Favoriting Dark Night of the Soul with Julie: Playlist from November 24, 2020 Favoriting

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Familiar & forgotten gems from 50-plus years of music on the darker side, shoegaze, synthpop, goth, psychedelia, darkwave, with unapologetic detours into 70s pop. In a dark night of the soul, it's always 3 o'clock in the morning.

Tuesday 3 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting November 24, 2020: Helliday Season

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments Images New Approx. start time
David Bowie  What In The World   Favoriting Low  1977   
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
INXS  Black and White   Favoriting Shabooh Shoobah  1982   
  0:03:18 (Pop-up)
Chris Carpenter  This World (Is Closing In On Me)   Favoriting This World (Is Closing In On Me)  1966   
  0:06:52 (Pop-up)
Be Forest  Dust   Favoriting Cold  2011   
  0:09:34 (Pop-up)
Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians  Luminous Rose   Favoriting Globe of Frogs  1988   
  0:14:01 (Pop-up)
Hatchie  Secret   Favoriting Keepsake  2019   
  0:18:21 (Pop-up)
Mary Hopkin  Earth Song   Favoriting Earth Song/Ocean Song  1971   
  0:22:20 (Pop-up)
Unwoman  Sympathy for the Devil   Favoriting The Love Apocalypse; or Uncovered Volume 6  2020   
  0:26:05 (Pop-up)
Ordo Equitum Solis  Into This Funny Play   Favoriting Planetes  1999   
  0:31:33 (Pop-up)
Primal Scream  Shine Like Stars   Favoriting Screamadelica  1991   
  0:35:17 (Pop-up)
Night Club  Misery Go Round   Favoriting Die Die Lullaby  2020   
*   0:38:58 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The New Synthesizer Experience 

Don't Stop Me Now (instrumental)   Favoriting






0:42:04 (Pop-up)
The Human League  Marianne   Favoriting Travelogue  1980   
  0:51:30 (Pop-up)
Zombie Zombie  I'm Afraid of What's There   Favoriting A Land For Renegades  2008   
  0:54:46 (Pop-up)
Tiny Ruins  Holograms   Favoriting Olympic Girls  2019   
  0:58:50 (Pop-up)
Bjork  Crystalline   Favoriting Biophilia  2011   
  1:03:13 (Pop-up)
Tombstones in Their Eyes  Bad Clouds   Favoriting Collection  2020   
*   1:08:15 (Pop-up)
Ideal  Roter Rolls Royce   Favoriting Ideal  1980   
  1:12:23 (Pop-up)
Essential Logic  Fanfare in the Garden   Favoriting Fanfare in the Garden  1981   
  1:15:28 (Pop-up)
2DCAT  Starfall   Favoriting Retro Future  2017   
  1:18:30 (Pop-up)
Roya  Free   Favoriting Hive  2018   
  1:22:18 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Peter Schilling 

Major Tom (instrumental)   Favoriting






1:26:08 (Pop-up)
McGinty & White  Wichita Lineman   Favoriting McGinty & White Sing Selections From The McGinty & White Songbook  2009   
  1:32:08 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Gomper   Favoriting Their Satanic Majesties Request  1967   
  1:35:22 (Pop-up)
Tyrannosaurus Rex  Salamanda Palaganda   Favoriting Prophets, Seers & Sages The Angels Of The Ages  1968   
  1:40:30 (Pop-up)
Donovan  A Poor Man's Sunshine (Nativity)   Favoriting Breezes Of Patchouli - His Studio Recordings: 1966-1969  2013  From The Barabajagal Sessions 
  1:42:39 (Pop-up)
Blow Up  Sweet Skin   Favoriting In Watermelon Sugar  1990   
  1:47:51 (Pop-up)
Swallow  Sugar Your Mind   Favoriting Blow  1990   
  1:51:52 (Pop-up)
The Voices  Second Wave   Favoriting The Sound of Young America  2006   
  1:55:43 (Pop-up)
XIT  Someday   Favoriting Plight of the Redman  1972   
  1:59:21 (Pop-up)
Garbage  It's All Over But the Crying   Favoriting Bleed Like Me  2005   
  2:03:25 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Wish You Were Here   Favoriting Wish You Were Here  1975   
  2:07:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jherek Bischoff 

Life on Mars? (instrumental)   Favoriting






2:13:32 (Pop-up)
Elton John  Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds   Favoriting To Be Continued...  1974   
  2:22:12 (Pop-up)
Amon Düül  Paramechanical World   Favoriting Paradieswärts Düül  1971   
  2:28:09 (Pop-up)
Les Payne  Very Well   Favoriting I Can't Help To Feel The Love (single)  1974   
  2:33:55 (Pop-up)
Eternity's Children  I Wanna Be With You   Favoriting Timeless  1968   
  2:37:44 (Pop-up)
Festival  Hold Off the Earth   Favoriting Come, Arrow, Come!  2008   
  2:39:40 (Pop-up)
Heather Nova  Glow Stars   Favoriting Glow Stars  1993   
  2:43:12 (Pop-up)
Kate Bush  The Red Shoes   Favoriting Director's Cut  2011   
  2:46:20 (Pop-up)
48 Cameras & Gerard Melanga  Mother Sobs At The Barber's Shears Crops Baby's Curls In A Fair Tableau   Favoriting 3 Weeks With My Dog  1999   
  2:51:04 (Pop-up)
Joe Jackson  Got the Time   Favoriting Look Sharp  1978   
  2:53:39 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Neal Hefti 

Year of the Duck   Favoriting






2:56:28 (Pop-up)
Julie Andrews  Canterbury Fair   Favoriting The Lass With the Delicate Air  1957   
  3:01:21 (Pop-up)
Julia Holter  Night Song   Favoriting Have You in My Wilderness  2015   
  3:03:49 (Pop-up)
Julie Covington  My Silks and Fine Array   Favoriting The Beautiful Changes  1971   
  3:07:45 (Pop-up)
Julia Bardo  I Wanna Feel Love   Favoriting Phase  2020   
  3:12:40 (Pop-up)
Julie Plug  What Can I Say   Favoriting Starmaker  1998   
  3:16:19 (Pop-up)
Julie Christmas  I Just Destroyed the World   Favoriting The Bad Wife  2010   
  3:20:10 (Pop-up)
Jules Marie  What I Want   Favoriting Raised In Captivity  2013   
  3:22:17 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Julie Do Ya Love Me? (instrumental)   Favoriting






3:25:55 (Pop-up)
Juliana Hatfield  Universal Heart-beat   Favoriting Only Everything  1995   
  3:30:21 (Pop-up)
Julie D  Aiko Aiko   Favoriting C'est Bon Signe / Aïko Aïko  1967  Julie Dassin 
  3:33:38 (Pop-up)
Julie Driscoll & Brian Auger & the Trinity  A Kind of Love In   Favoriting Open  1967   
  3:35:45 (Pop-up)
Juliet Echo  Hey You C Hippie   Favoriting 79 Rock 9 Sweet Baby  2008   
  3:38:06 (Pop-up)
Julia Jacklin  Same Airport, Different Man   Favoriting Don't Let The Kids Win  2016   
  3:41:12 (Pop-up)
Julia Darling  Bury You   Favoriting Figure 8  1999   
  3:44:08 (Pop-up)
Julie Fowlis  Tha Mo Ghaol Air Àird A' Chuain   Favoriting Mar A Tha Mo Chridhe (As My Heart Is)  2005   
  3:47:40 (Pop-up)
Julie Felix  Ballad of a Crystal Man   Favoriting Changes  1966   
  3:50:38 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Syd Barrett 

Gigolo Aunt (loop)   Favoriting






3:53:33 (Pop-up)
Julie Brown  Cause I'm A Blonde   Favoriting Goddess In Progress  1984   
  3:57:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, Julie and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

hi Julie and everyone!
Avatar 3:00pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hello, Julie, listener James, and all
Avatar 🦇 3:01pm

Hi Sylvia! Hi James! Hi Spodi!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Handy Haversack:

Julie and the Dark Souls! Hello!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
chris in the redwoods:

hey, Julie and peeps.
Avatar 🦇 3:02pm

Hi Chris! Hi Handy!
Avatar 3:11pm

Good afternoon, Julie and her comment board!
Avatar 🦇 3:12pm

hi there sim!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey there! Hi Julie, James, spodiodi, Sylvia, Handyman, sim!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Mx. Granny (e/em):

hello, Julie and folx! hiya Phillippe!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Handy Haversack:

How was the Tang, Phillippe?
Avatar 3:14pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

hi julie, james,spodi, sylvia, handy, chris, sim, philippe, granny, anyone who I forgot or joins us after me
Avatar 🦇 3:14pm

hi Phillippe Hi Granny good to see ya!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
Phillippe Bastille:

More than a bit fruity, with oaky tones, and a bit charcoaly on the nose
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey Granny!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:16pm
Phillippe Bastille:

hey photocopy!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:17pm
Handy Haversack:

Photocopy, Granny -- this is quite the party forming here.
Avatar 🦇 3:17pm

hiya Cha Cha!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:20pm
Phillippe Bastille:

ooooh, this Hatchie is a beauty! And no, I can't keep a secret...
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:21pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

All is dark. Dark is all. Glad to be here enjoying things today.
Avatar 3:22pm
Listening Out There:

Just got here. Hi, y'all...
Avatar 🦇 3:23pm

hiya Ken, hiya Listening Out There!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey Handy, I think you had asked on a prior message board about where there isn't cranberry pie? I'm gonna try making this: www.womansday.com...
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Mx. Granny (e/em):

yay! so many fun folx here! and i'm enjoying this Mary Hopkin
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Happy Tuesday, Julie! Continued best Birthday Week wishes!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Mx. Granny (e/em):

i am SO READY for this
Avatar 🦇 3:26pm

thanks S&M&S!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:26pm
chris in the redwoods:

oh wow!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:26pm
Handy Haversack:

Gah, I have to get on the Unwoman tip.
Avatar 3:26pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Another one I have never heard before (yes I'm one of those who can only name Goodbye and Those Were The Days when speaking of Mary Hopkin-sung songs) - but damn that was so beautiful.
Avatar 🦇 3:28pm

I feel like I neglect her originals but her covers are so great!
Avatar 3:28pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Oh, and Happy Birthday once more Julie!
Avatar 🦇 3:29pm

thanks Cha Cha!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Handy Haversack:

Nice with the cranberry pie, Phillippe! I wonder what it would be like with half the sugar ... ?

Happy birthday, Julie!!

Her "End of the World as We Know It" cover is still one of my favorite radio moments!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Pretty damn tart would be my guess. I saw another recipe that had some dairy in that looked more like Pepto Bismol than a pie -- decided to pass on that.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Phillippe Bastille:

(erg, my typing/editing is on a whole new level of awful today...)
Avatar 🦇 3:35pm

thanks Handy! Yes I nearly played that one today.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
chris in the redwoods:

oh, happy belated birthday, Julie! do anything special, to speak of? trying to remember back to July and my b-day. i think i got a new bottle of whisky and perhaps had one too many. so, as good as can be. :)
Avatar 🦇 3:40pm

thanks Chris! It was Sunday, I went to see my dad and his wife, ate on the other side of the room but it was a nice meal anyway.
Avatar 🦇 3:40pm

it was a mini thanksgiving, she made chicken and stuffing, and bought a little chocolate cake so I have leftovers for thursday
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Happy birthday Julie!
Avatar 🦇 3:41pm

thanks Phillippe!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
chris in the redwoods:

oh that sounds great! :)
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:48pm
Mx. Granny (e/em):

i am a total grinch about hollerdaze
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:48pm
listener james from westwood:

Likewise staying home. As is Dad. Hoping he stays away from the grocery stores next week, as I feel like it's gonna be bad after this holiday and then again after Christmas.
Avatar 3:50pm

Julie is the pinch hitter DJ!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Phillippe Bastille:

@granny that's because you've never had cranberry pie, I betcha
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Handy Haversack:

We were hoping for low density at the grocery store by going this morning at 11, but no dice. It was like a rat king made of shopping carts.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Mx. Granny (e/em):

just lookit all these pretty pumpkins!!!!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
chris in the redwoods:

we're outdoor dining at a friend's restaurant, but otherwise not traveling. i have enough anxiety about outdoor dining, much less doing anything else.
Avatar 🦇 3:53pm

the food is good the company is iffy so yeah I'm fine staying home eating leftovers from Sunday!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:54pm
chris in the redwoods:

could really care less about most holidays, except that i do love food and having the kids (all grown now) come visit.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:56pm

Hi drummer streamers and our host Julie. Have been listening while boiling water for ramen and eating said ramen. Thank you Julie, now back to the work meeting which is already in progress. Laters all.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:57pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Just the nuclear family here for Thanksgiving. Hopefully the rain holds off -- would love to go out fishing early Thursday morning and catch a Thanksgiving rockfish. supposed to be low 60s here in Annapolis.
Avatar 🦇 3:58pm

hiya WR! mmm ramen..
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
chris in the redwoods:

my wife was reminding me we would have travelled to BK this past weekend, for the week, to be with the oldest and his friends. :(
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Handy Haversack:

Thanksgiving *used* to be one of the ones I liked -- since there was no god involved. But that's also disingenuous since god was the excuse given for the whole genocidal mess we celebrate with an absolute animal bloodbath every year. As it were. So ... I dunno. Seems esp. hard to gin up any enthusiasm this year. Usually we have friends over. Just us this year, of course. We'll make some of our normal (insane, vegetarian side) dishes. But in a year when so much of the racial nightmarishness has been just on naked display and then the righteous protests actually backlashed against ... ! I dunno. Hard to get excited about celebrating this abattoir of a country. Halloween is the only safe holiday we have left!

That said, Handy's Spicy Brussels Sprouts are off the hook. And I'm following up on Friday with Italian Crescent Roll Surprise!
Avatar 🦇 4:00pm

the redwoods sounds better than BK... hopefully soon!
Avatar 🦇 4:01pm

OMG Crescent rolls..I wish I could make some but my oven is still broken
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Oooh, Handy, email me that brussels sprouts recipe!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
Phillippe Bastille:

@Handy here's an interesting read I came across this morning about when and where "God" originated... getpocket.com...
Avatar 4:04pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

brussels sprouts recipe! brussels sprouts recipe! brussels sprouts recipe! brussels sprouts recipe!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
Handy Haversack:

Julie, I cook up a tube of GimmeLean fake sausage with onion and garlic and spices and rosemary and put a spoonful of that, a piece of smoked mozzarell', and a kalamata olive in each Crescent Roll. And will make a spicy tomato sauce for dipping.
Avatar 🦇 4:07pm

oooh that sounds good
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Phillippe Bastille:

This Tombstones is great!
Alas, the dire shopping news has me heading to the grocer's post-haste. Will be listening while I shop so if anyone needs anything, just tell Julie and she can include it when she back-announces
Mark R:

I'm starving, too! But no dinner for me til I finish cleaning for Thanksgiving. So no more food talk. And alas, very infrequent, if not no, comments board chatting.
Avatar 🦇 4:11pm

LOL good luck at the store
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Handy Haversack:

Brussels sprouts:

Make a sauce of
Garlic teriyaki
Thai chili paste
Hoisin sauce
Rice vinegar
Soy sauce

Until you have like 4 oz. Add some cornstarch.

Cut the feet off the sprouts and cut in half. Steam them some then put in a baking pan cut-side-down and pour the sauce over. Bake for like 20 mins.

Er, sorry Mark R!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Avatar 🦇 4:12pm

hi Mark! I hope you're not having a crowd over!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Thanks Handy -- we actually have all those ingredients except for the sprouts!
Mark R:

No just my immediate family plus one. I know we probably shouldn't do the plus one but he gets tested for his job every day and my wife and son are exposed to a lot more people than that at their jobs every day!
Avatar 4:14pm

That brussels sprout preparation sounds like one we do, though we use maple syrup and lime juice: Glazed Alien Heads.
Mark R:

But my daughter's terrified that her friend will think we're hillbillies if he sees how we really live, so I'm trying to make the place look like we just had the housekeeper in (we don't have one, so it's me!)
Avatar 4:15pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@4:11 Handy Haversack: I have sadly none of the ingredients at home - but huge THANKS. I love brussel sprouts - a dear friend of mine hates them; I accept that, but just can not understand.
Mark R:

This early 80s stuff is great to clean to, though!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Handy Haversack:

Nice, βrian! How do you do the cooking?
Avatar 4:16pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

re-brussel sprouts, recipe I use is very easy: cut feet and then cut sprouts in half, put then in a baking tray (still raw), drizzle generously with olive oil, pepper/fav seasoning, lemon juice, and grated parmesan. Bake until golden. Yum.
Avatar 🦇 4:16pm

haha glad I can help!
Mark R:

It's all in how they're prepared, Photo--I hated Brussels sprouts all my life til I realized that my mother was a terrible cook and just boiled them, and then I married a nice Italian girl and she knows how to cook 'em (sorry, pigs are slaughtered in the preparation of hers).
Avatar 🦇 4:17pm

i have never eaten a brussel sprout in my life but that sounds good Sylvia
Avatar 4:17pm

The main gig is lasagna with a lot (I mean, *a lot*) of spinach, with shiitakes, Bûcheron cheese, good parm, zucchinis, ricotta, and yada-yada.

Six quarts of September's tomatoes.
Avatar 4:17pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@4:16 Sylvia (France-NYC): thanks Sylvia, sounds delicious!
Mark R:

If anyone is watching "The Crown," I like how Diana is dancing in her room to Blondie when Prince Charles calls and asks her out for the first time.
Avatar 4:18pm
Sylvia (France-NYC):

you’re welcome Cha Cha! delicious, easy, and no need to boil
Mark R:

"Retrofuture" indeed--this sounds right at home next to the Essential Logic track from 1981.
Avatar 4:19pm

@Handy: Just in the pan, though we might finish in the oven. They should have a sticky golden-brown coating.
Avatar 🦇 4:20pm

i hope theres a princess diana elton john scene at some point!
Avatar 4:20pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@4:17 Mark R: well, guess who LOVES them simply boiled without spices. I am probably a terrible cook myself...
Avatar 4:22pm

I grew up hating beets because they were horribly prepared.

But now, oh my!
Avatar 🦇 4:23pm

I think my mom cooked one vegetable. Green beans. We always had salad though, even if most of the time it was heavy on the iceberg.
Avatar 🦇 4:23pm

what is the way to prepare beets?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:24pm
Handy Haversack:

Sylvia, now I wish we'd bought more Brussels sprouts!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:24pm
chris in the redwoods:

Cha Cha, that's how Mom prepared us brussel sprouts. boiled, with a bit of red-wine vinegar on top when served. as a kiddo, it took a bit of time to learn to enjoy. but that we did.
Avatar 🦇 4:24pm

I've never eaten one but I remember Mrs Howell eating them and being super hyper
Avatar 4:25pm

I love 'em roasted with olive oil and (my beloved) rosemary. Warm or chilled, in with case maybe a little Gorgonzola avec.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
listener james from westwood:

Good chance of those being on the menu tonight!
Avatar 4:26pm

Now having dreams of borscht, redolent of dill and caraway ...
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
Handy Haversack:

I wanted to get some takeout from an excellent local Polish place yesterday, but Kate made a huuuuuuge pot of chili Sunday, so we're working on that. Over rice yesterday. On baked potatoes today. And made into Frito pie as the main star on Thursday!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
listener james from westwood:

That Zombie Zombie session was a treat.
Avatar 🦇 4:31pm

yay for frito pie!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
chris in the redwoods:

me want to eat with Kate and Handy! :)
also, in other great 2020 news, Letterkenny season 9 in late December.
Avatar 🦇 4:34pm

yeah really.. you guys have a yard I can sit in?
Avatar 4:36pm

Chili with mahi-mahi. (I'm-a just saying!)
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:36pm
Handy Haversack:

Julie, we do! It just looks like it's going to be pretty rainy. Otherwise, you'd be invited in a heartbeat!

Chris, that is excellent news. Pitter patter!
Avatar 4:39pm

Never had frito pie. A southern thing, no?
Avatar 🦇 4:41pm

it was an actual pie when my mom made it but mostly it's just fritos and chili. It's been a big staple through this lockdown for me. Sentiment I suppose.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
Handy Haversack:

Yeah. The "traditional" method is to open a can of Hormel chili and pour into a bag of Fritos. Ours is tarted up. Kate's bean chili is built around posole, baker's chocolate, and beer -- and a pretty extreme number of jalapeno and serrano peppers. Plus tomatoes and a ton of other beans. Then for the Frito pie, thickened with tomato paste and GimmeLean fake beef and LOTS of onion. Baked with Fritos and cheese and more cheese.
Avatar 4:44pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

I have not lived pt.765: I have never eaten a Frito pie. Booo-hoooo. Sounds so tempting.
Avatar 🦇 4:45pm

well it depends on if you like chili and fritos. if you do, yes you will like it

Pat "Pooch" DiPuccio of Blow Up is a buddy and former 'zine colleague of mine.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
Handy Haversack:

Trying to think of a way to get you a piece of the pie, Julie ...
Avatar 🦇 4:49pm

oh cool, Dean!
Avatar 🦇 4:49pm

next year, Handy!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Handy Haversack:

I have vague memories of hearing Blow Up on WRAS but I don't really know them at all -- this is great, though!
Avatar 4:50pm

Beans are the soul of chili.

¡Feliz cumpleaños, Julie!

Oops, no. Wrong Blow Up! This is the UK band, a later arrival than Pooch's.
Avatar 4:52pm

Jane Birkin?
Avatar 🦇 4:52pm

thanks Cronbat!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
Handy Haversack:

Oh jeez, Julie. What are you doing to us?

I'm not crying -- YOU'RE crying!
Avatar 5:09pm

Damn, I miss my black light poster!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
chris in the redwoods:

i just have something in my eye is all
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Handy Haversack:

A couple of years ago, I officiated at a friend's wedding. Another friend of ours who had moved to California a couple of years before came back for the wedding. As the dinner was still going, he and I found the karaoke machine in the bar, and I sang this to him. He said that after the tears and the glow of love, the best part was watching passersby on the street stop and and blanch in terror. I, uh, was feeling it.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Handy Haversack:

It was the day after seeing Nick Cave at Barclays. I was still cathecting.
Avatar 🦇 5:11pm

I feel like we are all feeling this feeling this week
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Handy Haversack:

Back patting and whisky-glass clinking, Chris.

You should play Calvin Harris' "Feels" (feat. Pharrell Williams and Katy Perry).
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chris in the redwoods:

you're a damn fine human, Mr. Haversack.
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Handy Haversack:

Wish you were here, Chris. Back-yard Bowmores!
Mark R:

I don't think I've heard Elton's version of "Lucy in the Sky" since the 70s
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chris in the redwoods:

love this cover!
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I believe Lennon is doing background vocals and guitar on this
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Along with Johnstone, that is
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pretty sure this is the first time I've played these guys.
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Cool! Amon Düül! For whatever reason I prefer their (not-so-) controlled chaos to Amon Düül II - it used to be exactly the other way around.
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Michael 98145:

chaos is difficult to control
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do the female members ever sing lead or nah?
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hi Michael!
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Michael 98145:

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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Though this album is Amon Düül at their most "normal" -the other albums (which mostly come from one chaotic recording session) are very different.
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Handy Haversack:

Amon Düül!

Hmmm, Cha Cha, hard to say which I prefer. It changes!

Hey, Michael.
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ahhh interesting, will definitely need to check out more
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Michael 98145:

howdy, @HH
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I know Fabio plays them a lot, not sure which version he prefers
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I would guess I over II, because chaos

musique pour ecouter les oiseaux avec, Julie ou trouble!
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Handy Haversack:

Well, a lot going on with this album cover, that's for sure.
Avatar 5:42pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Both Amon Düül and Amon Düül II have their momets, the latter was/is rather more organized in its presentation and had/has more structured songs, though excessive jamming also present there.
Mark R:

It's amazing how all these songs recorded 40 years apart sound like they were recorded around the same time!

I never go into either Amon Düül, but I love lots of other Krautrock: Jane, Kraan, Guru Guru, Epitaph, Tomorrow's Gift, Yatha Sidhra, Release Music Orchestra...
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haha yeah I don't know any of that stuff.
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any with female vocalists dean?

Among those, no. (Still have no idea why Jane is so named.)
Avatar 5:47pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@5:44 Dean: Guru Guru aside, I don't think I have ever heard any of these, for me they are just familiar band names, as I am more of a Can/Faust//Popol Vuh type of "krautrock" listener.

Well, Can is another one I still don't quite get, and a little Faust goes a long way for me, but Popol Vuh, Ash Ra Temple, Cosmic Jokers...those I could spin all day.
Avatar 5:48pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

@5:46 Julie: Renate Knaup sang both in Amon Düül II and Popol Vuh.

Just sold my Amon Duul and Popuh Vuh records.

Grobschnitt is another one in the proto-jam band mold.
Avatar 🦇 5:49pm

hmm i wonder if there is a good krautrock compilation sampler I could check out. thank you cha cha! Hi there NGH!
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Handy Haversack:

@Sylvia, any more dreams to report? Now's the time!

Keeping Faust rekkids.
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Handy Haversack:

I really love Can. Dig Faust a lot, but I really love Can.

@julie there's a cool bbc kraut rock documentary that's kind of like a sampler
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

😂 Handy
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ohhh that sounds good, I'll check that out, thanks Matt!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

man, that was a really good dream
Avatar 5:53pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Oh, and Kluster/Cluster/Conrad Schnitzler/Moebius/Roedelius plus that Ash Ra Tempel guitarist Manuel Göttsching. Impressive stuff so many years of its time.
Avatar 5:54pm

Yay, I made it in time for the last hour! And just in time for Joe Jackson! (Love the Elsa Lanchester pic!)
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Handy Haversack:

I mean, you were working with top-notch material, Sylvia. How could it not be!
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Hi Daya!!
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Avatar 5:56pm

Cool! I’ll be there!
Avatar 5:58pm

Wow, you played Amon Düuül 😄

Feliz cumpleanos, Julie! Happy Day!
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Handy Haversack:

Julie, an Hour Four idea for the FUTURE: Sci-fi themed songs?
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thanks NGH!
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Michael 98145:

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btw: Jenny Boylan’s NYTimes op-ed piece tomorrow is about young Elton John
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oooh I don't get the times...
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oh Handy I like that a lot!
Avatar 6:04pm

Sci-Fi theme suggestion: Another Girl, Another Planet by The Only Ones
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oh I love that song
Avatar 6:06pm

Same! (We covered it, always a fav in the band)
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Handy Haversack:

Did you get a copy of Strange Stars? It seems like it might be out of print already, but it just came out a couple of years ago. SF and music coming together in the seventies, framed by Bowie releases: www.wordbookstores.com...
Avatar 🦇 6:06pm

oooh that looks cool
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Julia Holter ❤️❤️❤️
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and I think I'll have to play I fell in love with a starship trooper
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Handy Haversack:

(I'm also going to suggest "In the Year 2525" because I mean, you have to, right?)

Julie, if you want to borrow my copy, I can mail it to you?
Avatar 🦇 6:08pm

sure handy! send me an email julie@wfmu.org and I'll give you the info
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2525 was my fav song as a kid 😁
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that seems
like something Unwoman should have covered
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Handy Haversack:

Oh wow, if Unwoman covered "2525"!
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and, Cleopatra 2525 top notch show
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I don't think she has but wow it would amazing
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

btw the said BBC Four doc is called "Krautrock: The Rebirth of Germany" should be still available on youtube.
Avatar 🦇 6:10pm

great, thanks Cha Cha!
Avatar 6:12pm
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

as for your question re Amon Düül II commune, if you can get "Amon Düül 2 and the Birth of Krautrock" from somewhere, could be an interesting read.
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chris in the redwoods:

Planet Claire by the B-52s for a sci-fi theme show :)
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who even DOES the year 2525 I don't actually know
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

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Handy Haversack:

And anything off BOC's Imaginos ... though I'm already thinking I'll send "Del Rio's Song" to Michele as my Guilty Pleasure ...

Zager and Evans, Julie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullo !!!
So good to get some DNotS Julietime !!!
...Also Belated Solar Return !!!
...woulda said so earlier - but my tracFone crapped out & now all I got is my iPod - only good for streaming or chatting but not both @ once pretty much...
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Zager and Evans
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that seems...unlikely and there you go I've never even heard of Zager and Evans.
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hey RevRabbit!
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

I mean, did not Laibach have a cover of the said song or am I again mistaken (my memory is really shot nowadays)
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haha yes they probably did
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and Rev it is LITERALLY Julie time
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Handy Haversack:

Yes. While I have never heard Julie Plug before, I would testify in court that this is from 1998!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Did they ask Julian Cope anything for the KrautDoc ??
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

oh and one more tip Julie & co. TThis is an OK-ish article on the Amon Düül & communes etc.thequietus.com...
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I had Julian in this hour but I had to cut so much
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But tell me that you at least have Bobby Sherman queued up? ;)
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I couldn't think of any bands who had lead singers named Julie but there must be some!
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Well, Julian Cope's Krautrocksampler, like everyone says, a fun read, if not fact-based on all of its pages as it were
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...but not Juliantime (the Juluan Calendar) ...I'll just have to (not) Cope...
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there are a fair amount of julie songs but I decided to go singer instead
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I should do that too though maybe next birthday!
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There ya go!
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surely with the musical knowledge gathered here someone knows of a band with a julie member if not singer

Julie Delpy
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julie delpy has a band?

No, but she has an album
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

I know one French band with a Julie (they split years ago): Cornu
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yeah how did I miss her! Definitely will check that one out, thank you
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oh thanks Sylvia!

Juliana Hatfield, too
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There is always: The Julie Band

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Awwww, sorry! :(
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

you’re welcome! it was an interesting band: drums, bass, violin
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Handy Haversack:

Would Julianna Hatfield in Blake Babies count?

Also, do you know the band the Julie Ruin? Kathleen Hanna (and our friend Sara!).
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

ok, bedtime, bye all
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Handy Haversack:

Bonsoir, Sylvia!
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chris in the redwoods:

gnight, Sylvia.
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oh I forgot about Julie Ruin! and yes of course Juliana counts
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Julie Brown's "Because I'm A Blonde"
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sylvia goes to bed just before the french comes on
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Julia' by Beatles (John) comes to mind - but a digression
...loves Juliana Hatfield's voice : it gets to such an interesting set of places...
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there are so many baby voices from that era but something about hers stands out.

There is! It's the Brain box set from two or three years back: https://www.discogs.com/Various-The-Brain-Box-Cerebral-Sounds-Of-Brain-Records-1972-1979/release/10115358

But it's a whopper.
Avatar 🦇 6:32pm

i have a song called julie is a junkie I forget who sings it
Avatar 🦇 6:32pm

ohhh wow Dean thank you!


^In reply to Julie @5:49. Contractor swung by with questions.

Drawback of that box is that it is exclusively Brain, just one label.
Avatar 🦇 6:33pm

yeah but it's something
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speaking of contractors this time next week I should have my own money pit

@Julie: “Julie is a junkie”? Eastern Dark?
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could be

There's a Juliie July Band

Damn, I have many Brain recs already!
Avatar 🦇 6:35pm

oooh I just looked them up Cronbat sounds like something I'd quite like, thank you!

"Own money pit," as in title to a house/condo/loft?

Congratulations and enjoy the ride.
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yes! supposed to close Friday (I hope)
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thanks! Won't be spending much time there till I get rid of the Radon and Mold (yikes)

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Handy Haversack:

Radon and Mold: Next band, Julie!

Congrats, too. Hope it brings joy!
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eventually it will. At first it'll be lots of work. But it's purty.

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Radon & Mold the worst comedy team of all time
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chris in the redwoods:

we call our house the Fitzcarraldo. its always something... but we love it.
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I'm already calling it My Valley of the Dolls house
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Handy Haversack:

I guess for a house that's better than Aguirre Wrath of God, Chris.
Avatar 6:39pm

Danish/Greenlandic Julie Berthelsen from the TV series Popstar. She does a verson of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

"Who's on first aid?"
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ooooh thanks sim!
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Congrats on your My Valley Dolls House, Julie!
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thank you Cha Cha!
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I always end up with new artists to check out from you guys!
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How do you get rid of radon?
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chris in the redwoods:

hehe. true, Handy.

yes, congrats, Julie! all the best wishes.
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I don't even know but I got a credit on the price to take care of it.
Avatar 6:41pm

Hope all goes well with the house! (and you can always look for Dutch Schultz’s lost gold when you’re bored, it’s supposedly buried nearby)

This Jukie Jinken sounds like Chan Marshall.
Mark R:

The Clash "Julie's Been Working for the Drug Squad"
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chris in the redwoods:

ventilation, perhaps? (to get rid of radon?)
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A little bit.. Chan's voice kinda grates on me. I should be into her but I just am not.
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Handy Haversack:

I want to put forward LINGUA IGNOTA's cover of "Juline" but I guess I also just want to think about "Juline."

This Julia Jacklin track is fantastic.
Avatar 🦇 6:44pm

I knew a Julene in college
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

we have, whatd-do-you-call-them, radon wells? Gets the radon out of the air into a "well" of sorts. Yes, the readings in this house complex were very very high, action had to be taken in spite of COVID-19.
Avatar 🦇 6:45pm

they call it remediation I have no clue what it entails
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Removing radon is a process, the EPA has a lot of info about it.
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Handy Haversack:

Well, I don't think they would have had all those commercials in the eighties about "radon, the silent killer!" unless someone had figured out how to make money out of getting rid of it.
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

The Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority used that "Radon Well" (yes, even in English!), even if it sounds like a deliberate attempt to poison your drinking water.
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haha for real!
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and this old couple has been living in that house. Watch their health issues improve once they're away from all that.
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okay who speaks scottish gaelic?
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Handy Haversack:

(also, <sprockets>Your story has become tiresome, and if you were a gas, you would be inert.</sprockets>)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Wonder about the etymology & meaning of 'Julie' - feminine of Julius I suppose...
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It might involve a RO (reverse osmosis) filter on the water. I had to install one due to uranium in our water.
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Handy Haversack:

I know a bunch of other Scottish songs with some of these words in their titles, but ... that's all I got.
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I think it means "youthful," I remember that from when I was little
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is it different than the gaelic clannad sings? scottish versus irish?
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Handy Haversack:

Yes, though closely related. In Scotland they pronounce their Gaelic "Gallic" but say the Irish speak "Gaelic." FWIW.
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chris in the redwoods:

yeah, duolingo says there is Irish and Scottish Gaelic
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there is some rivalry there I think, I have a mix of both but for years no one ever talked about the scottish part only the Irish. That would be my Connally relatives, which to me sounds Scottish
Avatar 6:52pm

Wow, reading about radon... a radon atom is heavier than lead. So these radon atoms would pool to a depression like a well and you'd pump it out.

Oooh, another band (male vocalists) to explore: Ossian, especially Dove Across the Water and earlier LPs.
Avatar 6:53pm

Oh, Juliette Lewis the actress was also Juliette the rocker and had a band and some solo albums.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Aha probly related then to Juvenile & Jejune...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Blahr ... missed some cool programming, but I have a nice nap to show for it. Have a nice Thanksgiving; I may tune in for a spell.
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Handy Haversack:

"Linguo ... dead?!"

"Linguo *is* dead."

Julie, another absolute joy of a show! Loved the Julie Hour! Hope your birthday was great and that the Valley of the Dolls House is swiftly welled of radon.

Can't wait to hear you on Tgiving and then again in 2525!
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hi ken! glad the nap was good!
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Anyway, a good birthday to you DJ Julie! Loved the show and the bonus hour, as always!
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thanks sim!
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chris in the redwoods:

thanks, Julie! take good care everyone. see you around.
Avatar 6:58pm

Like that title: Goddess In Progress.
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Photocopy Cha Cha 2525:

This show always ends too early, but at least this week there is a Thanksgiving bonus! Thanks Julie for your DJing! What a good selection once again. Have a nice evening folks.
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thanks guys!!
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Handy Haversack:

Good to see all you Dark Souls! Hope to do it again soon!
Avatar 6:59pm

See y'all Thursday!
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Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Brought back big memories with that final track, Julie. Back in DC days, we used to listen to Bethesda's WHFS and we recall that tune being in heavy rotation. Especially on Weasel (who was sorta 'HFS's Irwin)'s show... x
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