Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from October 5, 2020 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 5, 2020: Premium Radio

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New
Googoosh  Jomeh   Favoriting Azizam!: Sophisticated Boom Boom's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1971   
Jonathan Knight  Quiet Village   Favoriting Deep Exotic Night: Explorers Room 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1967   
Eileen Farrell  Blues in the Night   Favoriting Mystery Train Wreck: Weekly World Blues' 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1959   
Jimmy Jensen  Little Grass Shack   Favoriting Save a Polka for Me: Dance with Me Stanley's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1964   
Blaas of Glory  I Was Made for Loving You   Favoriting Atchoo!! Peppermill Covers: Sounds Under 64's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R     
James William Guercio  Electra Glide in Blue   Favoriting When a Director Scores: Morricone Island's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1973   
Igor Petrenko Disco Vocal Group & Orchestra  Мгновенье, стой (For What It's Worth)   Favoriting Covered All Over the World: Duane Train's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1980   
The Critters  Mona   Favoriting Messages from Big Planet Noise! Volume Two: Big Planet Noise's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1965   
Atlantis  Son of a Bitch's Son   Favoriting Starting with the '70s: You Are Number 6 - Evan "Funk" Davies' 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1975   
Sally Yeh  Cha Cha Cha   Favoriting Canto Disco Revolution: Domestic Partner with Faye 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1986   
Alan Watts  Fallilng into Love   Favoriting The Feelings Guide to Life: Feelings' 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R     
Lightstorm  Missionary Is Impossible   Favoriting Man Is Sick and Nations Have Gone Mad: Music of Mind Control's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  late '70s   
Dickie Lee  Laurie (Strange Things Happen)   Favoriting 25 Killer Death Discs: The World's Worst Records Radio Show's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1965   
William Conrad  Moon River   Favoriting All That Spazz: Music to Spazz By's 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1977   
BP Renegades  Like Ah Boss   Favoriting Steel Pan-demonium!: My 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 2015   
Mac Davis  Yesterday and You   Favoriting I Believe in Music  Colulmbia  1971  LP  R.I.P.   
Mac Davis  Uncle Boogar Red and Byrdie Nelle   Favoriting Song Painter  Columbia  1970  LP     
Mac Davis  Honeysuckle Magic   Favoriting Burnin' Thing  Columbia  1973  LP     
Mac Davis  Something's Burning   Favoriting I Believe in Music  Columbia  1971  LP     
Mac Davis  Texas in My Rear View Mirror   Favoriting Texas in My Rear View Mirror  Casablanca  1980  MP3     
Single File: a bunch of 45s lined up in a neat row for about a half-hour
Helen Reddy  Angie Baby   Favoriting single  Capitol  1974  45  R.I.P.   
The Ides of March  Vehicle   Favoriting single  Warner Bros.-Seven Arts  1970  45  kind of by request   
Margie Rayburn  If You Were   Favoriting single  Liberty  1957  45     
Executive Suite  Christine   Favoriting single  Jubilee  1970  45  co-written and co-sung by Daryl Hall   
Big Country  In a Big Country   Favoriting single  Mercury  1983  45     
Madeline Kahn & Chorus  I'm Tired   Favoriting single  Warner Bros.  1974  45     
Jerry Jeff Walker  Goodbye Easy Street   Favoriting single  MCA  1975  45     
Jonathan Richman  Road Runner   Favoriting single  Beserkley  1978  45  From 1975   
Rube  Dumber by the Day   Favoriting When We Wake Up It's Gonna Hurt  Luftmensch  2020  MP3    *  
Dougie Poole  These Drugs Aren't Working   Favoriting The Freelancer's Blues  Wharf Cat  2020  CD    *  
Bill Callahan  Another Song   Favoriting Gold Record  Drag City  2020  MP3    *  
Tobin Sprout  Breaking Down   Favoriting Empty Horses  Fire  2020  CD    *  
Lydia Loveless  Love Is Not Enough   Favoriting Daughter  Honey, You’re Gonna Be Late  2020  MP3    *  
Ride til Dawn  Here Tonight   Favoriting Glass Mirage  Ride til Dawn  2020  CD    *  
Gene Clark  For No One   Favoriting Here Tonight: The White Light Demos  Omnivore Recordings  2013  LP  circa 1970-71   
Yo La Tengo  Wasn't Born to Follow   Favoriting Sleepless Night EP  Matador  2020  MP3    *  
Thoughts and Words  Morning Sky   Favoriting Mockingbyrds: Gaylord Fields' 2020 Marathon Fundraising Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  From 1969   
Starry Eyed and Laughing  One Foot in the Boat   Favoriting Naughty Rhythms: The Best of Pub Rock  Premier  1996  CD  From 1975   
Anonymous  J. Rider   Favoriting Inside the Shadow  Macchu Pichu  2013  LP  From 1976   
The Byrds  Ballad of Easy Rider   Favoriting Ballad of Easy Rider  Columbia Legacy  1997  CD  since we've been dancing around them, why not?   

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Listener comments!

  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Boing Boing Boing Boing!
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David (in London):

Hello Yippers. Greetings Joe.
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we be yippin'
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Marley P. Dogg:

Pledge to feed the yips!
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Handy Haversack:

Joe and all the Yippers! Greetings.

David, Marley, boingy Monday to you both.
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Radio Radio!!
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@David: How's things by you? (as my Mom used to say)
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Krys O.:

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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

SO much great stuff on this Sheila B disc.
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How do I get one of those cool pumpkins next to my name?
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Hello! Love to start my day with Googoosh <3

Hi Joe and friends. Happy to be here this morning/afternoon
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David (in London):

Count Yeti Bob, Handy, Krys, Woods.

Yeti Bob - Not too bad thanks man. We've been hit by Storm Alex here, so it's been three or four days of relentless lashing rain. However, the sun is out now so I'm taking off the wetsuit... How's things over in the Windy City?

No clue what shes saying....but it hurts!!!

Nice Joe!
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@David: Summer was over, then it came back just a little bit. We're harvesting the last things from the garden, taking the last boat rides of the season, etc.
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Handy Haversack:

@pantz: Just pledge, baby!
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Handy Haversack:

Colleen -- great to see you at Stashu's party the other night. That was a really uplifting time. Things were a little chaotic -- Kate had a play in a festival, done online of course, and we weren't sure of the timing. So we did not sign up to sing. But next time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Joe McG:

Welcome to the show, everyone, good to see you!

HI David. Finally made it out to our rental cottage in South Scotland. Surrounded by hills and friendly sheep, saw a tawny owl yesterday.
Dropof Goldensun:

A buzzard’s a two face.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am

Warm greetings Ya’ll! Sounding real good!

Hiya Handy
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Barney Grubbs:

I still automatically sing “A Buzzard is two-faced” whenever I hear this tune
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David (in London):

Stanley. Wow, that's great man. The great getaway has come to fruition! Just stay away from that old house on top of the hill...
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Handy Haversack:

Stanley, sounds lovely! We have never really been south of the Forth and Clyde Firths. Usually we aim north.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Handy - a blessed boing boing to you and yours
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Phillippe Bastille:

Good morning
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Joe McG! Great tunes! Hi folks! Hi ya David in London!

Yesssssss! Good morning Joe! ❤️
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Webhamster Henry:

This Little Grass Shack is culturally transgressive on two completely different levels!
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David (in London):

Phillippe! Buddha! The prime groovers are all here.
Dropof Goldensun:

Hey Buddha!

Hey there Handy!! It was great to see you too!! I actually felt like I went out-ish to an event...yeah...Ibwas scared of getting it all to work too and got my ticket in the nic of time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey Handy, DiL, Stanley, Boods!

Ha ha, this version of Little Grass Shack is new to me. Never thought it could be repurposed
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@Henry haha
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17am

Joe, having the other DJs pick your tunes is cheating!
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"lutefisk go swimming by" .... hahaha .... lutefisk are dried & preserved (in lye!) whitefish
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Joe McG:

@12539: Ha ha ha, I'm still "curating"!

Colleen, Handy - did you sing any tunes?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

OMG...this cover! Ha!
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Morning Joe. A premium show, eh?
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Webhamster Henry:

Marathon premiums are their own little shows, pickled to perfection like lutefisk!
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David (in London):

Yeti Bob! Don't say the L word! I tried it in Norway, and it's the vilest thing I've ever eaten. (And I have a very strong stomach).

Thanks guys. Sound advice, David. There is always that one light showing and I do not want to know what/who is inside.
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Handy Haversack:

After enough Pig's Eye, YB, even lutefisk can swim.
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The Oscar:


Hey there Paul!!! Had just enough wine to wanna scream out "Dance this mess around" but I didnt get to go for it!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

This is a perfect tune for DJ Stashu's show!! Hi Dropof! Hi Phillippe Bastille. David in London! Hello! Good Klezmer Rock!!
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Handy Haversack:

Yeah, Stanley, *best* case you end up in a Nick Cave song. Worst case not worth dwelling on on holiday.

Joe...you are on FIRE today!!

Cooool you played Jan's premium those Blaas of Glory guys are cool

Handy - amazingly, there’s another listener in the valley!


Maybe that’s him in the house at the top of the hill.
Avatar 🎸 9:22am

@David: Don't blame me, blame Jimmy Jensen. That song was of course a takeoff of "My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii"..... but that song, in turn, was a parody of a 1924 song, "Back in Hackensack, New Jersey" - which just proves that NJ really is the center of the universe.
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Joe McG:

@Colleen: It's fun to play my fellow DJs' premiums!
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Handy Haversack:

Well in that case, Stanley, bring a bottle over!

Paul, I didn't (scheduling issues; see above). I *think* Colleen did, but I missed it because of the same scheduling issues. Also missed Therese! Double bummer!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hey Colleen! So I got a call from my dentist. They canceled my appointment for today because they have to CLOSE THEIR OFFICE. and will reschedule whenever their branch re-opens. That doesn't sound good. So that's why I'm here. No dentist appointment after all.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Can anyone explain why TRUMP is such *****ing***hole*****?
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all. Make some sound.
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Webhamster Henry:

WFMU is ground zero of international covers.
goyim in the am:

This sounds more like Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys than For What It’s Worth, for what that’s worth.
Terr n DE:

@ Budda ... daddy
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@Buddha: Bad parenting and a lifetime of sycophantic enablers.

Ooh!! who's premium is this Joe?
oh Boods, that's not good..myeah hearing about new cases in our hood too...

well I butchered that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Steve from Dunwoody:

@yeti @buddha I am voting for the guy and I think your analysis of his correct take is also correct. A real specimen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
David (in London):

Hey ami ad.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Yes, Colleen! Scary out there. I got all these gift cards for my Birthday, but I feel weird going to stores when the world is in CRISIS and I fear I could catch a deadly virus!! Sorry for being such a buzzkill on your board, Joe McGaskett. See what I did there?
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Webhamster Henry:

Yeah the Critters (electric autoharp not audible on this cut) i274.photobucket.com...

An interesting cover of “ Mona”. Cool.
Ed Casey:

The Critters - The pride of Union County NJ rock and roll!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Steve from Dunwoody, ooph!
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Hey Joe!
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David (in London):

Webhamster - I tried an autoharp once, and it was the most embarrassing thing ever to happen in the UK.

Joe: are you going to admit to the pledge upselling technique? Get this premium, and this, and this.... Just might work, though.
wild neil peace all:

still unemployed yes 8 months. it's hard.
Handsome Johnny:

Holy McGasko it's Joe.

Stanley, glad you managed as escapade. It was always the witch's house with the overgrown garden that never returned the footballs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Joe McG:

@Jasminejungle: Yes, I'll even make a package deal: 3 for $180! ;)
ami ad:

@David (in London): Good day there.
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Handy Haversack:

You smooth-talking son of a gun, McGasko!

ami ad, hey pal. Blue skies over BK.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am

I guess the phrase "Son of a Bitch's Son" is catchier than "Grandson of a Bitch."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
David (in London):

Carol Crow's Premium is a real doozy. I have the honour of appearing on it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am
Joe McG:

@David: Wow, really, David? Fill me in.
ami ad:

@Handy Haversack:Sun is shining. It's mighty. @David:Carol Crow has a fine radio show.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

David in London? (9:35am) What?? Please explain more.
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David is the "Da" in Daona
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Webhamster Henry:

@David (in London): It's all in the thumbs.
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Webhamster Henry:

I miss the Alan Watts Hour (And Joe Frank)
Haiku Henry:

I miss hearing Watts lectures on FMU
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I grew up with Alan Watts and the Subgenius lectures on WFMU ... the basis of my spirituality :)
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David (in London):

Joe / Buddha - Carol has been a great supporter of our album, and asked us to contribute a track for her Premium this year. I was obviously bowled over to be asked. We chipped in a track called 'A Game of Chess'.
Terr n DE:

wow, never knew Alan was British...All is One , and One is Nothing...at least thats what my computer said.
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Lixiviated Life:

Well now, This is a bright and cheery thought.
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David's album (Daona) is a fine one. Unusual.
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Lixiviated Life:

Hi Bood-Zee Burbs
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Good morning Alan Watts! Love to all from Bklyn, lets have a week WFMUall

This set is extraordinary! And excellent opening track, Joe ;) Hearing Alan Watts is always such a balm, too.
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Handy Haversack:

Yes, we are big fans of Daona at the Haversackerai!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am

Alan Watts all over YouTube - enjoy
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David (in London):

Yeti Bob - I might put that on a business card.

Thanks for the kind words pals. Sorry to make it all about me, but occasionally you just have to toot your own trumpet.
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Handy Haversack:

Best to do so during a cultaganda track, David, so that you still seem down-to-earth and humble in comparison.
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Joe McG:

Thanks for your contribution, Sheila! What a great song, that whistling.
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Joe: How come WFMU CD-Rs work?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

As Sheila B would say, this song is bonkers!
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If I had a track on a WFMU comp I'd want to let everyone know (hmmm, I wonder if I could bribe Fabio to include one of my unlistenable oscillator/feedback jams?)
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Quite the phalanx of CD-Rs!
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Webhamster Henry:

My father used to claim this story (Laurie) happened to him. But then again, he used to say he wrote "The Witch Dctor".
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I'll have to show this tune to my wife, Laurie - ha ha. She may kick me out on the street
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The brain does strange things; he was hallucinating. Can team this up with Bobbie Goldsboro's"Honey."
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hi Joe, and all
It's nice to be able to hear the other premiums
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Terr n DE:

@ Yeti Bob if your phone s Android, check out the Etheral Dialpad app. Great for that kinda thing. I did a FB jam w a Morley Electrostatic Delay and a Flanger...trains chasing airplanes thru tunnels and caverns
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am

people just don't write songs about dating dead people enough these days
LP Stevenson:

Not just Cannon. The first Matt Dillon, on the radio.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

Great set, Joe, but I can't find these albums on Spotify. Please tell us more about this "WFMU" label.
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Hubig Pie:

My halitosis freind
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No translation for Huckleberry friend?
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Webhamster Henry:

I have two tracks on Kurt Gottschalk's Ostriches kind-of-premium.

think you can find weekly Alan Watts hours on stations such as KPFK ... die hards
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Phillippe Bastille:

Hey Handy, I saw the coolest duck this weekend -- apparently a black duck/mallard hybrid. Black bill and feet, dark brown color, white chest with brown highlights. Was swimming with mallards. Sending a pic.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Lix Zee Life! How are you, old boy? David in London, whhaaa? I must hear your music. Please send me a link or youtube video or something!!
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Hubig Pie:

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@Terr: Thanks but I'm all set. I've got a bank of 1950s tube oscillators, ring modulators, pitch shifters, delay lines, etc. All analog, all big and heavy. Knobs and dials and wires, kind of the opposite of a phone app.
Avatar 9:51am

Steel drums just make everything better. Folks, if you like steel drums and haven't pledged for Joe's premium yet, jump on it!
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Handy Haversack:

Cool, Phillippe! We had a brown thrasher out back on Sat. Just passing through. Looking VERY askance at our urban sparrows.
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This reminds me... still waiting on my swag
Terr n DE:

i love how many Steel Drums together sound like Farfisa Organ
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Buddha of Suburbia:

David in London I know you ran with a lot of famous musicians in your youth.
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Joe McG:

@Andrew: Please e-mail me: jmcgasko@wfmu.org.
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Handy Haversack:

Bonjour, Sylvia. ça va?
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We've had a lot of red-tail hawks overhead. They're on the move.
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David (in London):

Buddha, DM me and I will sort you out.

Yeti Bob - Now Simeon Coxe is sadly departed, you have an opening to take his crown.

@yeti bob your oscillator setup sounds lovely!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Handy oui, ça va, et toi ?
Have to go out for a bit, to pick up my son at school
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David (in London):

Sylvia is another Carol Crow Premium alumni. And very good their track is too.
Terr n DE:

@Yeti Bob, wow ! any online examples ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am

@Yeti you have pictures somewhere of your setup?
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@David, Martini: I have a lot of fun with it! But mostly what I do is pretty noisy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am

Good morning Joe & all my other huckleberry friends.

I see that Discogs has 344 releases listed under the WFMU label and 1,154 overall search results for the term "wfmu".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Phillippe Bastille:

Last week they had an announcement from our state asking people to turn off all unnecessary lights as 4 million migrating birds were expected to fly through the state that night and they wanted to confuse the birds as little as possible..

another great set
thank you selecter
alan watts brought on
heavy berkeley/marin county
he started as a volunteer
at kpfa
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Joe McG:

@David: I confess I haven't heard Carol's premium yet. Will investigate!
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Thanks for the curiousity, folks. I wasn't intending to self-promote. I don't have a big online presence. I had a website for a while but it's offline ATM.
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Handy Haversack:

Tout marche içi, Sylvia. Á bientôt.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@David thanks for the shout out!
Do you feel like Joe isn't playing Carol's premium ON PURPOSE?
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Migratory birds or no, all unnecessary lights should be turned off.
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Phillippe Bastille:

good point βrian
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB I have a friend who makes music like that. Name is Dave Seidel. Used to go by the name Mystery Bear. Great stuff, even if I don't understand what he's doing most of the time.
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βrian: I heard of some group trying to reduce lighting at night, across the planet. Can't recall its name now.
Terr n DE:

I made a two hand Twin T osci w a doorbell on/off and a 2.5 octave dial sweeper. 4 switch for 4cps to 2000 cps range
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Well, there's the Dark Sky movement.
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I don't know what that Dave Seidel does most of the time either!
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That's it, βrian! I had a pal who was into that. Good idea.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am

Good Stuff! GOTTA LoVE WFMU!

happily cajoled :)
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@dougseidel Ha!!
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morning friends

lights on at night don't reduce crime, uh oh i feel i'm triggered! down with lights on at night, down with twice a year time changes, down with schools that don't operate year round....UP with WF M U!
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Not Hooked on Me, please?
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YETI BOB: now i want to hear what sounds you make with all that stuff you have (i sent you an email)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:16am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB I want to hear it too!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

David (in London). We're Facebook friends right?
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Phillippe Bastille, that's so cool! There are over 50 Migratory Warblers in the U.S.
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Buddha of Suburbia:


No wonder that Elvis liked Mac. Smooth operator.
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I've spent a lot of time in Kirtland's warbler territory.

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:21am

LOVED Saturday Morning Confusion, especially as I was a kid who lived for Saturday mornings. Mac Davis was definitely in my 7-8-year-old top 10 list.
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Thanks Doug. I will follow up off-list. I need to get my website back up & running. Good wintertime project.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:22am

...Well, not Mac, but I did like Mac. Its early. Going back to bed.
Terr n DE:

gotta be careful what you push as your Big Hit. I immediately threw Mac into the Housewife Music garbage bin. These aren't bad
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Little late in commenting but thanks for the Laurie track. My name is Lori and I've never heard this one before.
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A tube-powered website sounds very cool.
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Joe McG:

@SheWolf: Glad you're still alive, Lori! Those undead dates would be rough.
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David (in London):

Buddha. Shhhh, Mark Hurst might be listening! I've just got your DM, and wil reply forthwith!
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Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Joe, on my own show's chatboard I was just made aware you played De Blaas of Glory! excellent choice. Thank you!
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Good morning fellow surface dwellers. Surfers. Surfactants.
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RIP Mac Davis: Nice tribute.
Terr n DE:

who had the hit w Sometin s Burnin ?
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Handy Haversack:

Great show so far today, Joe! Bagpipe and I need to take each other for a walk after a fairly sedentary weekend. Hope to make it back before the end!

Hello, goodbye, Crudbringer!
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Joe McG:

@Terr: Kenny and the First Edition. @Handy: Have fun! @JanT: Thanks for contributing to the set with your premium!
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David (in London):

Good to see Bagpipe taking you for a walk, Handy.
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I didn't know Mac wrote Rear View Mirror. My friend used to drive me nuts singing this song over and over when I was like 13 lolz
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Handy Haversack:

"Too much gin and not enough vermouth": boy, do I feel you, Mac Davis.
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Listener Baby:

A fond good morning from the west coast, Baby Joe.
Terr n DE:

thanks Joe, I thought so, but was thinking it just might have had the same name
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Handy Haversack:

(though I could always use more gin ...)

Yeah, David, glad *someone's* in charge around here!
Avatar 10:30am

good morning (at least in my time zone!) to all
Rick A.:

I am just arriving because I have to work the first hour of the show. So I missed any conversation on Davis. I guess he is a Kenny Rogers figure. Like the Rogers tribute, Joe has found Davis's best work. I remember seeing North Dallas Forty when I was thirteen and being really impressed on what a good actor Mac Davis was. He was a natural in that role. I did not see Cheaper to Keep Her, however, so I can't vouch for that one.
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Joy! There's a new Dust To Digital release coming up!
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@fred - yes! and what a cool project it is!
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Happy Monday, Joe & all!
Terr n DE:

I ve just moved Mac into the Jimmy Buffet bin. thanks Joe
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@fred: Happy Happy Happy, Joy Joy Joy!!!
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Tim 07030:

But was he buried IN HIS JEANS, Joe?
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Joe McG:

@Tim: I sure hope so!
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oh yeah!...
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Joe McG:

This record is SO weird! The next one is for all the people last week who loved Lighthouse.
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@fred: That was a Ren & Stimpy reference (a cartoon I liked in HS)
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the Master:

This song gave me a nightmare once as a child.
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Fender Rhodes on this track? (Angie Baby) - I love this sound.
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"Vehicle" is my jam! Sammy Davis Jr does an outstanding version of this as well!
Rick A.:

Yeahhh, I'm Your Vehicle!!

Terr n DE:

House Wife Music redemption. Yes for Mac , Hellen No!. this was a "New Station, Now, hit the button" back in the day
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Tim 07030:

'Vehicle' was a mainstay of my college party mix tapes.
Terr n DE:

Great Cesear s Ghost !, hes your Superman too !
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:42am

Great Song!!
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Aww Terr, I used to think Helen Reddy was just daytime AM radio fodder but that track was sounding pretty good.
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Krys O.:

Jim Peterik of Ides of March wrote Eye of the Tiger. A not-so fun fact that haunts me to this day.
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@Krys O: Really? I thought it was written by Sylvester's brother Frank.
Terr n DE:

better than i remembered. was there a Dads gonna get in bed allusion ?
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Krys O.:

@Yeti Bob, nope. The co-author Frankie Sullivan was also a member of Survivor, as was Peterik.
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David (in London):

I think I'm right in saying that Helen Reddy's brother or husband managed Iggy and The Stooges. A collaboration that sadly never happened...
Listener Alexandra:

Good morning, Joe! Just gave you a horrible joke along with something for the tip jar ;)
Terr n DE:

the problem w the 70s Housewife Music was sometimes the sappy arrangements.strings, vical choruses etc. abd not the song
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Joe McG:

Thanks, Alex! I can't wait to read it. And thanks to everyone donating to the show and to WFMU in general.
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Angie reminds me of the Bobbie Gentry storytelling songs but cannot surpass Ode to Bille Joe.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Bring on the bagpipe guitars!
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Joe McG:

@Deborah: I agree! @Woods: I LOVE 'em!
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Housewife Music is an insulting stereotypical term. Unless you really wanted to be one.
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I remember that Big Country track. Not making me any younger
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Smooth rockin' set as per usual jm.. Gracias! 8-)
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Someone gifted this Big Country album to someone in my dorm in college. When I saw the cover my first thought was, I didn't know he liked Country.

I used to see Peterik at a diner in the Chicago suburbs all the time. Leopard print pants at lunch.(circa 2009)
Terr n DE:

the album version is different or is it just the vynal vs CD ?
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Mike W:

AAAHHHHHHH I was 16 when this hit and yes I did blast it from our living room stereo with the front doors of the house wide open. How did anyone make any songs after Big Country did this one? It should’ve ended music

Taking me back to high school, Joe. This is still a great song.
Rick A.:

Poor Stuart Adamson, tragic life, though he at least got to have fun performing this song and appearing on MTV in the early 80s.

Meet me in my dwessing woom.

@Terr: I think there was a different single mix (album is longer I think).
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Krys O.:

Agreed, Rick A. According to a friend, Stuart was a wonderful person.
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"no particular order" taken to an extreme...

Lilli von Shtupp!
Rick A.:

Many of us are the same age. I was beginning my senior year in high school when Big Country broke. I also had a big crush on Madeline Kahn growing up given my love of Mel Brooks' movies.
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Mike W:

I can’t believe you have Madeline Kahn on 7-inch Joe. Hard to believe but my respect for you is *still* increasing
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Hubig Pie:

Tex, mam.
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Mike W:

“Bitte, baby!”
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Joe McG:

@Mike W: The other side is Frankie Lane doing the title song of the movie. Equally great!
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Mike W:

@Joe McG: unreal!
Rick A.:

That this was released as a single is odd. The Frankie Laine title track is rip roarin' song too. Supposedly, Laine didn't know that he was singing a title track for a Western parody.
Terr n DE:

thanks PJ
Avatar 10:54am
Mike W:

my neighbors HATE the volume i have this cranked to
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am

What's the limit on schnitzengruben in this place?

13, Squints.

Get that last joke?
Rick A.:

One of my favorite quotes: "We have to to protect our phone baloney jobs, gentlemen!"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:55am

Phenomenal set, Joe!
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Pale Son:

Wow, that was amazing, thank you.
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Too much von Shtupping for Lily.
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Until the chorus line breakout at the end, that song could have stood in for the Paif record in Bull Durham.
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Joe McG:

Glad you folks are enjoying. I AM tired!
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JJW -- Outlaw!
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excellent Road Runner...
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Hubig Pie:

6/4 beat Rock and roll song
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I fell in love with the radioo Onn
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Radio Radio!!
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The Oscar:

Been busy working, but ROADRUNNER! The first time I heard this song I was literally driving to Stop & Shop late at night as a dorky Massachusetts teenager. I got a little spooked.
Terr n DE:

same guy as Balloon Man ?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

...and then there's the goofy Sex Pistols version of this.
Avatar 11:01am

How have I not clickied starred this????

@The Oscar, the first time I heard Roadrunner was in my dorm room, windows open and the guy upstairs was blasting it out the window. I actually went up there to find out who it was because it sounded so great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

Jeffrey Lewis sure listened to that track
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Pale Son:

Not the most kickass version of this song, but still great.
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Not getting that 6/4 feel, Hubig .... counting it out in 4s

How many versions of Roadrunner has Jonathan recorded? This might be my least favorite . . .
Dennis Diken:

diggin' the show Joe! hi all!
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I liked that version.
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Hubig Pie:

It's all in the triplets, Yeti B
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clearly mixed reviews on that recording of Road Runner...
Terr n DE:

Great Set !
Avatar 11:04am
WO Town Wick:

Nice Mac Davis mini-set

@YETI BOB, I saw Dreaming Grand Avenue yesterday in a movie theater. Only 3 other people so we felt safe. Beautiful document of Chicago. It's different but never dull.
Rick A.:

I can hear the lyrics the best in this version.
Avatar 11:06am
Hubig Pie:

I liked that version, Ja.
Avatar 🎸 11:07am

@Hubig: I hear the triplets. And he does count up to 6 at the beginning...
@Woo: Cool. I'll have to see if it's still playing. I live a block and half from Grand Avenue.
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JMcG, your roller derby name is now is officially "Executive Sweet"
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Angie, the prototypical WFMU listener.
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Love your show, Joe!
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There are new songs??
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Aw dang, I was hoping for Taylor Swift.
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Phillippe Bastille:

If I had a roller derby name it would be "E.R. Regular"
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Your derby fail name would be Joe McGaskHO.
Avatar 11:13am

I can identify w/ this song....
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also, thank you for mentioning my hellraiser shows. My friend made that cute cartoon of me and its had a lot of marketable uses. Thanks, "HO"!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hi Joe and folks! Dumber by the day? That's my life story!
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Joe McG:

I love my new names, Suzy! :)
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Joe McG:

Thanks, yfp! @WO: Glad you dug the Mac!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

̶E̶ ̶P̶l̶u̶r̶i̶b̶u̶s̶ ̶U̶n̶u̶m̶ --> Dumber by the Day
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I was going to go w/ Mc, Gas, Go!
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Phillippe Bastille:

Yeah, I can relate to this song...

Joe I'm late to the party here because of work but am looking forward to going archive to give a listen and especially whatever it is you played by alan watts. I have missed hearing his voice on these airwaves. Used to be him followed by Joe Frank. Made for some interesting afternoons/evenings.
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Joe McG:

@?: I miss the Alan Watts and Joe Frank combo, too. That was some solid radio right there.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

This has has the best song titles ever. I hope the next song is called "Hey guys, I don't feel so good. Can you call my mom?"
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i forgot to sign in re alan watts
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Ross T.:

I wonder if the drugs ever kept working for anyone.
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Joe, maybe the reason you're tired is because those drugs aren't working like they used to.
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Hard-workin' drugs is what built 'merica!
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Joe McG:

@pantz: Yeah, I took a Bayer and it's doing practically nothing! @Ross T.: Interesting, I wonder! Maybe they're not supposed to.
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Ross T.:

In my experience Joe!
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Handy Haversack:

Nice to come home to the welcoming sounds of selections from the Great Joe McGasko.

Lovely day out there in NYCland.

if you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Bill Callahan is consistently great.
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Joe McG:

@anon: Oh my god, I just watched "Pink Floyd - The Wall" for the first time this weekend. So depressing!
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Hubig Pie:

Mr Callahan's vocal stylings are unmistakable
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Joe Frank! So good
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I had to give up coffee this week because I'm developing an ulcer. I might have to resort to drugs. It's killing me.
Handsome Johnny:

Bill Callahan's other group is Barry & the Tones.
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Webhamster Henry:

Alan Watts: An hour of Buddhist thought punctuated by cigarette coughing. Can't beat it? Well, you can with Joe Frank: anguished phone call dramas over Steve Reich pieces.
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New Tobin Sprout fits in nicely here!
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Ross T.:

At least Bob B is back.
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Phillippe Bastille:

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Handy Haversack:

Finally get to focus and listen to this one!
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@JoeMcG@11:24: What on Earth compelled you to do that?
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@ Web-henry, the wife and I and our baby at the time used to lay on the bed w windows open and not quite nap while listening to alan wats and Joe frank. really dreamy fond memory. the baby's 26 now. who knows where the time goes?
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Ross T - are you referring to Bob Brainen? I'm pretty happy he's back too. Although, he gets a little too excited during his mic breaks.
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Mike W:

accepted cover of a Gene Clark gem of gems
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Mike W:

@Pantz My genuine sympathies! I am a coffee person and I sometimes fear I’m doing in my tummy. I already take drugs though (not uppers...maybe that’s what I should try)
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a. Love that there's a new Lydia Loveless rekkid.

b. I miss the dirtier sound.

But I do like this. At a show of hers opening for Old 97s in 2014, my only request of her when I divebombed the merch table was "Please make more."
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Buddha of Suburbia:

I'm going to get going! Have a great day! Thanks for a great show, Joe McGasko. I have a question about donating. I'm going to just shoot you an email. Have a great day everyone!!
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Joe McG:

Sorry for leaving Gene on 45 speed!!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:36am

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David (in London):

Bye Buddha.

Handy - How was the walk? Did Bagpipe throw a stick for you to chase?
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I was just thinking, what an interesting voice
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tim from champaign (now washington):

The 45 speed Gene was from an album called The White Line Demos.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

There you are David (in London). Thank you for the tunes! You guys are brilliant!
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Joe McG:

He actually sings this song at the top of his range already, so it won't do to send him higher!
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David (in London):

Can we also have it at 16rpm for the Laibach version?
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Thanks @Mike W. I need to get in touch with Trump's dealer and get some of those Presidential Pick-Me-Ups.
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Trying to imagine Bill Callahan at 16 rpm.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Joe McGasko, I was almost excited to hear Alvin & The Chipmunks as they never get enough credit for their work.
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Handy Haversack:

David, ha! Someone walking a labradoodle complimented me (him?) on his training, which confused us both. Got another fifteen pages read. Enjoyed both sunlight and breeze. All boxes ticked.
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Pale Son:

Sadies also do a great cover of this song.
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Ross T.:

Ha yes Tim Bob is excitable!
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David (in London):

Holy crap! Thoughts and Words! Joe - Bob Ponton was my guitar teacher when I was 17. I played in a band with him. Ha ha!
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Gaylord Fields:

Hi, Joe! I was wondering to myself if my premium would fit in with this set.
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David (in London):

Gaylord, see my message above!
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Joe McG:

I didn't get you in earlier, so...perfect!
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Gaylord Fields:

@David: I do, and I am so impressed! WFMU is a strange interconnected ecosystem, innit?
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David (in London):

Gaylord, isn't it? Bob was in a Psych band called Pandemonium before Thoughts and Words. They've had a bit of revival press in the likes of Shindig in recent years. It's so great to hear him on your Premium.
Handsome Johnny:

Remember seeing Bleary Eyed & Coughing many years ago.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

A round of drugs to the White House press secretary, the latest Covid-19 recipient. Thanks for your stint piloting the rescue ship this morning, Joe. Did not run aground; did not capsize. Five stars, would recommend.
Handsome Johnny:

Gaylord, your Premium had to be done. Nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am
Gaylord Fields:

@Joe: And you got in both the British Byrds-ian 70s groups! Well done!

@David: Oh, yeah — Pandamonium of "No Presents for Me" shoulda-been fame! Jersey City's own 2000's freakbeat combo The Black Hollies put Bob's riff from that song to good use in their song "Bruised Tangerines."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am

Great stuff Joe!

Great show, Joe. Of course you already knew that.
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Gaylord Fields:

@Handsome Johnny: Thanks — I was sitting on that idea for several years and its time was overdue.
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Handy Haversack:

This was the smoothest flight I've ever taken, and I love where I landed!

Thanks, Joe. Very much obliged.

Be well, all! See some of you rocking out with the Next Joe Up!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:53am

Thanks Joe! Be well everyone.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Great show as always Joe! Be well!
ami ad:

Thank you DJ,Crew. Keep that distance people.
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Irene Trudel
coming up on the Drummer Stream:
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Joe McG:

Thanks for listening and commenting, everyone! Have a great week. Tune in for my "special" next time. :)
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David (in London):

Gaylord, I don't know The Black Hollies, so I will check them out. Thanks. Christ, it's really knocked me for six hearing Morning Sky suddenly. I have a scratchy old vinyl copy of the album, so it was weird to hear it without a sudden jump halfway through.

Terrific fun today Joe, thanks.
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Webhamster Henry:

Some real Byrds now.
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Great Show Joe!! Keep 'em flying!!
Handsome Johnny:

Remember the begining of Wim Wender's film An American Friend. Dennis Hopper as the Ripley character singing this song briefly.
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Hubig Pie:

Sandy Denny original?
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Hubig Pie:

I know nothin'
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Krys O.:

Thanks, Joe!
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Webhamster Henry:

A fine show on Larry Fine's Birthday! Thanks Joe!
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