Favoriting Old Codger with Courtney T. Edison: Playlist from September 3, 2020 Favoriting

The Old Codger: playing 78 RPM records like they're going out of style!

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Favoriting September 3, 2020: He's always "me"-deep in conversation.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Little Jack Little  Three O'Clock in the Morning   Favoriting Little Jack Little 78 rpm disc  Little Jack's Little Records  0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Hadda Brooks  Humoresque Boogie   Favoriting Hadda Brooks 78 rpm disc  Hadda Label  0:03:08 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Gus Bodenheim  Gross, But ... Bars™   Favoriting Gus Bodenheim's Commercial Scams  Bodenheim Records  0:09:36 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Slim Gaillard Quartette  Laguna Oroonie   Favoriting Slim Gaillard 78 rpm disc  Oroonie Records  0:11:21 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Blue Lu Barker  You Been Holding Out Too Long   Favoriting Blue Lu Barker 78 rpm disc  Blue Lu Records  0:14:11 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Ethel Waters  Hottentot Potentate   Favoriting Ethel Waters 78 rpm disc  Ethel Bodenheim Records  0:17:02 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Bo Carter  Your Biscuits are Big Enough for Me   Favoriting Bo Carter 78 rpm disc  Bodenheim Biscuit Records  0:20:31 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Vaughn De Leath and May Singhi Breen  Ukulele Instruction Record   Favoriting Vaughn De Leath 78 rpm disc  My Label, Not Yours  0:26:09 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Ukulele Ike  It's Only a Paper Moon   Favoriting Ukulele Ike 78 rpm disc  Uke Ike Recs  0:32:12 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Little Jack Little  Paradise   Favoriting Little Jack Little 78 rpm disc  Little Jack's Little Records  0:35:22 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra  Riding on a Blue Note   Favoriting Duke Ellington & His Orchestra 78 rpm disc  Duke Bodenheim Records  0:38:25 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Old Codger  It's Only a Paper Moon   Favoriting Not a Real Record  Seriously, Not a Real Record Records  0:43:24 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Fabian André & His Orchestra  Latin Magic   Favoriting Fabrian André 78 rpm disc  Fabian Bodenheim Records  0:45:16 (MP3 | Pop-up)
George Formby  Why Don't Women Like Me   Favoriting George Formby 78 rpm disc  Formby Bodenheim Records  0:48:23 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Mildred Bailey & the Dorsey Brothers Orchestra  (I Can Make Most Anything But) I Can't Make a Man   Favoriting Mildred Bailey 78 rpm disc  Bodenheim & Bailey Records  0:51:25 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Charleston Chasers  My Gal Sal   Favoriting The Charleston Chasers 78 rpm disc  Charleston Bodenheim Records  0:54:26 (MP3 | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:09am
Lolabelle Pancake:

Looking forward to tonight's 6pm gathering for the Old Codger show. Vaughn De Leath will be a special guest in the studio teaching the listeners how to play ukulele! She will present a lot of information, so please have a pencil handy.
Listener Robert:

Any further info on The Fabled One's crime career?
Listener Robert:

Jean P. Shepherd called Blatz the beer with the appropriate name.
Avatar 2:58pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Robert: Courtney's attorney, Charles "Buster" Binderfloss, advised him that continuing to discuss Fablio's crimes on the air would harm the prosecution's ability to make a case to an impartial jury. They argued about it, and Courtney almost fired Buster. But eventually the cooler head prevailed. So tonight Courtney will be focusing on the perfidy of Arthur Godfrey, the dumb music of other WFMU DJs, and the apocalyptic significance of digital media.
Listener Robert:

Bluster doesn't know what he's talking about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
Pauly from Clifton:

I'm listening to Fablo now. It sounds like he put a bunch of aggies in the washing machine! The nerve!
Listener Robert:

Since with enough agitation aggies fragment, that's a broken glass booby trap for whoever next does laundry. It'll get into their clothes and scratch them and their wearer up good. I never knew Flabbio was into such petty mischief.
Listener Robert:

As long as Courtney's laying into the dumb music of other WFMU DJs, I hope he doesn't give Kill Belly a pass. Or Brain Bobbin. They think they know something about music. I think they must've made off with the goods from the library and are melting them down for...whatever melted shellac and vinyl are good for. That's why they haven't been heard for a while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
dave wuz here:

this fablo track is a recording of someone using a vacuum cleaner to get a tiny clown out of a grain silo
Listener Robert:

And then there's Comic Hussy Diana. She can't seem to get a single note out of her so-called musical guests now.
Avatar 5:53pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

I read these comments to Courtney and he's elated to know there's so many like-minded people tuned in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Can't Courtney start the show now? Do we really have to listen to Fablio's drivel any longer?
Avatar 6:02pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney called Fablio and told him to "stick a Rancho Malario in it."
Avatar 6:04pm
Mailman Tom:

Finally, some music we can listen to and enjoy!
Avatar 6:05pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Good taste isn't timeless. It starts at 6pm on Thursdays.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

please pass the blatz!
Laura L:

I'm glad Courtney didn't suggest Fablio use a Rancho Malariette--never send a Malariette to do a Malario's job!
Avatar 6:07pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

As Euneeda says, "a Malariette is the cigah faw laaaadies!"
wfmu listener phillip:

old codger! I've listened to IRWIN for decades. YOUR NO IRWIN! period!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

Those are fine nose drops. Easy drippin'.
Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer:

Fabio's innocence is extreme and very well documented. It's intense and has the shiny surfaces and sharp edges of Modernism. There are some "elbows" in it to be sure. People can be hurt by the intensity of it. I have here a list of 366 people that have been hurt in Fabois presence (With no others present) which demonstrates fabios amazing innocence.

Let me know when in your mind you have decided to acquit and I'll save the remaining arguments for the appeal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

Someone highjacked Fablio's show for a whole set of objectively identifiable music by Alice Coltrane. He must be mortified.

the rare time that the government defunded something after realizing it was a failure
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

It's the comma that makes it nutritious
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

hellarooni yesarini
Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer:

Life is not one big Oroonie to the innocent!
Avatar 6:15pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

To Fablio's PA lawyer Chuck: The Codger would like to reiterate that he is amenable to a pecuniary settlement. Ante up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Floradix Hundwasser:

Well, this is a refreshing attitude toward baked goods.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

i like biscuits. buttered biscuits. no shame in admitting it.
Avatar 6:23pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney is glutelle-intolerant.
Avatar 6:23pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Actually he's intolerant, period.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

nothing fits like a hand-me-down codpiece
Avatar 6:26pm
Mailman Tom:

I have a copy of Please Warm My Weiner on vinyl. It has a cover drawn by R. Crumb
Avatar 6:26pm

A salt-codpiece?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

cool, Mailman Tom!
Avatar 6:29pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney says all the good "uke" puns were clichés by 1930.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

cliff edwards would concur.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

Sorry I forgot about you Old Codger. The decades are flying by.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

wait.. which is the first string?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

Slow down! I'm still tuning my uke!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

my dog has fleas. it really does!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

The origin of the Ukulele is highly attributed to Hawaii though it was first developed and used in the Madeira Island of Portugal where it was called a Machete. www.stringvibe.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

<smashes uke against speaker in frustration>

Here, but I don't feel like trying to remember how to log in on the stupidphone aka iPhone. Doing oldtime "baby addition" verification is faster.
Avatar 6:31pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney had a young guest (age 50 or so) at his poutin' shanty earlier this week. The guy had never seen a vintage ukulele and wanted to try it. He reached for it, but Courtney grabbed his hand, looked him in the eye and said: "Back off! The last guy who touched that, all they found was a zipper."
Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer:

Lolabele: I thought you were supposed to pay us. I alwyas get that mixed up. Oh well. How much?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

There'd be a lot more uke metal if they still called it a machete.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

i just lopped off a fingertip

Here's some oldtime sound technology:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
dave wuz here:

make mine roy smeck and a warm moxie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

a cup of hot postum and some uneeda biscuits would hit the spot right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

don't forget the kerosene
Avatar 6:39pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Incidentally, if you look at the Blatz Beer ad, the guy holding the glass in the lower-left triangle is none other than Josef Mengele Bodenheim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

he got around!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

leave it to team Codger to notice that kind of detail!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

*raises blatz*
Avatar 6:42pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Gus Bodenheim was a famous "Blatz baby."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

There's a horrible rumor going around she died in 1943 en.wikipedia.org...
Listener Robert:

Of course the ukulele would be a machete, because a guitar is an axe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

i dig this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

It IS a Barnum and Bailey world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

i remember when you did that at the geitner theater in silver creek ny, 1928. then that lady that shot ping pong balls out of her hoo hoo came on.
Avatar 6:48pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney hopes to release his version of "Paper Moon" soon as a one-sided single on the Victor Red Seal label.

The term "cultural appropriation" did not exist when this piece was composed.

hey don't forget king bennie. 1920s I believe

someone pass me a tissue, Codger's right, There are no bad versions of paper moon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm
Floradix Hundwasser:

Well, nobody really knows what kind of big band music the ancient Latins played
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

George Formby understands
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

is he an MMA fighter?

Formby needs some pro tips from Codge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

cauliflower ears and all
Avatar 6:52pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney says he doesn't need to prove he's God's gift to women. He insists, "The facts speak for themselves."

Women return gifts, sometimes
Listener Robert:

Last time we sang Paper Moon was when we were good and plastered at Nancy's in Dumont and whoever wore the cat head had to solo it. Yes, Nancy had a big hollow cat head, though not the rest of a cat costume that I can recall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

these lyrics are fantastic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

Wow, women (at least one) really didn't like George www.dailymail.co.uk...
Avatar 6:56pm

thanks, Courtney!

George knew whereof he sang.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

gotta admire that savage willpower tho, ultra
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

This has been a fine hour spent. Vacationing from my vacation. Thanks to Team Codger. Come back soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

thanks, Courtney, Lolabelle, Crew and Blatzoidz <3 see you next time, provided Fabio doesn't kill us all
Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer:

Avatar 6:58pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Chuck, the lawyer: Courtney will get back to you with a "proposal."
Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer:

Who's Chuck?
Avatar 6:59pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

You. Fablio said that's your name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm


Thanks Codger! You're the best

@Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer -- Schedule a Zoom mediation. My gf's been on one in the living room since 10am
Fabios Pennsylvania Lawyer:

OK Say no more...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

A poltroon? Shameful.
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