Favoriting The Orange Boutique with Orange Peel: Playlist from August 31, 2020 Favoriting

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Monday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting August 31, 2020

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Artist Track Year Comments Images Approx. start time

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Welcome back 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Tunespinners  You've Done Your Best   Favoriting       0:00:53 (Pop-up)
Billy Nicholls  Friendly With You   Favoriting       0:03:16 (Pop-up)
Fairport Convention  Close The Door Lightly When You Go (BBC Top Gear 2 June 1968)   Favoriting       0:05:07 (Pop-up)
The Ballroom  The Island (original version w\/count)   Favoriting       0:08:01 (Pop-up)
Tin Tin  Toast And Marmalade For Tea (long alternate mono mix w\/count off)   Favoriting       0:11:11 (Pop-up)
Duncan Browne  On The Bombsite (stereo)   Favoriting       0:15:02 (Pop-up)
Marianne Faithfull  Rosie Rosie   Favoriting       0:17:46 (Pop-up)
The Floor  Moonbeam   Favoriting       0:20:14 (Pop-up)
Brian Hyland  Holiday For Clowns (mono)   Favoriting       0:23:00 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  Ban Deordorant   Favoriting       0:25:31 (Pop-up)
The Smoke (U.S.)  Song Thru Perception   Favoriting       0:26:26 (Pop-up)
The Gremlins  Blast-Off 1970   Favoriting       0:28:41 (Pop-up)
Gary Lewis & The Playboys  Moonshine (mono LP)   Favoriting       0:31:11 (Pop-up)
Tommy Roe  Moon Talk (mono 45 edit)   Favoriting       0:33:22 (Pop-up)
Herman's Hermits  Moonshine Man (mono)   Favoriting       0:35:49 (Pop-up)
The Spencer Davis Group  Moonshine   Favoriting       0:38:15 (Pop-up)
The Onyx  You Gotta Be With Me   Favoriting       0:41:26 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Homework (mono)   Favoriting       0:43:55 (Pop-up)
The Marmalade  Can't Stop Now   Favoriting       0:46:46 (Pop-up)
Sandy Salisbury  Do Unto Others (mono 45)   Favoriting 1969      0:48:48 (Pop-up)
Marc Bolan  The Third Degree   Favoriting       0:51:40 (Pop-up)
Del Shannon  Cut And Come Again (remix)   Favoriting        

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:59pm
Orange Peel:

welcome, my friends!
Avatar 8:02pm

Welcome back Orange Peel...
Avatar 8:03pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you - one, two, three, four...
uptown jen:

Welcome back, Sir Peel.
Avatar 8:03pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you, Lady Jen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

hello, Orange Peel and everyone
Avatar 8:06pm
Orange Peel:

Hello, Spodiodi. Thank you for joining us.
Avatar 8:11pm
Orange Peel:

Have you all had your tea yet?
Avatar 8:13pm

I heard this on the radio when I was young...and thought it was The Bee Gees.
Avatar 8:13pm
Orange Peel:

It is Maurice Gibb at his finest.
Avatar 8:16pm

Right...I found out years later that Maurice produced the band...I think he played on it too...
Avatar 8:16pm
Orange Peel:

Yes, the piano & the bass
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Wild Honey:

Good evening Orange Peel! Sounding fine on this beautiful night
Avatar 8:19pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you so very much, Wild Honey.
Avatar 8:24pm

I really like the arrangement on this Brian Hyland song...it's a favorite of mine.
Avatar 8:24pm

Love this Brian Hyland tune! Thanks for playing it.
Avatar 8:24pm
Orange Peel:

It was written by Sir Sonny Curtis; he recorded a single version of it too.
Avatar 8:25pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you, Lady Dawn
Avatar 8:27pm

Looking at your playlist now. This is a great show! I wasn't familiar with you and am glad to have discovered you. Great to see you played the Ballroom! I wrote the liner notes to the first CD of their music, for the Rev-Ola label.
Avatar 8:28pm
Orange Peel:

That is wonderful. I am just getting back into radio and having a great time.
Avatar 8:29pm

Glad to have you here! The Michael Lloyd song makes me think you're my former cross-town neighbor! If so, I was a fool not to accept your offer to sell my Free Design LP to you--please accept my apologies!
Avatar 8:30pm
Orange Peel:

I am originally from the UK, but have lived in California since the 1960's. Is that where we met?
uptown jen:

I keep discovering more and more how much I love Gary Lewis!
Avatar 8:32pm
Orange Peel:

I think I am too, Lady Jen.
Avatar 8:32pm

No, in that case, you're not who I thought. You are a mystery person with delightful musical taste!
Avatar 8:33pm

Oh, I love this Tommy Roe song! The Ballroom are on backing vocals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm
Beantown Doug:

Same comment here, re: Gary Lewis
Avatar 8:33pm
Orange Peel:

Am I Crazy?
Avatar 8:34pm

Ditto ditto re Gary Lewis
Avatar 8:37pm

Dawneden...I hope I'm correct...if I'm not, please correct me. Are you the same Dawn Eden who produced and wrote the great liner notes for the 1993 compilation Guilty Pleasures-Music You Hate to Love for Sony in 1993?...
Avatar 8:37pm

Oh, now I see you're Mr. Come to the Sunshine! I know you well but had no idea you were originally from the UK. So good to have you back on live radio.
Avatar 8:39pm

Great job today, Peel.
Avatar 8:39pm
Orange Peel:

Thanks Big Boss, this is getting easier.
Avatar 8:40pm

Now that the robot Bunny is out of the way, the show is all yours.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm

Good evening, Sir, Orange Peel! Diggin' the tunes while I was running errands. Back home now :)
Avatar 8:40pm

@sw2442 Yes, that's me! Thanks so much for your kind words. I confess I'm half proud and half embarrassed by that collection. I'm proud of the song selection but embarrassed by the cover and by the engineer transferring "Washington Square" from an LP at 45 rpm (!). Also, in the liner notes, I said I wished Mark Lindsay were my guy, only the typesetter printed "gut" instead of "guy." Anyway, it's nice to be remembered! Thank you! BTW, Sir Orange Peel also did some great liner notes for Sony Music Special Products at that time.
Avatar 8:40pm
Orange Peel:

Good evening, Lady Candace
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm

Your show was great, too, today, Andrew!
Avatar 8:41pm

Why, thank you - Candy-O. It is getting hard to catch up with Orange Peel. He is doing great. My next new show will be a Donovan special.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

Oooh, that will be great - Donovan! I'll have to make sure I tune in!
Avatar 8:43pm

Thanks, it will be a wonderful and probably extended show, Candy-O.
Avatar 8:43pm

Hello, Dawn - hope you are keeping well.
Avatar 8:43pm

Oooo...I am really looking forward to that Donovan special...I would assume many mono mixes that are hard to find...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

Fab, Andrew!
Avatar 8:44pm

Yes, it will be full on MONOVAN!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm

Oh, yeah!!
Avatar 8:44pm
Orange Peel:

The Big Boss always gets it right. He has been a great help to me since I lost Lady Peel.
uptown jen:

Weird. I’m cataloging my Mindbenders 45s right now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Beantown Doug:

What would we do if Andrew didn't do his homework??
Avatar 8:46pm
Orange Peel:

Lady Jen, that sounds like fun.
uptown jen:

It’s pretty fun. I do need to get a copy of “It’s Getting Harder All the Time.” That’s my jam.
Avatar 8:47pm
Orange Peel:

I quite like that one, me-self!
Avatar 8:48pm

Doug, it is a lot of fun!
Avatar 8:48pm
Orange Peel:

Am I Crazy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Beantown Doug:

"Do Unto Others" is what I think of as one of the Top 10 CTTS records.
Avatar 8:49pm

Dawneden...yeah, I know Orange Peel did some liners for the series...the Guilty Pleasures disc is the only one I got. They were all there at the store I bought this at, but I went back, they were all gone. I have 'em now in my Discogs wishlist. Incidentally, a volume 2 was mentioned in the notes...what happened?
Avatar 8:50pm

It is definitely a favorite of mine. It is amazing how many of these records Orange Peel remembers.
Avatar 8:50pm

I think you are confused: I don't believe Orange Peel writes liner notes.
Avatar 8:51pm
Orange Peel:

Correct, Big Boss
uptown jen:

Doug, I love that one as well! You have good taste!
Avatar 8:53pm

Doug does have good taste
Avatar 8:53pm

Great show, Peel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

thanks, Orange Peel!
Avatar 8:54pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you all - goodnight, my friends.
Avatar 8:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 8:55pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you DA, for your hard work.
uptown jen:

Thanks again, Sir Peel. Have a lovely night.
Avatar 8:56pm

True...Orange Peel should...he's got a bunch of great stories...just like his big boss man. Thanks Orange Peel for a another great hour...stay cool. See you next Monday...right?
Avatar 8:56pm

Thank you, Sir! Good night!
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