!

This set is bringing me such joy!!!!!!! grateful for this time
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Brian in UK:

mariano, hands up on that one.
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Handy Haversack:

Mariano, if you'd stop carrying those things around, there'd be fewer of these incidents!
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Krys O.:

Bien sur, Buddha. I went to Paris on the scholarship.
WFMU listener john:

@Buddha your welcome it is nice to be among fellow music nerds
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I think Lou said that was the definitive version - course he said lots of things... I reckon them & Mazzy Star & the like exist because of the Velvet's third album : Dark Folk Rawk...
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@mariano: I like this book cover upload.wikimedia.org...
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Krys O.:

I watched Angel at My Table this weekend. Missed it when it came out in 1990. @Yeti Bob: I saw Elevator to the Gallows on a big screen in Manhattan many years ago. Fabulous.
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Joe McG:

Wow, Krys, I haven't seen that since it came out. Did you like?
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Angel at my Table is hypnotic.
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Tank Top:

After those first few notes I thought we were going Under the Bridge.
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@Krys O: You are the one who turned me on to "Elevator", which led to a whole bunch of other great films in that genre. So, thanks!!! "Grisbi" and "Bob" in particular, something about these supercool, stylish, aging gangsters who just want to get out of the game is appealing to me.
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(And I get to brush up on my French a bit!)
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Brian: At first I was excited at the prospect. Should've left well enough alone.

Handy: Well, if people would just remember to invite me to their Olympian weddings, maybe I wouldn't have to.

Can't go wrong with "Night and the City" either. Richard Widmark has to have been the inspiration for Nicholson's portrayal of Jake in "Chinatown," and you can see my avatar in one of his few serious roles as a London-based Greek gangster.
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Handy Haversack:

I was a little worried about one of the cats because she had not come in to yell at me to pet her and then bite me to get me to stop petting her, but all is OK now. Rainy days get going slow, I guess.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Krys O. c'est génial! J'ai vécu un peu à Paris. Ça me manque toujours. En parlant de films. Montparnasse était un endroit idéal pour voir des films.
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YETI BOB: Love those pulp covers.
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Rich in Bristol:

This Heather Trost number is a serious tune!
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Joe McG:

@Rich: I love how it keeps threatening to dissolve and then revives!
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Rich in Bristol:

@Joe: YES!!!
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Krys O.:

Jane Campion is a brilliant director. Angel at My Table was epic in scope and so intimate too. A couple of the scenes were too heavy for me, but that's just where my head is at these days with pandemic PTSD.
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Brian in UK:

mariano, can see now where I mixed up Strangers on a Train and the train scene in DI.

I love when a string pad starts up like that and for a moment it sounds like a Mellotron even though it isn’t.
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Jason from Houston:

Dang... That was some song.

But I’m weird.
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@HH: Typically Albert wakes me up around 5-6AM to open the door so he can go out rat-hunting (the best time!). But today he just slept all morning. It's the beginning of Hibernation Season.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I wonder what the total difference Lynch has had on Music might be if measured... Do I overestimate it?
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Buddha of Suburbia:

OH MY GOD! I got excited!!! I was so looking forward to listening to your bed music!!!
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Handy Haversack:

Do they come to WFMU only when the wind is in the east?
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Listener Baby:

Good morning Joe. Hope all is great. Good morning austere listeners!

Great show Joe!
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Listener Baby:

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Brian in UK: Interesting, never made the connection. Guess I'll just have to rewatch both in the name of science.
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Listener Baby:

Though there is nothing wrong with austere
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Damn, the cat was irradiating me with sleep rays. I just woke up! Ah, covid time.
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Milk and Kisses was the final album from the Cocteau Twins
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hello friends, tuning in on time for single file :)

Just rolling outta my bed hanging with my cat feeling alright; happy to be here!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

I'm gonna get going. Thanks for a great show Joe McGasko! This was a great playlist for a grey rainy day. Hope you are safe and well. Have a good one! Bye friends!
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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bye buddha!
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Handy Haversack:

L8r on, Boodz!
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Jason from Houston:

꒰⌯•̩̩̩́ ˑ̫ •̩̩̩̀⌯꒱

Yo Joe
We love listening to you talk !
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

flip side Boods
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Hubig Pie:

Last week's Noir Alley featured figure skating and murder
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Bye Malcolm! Later Handy! If Rachel Bo Bachel comes back on board please tell her I said "Bye and love you"! You betcha Revolution Rabbit Nov 63! Au revoir, Earthwalker!
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Krys O.:

Yes, @Hubig Pie! I loved Belita and Barry Sullivan in The Gangster too.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

OMG Leslie - the production. My birth year.
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@Joe: This one is for my cat Albert!! Thanks.
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Jason from Houston:

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Joe McG:

@YETI BOB: Ha! Yes, consider this one a dedication to all the Cats and Rats out there.
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wait, Clarence Carter gets airplay and it's not the track Ken spins? whoa! hi joe, hi everyone.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Waiting for Metal Rat Year to become Metal Ox. Are we ever.
HBD Randy !
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Krys O.:

Quincy Jones produced Lesley Gore.
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Dennis Diken:

go Joe! diggin'!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

John In Bklyn:

Was Lesley Gore EVER happy? Jeez.
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WHAAAT? The Lady Di Song!!!
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Joe McG:

@JtotheK: I have "Strokin;" but I never played it since Ken kind of OWNS it. Hey, Dennis D.!
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better than 'candle in the wind'
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Wait, Clarence Carter was an actual artist and did actual songs at one point before declining to become the Patron Saint of the Goat Alarm? Wow.
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Brian in UK:

Love dubious rhyming.
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Krys O.:

Sunshine, Lollypops and Rainbows was Lesley Gore at the other end of the emotion spectrum.
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*declining and becoming
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Joe McG:

@Malcolm: Ha ha ha
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FMU could host weddings in its basement, for those who wish to marry beneath their station.
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Krys O.:

This is quite bizarre.

@Buddah: I arrived in Paris on the day that Charles and Di married. I listened to it on the radio in my hotel room.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So Di & Mother Theresa died about the same time. They get to Heaven - & Theresa says to God - yerknew - I'm not the type to complain - but I'm like a Saint. Why has Di got a Halo & I don't? God says that's not a Halo - it's a steering wheel...

Brian: ha ha!

LOVE this Peter Gabriel..thanks Joe

peter gabriel is so good
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lol @revolution rabbit
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One of my faves of Pete's
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Krys O.:

@Ike: Clarence Carter's hit was Patches.
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Joe McG:

Big Phil on the drums! ;)
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Dennis Diken:

Lesley Gore was in a reasonably good humor with "California Nights" - took her til '67!
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Handy Haversack:

YB, our friends who have moved away from BK had a back yard and put in a cat door for their cat, who was a real hunter. She brought in rats, pigeons, one time even an only stunned flicker, which is a pretty amazingly scary thing to try to shoo out of the house. They eventually got a new kitten who was a total diva but wanted to seem cool like the other cat. So she started "hunting" -- and bringing in snails.
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Thudathud Thud!!
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Webhamster Henry:

Lady Di was inescapable at the time of her wedding. My cousin got married about the same time, my father made up a parody newspaper for them.
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Chris S:

This is the jam
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@Ike and Joe - haha. I found the Clarence Carter strokin' 45 in area record store 50 cent bin, well worth it. But it doesn't have the same magic as when Ken plays it. And yes, now all other Carter songs for me I can't not think about ... the other song.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Pete & Phil ! (Where Phil belongs...)
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in 1997 I witnessed someone buying ten copies of the candle in the wind cd single. It was distressing
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Krys O.:

@Dennis Diken: Absolutely. California Nights was terrific.
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Tim 07030:

Peter Gabriel never sounds relaxed.
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Haven't heard this early Peter Gabriel in so long.
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Joe McG:

I think Kate Bush sings back-ups, too.
John In Bklyn:

One of my fave Gabriel tunes.
Love the way the drums enter. Maybe a prototype for In The Air Tonight?

A relatively relaxed Peter makes background vocal appearances on Charlie Drake's "You Never Know."
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I read about someone who set up a kind of facial-recognition detector, to prevent the cat door from opening when kitty had something in her maw.
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Awwww yeahhhhhh
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We need a Laura Branigan vs Peter Gabriel "Self Control" mashup
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Joe McG:

Bobby makes up in relaxation what Peter lacks.
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It's true!

@brian monty hall
is on the first floor
and parts of the station
are above
so once covid era ends
dream could be realized?;>
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sampled on a 2pac song I think?

Even in "Me and My Teddy Bear" Peter's voice has an edge.
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I am the doorman for our two cats. I'd be afraid to let them have a cat door, I like to keep a little control over them. I've managed to keep them from slaughtering any birds this season.
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Bobby sounds a bit like Stevie...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Like Producer Bob Ezrin's tale of having a big guy literally tape Gabriel up to a post in the air to get the correct tone of vocal distress...
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Mister Dobalina:

I like the TuPac version of this.
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Rats are a different story. I don't feel great about the slaughter but we sort of have to keep rats under control in the city. Albert is doing his part.
Tom from Stirling:

JoeMcg: Kate does sing back-up vocals. Loves Kate Bush
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Hell yeah
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Sonja watches Albert hunt, she's never killed anything as far as I can tell, she's enthusiastic but lacks Albert's refined technique.
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(Hell yeah for Loretta Lynn, not for the mighty rat tidal wave)

Always enjoy the show, Joe!!
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Hubig Pie:

Covering all the music genres in this set
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D Rok:

Fantastic Single-File so far.
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Our cat once pinned down a chipmunk with here paw, but at that point she called out for the instructions manual. She had no interest in biting it. Her job was done.

So she lifted her paw and bid it farewell.
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Joe McG:

@Tom: I thought so. I think her voice sticks out more on "Games Without Frontiers." Hi, Colleen!
Tom from Stirling:

Peter Gabriel's voice sounds like a goat. But I likee
Rick A.:

This song is one of the few to have the distinction of having a film named after it, like Sam Peckinpah's Convoy. This could be a story corner song as well. Incidentally, Joe, a collection of film songs from the 60s/70s would be a great marathon premium. I would snatch it up!

Or a lamb.
a polished polish lady:

Good mornin

Sissy Spacek did such an amazing portrayal of Lynn...
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Brian in UK:

One of out little darlings brought in a Robin recently. Always sad to see them bring in any creature but the Robin seemed particularly poignant.
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listener Rey:

Haha, and Testify's Reverend Larry Grogan can officiate
Tom from Stirling:

Is that the Peter Gabriel album without one drum cymbal?
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Brian in UK:

Dean is that a Genesis link?
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hey Joe and all you leftover turkey eatin mugs!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Rats are an invasive species here - but then so are cats ...& white people...
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Handy Haversack:

Rex played a good contender for Story Corner on Saturday: "Bury Me Face Down (So I Can See Where I'm Going), Cowboy Copas.
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Joe McG:

Someone at FMU (I think Spazz) recently pointed out that "Coal Miner's Daughter" is one of those rare music bio-pics that is actually a good movie.
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Goat guy singer and poundy-poundy drummer guy I can do without.
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Handy Haversack:

Rev Rab, I have been trying to teach our cats to hunt white people, but it's slow going.

Could be, Brian in UK...
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Joe McG:

@Handy: Cowboy Copas has many good story songs, it's true!
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Mister Dobalina:

Did someone say, the...SPazzzzZ?!?
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Mister Dobalina:

Dave the man & Bingo?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Dawna sells it tho' don't she.
John In Bklyn:

@Tom: Yes
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Joe McG:

I just noticed the little reggae lick in this record!
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Mister Dobalina:

That Donzig mashup, Ken plays on his show, is off the wall good.
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Cats have successfully been employed as court-ordered feline tethers. No need for ankle bracelets when kitty's at home.
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@βrian: It works for me! I never go anywhere anymore.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Another music biopic that works is Nico 88 that's streaming from FMU. It 's really good and not embarrassing at all. It inspired me to check out her very last material which is so good.
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yeah i loved nico 1988, the actor who played nico nailed the vocal stylings

A Coal Miner’s Disco mash up. Next week only on the ever eclectic Surface Noise.
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@Handy@11:01, ROTFL. Tell that joke again during the Old Codger show... I'm sure nobody will flip out in any way whatsoever.
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Hubig Pie:

My cat employs the one paw policy, he stands on my foot whilst I brush my teeth
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I just wish they'd make Docs instead - & then they suck too. & Dramma sells of course.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Joe - are you familiar with Mission of Burma's "Donna Sumeria"?
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@Hubig Pie: So she gives you paw, but never gives you pause?
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Handy Haversack:

Rich in Washington said he watched the Zappa doc on the WFMU On Demand and that it was very good. So I am going to foray into streaming for I think the second time in order to watch that the MacGowan doc.
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My apartment is on the top floor, so my cats are strictly indoor-only. They only catch indoor pests, such as the occasional housefly. It's impressive to see them leap and/or reach into the air to grab one. Never seen a cat do that before these two.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Little Editorialization in the Zappa doc I hear...
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Hubig Pie:

Only one paw Brian, always the right rear one. I think he's OCD
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Speaking of biopics, I just read that Carrie Brownstein is directing a Heart biopic.
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We have a fenced-in garden in our front yard, so kitty is allowed to lounge there beneath the tomatoes, relatively unattended — though we do keep an eye on him.
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@Ike: Sometimes a green leaf-bug gets inside and makes our cats crazy, Sonja will leap into the air but I've never seen her actually catch one.
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On a cassette or Annika set?
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I've been hearing a lot of interesting stuff from Matt Lajoie recently.
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Joe McG:

A gen-u-wine cassette tape! Savor the hiss.
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Joe B:

greetings Joe and everyone
a polished polish lady:

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Savor the Hiss
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Handy Haversack:

Voltron, when he was younger, would hunt files. He would get up on the highest point in the kitchen and howl and howl at them, and I swear it was as if it demoralized them. They would sink lower and lower and eventually land, and he would leap down and kill them.

He would also tear a stuffed eagle off of a toy and hold it under the water in the water dish, howling, until it was thoroughly drowned. The dog was not a fan of this activity.
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Analog down-sampling?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...name a beastie Voltron & see what you get...
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Joe McG:

I like the mood this creates. Hey, Joe! Sorry to go all moody on you before your show. I'll try to swing it back around if I can.
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Joe B:

trouble in mind on a roll this year. i guess no different from their other years.
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Joe McG:

@Joe B.: Agree!
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A friend's cat, Grendel, like to disassemble prey on the white down comforter. Yeah, Grendel.
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Voltron is such a great cat name. Did he do anything in particular to be awarded this moniker? Toasty got her name from looking vaguely like burnt toast (though most toast isn't that orange, but close enough).
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Handy Haversack:

He *is* our primary hone-defense pet, Rev Rab.
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Joe B:

@joe - no need do whatever you feel like
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enjoying the show today & hello!
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nice sounds!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

As a physical media hold out, I have found myself buying more cassettes in recent years because in large part I'm priced out of regularly picking up new and used LPs. $20 for a record that a few years ago would have been in the dollar bin is killing my soul.
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Rocky Horror:

Is this live or is this Memorex!!
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Handy Haversack:

Ike, he was just wild and fierce as a kitten. He'd been living in Prospect Park and was found in the wheel well of a parked car.
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hey all . good morning
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Yeah, cassettes are still cheap unless they have recordings already on them.
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the best part of cassettes: When you put them back in, or hit play again, they start right where you left off!
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Joe McG:

There's something kinda Vini Reilly about this. Maybe some Eno/Fripp in there, too.
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Joe McG:

@tim: I hear you! I'm glad I bought so many things when everyone was getting rid of their vinyl.
WFMU listener john:

@Joe B lived when you really went iff that troll last Monday, that was EPIC
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I always think of Durutti Column gittars some reason...
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reminds me a lot of this cassette by robert cox allnightflightrecords.com...
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@Joe McG: If Vini Reilly smoked a lot of weed he might sound like this
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

One Pussyfooting ...
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Joe McG:

I wasn't going to play the whole thing, but it only has 4 more minutes, so I'm going to let it roll. Sounds nice.

Hey Joe McG and Everyone! If this track were a film, it would be called "My Cousin Vini Reilly".
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yeah, don't stop now! :)
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Making literal mix tapes is a blast too.
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Joe McG:

@pgalub: Ha ha ha!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Great follow up!
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Chris S:

Sarah Davachi! Epic record
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Tank Top:

That Matt LaJoie is still available on tape on bandcamp. Well worth the $8.
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Joe McG:

@Tank Top: Cool! If you get a chance, can you post a link?

@timfcnw thanks√
here is a link:
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Tank Top:

Alex in Texas via Kentucky:

This is so good
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my bandcamp wishlist gets longer everytime i tune into wfmu
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Chris S:

Nice transition. Getting woozy
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Handy Haversack:

This Friday is possibly the last Bandcamp Friday. I have not seen any announcement about 2021, but the original announcement was for 2020 only -- a good day to whittle down the wishlist!
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Brian in UK:

Not so much with cats but certainly with dogs you must pick a name that you can call out loud in a public place.
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@handy yeah i'm planning on going apesh*t on friday to get me through winter

holocaust music on a rainy day

This Alison Cotton piece is so beautiful. Heartbreaking.
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Krys O.:

@Ike: I remember when you were naming your cat Toasty.
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i feel this in my internal organs. It's offally good
Alex in Texas via Kentucky:

This song sounds like of legend of Zelda and ... braveheart were signed to the ... Swedish international team only to be defeated by ... the super eagles 🦅 in extra time ... and nymphs and the Swedish women’s team descended to ... mourn the fallen ... lads ...
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Joe McG:

We'll pull out of the Slough of Despond after this number. :)

Been listening for years, but have to do so in secret, because of you-know-who....love ya Joe!
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Handy Haversack:

That's progress, Joe!

(Though I am enjoying a good Slough.)
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lol @melania
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Joe McG:

Ha ha ha, thanks Melania!

Some real gems in this set. Polishing up my mantra on the way to enlightenment.
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Hubig Pie:

The Donald likes his classic rock
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Watching phases : in pandemic - folx applying Ambient topically thick for therapy ...then a disturbing undercurrent couldn't be kept out ...lately I've hungered for Classical Indian Drone but could just be getting transcendental in old mortal age...
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Am I the only one on here today with 100% indoor cats?
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Well technically not 100% -- we used to take one of ours to the park for occasional walks pre-Covid.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

If I were to guess The Prez's favorite songs I would say the Golden Girl's or Diff'rent Strokes theme songs.

I got to give it to Mary she’s got a lot of pluck
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Hubig Pie:

Me likey this downbeat set
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I bet Joe Biden's favorite song is Bad To The Bone by George Thorogood. He and Bill Clinton used to get hammered and put on sunglasses and sing it together.
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Brian in UK:

Great mix of a show, Joe.
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Handy Haversack:

Roberto, ours don't venture farther than the back stoop or maybe just down to the grass verge to chew some stalks.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

What's Kamala Harris's jam you think?
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Tank Top:

Digging the zen sounds, selector.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'd guess he'd care no more for Musics than he does for Dogs. Getting spanked with a Forbes by Stormy Daniels is his hit parade...
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bernie sanders = strictly roots reggae
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perfect weather for "Cable Hogue"
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I'd expect Comma-la is in to Gram(mar) rock.
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& that's why i love him
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I have to go back to listen to Helen of Troy, I never gave that record the chance that it deserves.
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Brian in UK:

Calexico's Ballad of Cable Hogue is a favourite in the this house.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks Joe!!!!!

one of my favorite Dylan tunes...thanks Joe...
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Joe! Another great Monday morning in your company. Thanks for hosting.
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Joe McG:

@karl: I don't love it, but it has a few really good tunes on it. If "Cable Hogue" were on "Guts," I might not need to keep it. @prudy: I love the song and this version!
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I've been busy chasing my 15 month year old boy around the house, but chiming in to say thanks Joe for the great morning of music! Spot on.
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Chris S:

Cale's Island records are incredible, imo. Guts probably has the greatest opening line of any rock song
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Joe McG:

Thanks for saying hello, Corey! Nice to have a tyke to keep you fit!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'I didn't want to be Dylan - but I knew I wanted to be *a* Bob Dylan'...
- Robyn
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Music Underground listeners, the wood thrush alights at noon.

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Thanks Joe! Great show!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Joe. Sending out November in style!
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Joe McG:

Hey, everybody, thanks for listening and commenting today as we round off November. Hope you have a good week as we embark on the last month of this incredibly shitty year!
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Love Robyn's cover of this.. Thanks Joe...thanks skeleton crew..
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Great tune to conclude with!
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great show thanks Joe

amazing rendition...amazing musicians...
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Hugo (NL):

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Chris S:

Great show, thanks Joe!

Thanks, Joe!
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Joe B:

great show.
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Rich in Bay Ridge:

Thanks Joe. Great show. Moving.
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dan in wisconsin:

Fantastic. Thank you, Joe.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I would actually like to be Robyn Hitchcock though...
Wonderful Joe McG ! Thx so much.

Joe thanks for making this rainy Monday cozy and comfy.
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Danny C:

Great show, Joe. As always!
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Webhamster Henry:

Thanks Joe! Yip Yip Yip!
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Frau Blücher?
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Krys O.:

Thanks, Joe!

FWIW-My kitties, Harvey & Pooka are strictly indoor cats.
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Thanks Joe!
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