Bob Brainen's playlist
October 17, 2020 ![]()
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Add or read commentsOn WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
Saturday 11am - 2pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time Hank Levine w/ Timothy Leary Image, Part One / The Psychedelic Experience ![]()
1961 / 1966 Henry "Red" Allen Feelin' Good ![]()
Feelin' Good - His First "In Person" Album 1965 0:02:26 Pop-up) Tommy Flanders Friday Night City ![]()
1967 Verve non-lp 45, Frank Zappa-guitar, arr. 0:06:12 Pop-up) Barry Goldberg Carry On ![]()
1967 Verve non-lp 45, MIke Bloomfield & Frank Zappa-guitars 0:08:36 Pop-up) Beach Boys Cabinessence [backing track] ![]()
The Smile Sessions 1966 / 2011 0:11:19 Pop-up) Miss Abrams and the Strawberry Point Fourth Grade Class Mill Valley ![]()
1970 Reprise non-lp 45
produced by Erik Jacobsen0:15:12 Pop-up) Erik Satie Je Te Veux ![]()
Pour Piano 1900 / 1985 0:18:12 Pop-up) Greenberger/Spring/Child/Hashimoto This Weather ![]()
Take Me Where I Don't Know I Am 2016 0:22:47 Pop-up) The Cradle One Too Many Times ![]()
Laughing In My Sleep * 2020 0:25:01 Pop-up) Fairport Convention Now Be Thankful ![]()
The History of Fairport Convention 1970 / 1972 non-lp 45 originally 0:27:54 Pop-up) Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch"0:30:11 Pop-up) New Riders of the Purple Sage All I Ever Wanted ![]()
New Riders of the Purple Sage 1971 0:35:59 Pop-up) Gerry Rafferty So Bad Thinking ![]()
1971 non-lp b-side 0:40:40 Pop-up) Tony Bennett Emily ![]()
The Movie Song Album 1965 0:44:01 Pop-up) Beans Bowles Beans ![]()
Motown Unreleased 1962: Jazz, Vol. 2 1962 / 2012 0:47:19 Pop-up) Tadd Dameron Band w/ Fats Navarro Dameronia ![]()
The Complete Blue Note & Capitol Recordings 1947 / 1994 0:50:02 Pop-up) Jack McVea & His Door Openers Frantic Boogie ![]()
Two Timin' Baby 1945 / 1986 0:52:58 Pop-up) Boots Brown & His Blockbusters Blockbuster ![]()
Boots Brown / Dan Drew & His Daredevils - Rock That Beat 1952 / 1956 0:55:54 Pop-up) Huggy Boy Hermosa Beach Concert Ad ![]()
1956 0:58:33 Pop-up) Music behind DJ:
"children playing"1:00:01 Pop-up) Dickens Sho' Need Love ![]()
NRBQ - in frequencies * 1971/ 2020 Scepter non-lp 45 1:07:23 Pop-up) Turtles Outside Chance ![]()
You Baby 1966 / 1994 CD bonus Track 1:09:31 Pop-up) Warren Zevon And If I Had You ![]()
The First Sessions 1:11:40 Pop-up) Herbie Hancock Tell Me A Bedtime Story ![]()
Fat Albert Rotunda 1969 1:14:08 Pop-up) Hollyridge Strings Big Girls Don't Cry ![]()
Play The Hits Of The Four Seasons 1964 1:19:12 Pop-up) Irving Gertz / William Lava Theme from Deadly Mantis ![]()
Monster Movie Music, Vol. 10 1957 1:21:27 Pop-up) London Jazz Four Paperback Writer ![]()
Take a New Look at the Beatles 1967 1:22:59 Pop-up) Manfred Mann Driva Man ![]()
Pretty Flaimingo 1966 1:25:54 Pop-up) Billie Holiday & Louis Armstrong Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans ![]()
New Orleans 1947 Movie w/o an OST 1:28:27 Pop-up) Music behind DJ:
"children playing"1:30:28 Pop-up) Martha Bass, Fontella Bass & David Peaston Something Down Inside Of Me ![]()
From the Root to the Source 1980 1:35:23 Pop-up) Charlie Haden & Hank Jones Swing Low Sweet Chariot ![]()
Steal Away: Spirituals, Hymns, and Folk Songs 1995 Jeez, Hank on piano! 1:40:15 Pop-up) Maurice Jarre' Building The Barn ![]()
Witness 1985 OST 1:42:12 Pop-up) N to the Power The God Particle ![]()
Autogenesis * 2020 1:47:10 Pop-up) Olafur Arnalds & Voces8 Partial (Choir Version) ![]()
Re member 2018 1:51:35 Pop-up) Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch"1:55:24 Pop-up) Thanks to: Ron Jett, Scott Konzelmann, Doug Young, Keith Spring, Gene Sculatti & Pete Tomlinson.'
And especially to everyone who has supported FMU & this show during our Oct. Hellraiser!
(* = new)
Listener comments!
9:00am : Good morning, Bob and all. Looking forward to some hot tracks to warm up with this cold fall morning.![]()
9:03am : Listening....Good Morning!9:03am : Good morning Bob and all listeners.
@ Jeff Good morning.![]()
♥ 9:05am :
Good morning, Bob and braintosauri. There's a new dawn, a new day, a new life, and pancakes to be made. You know how I feel.9:05am : Good Morning Bob + fellow listeners, Inspiring opening tune!
Hang in there, Doc Rock!![]()
🥁 ♥ 9:06am :
Tommy Flanders!!![]()
♥ 9:06am :
mmm pancakes![]()
9:06am : Mornin'bb & crew! 8-)![]()
♥ 9:07am :
Woke up just in time for the start of the show. Yay!![]()
♥ 9:07am :
Good morning Bob and glisteners!9:08am : Morning, all.![]()
🥁 ♥ 9:09am :
I love this Barry Goldberg tune.![]()
9:10am : Good monring 1whoknewcthulhu, Deborah, Doc Rock, Adamdoesit, Jeff, WilliamfromDumont, Yes, Smokin' J & Frank in Queens, Corey, Joe M. Welcome all!9:10am : Hey Bob and everyone! Never heard that Tommy Flanders 45, cool! produced by Tom Wilson, I see. Has the feel of a mid-late 60s UK production9:10am : Bob! Last night I just started reading " Guitar king : Michael Bloomfield's life in the blues"![]()
9:13am : Yeah Dennis, Tom Wilson, hence the Zappa involvement.
That's a good book Jack.![]()
9:14am : Howdy Bob. Howdy all.![]()
♥ 9:15am :
morning folks!9:16am : Good morning Bob and everyone. That Beach Boys cut. Amazing.![]()
♥ 9:16am :
good morning. this mill valley track is happy![]()
♥ 9:16am :
i want to go to a place called strawberry point9:16am : I've always felt that Bloomfield was (and is) underappreciated. Love the Electric Flag and Super Session tracks.9:17am : Mill Valley! I loved that record when it came out, and I ain’t ashamed to admit it!9:18am : recently heard that the circular “who ran the iron horse” part of “Cabinessence” may have been inspired by the “didi-didi-didi-didi” bit of “Last Train To Clarksville”!![]()
♥ 9:19am : haven't heard this version of this Satie...9:19am : It's a gas, gas, gas to hear your radio show again Bob Brainen.9:20am : For Satie, this rocks!![]()
🥁 ♥ 9:20am :
Bob, do you have that Al Kooper single from '66 doing an instrumental of Phil Och's Changes?![]()
9:20am : Howdy Marc, Melinda, northguineahills & Leonardo!
Totally agree on Bloomfield, Jack. Plus those 1st 2 albums with Paul Butterfield. A-mazing.
Dennis, now ~that~ is a fun fact! Fun just to ponder it!![]()
9:23am : I forgot about this record!!!9:24am : This weather! Foggy and cool here in Seattle. Bob Brainen in my ears. Perfect for a morning run.![]()
♥ 9:24am : Sunny and the first not hot day here in FL (still in the 70sF;20sC this morn.
Marina trench, east of the Phillipines, in the Pacific ocean.... (I think I heard this record around wfmu over a decade ago)>![]()
♥ 9:27am : Fairport!9:28am : Yeah, I heard that someone brought the newly-released Monkees 45 to the studio & Bri flipped out. I think the timeline works out?9:28am : LOVE this Fairport track! Thanks for playing!!![]()
9:28am : Hey dano59. hey egould310, northguineahills.
Wm. I do not recall it. Was it ever anthologized?
Food for thought DD.9:31am : Kooper's instrumental Changes 45 (also on Verve) is on YouTube (pretty eccentric arrangement!): : strawberry point just north
of sausalito
marin county, california![]()
♥ 9:35am :
NRPS !? Hooray !![]()
🥁 ♥ 9:35am :
I know Changes was reissued on a recent anthology. The "B" side not reissued.![]()
🥁 ♥ 9:39am :
There's a New Riders album called Before Time Began that contains sessions from '68/'69. Great stuff!![]()
9:39am : Thanks Pete! I'll check it out. Ah. yet another Verve 45!
Johnk77, sounds nice. Just places I've read about or know from record references.9:43am : Good morning, Bob, and listeners.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Gerry Rafferty song I didn’t like. He’s so good.9:44am : Hey Frank!![]()
9:56am : Hi Bob and all. Glad to have the app playing thru my car speakers. Long drive, paused to say thanks for the great sounds!![]()
9:59am : Hey wendy del formaggio, mauri, & Really Lisa. Appreciate it, have a good ride.10:01am : When the back announcing track came on, I almost thought that Tortoise song "I Set My Face to the Hillside" was about to start.![]()
10:02am : chicken wings in the oven and good music on the air! thanks bob!10:04am : Thank You, Skeleton Ruth10:05am : It’s so nice to hear you again on Saturdays, Bob! You have been missed![]()
♥ 10:06am :
What a combo on that Dameron tune.♥ 10:07am : This is so trippy, Bob!
What a gem.10:10am : That's The Turtles' Nuggets track!![]()
10:12am : Hey zzzacck, I'll have to check that one out. I learn a lot of new / new to me things from the comments.
Thanks listener marianne, great to be here.
Yeah Adam, w/Damerson-you can't go wrong!
Hey David in ATL from NJ, it is trippy, which is sorta ironic. :![]()
♥ 10:13am :
"Outside Chance" might be the first Turtles track helmed by the genius of drummer Johnny Barbata - who is originally from Clifton, NJ!10:13am : @zzzacck: I have often had that same Tortoise-related thought when Bob starts that particular “music” bed. It’s a fun trick that keeps my internal jukebox strong.![]()
♥ 10:13am : This has to be the least Warren-Zevon-sounding Warren Zevon track ever.10:14am : Shout-out to Clifton, NJ! Some of my favorite relatives live/lived in that town. Valley Road!10:16am : Bob: Tortoise’s first few albums, released mid-90s on Thrill Jockey, are really special. I recommend starting with either their s/t release, “Millions Now Living,” or “TNT.” I think you’d dig ‘em.10:18am : Missed you Bob! Me and my new puppy Bruce are listening in and lounging.![]()
♥ 10:21am : @Wendy: One of my all-time favorite bands. To me, "It's All Around You" and "Beacons of Ancestorship" are equally good as the first 3. (And all the various members side projects are good too!)10:21am : @Matt Warwick: A new puppy! Hooray! Details, please. Breed? Where’d ya get him? How fuzzy and snuggly is he?![]()
♥ 10:22am : Ooops, forgot to mention "Standards" which is probably my favorite Tortoise album!!! I get shivers from the opening notes of Jeff Parker's guitar (who by the way just dropped a couple of great records)![]()
10:22am : Warren Zevon does a nice version of Mutineer on the Letterman show. You can find it on youtube. I think it was his last appearance on the show.![]()
♥ 10:24am : Photo of Bruce the Puppy here: @Matt - any new pics?![]()
10:24am : Dennis, yes! 1st w/Barbata. Next to Dino Danelli, the flashiest sticksman,right? Did not know he was a local boy! Wendy I lived in Cliifton to-my 1st 3 years!
Roberto, yr right, he was a teenager! Tks Wendy I'll check 'em out. Hey Matt, thanks!A new puppy? awesome!
I have one Tortiose cd in a matte finish brown paper case.![]()
♥ 10:25am : @Bob Brainen: The one in the plain paper is their first record, which is good, but the sound got a lot more sophisticated when Jeff Parker joined the band. I love all their records but I think "Standards" is the best. There's not a bad one though.![]()
♥ 10:26am :
@Matt Bruuuuuce! What a sweet face.10:26am : @YETI BOB: Thank you for the Tortoise suggestions! I’m going to my local rekkid store this week, so I’ll poke around or order as necessary.
I saw them once at Bowery Ballroom (NYC), uh...maybe 2005? It was a fab show.![]()
♥ 10:27am :
Hi Bob. Glad to hear you again. Super set.![]()
♥ 10:27am : I bought that CD at the Princeton Record Exchange, when I still lived in NJ, not knowing anything about the band - something about the simplicity of the cover turned me on. Then I moved to Chicago and became a major fan, and actually I live right down the street from the studio where they recorded (no longer a studio, now an antique shop).10:27am : @wendy we believe he is a beagle/schnauzer mix. Got him from a rescue place Waggy Tails. Here’s a pic of how fuzzy he currently is:![]()
♥ 10:28am : @Matt: Awwwwww!![]()
🥁 ♥ 10:29am :
Goood morning, Billie![]()
♥ 10:29am :
Gmorning Bob and friends10:29am : @YETI BOB: I don’t see any puppy photos on that page. Maybe ‘cos I’m on my iphone? Waah. I wanna see the puppy!
♥ 10:31am : @Wendy: Here's a direct link to the pic Matt posted Tuesday. But he just posted a newer one![]()
♥ 10:32am :
Brand new puppy! Cute10:33am : @Matt W: Awwww! So snuggly and fuzzy! Bruce looks a bit like my childhood dog, Sandy. (Hmm. A Bruce song. Oh, we NJ people!) When I was 5 years old my family found Sandy as a stray so we knew nothing about her other than she was cute, small, alone, and hungry. I remember she ate all our ham.10:34am : Thank you YETI BOB. Such a fuzzy puppy face! ❤️10:36am : Good morning Bob and all other Brainiacs.![]()
♥ 10:39am : physicalolgical personal hygiene taken care of, now for Bob to soothe my mental hygiene.... gracias....![]()
10:39am : Thanks Yeti. Matt, all puppies are cute, but that critter is extra cute! And yes, "Adopt, don't shop!"
Hey to DjLorraine. Hey Andrew in Toronto![]()
♥ 10:39am : Fontella Bass - after having a #1 hit with "Rescue Me" - made a few really interesting appearances with the Art Ensemble of Chicago and the World Saxophone Quartet (she was married to trumpeter Lester Bowie)![]()
10:39am : yes! haden and jones!10:42am : Wow, “Witness!” Underrated movie![]()
♥ 10:43am : Martha Bass was her mother and David Peaston was her brother - a family recording there.![]()
♥ 10:44am :
Hello Bob and listeners from curfew land![]()
10:47am : G'morning northguineahills & tfunk & fred.
Yeah, Witness is one of my fave movies.
Wow, didn't know Peaston was her bro. Thanks Yeti.![]()
🥁 ♥ 10:47am :
Warm greetings from Woodside, Queens NY! Gotta love WFMU! wow![]()
🥁 ♥ 10:50am :
Bob, a particularly fine show today. Thanks man!![]()
♥ 10:50am :
I like to read conservative sites (just to get out of my bubble), and right now one has a lively debate about Sex Pistols vs. PiL, with many posters now pastors. There's hope![]()
♥ 10:50am :
This is new? Really great![]()
♥ 10:51am : is maurice jarre related to Jean-michel jarre?
Fred! Mauri Yeti, Paul! bon semaine du fin semaine! soleil pour tous!![]()
♥ 10:52am :
♥ 10:52am :
@ngh: Maurice was Jean-Michel's father![]()
♥ 10:52am : My french really sucks, I need more practice again.... (might need more practice w/ my English as well...)![]()
♥ 10:53am : aye, fred: new factoid for me! obrigato!![]()
10:54am : Hey PaulRobeson1920, thanks Wm.
Glad yoo dig steveo.
My French is worser than your French!![]()
♥ 10:55am : It's weird hearing Bob in EDT AM.... digging....![]()
♥ 10:56am :
@ngh: by now you might as well give up on English and focus on rising languages like Spanish or Chinese![]()
♥ 10:57am : hablo espanol, pero, mi chino es muy mal....![]()
♥ 10:57am :
It may be a Physics reference.
"In 2012, scientists confirmed the detection of the long-sought Higgs boson, also known by its nickname the "God particle," at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most powerful particle accelerator on the planet. This particle helps give mass to all elementary particles that have mass, such as electrons and protons."10:58am : Thanks Bob for keeping us both grounded and elevated.![]()
♥ 10:58am : The Higgs bosson is the sub-quatum particle that makes up all sub-atomic particicles. Thanks, steveo!![]()
🥁 ♥ 10:59am :
Good Stuff! Thank you Bob and Skeltons! Peace and love always < 3![]()
♥ 11:00am : It was originally "The Goddamn Particle" - look up Leon Lederman![]()
♥ 11:00am : Not kidding! They made him change the title of his book. He hated "The God Particle"![]()
♥ 11:01am : ngh: it does not make up other particles either. it is responsible for mass. but quarks are different