Favoriting Do or DIY with People Like Us: Playlist from August 19, 2020 Favoriting

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A mixture of pop and avant-garde side by side, sometimes on top of one another. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting August 19, 2020: People Like Us fills in for Ken Live from The Cow Palace

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(* = new)

Artist Track New Approx. start time
The The  Armageddon Days (Are Here Again)   Favoriting    
Ennio Morricone  A Gringo Like Me   Favoriting   0:12:58 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Angel Face   Favoriting   0:14:58 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Ringo Rides Again   Favoriting   0:17:14 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Sean Sean   Favoriting   0:19:22 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Giocoso, Giocoso   Favoriting   0:20:08 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Il Moi Nome È Nessuno   Favoriting   0:23:21 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Untitled   Favoriting   0:26:29 (Pop-up)
Domenique Dumont  Faux Savage   Favoriting   0:26:37 (Pop-up)
Modular  La Niña Fantástica   Favoriting   0:28:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 [Theme from 'A Summer Place']   Favoriting


0:31:25 (Pop-up)
The Soft Pink Truth  Shall   Favoriting *   0:35:37 (Pop-up)
Negativland  This Is Not Normal   Favoriting   0:38:37 (Pop-up)
Porest  Passport Pleas   Favoriting *   0:41:59 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Occhio per occhio   Favoriting   0:45:38 (Pop-up)
The Poppy Family  Where Evil Grows   Favoriting   0:48:25 (Pop-up)
Porest  The Water   Favoriting   0:51:10 (Pop-up)
Cut Chemist  Everything’s Goin’ Fine   Favoriting   0:52:07 (Pop-up)
Broadcast  Accidentals   Favoriting   0:53:27 (Pop-up)
Asher Ogre Groin (John Oswald)  Way   Favoriting   0:56:47 (Pop-up)
Lula Côrtes & Zé Ramalho  Regato Da Montanha   Favoriting   0:58:23 (Pop-up)
David Lynch  Dancin' in the World of Love   Favoriting   1:01:21 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 [Theme from 'A Summer Place']   Favoriting


1:04:42 (Pop-up)
Matmos  The Dead City of Telphar   Favoriting *   1:08:40 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Platformalism   Favoriting *   1:11:23 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Verminiatures   Favoriting *   1:14:55 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Unmastering   Favoriting *   1:17:26 (Pop-up)
Matmos  I’m On The Team   Favoriting *   1:20:21 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 [Theme from 'A Summer Place']   Favoriting


1:21:07 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Certain Men   Favoriting   1:22:20 (Pop-up)
Wobbly  Every Piano   Favoriting *   1:27:20 (Pop-up)
Inhuman Screams      1:32:09 (Pop-up)
Valya Balkanska  Izlel Je Delyo Hagdutin   Favoriting   1:32:14 (Pop-up)
Stimmhorn  Schnee   Favoriting   1:36:33 (Pop-up)
George Winston  Skating   Favoriting   1:37:43 (Pop-up)
Peter Ivers  In Heaven   Favoriting   1:40:26 (Pop-up)
The Soft Pink Truth  On   Favoriting *   1:43:08 (Pop-up)
Stock, Hausen & Walkman  EMPEROR HELIOGABALUS’S IRON BULL BELLOWS mix   Favoriting   1:47:06 (Pop-up)
Fantastic Plastic Machine  Paragon   Favoriting   1:50:26 (Pop-up)
Ciggy de la Noche  Hold Tight HMRC Ciggy de la Noche   Favoriting   1:55:26 (Pop-up)
Jim Thirlwell  Warped Carousel   Favoriting   1:58:03 (Pop-up)
Ergo Phizmiz  Tativille - Mon Oncle   Favoriting   1:59:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 [Theme from 'A Summer Place']   Favoriting


2:03:47 (Pop-up)
Throbbing Gristle  Industrial Muzak (Crypt Club, London 11-11 - 1978)   Favoriting   2:07:47 (Pop-up)
The The  Homa's Coma   Favoriting *   2:13:58 (Pop-up)
The The  Lazy Finger Shake   Favoriting *   2:17:35 (Pop-up)
Cabaret Voltaire  Nagnagnag Original Mix-Drum   Favoriting   2:20:58 (Pop-up)
Soft Cell  Metro MRX (Flexipop Version)   Favoriting   2:25:07 (Pop-up)
Soft Cell  A Man Could Get Lost (Daniel Miller Demo)   Favoriting   2:26:57 (Pop-up)
The The  Uncertain Smile   Favoriting   2:30:46 (Pop-up)
Psychic TV  Just Like Arcadia   Favoriting   2:35:28 (Pop-up)
Adrianna Krikl  Wednesday   Favoriting   2:39:04 (Pop-up)
Information Society  (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang   Favoriting   2:41:53 (Pop-up)
Hannah Peel  Electricity   Favoriting   2:47:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 [Theme from 'A Summer Place']   Favoriting


2:49:43 (Pop-up)
Ricky Downes III  Hamilton Act 1 but it's Muppets   Favoriting   2:51:44 (Pop-up)
Christo Graham  Muppet Christ Superstar - Heaven On Their Minds (Feat. Gonzo & the Chickens)   Favoriting   2:53:37 (Pop-up)
Svantana  Workin' In A Cocktail Bar   Favoriting   2:57:25 (Pop-up)
MMM  Don’t You Ever Give Up Wanting Me Baby   Favoriting   3:00:30 (Pop-up)
DJ Morgoth  Never Gonna Give Your Teen Spirit Up   Favoriting    

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Listener comments!


░People Like Us░
Avatar 5:40pm
People Like Us:

Avatar 6:22pm

Alright! I'll be up for your show! See you tomorrow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

Hello People Like Us! I plan to listen illegally from work, may not be able to comment due to spotty cellular service in Griffith Park
Avatar 5:40am
People Like Us:

See you in a short while, folks!

Really missed you, Vicky. Nice to hear from you again.

Vicki. Sorry.
Avatar 6:41am
People Like Us:

Looking forward!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am

Avatar 8:26am
People Like Us:

hi Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am
Webhamster Henry:

Set up monospace fonts for the chat, the better to present UNICODE ASCII Art!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Wednesday morning Ken-slotters.
Avatar 8:39am

I'm here to listen to DO or DIY and chew bubble-gum...and I'm all out of bubble-gum!

PLU, good luck today!
Avatar 8:46am
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hi Henry! hi Vince! hi Motobro!
Avatar 8:56am

good hello
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People Like Us:

good hello
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I see your first track! "Are you ready, Jesus?"
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People Like Us:

alright fellas... let's...
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A personal favorite!
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Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Handy Haversack:

This board got started early!

Hi, Vicki! Very excited and glad to be here.

Hi, all!
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People Like Us:

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People Like Us:

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I am so ready for this!
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People Like Us:

Let's go!
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thank you
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OH! KAY! That was a LET'S GO start! Heeeey!
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Hi WFMUniverse!

Guda mornin' my fellow cowdogs!
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John from Madison:

Let er rip
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Baja Joe:

The The, nice start to a show
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People Like Us:

Hi all! Great to be back :)
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I am so happy
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me too!
Kat in Chicago in the app:

Well now, this is a pleasant surprise. Herro Vicki and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Watch out Matt Johnson
- SheilaB will kick ya ! : D
wfmu listener phillip:

good morning vicky the lady with the lovely british accent.
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Pale Son:

I am into this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

i haven't listened to wfmu in weeks because i can't hear my radio over the air conditioner, but the weather cooled down just in time for Do or DIY!
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Miss ya, V Hope you've been surviving well..
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Armageddon Days ... I will update my calendar accordingly. Hello!
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Warm greetings from Woodside, Queens NY
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hi everyone!
wfmu listener phillip:

may I say I love ladies who speak the english accent. it soo pleasing to the ear.
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People Like Us:

hi all!
Avatar 9:07am
People Like Us:

i haven't said anything yet
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Handy Haversack:

Oof, ranjit, that's rough!
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hi Ranjit!
wfmu listener phillip:

I've listened to your program before. many many times. may I say you have a nice voice.

good morning Vicki and all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Webhamster Henry:

The Maestro had some wacky lyricists.

Then there are two kinds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
John from NP:

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People Like Us:

thanks for joining us in here everyone
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I'm having cheese and crackers and coffee.
wfmu listener phillip:

very soothing very comforting to the ear. like another one that I listen to @Fabio

Ringo had an angel face but they picked on his nose.
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Wouldn't miss it for the world
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Peter from Dover NJ:

Hanging out for a while longer. Vicki, thanks for sitting in for SMK.
wfmu listener phillip:

@fabios voice is soo comforting to the ear I'd listen to three hours of him just talking
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a pleasure and honour, Peter from Dover
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Ringo embraced 70s fashion so well

Queen Vicki HRH
Richard Starkey:

There's just one man you can trust, that's a dead Beatle
Or a Ringo like me
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...'ere mayte - whhuut aboot me own dulcet loutish tones then - ?!? Ar har har ! ...sure & I smells uh used ciggy butts & I raise polecats - Ar har har karf koff koff ...ahhr....

I was right before when I asked if you were Vicki with the adorable English accent from DIY. then I thought I got it wrong when I saw people like us. so now I'm confused just not familiar with your show. and I can't find you on the schedule?
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People Like Us:

Revolution Rabbit I am not a cockney
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What the world need now, is more People Like Us!
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Webhamster Henry:

Do or DIY isn't on the schedule right now but has years of archives.
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"zoom is just spiritualism with the living" - Ringo Beetul, 1956
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People Like Us:

I think I already just lost track of what I'm playing ha ha
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Good Morning Ringo! Where ever you are today
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People Like Us:

kpx - show files to your left :) 17 years worth
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Good morning whomever, wherever.

i know a guy named sean sean actually
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People Like Us:

Ringo is in a film cannister
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@kpx: This is a real treat, Vicki (aka People Like Us) is not on WFMU regularly, this is a special occasion
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John from Madison:

Hi tdk
wfmu listener phillip:

what's the british slang term for a mistake...BUGGER! I watch a lot of british comedies
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People Like Us:

yes I've not done a regular show for maybe 3 or 4 years, have done fillins
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Morning John from Madison. VickiPLU, you are English?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I were speakin' of meself good lady - I beg yer pardon ..karf koff...
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ha ha yippie
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poor Vicki doing an online census :-)
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If English, are you a) Brummie, b) Scouser c) geordie d) simply Cornish?
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dear vicki: does gravy belong on chips?
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The Oscar:

Good Morricone morning!
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Nighty Night <3
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such a novelty that i'm foreign eh
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this will not stand, I'm sharpening my Longbow as we speak
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Mungo Perkins:

Oh God, it's Nighty Night

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People Like Us:

thank you litmuspie, so am I
Justin Patrick Moroe:

Nothing like a bit of Morricone to get the morning off to a great start. I'm smiling and happy, even at work! Looking forward to the rest of the show.
Avatar 9:19am
People Like Us:

yes, a late tribute :)
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She's a scorpio, and likes tape-editing, film-editing, and long walks on the beach.
wfmu listener phillip:

well. some of us do like the english. I grew up on British speaking films and comedies.
Avatar 9:20am

@Handy: I'm going to abuse this comments board to tell you a story that has nothing to do with WFMU or Vicki's Englishness... I talked to my older brother on the phone yesterday, we haven't spoken in ages.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Krys O.:

Tardy greetings! Dealing with ugly spreadsheets here at work, but digging the sounds, Vicki.

i think many americans now want to escape USA
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

You have a great voice is all really...
OK so Maestro Morricone was goofy around the edges - wonderful...

thank you yeti. sounds like I'm going to step in something good for a change. looking forward to listening to you @Vicky!
Avatar 9:21am

I'm sorry, I won't mention the Land adjacent to Wales. (Just simply curious.)

Americans really do fall to pieces whenever anything foreign comes along. Just look at how Ken fawns over anything in German. Imagine, speaking a different language with sounds that are different from the ones we make! Sooooo crazy!
Avatar 9:23am

@Handy: I had been trying to remember the details of a kayak trip we took back in 1990-something. Or maybe even 1980s. We started out in lower Manhattan, and paddled under the Verranzano Narrows Bridge, and went to Swinburne Island. I've been wanting to tell you about that for a while but I couldn't remember the name "Swinburne"
Justin Patrick Moore:

Great to hear my favorite WFMU show back on the air as well :)
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

  Swag For Life Member 9:23am

Yes! Missed you. Will stay alert for scattyfluut!
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I have an Austrian friend who just loves people finding it funny and unique and new to mention the war to them
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thanks Justin and hello!
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No pooeyflute but some other things just as erm...
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Speaking of Pooey-Flutes...Did you know the Pooey-Flutes version of "Africa" has over a MILLION views on YouTube?
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erm and bass?
Hi from Holland:

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figures, Vince!
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Lixiviated Life:

Well well welll,
Hello PLU.
I'm ready to be entertained
Tomophobic Tom from Detroit:

Oh are you the one who did that hilarious Ken BD video?

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am

I enjoyed the Morricone tribute.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah SheilaB kicked Matt Johnson.
Did I say Yay PLU ?!
Yay PLU !!
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sean sean!
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Nice tracks!
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what's the Sheila reference?
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hi Terry!
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i don't get it either
F܍F܍ (:

Hi, Vicki! Great to hear you here!

MatMOS! i saw your live videos posted a while ago, very cool disco tech
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matmos! You're spoiling us
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

DJ Sheila B does Sophisticated Boom Boom kicked Matt Johnson.
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hi F܍F܍ (: !

Holy s! This is my favorite album so far this year. It's amazing. I love it! Highly suggest it.
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she kicked him? What do you possibly mean?
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@RR1163: When, where, why?
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one off mine too, Matt
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Yeah, Rev Rabbit..we need a link
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Handy Haversack:

@Yeti Bob: Sorry, friend! I got distracted by work -- like a schnook!

I have not paddled to Swinburne! It's harder in a canoe to get there in time with the currents -- and there's more open water to cross, so you want to make sure it's not going to be very windy. For me, it would make more sense to car-top to Staten Island and launch from there.

That sounds like an excellent trip. You must have had someone who understood the timing of the currents and managed the time?

Good for you reconnecting with your brother. I think I have ongoing or incipient tiffs going with both my sisters right now. Sigh.

F܍F܍ (! Hello! Today the role of Talking Egg will be played by People Like Us!
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Lixiviated Life:

"kicked him" where exactly?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am

Hooray it's PLU! Welcome back.
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People Like Us:

she metaphorically kicked him?
Avatar 9:31am
People Like Us:

hi Ike and thank you!
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What is NORMAL!?
Justin Patrick Moore:

Now we are on the way to the peak of normal. But not. Loved the new Negativland. Looking forward to the sequel they hinted at.

Redneck 1: My wife ran off with my best friend!
Redneck 2: Aw man. You bitter?
Redneck 1: Yep. Bit him, too!
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Me, too!
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People Like Us:

this was recorded when things were normal too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Phillippe Bastille:

good morning, abnormal people like us
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Irene Trudel:

Yay Vicki! Welcome back! I can only lurk for a little while before work but it's good to hear you on air again. Great Morricone opening set! Will have to listen mostly to the archive.
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hi abnormal Phillippe!
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People Like Us:

hi Irene :)))
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

She told the tale - & should be her telling it - she was a kid in NYC & Matt J was there - She didn't know who it was - he was eating fries iirc? Complaining about them & Murikans - & Sheila gave him a slight bit of the Batgirl wit her foot on the way out...All received information mind you...
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am

Matt Johnson: there are references to a story Sheila told during this show -> wfmu.org...

At around 4PM.

I don't remember it.
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People Like Us:

ha ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, Phillippe!
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this is the year when the US casually and officially dropped ufo vids.
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I know him, I will ask!
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@HH: That's fine, I knew you'd see it eventually. This was of course a long time ago but I remember that the currents were very strong, our timing was OK but not perfect, as we got close to Swinburne the tide turned and we were really fighting, paddling as hard as we could, and barely moving forward! We were all a lot younger then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey Handy (speaking of abnormal -- but in a good way!)!
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I wanna get back to the old ___ ; hate this new ___; actually, never liked ___ much anyway.
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@Vicki: Please do, we have to get to the bottom of this story!

I love how crazy this show is
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am

this is somehow giving me more anxiety than Ken's show. kudos.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am
bit rot:

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John from Madison:

I wanna go to the track at Silverstone.
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designed to be unnerving
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got a passport?
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Phillippe Bastille:

@JFM Grand Prix fan?
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John from Madison:

After hitting Lemans of course..
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@lukavino: It's a more finely grained, polished, exquisitely textured kind of anxiety
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bit rot:

American Passports are Useless Now: www.theatlantic.com...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I like the dawgie song...
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Handy Haversack:

Our passports expired in May. The govt. is basically like "PLEASE do not apply for passports -- there is a backlog of roughly 7 kajillion applications." So ... I guess we stay here for now.

Of course, as of October? we can't use our driver licenses to board planes, either, so that will be fun.
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of course, Yeti Bob, the best kind :)
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Sadly, I let mine expire
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Krys O.:

Makes me think of the Marx Brothers passport scene in Monkey Business.
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@YB artisanal, bespoke anxiety.
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People Like Us:

he has a point you know...

this came out on july 4
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John from Madison:

Yes, watch every Sunday morning even this year's shortened schedule.
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if a nightingale could sing like you
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People Like Us:

yes, new release
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"If a nightingale, could sing like you.."
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There are no illegal people; there is no illegal listening.
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Phillippe Bastille:

@Handy huh, like foreigners would welcome Americans?
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you beat me, litmuspie
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beat by the length of a hard boiled egg, vince
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nothing is new, everything is permitted
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...oh - Chavalier eh - ?!?
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Phillippe Bastille:

@JFM cool. We have a racing household here. I primarily watch but two of my sons are road racers and instructors. One of them has regularly been kicking ass on iRacing as well.
F܍F܍ (:

Hi, Handy!

Judging by the comments above it seems Talking Eggs with a British accent would be a massive hit in here.

You are doing amazing things on the radio, thank you so much
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thanks for joining in, Geronimo
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Rich in Washington:

Hi Vicki!
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Tching prayed on the mountain and
wrote MAKE IT NEW 新
on his bath tub
Day by day make it new 日
cut underbush,
pile the logs
keep it growing 日
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hi Rich!!
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John from Madison:

@ pb, great. I used to go to car shows and sit in a lawn chair all day. Boring.. track is way more fun.
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Handy Haversack:

The DMV is also backlogged for getting the new surveillance IDs that we will need to get on domestic flights, which I guess we're still not doing anyway, but still.
Justin Patrick Moore:

Yay, Terry Jacks!... Now I want to be Free from the City though!
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People Like Us:

yes, hurray for Terry and Susan!

I'm trying to grow organic evil
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Krys O.:

As a pedestrian, the only ID I have is my passport.
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@HH: I'm traveling mostly by bicycle and kayak these days.
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Handy Haversack:

F܍F܍ (,

Who knew that would be all it takes to assume command over the American psyche?
Justin Patrick Moore:

Didn't mean to forget his sister... Wow, this one is fun. Hmmm. I'm thirsty now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Phillippe Bastille:

@JFM I hear ya. If you like the left turn circle kind, there's nothing like a night race at Bristol for sensory overload.
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Webhamster Henry:

Porest and Morricone are closer musically than I had realized.
Justin Patrick Moore:

No, not thirsty now.
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John from Madison:

....Still need to get to Watkins Glen, VIR and Mos port in Canada
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@Handy I forgot that I need to get one of those. My state was one of the holdouts but the grace period will be over soon if not already.
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Handy Haversack:

That's fantastic, Yeti Bob! Nice to be by a river you can paddle in either direction!
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so true, Henry!
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speaking of Ringo as we were earlier, just read "On this day (today) in 1964, The Beatles opened their first full-fledged U.S. tour as they performed at San Francisco’s Cow Palace. " COW PALACE.
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John from Madison:

And Mid Ohio
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Or I could get a new passport, I need that too.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@Handy - At some point, the rule change for airplane boarding with driver's license ID got pushed out a year, so it's October, 2021 now.
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i think I wlll rename my show Live from Cow Palace
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Mary from Lisbon:

Never heard this show before, loving it!!!!
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"The idea for the arena was inspired by the popularity of the livestock pavilion at the 1915 Panama–Pacific International Exposition. A local newspaper asked, as early as May 1935, "Why, when people are starving, should money be spent on a 'palace for cows'?"
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Handy Haversack:

@melinda, it's this October I think? See above for how badly the passport office is screwed right now.

Oh, also! Kate and I are going to Maine in September! Near Blue Hill.

@Ken: wow, that's good news -- thanks! My license expires 10/21 anyway.
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hi Mary! I was meant to play Lisbon later this year
F܍F܍ (:

Hi, Sam.

"You're bare jokes, fam" as the cool kids would say in London.
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well depending on which Lisbon you're in...
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Moo or DIY
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ha ha
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@ Her Evile Moojesty's Request
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@KenHP that's good news. My license photo is awful so I was looking forward to a new one, but not the surveillance part
@Handy I hear it's nice up there
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Someone up there said we have to get a new Orwellian driver license in order to fly across this "great" land?

The Cow Palace is not in fact in SF. It's a bit south in Daly City. Other bands who have performed there include the Grateful Dead, the Who, the Doors, Rod Stewart, Santana, ZZ Top, Yes, Metallica, Paul McCartney & Wings, Neil Diamond, Elton John, U2, and Prince. Nowadays it's the venue for dog shows, cannabis conventions, and yes, livestock expositions.

Hi F*F*! Welcome to the delirium!
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Pale Son:

Ah, my favourite Beatles song!
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thanks for the Cow Palace update
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Good facts there Dean, thank you
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PLU hey now nice Surprise !<>! morning !<>!
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They ought to keep up with the times an rename it to The CAFO.
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@dean: "a portion of the upper parking lot is actually in San Francisco."
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Pale Son:

How they do that?
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more about Cow Palace please

RIP Paul McCartney
"Ask the law
He's dead
He lost his head
Now he's voiceless"

- "Getting Better" backwards
F܍F܍ (:

I know the answer to Occhio per occhio: Settantocchio.

Now I'm gonna sit back and wait for the Italians to laugh at my very, very clever pun.
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John from NP:

A late #WeAreBrummies for Broadcast!
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Coming live direct to you, from The Cow Palace!! Cheeeers, applause!

That is going into my back pocket in the event anybody needs suggestions for trivia night questions, YETI BOB.
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Good morning! What a pleasant surprise to find you on, Vicki!
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hello ParUbi! And hello all who have just joined us

Bravissimo Fofo!
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A heavy summer rain just started to fall in Woodside, Queens NY
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Pouring with rain in London too
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joe mulligan:

Hi Vicki and all, Press the button don't say hello!
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The Oscar:

I preordered this Lynch single when the short dropped, then completely forgot about it until it arrived last month. Opening the package was the hardest I've laughed in a good long time.

The iiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiot wind
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hi Joe, good hello!
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@TDK yes. Most states started issuing them several years ago, I think.
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Hugo (NL):

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oh I wish I had the single rather than just the digital file
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hi Hugo!
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still shocked how good the most recent Twin Peaks were.

I assume it’s a midget that’s dancing in the worl of love.
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@TheOscar: At the cover art?
noah gender:

Wow! I love this new Bob Dylan song
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

My New Hampshuh state ID didn't even get me a drink in Massachusetts once - haha...
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ha ha noah
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Theme from a Summer Place, Percy Faith! Love this background sound.
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my Theme too :)
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Terry Jacks wrote "Seasons in the Sun" which is maybe the worst, most maudlin song ever.
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so Rich, what do you think?
F܍F܍ (:

The Oscar,

Now you have to tell us why you found it so funny!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

WHUT is Bob telling us...
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Frank from Pittsurgh:

loved the Ennio tribute, Man with Harmonica gives me the chills every time I hear it
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What a delight hearing People Like Us, thank you :)!
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I want to know too
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thanks Megaroni!
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Hey PLU, everyone else. This has been a great first hour. Thanks for the fill-in.
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thanks for listening ratso!

Cool show, PLU. Great eclectic choice of songs, that all fit together. Hey, you’re good at this!
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thank you egould :)
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Ah freedom of expression? Whats it good for anyway?! ... oooo Tropicália Yes please
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So far a relatively song oriented episode - not as cut-up or nutty. *Not a critique.*
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I don't want to always do the same thing
F܍F܍ (:

People that like Ennio Morricone MUST watch this guy doing a 1 min tribute with his guitar and voice effects:

The good the bad and the ugly man (Italo Vegliante)
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this is cute
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I hear that
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guess who's lyrics they are?
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Lixiviated Life:

66 minutes into the program and I am very happy.
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Rich in Washington:

@PLU: Yes. I agree. That Terry Jacks song may be one of the most maudlin American pop songs ever. I love 70s death songs, or Death Disks, as writer Darryl W. Bullock calls them.
Justin Patrick Moore:

This is wicked cool!
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" A chainsaw to your family tree" - wow
F܍F܍ (:

Wait. These are Porest's voice actors!
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Phil Ochs?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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joe mulligan:

Oh Vicky, have you heard the new Hanne Lippard, "Work"? it's quite like Drew & MC's current tracks you're playing
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The Oscar:

I mean, it's a funny record in any context (especially if you've seen the film-- it's on Netflix!). It was also just such a surprise having completely forgotten about it, and to have it arrive in the middle of all this madness.
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I haven't, will look after the show, thank you
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this album has 99 people on it
everyone submitted one minute at 99bpm
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Rich in Washington:

I left my coffee in the other room and my left hand keeps reaching for it even though it's not there. It's phantom coffee cup syndrome.
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Rich in Washington:

This is fantastic!
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so you heard a Porest robot sample there a bit earlier, and a bit of Wobbly, a bit of me too
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...*I think people have inclined Ambient under quarantine & the whole situation...

still haven't spent enough time on matmos... thanks :)
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Rich, I mentioned you in the last mic break :)
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@Rich: Those new high-tech prosthetic coffee cups may be just the thing for you.
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Rich in Washington:

Dang! I missed it! I was feeding the cats, who were glaring at me because their dishes were empty!
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joe mulligan:

Do AR coffee cups dream of electric digestion?
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it was a ref to Cut Chemist
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Rich in Washington:

I want a self-contained coffee delivery system like a camel-back thing.
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Do you take it black or with dromedairy?
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Rich in Washington:

Disco summer place!
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one hump or two?
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Rich in Washington:

Two humps of sugar, please!

Just move to Italy. You're done with your coffee in 3 seconds and you never have to think about it again. Until the next one, an hour later.
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Rich in Washington:


@Rich I W, I used to do the same thing when I went from driving a standard to a automatic, I kept reaching for the gear shift. it took about a year for me to stop.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

One hump day or two ?
Shall we evolve to produce endogenous caffeine...
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Ah, bactrian, then.
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Rich in Washington:

This part always makes me laugh. "Willard Money System" is so Don Joyce.
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Perhaps influenced by Raymond Queneau's "Exercises in Style", where he relates the same story 99 times 99 different ways?
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it is yes!

I still reach over for my wife when I'm half asleep in bed. Then I remember, oh yeah, nobody loves me.
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Giving a camel coffee beans to eat could be foolish, I reckon.
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Webhamster Henry:

Thanks for plugging the new Porest and Negativland!
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bit rot:

DUMB STUPID WEATHERMAN! Break out the 409.
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well I would have ages ago but
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well it would be if camels were real, of course.
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Webhamster Henry:

And Matmos. Somehow I missed this project....
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"My friends, they all tell me I've no friends at all."
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no other possibility
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Matmos on pre-release at the mo
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Rich in Washington:

I like that there are bits of Don, Richard, and Ian in True False.
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Listening Out There:

Welcome back, PLU!
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one of their best, maybe their best
chresti at work:

Hi! Listening!
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hi Listening Out There and thanks!
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until their NEXT one!
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Rich in Washington:

Pre-ordering Matmos. Thanks for the swell preview!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the Camels had enuff health challenges with the cigarettes...
Justin Patrick Moore:

Speaking of new stuff coming out I hear that Wobbly is on the new Thurston Moore record coming out too. I really liked the Moebius Story Leidecker records too.
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you can pre-order on bandcamp
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he is indeed and i'm playing him in about a minute from now!
chresti at work:

Sounds very good, thank you, back to work..
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Rich in Washington:

Yeah, those Leidecker/Moebius collaborations ARE great!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

everything here is very nice and good
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Chresti, hello.
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Rich in Washington:

Aw hell. Reunited with my cup of coffee and now it's gone cold.
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this is nice
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my wife thinks it sounds Zappa-esque
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I know it doesn't matter but I just changed the show name to include The Cow Palace
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Come on Rich you're letting the side down
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and, I agree
Justin Patrick Moore:

I really liked how True False brought all these themes together from across their whole career. But it brought up a couple of things that they were concerned with on the Free album and gave it a timely update (cars, drunk driving, etc.) I couldn't help but think that Snuggles was the Puppy they were mounting. Whoa. That's twisted.
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Rich in Washington:

The new Negativland album, especially This Is Not Normal has been my soundtrack to 2020 so far.
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Cow Palace. My day is complete.
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ha ha
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i grew up south of San Francisco and we would often drive past the COW PALACE and we would all scream COW PALACE

I think we saw the Moscow Circus there and I got sick on cotton candy!
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Cow Palace = Cloaca Pew
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agreed, True False sums up so much that is important, and Jon Wobbly was the missing piece of the jigsaw - even though he was involved with OTE (and now doing the show) since he was a teenager
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Lizardner Dave 2:

The Cow Palace was a pretty famous pro wrestling venue too.
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Kat in Chicago:

I'm very glad I got the True False vinyl, certificate and all.
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thank you for your addition to the Cow Palace thread, Ranjit
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Culture is not your friend.'
- Terence McKenna
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Ken From Hyde Park:

November 20, 1973, The Who played the Cow Palace and Keith Moon collapsed from tranquilizers and alcohol. 19-year-old Scot Halpin filled in on drums to finish the show.
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@Kat, how's that bonus re-mix on the LP?
Justin Patrick Moore:

So happy I got to meet Don once when Negativland played Cincinnati on their "IT's All In Your Head FM" tour. Seeing the cart machine in action was so awesome. Even though I was supposed to be wearing a pinata blindfold.
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Kat in Chicago:

Surprised that the Cow Palace hasn't had some corporate sponsor added to its name.
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The Cow Palace Trio
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...probably cow tranquilizers...& brandy...
Will Smoth:

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Rich in Washington:

Oh wow. I didn't realize that Matmos was a 3-CD set. Nice!
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Speaking of cats; whenever I want to escape this reality, I watch the Kitten Academy on YouTube; a 24hour stream of kittens running wild in someone's house.
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Now that's what I call Cow Palace. Out now on Roncow
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John from Madison:

Lady next door mentioned the corn palace.Mitchell SD..
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yes Rich - 99 people!
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Kat in Chicago:

worth having, Vince.
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Rich in Washington:

I'm excited at the prospect of another Negativland album coming out soon.
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Live from The Corn Palace
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joe mulligan:

the only time I went to the Cow Palace was for a giant bike swap. thousands of middle aged men in lycra (MAMILs) and there happened to be a big cheer competition the same day there, so cheer moms and their over-madeup daughters. it was a weird mix of groups for sure.
Justin Patrick Moore:

I think the Cow Palace sound would be sort of like that Matmos / PLU / Wobbly record Wide Open Spaces. Except it'd be Wide Open Palaces. A definite sampled twang sound with spurs. Sort of like the Rapoon / Nocturnal Emissions collaboration Hank & Slim.
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I can't get enough Cow Palace

a cow palace is where a rich cow lives. pay no mind to me. just bored.
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ha ha Justin
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don't let the cows into the Corn Palace, it'll be a disaster
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just add stadium reverb
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Rich in Washington:

Oh my gawd, this is fantastic!
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Webhamster Henry:

Oh - the sing-along section of the show!
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yes, and pogoing
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Rich in Washington:

Ululate along
Justin Patrick Moore:

And lots of yodeling of course.
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Another wow
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Stimmhorn and skating. Very nice.
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Handy Haversack:

The Duma album cover suggests an appropriate gown for a ball at the Cow Palace.
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Wow..did NOT expect that segue! Nice.
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I know I'm not cutting lots up or adding pooeyflute and screams like I've been known to go but... well I don't want to just come back and do what I think I'm supposed to do on my show :)

I actually heard George Winston in concert, not at Cow Palace, but at McCabe's Guitar Shop.
F܍F܍ (:

Technically, a PLU show with no Schnee is not a PLU show.
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Nice segue. Is this from the VG tribute?
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I'm afraid I don't know
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the corn Cows can have coffee & smokes later with the Camels...& the occasional Cheerleader by all means...

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thank you Dean
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Rich in Washington:

Oh wow!
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joe mulligan:

I would listen to about an hour of In Heaven covers.
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indeed wow
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I wasn't planning on watching Eraserhead today, yet here we are...
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this is the original
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joe mulligan:

OH!! wow to that
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David Lynch's old friend sung this for him, before anything else..
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Rich in Washington:

Wow! Do you know where this came from? Amazing!
Peter Ivers was just amazing. He left us way too soon.
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Rich in Washington:

He was also the inspiration for using those spooky old Fats Waller records in the film.
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"Becoming Peter Ivers" - Lynch writes about him in his lovely book from last year

Oh wow it's a cow, Charlie Brown. not coming to a theater anywhere near you.

Time to crawl out of bed. Shower. Walk over and get a coffee. Go to work at my dining room table.

Good morning from Seattle. Thanks for the music to wake up to. Much better than Ken’s usual nightmare collage.
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Thanks Dean. I had a comp. of different artists covering Peanuts work, but can't find it online.
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in his book Room to Dream (excellent it is)
F܍F܍ (:

I didn't know David Lynch wrote the In Heaven lyrics. In fact, I didn't even know this song existed. I just googled about it.
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he did indeed and said he was embarrassed to take them to Peter Ivers
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I remember The Pixies covered it once
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Rich in Washington:

I just pulled out my copy of Catching The Big Fish audio book the other day.
Justin Patrick Moore:

That book was a great read. By the way...remember David Lynch & the Cow? https://welcometotwinpeaks.com/lynch/david-lynch-laura-dern-cow/
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ha I forgot about that!

Was it "soft jazz," ratso? https://www.discogs.com/Various-40-Years-A-Charlie-Brown-Christmas/release/804104
F܍F܍ (:

We just passed half the show and this one is already an instant classic for me from the great PLU shows repertoire (which I highly recommend you check them all in the archive).

Hello Vicki! just getting up here on the west coast/getting coffee/feeding cat etc.. super glad to have you playing music for all of us today! THANK YOU
Justin Patrick Moore:

Also Nurse With Wound "covered" In Heaven on Rock & Roll Station.
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hi Martinibomb!
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Rich in Washington:

I fell asleep watching a Lynch interview on youtube on my tv the other night and apparently listened to hours of lectures and interviews by/with him while sleeping well into the morning. I had an urge to give a weather report.
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Dean, I just found it: Happy Anniversary, Charlie Brown. But yeah, 80s soft jazz... en.wikipedia.org...
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his TM lectures are great
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... and let's face it, it is only about TM
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Rich in Washington:

There are quite a bit of Lynch references apparent in Stapleton/NNW stuff.

Guachi Guarro!
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Rich in Washington:

Yeah, that's what the bulk of what was playing - lots of TM interviews, lectures, Q&As.
F܍F܍ (:


Haven't you checked yourself in the mirror yet? I'm afraid you have been transformed into a Lynch character.
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Rich in Washington:

Listening to DL talk about meditation is my meditation.
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the George Winston is def from "Linus and Lucy - The Music of Vince Guaraldi"

oh my gawd my cat wouldn't even let me type until I fed her
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It's PLU!
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@PLU, thanks. I came across that when I was looking. It had just jogged my memory about that old tribute album that I had at one time.
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hi Vicki! Great to hear you!
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I is!
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hi steveo!
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Rich in Washington:

I think I am 00 Spool from Wild At Heart.
Farmer Rye in Santa Cruz:

jazzy baby
Justin Patrick Moore:

@Rich: ha ha... standing by for your weather dream report. Yup, a lot of Lynch in NWW. I think one of the albums was a sort of tribute or homage. Can't remember which one at the moment.

Damn I'm sorry I missed all the Matmos! Been thinking about him a bunch lately - listening to a lot of his older stuff
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Holy heck, i haven't thought about fantastic plastic machine since having that first s/t release when it came out [googles] 1997? dang..

Don't have a cow, man!
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Rich in Washington:

@Martinibomb: I had nearly the same experience. I had an impending cat insurrection until I addressed their water dish and food dish situation upon waking up this AM.
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I've not heard the whole albums myself yet, had busy ears
F܍F܍ (:

Nice selection, Rich. That movie was my introduction to Lynch world. And I guess still inhabit in it.
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gotta run - this has been great - will check out the archive later! thanks Vicki!
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while we are all here - let me preview something that no one knows is there...
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25 "shows" will add there on 11 Sept
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Rich in Washington:

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get that? ok good

I just remembered I sort of got to interview Matmos once. A journalist friend took me to help cause she wasn't super familiar with his work
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25 brand new commissions
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Here's hoping I can get to Buffalo
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it's all hidden there at the mo
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I can't get to my own exhibition :(

Buffalo Palace?
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my first solo show in the US and I can't go!
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Webhamster Henry:

I love all this new material today Vicki!
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thanks Henry! Me too :)))
Justin Patrick Moore:

Thanks for the heads up Vicki. Your music and work is always a great source of humor in a world that desperately needs humor! Looks very surreal.
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Is this 'vaporwave'?

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honestly you are all the first to see that secret link, I can't really talk about it on the air (conflict of interest) so it's here.

funny sample, ive heard this hold music recently ha
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exactly vince!
Farmer Rye in Santa Cruz:

oh yeah you like house music? name every house then!
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I always sing On Hold music all day after a call

@Martinibomb, if you like spaghetti westerns. you missed a long set of ennio morricone.

congrats on your show! Wanted to ask about archived Ergo Phizmis shows. they seem to be unavailable..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am

Unfortunately, I recognise that ridiculous tune.
There also is a second part to it.
The hours/days I have held on the line to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs!
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Not bad for an (almost) 53 year old!
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MAN, I miss "The Venture Bros."!
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Oh, I love "Warped Carousel." Reminds me a little bit of Pat Metheny's "Forward March."

Ah yes here we go

@webHam Oh my gawd Henry I just realized this was you haha I don't know everyone's secret names here real well yet
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that link though. What a show Vicki. You're quietly blazing it frankly
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you people are psychic today, about to play ergo!
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Webhamster Henry:

I turned some of my "Fundamental Questions" audio into a virtual instrument.
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thank you!
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i would pledge for a wfmu warped carousel t-shirt :)
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The Oscar:

@Vince I believe they still do like six new episodes every two years or so-- I still haven't seen the latest batch!
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Webhamster Henry:

@Martinibomb I try to use a different name on all social media. #stickittotheman
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@martinibomb: I saw Matmos in '98 in a dive bar in Tampa. Cover was $5, and I hung out w/ them afterwards and the other artists (whom I knew). It was very informal, and they were awesome humans.... (I think my gf at the time got bored of me talking forever about music and art).

I'm going to play some stuff from that remix thing Ergo was just working on
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It's been a while....a LONG while
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Pale Son:

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Jim! (haven't seen him since I left Brooklyn).
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he's doing some other soundtracks too rightnow
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herro dere. i was out for a nature walk on the rail trail and had you with me on my little tecsun portable. love the return of ringo.
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yes, this is a mini album of tati by ergo
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Gustav Thomas:

Lovely to have Do or DIY on FMU! Been too long...
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hi Dale!
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it's Gwilly! (gustav)
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Pale Son:

Me too, and this charming theme.
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Rich in Washington:

I think I due for a mini Tati film festival.
Gustav Thomas:

Am joining late because I was made Head of Research.
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For those of you thinking of going to Buffalo, it’s a fantastic town. Great eating and drinking scene. Fantastic architecture (Frank Lloyd Wright, Saarinen) Hit me up if you like recommendations.
F܍F܍ (:

Ergo and PLU, my gateway drug to WFMU.
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I don't smoke, but my GF got me a tati pipe anyway. Hulot.
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oh wow, Gustav Gwilly Will
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bit rot:

@gustav: that's great! I'm only the Ass of Research.
Gustav Thomas:

Haha. King of Research.
F܍F܍ (:

Wait...Is Gustav = Gwilly Edmondez?
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Rich in Washington:

I quit tobacco years ago, but still have a pipe or two. They're religious articles.
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Rebecca Lewis:

Good morning, Vicki and everyone. I'm enjoying the show!
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hi Becky!
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You can point to youth with a pipe and patronise them.

Perfect! Nice mix vicki! great radio work :O
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hi friends, happy to catch the back half of the program
Peter Kaprelian:

"maniacal set"

It burrrrns
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what's up in buffalo? i was in a juried show at the albright knox a lifetime ago. loved record theater and the import section. sounds was in allenville and was a great record shop.
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Someone is in my radiatior......"is that even a baby?"
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Hello Vicki! Nice music in my house today ;)
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hi okapi!
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Kat in Chicago:

I really liked the Wobbly track
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Holding music disturbs the comfortable, and comforts the disturbed
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Kat in Chicago:

I saw Matmos a year ago in Montreal and they were lovely. Sigh.
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"Everyone else liked punk. I liked Wings"----a perfect quote!

@Okapi! A couple of us were talking about reaching out to you about DJn in the WFMU sheena alt stream -- if ya had the interest
ted in queens:

TG perfect for this very spooky morning in nyc!
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is true
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@Rich: I have a pipe, but I have never put tobacco in it....

Haven't been to Buffalo since I was a kid, but I had gf from Rochester, and found some good record stores and clubs o'er there.....
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Congrats on the show Vicki!

I prefer the generic term of, the ass and the show!
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dei xhrist:

Oh Vicki how we've missed you! One of the voices on Google Home sounds kinda like you (slightly more posh accent). It puts a welcome weird spin on my day.
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ha ha
F܍F܍ (:

okapi, Gwilly Edmondez...the stars are aligning today!
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bit rot:

what recording, if any, does this TG appear on? thanx...
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I would love to hear Vicki affect a posh accent!
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I think it was in the 24Hour box set
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i'm missing most of this show because i dropped my dog off for a haircut at 9:30 and now i have to go pick him up again - but i'm looking forward to listening to the archives
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listen to me on Hearty White's show then
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Had to sell my CD version of it when things got tight!
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Throbbing Gristle live vol. 3 has it I think. Might be a bootleg, i was given it on a usb

Crap!, take two. I prefer the generic term, the ass end of the show. that makes more sense.
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while i'm walking in the rain - anyone else remember John Gullack's old No Other Radio Show on KPFA in the 80s?? I won't read your answers until later!
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Live - Volume 3 (1978-1979) - bit rot
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Kat in Chicago:

this "secret link" is most exciting news, tried to pre-clicky-star it but it won't let me.
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Krys O.:

@Martinibomb: The Dimbolo Mikado?
F܍F܍ (:

Judging by its success in America, Vicky's accent should be a DJ premium.
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hope your dog enjoys his haircut ranjit :)
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@ Martinibomb! Yesss! we can talk about it in a couple of weeks, if you're still interested, or is it too late?
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bit rot:


@Krys O -- YOu got it! In fact I have your remix all cued and ready to play :-)
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Krys O.:

Ooh, thanks!
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Handy Haversack:

Vicki, a close friend who moved to the UK a few years back just e-mailed to complain about paying customs duties and "handling fees" (apparently assessed for holding the item back for payment?). So I sent him Hold Tight HMRC Ciggy de la Noche, and he appreciated it deeply.
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WOW!...Here we have the young Matt Johnson, working his magic!
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joe mulligan:

thought that was the beat for "seat bee sate" for a sec there
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ha ha Handy
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do dogs get offered coffee too? I've never took a dog to a professional barber
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yes amazing eh vince
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Rich in Washington:

This is amazing!
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love it!
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from See Without Being Seen - you can get from thethe.com
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I remember the old Some Bizarre comp. that I first hear The The on
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Rich in Washington:

I still think this is the most punk song ever.
Justin Patrick Moore:

Oh yeah!
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Nag Nag Nag!!
F܍F܍ (:

Is this The The? I'm impressed. It sounds so different from their hit.
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great record yes
F܍F܍ (:

I mean, the song before Cabaret Voltaire.
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Krys O.:

I heart CabVolt!
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The The from late 70s - his album Burning Blue Soul came shortly after

I first learned about the 24 hours of TG cassette box while attending a Cabaret Voltaire show for which Young Marble Giants opened. Somebody had brought a copy of the box.
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, Stanley!
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agreed Rich, this and Suicide
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Good morning Vicky and all the ships at sea. Pleasant surprise in my little end-of-world end of the world.
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Krys O.:

Yeah, this is a great comp: en.wikipedia.org...
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morning Carmichael!
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that's the one Krys
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when soft cell knew half man half biscuit I guess. Nice
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They're from Leeds though, they can do no wrong

Other candidates for most punk song: Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias, "Fuck You"; and John Dowie, "British Tourist." Punk in a different way.

I got to see The The when they were on tour with Depeche Mode here in the 80s. First real "concert" I ever went to so I remember it really well
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oh nice!
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I never saw The The back then but did recently - I did the video for their tour too which was a great thing to do :)

#Dean with you there, RIP CP Lee!
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Popping in to write bit of thanks for the sounds. Looking forward to seeing the show starting on the 11th. Laters all.
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I just remember the hard search to find the original 12" to "Uncertain Smile". back in the day
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joe mulligan:

the 1st Person, 4th world project looks so wild, and some of it will be archived for those of us who can't shuffle off to Buffalo?

@People Oh you did! That's wonderful - I hope I get to see it.
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yes - i'll put what i can online joe
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joe mulligan:

thanks Vicki!!
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10 minutes of pure joy!!
Bill W:

loving the show, Vicki
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this is why I play shittyflute now, does it all make sense?
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i'm smiling, that's for certain.

Wow. I needed something to pick me up and The The always does that, thank you.
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hi Bill W!
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Kat in Chicago:

Uncertain Smile still has the power to give me Feelings with a capital F (and one L)
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twas the first 12 inch that i bought

Oh, man, I didn't know he'd died.
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Baja Joe:

Loving all the The The. I think that makes sense.
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I been happily bobbing along to music since 9 am :) ty
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Kat in Chicago:

sending a smile your way, @lukavino
F܍F܍ (:

Here I was thinking The The was just this song. Silly me.

CP Lee, per tricks* above. AyLTP leader.
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it does yes

Last week or week before Dean, what a guy :-/
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Great show so far :-)
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:) :) :)

Longer ago...July 25. 70YO.
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who died?
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V, I search high and low for that 12"! Even the "Blue Monday" 12" with the floppy disc cover was easier to find!

Time flies Dean :)
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Hubig Pie:

I thought his big hit was This is the Day

CP Lee died on July 25. He was a founding member of Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias, a parody punk band.
Irene Moon:

Hi! Made it!
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hey thanks everyone for being in the comments board

oh, sorry Dean :(

CP Lee, Vicki
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hi Irene :))
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Kat in Chicago:

and another 'FMU banger
Justin Patrick Moore:

Hell yeah again! Loving this set! Excellent show. I can't get up to pee until its over.
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this person was also my gateway to everything that followed
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Burning Blue Soul' he did as a teen @ home on a 4-track ?! & the kinda thing haunts yer head forever... 'Uncertain Smile' one of those trax you hear when a kid taking psychedelics & will forever have this strong evocative resonance...

Oh shit, Just Like Arcadia, too. Damn.

CP Lee, and a lot more than Alberto Y Los Trios Paranoias parody punk too, amazing bloke :)
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Handy Haversack:

Good-NESS, this set!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

pee tee vee!
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Allegory and Self is an excellent album
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joe mulligan:

we played "This is the Day" at our wedding. The The reminds me of the early MTV days and me stalling to go to school watching videos.
such a great show Vicki!
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oh lovely Joe! Great song, yes
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Krys O.:

@Vicki: Back in the 80s, myself and other djs played The The on WoofMoo.

@People Like Us it sure is
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so glad to hear that Krys!
Justin Patrick Moore:

I love Rose McDowall too. Strawberry Switchblade is my jam. @Rev Turnip Druid -- ha ha Pee TV.

I'm sorry I tuned in late.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Allegory & Self has aged very well. Sounds as fresh as new.
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go for a wee in my mic break
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... don't take me with you
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I'm liking the early The The. I only really heard them before when I was in HS, and they opened for Depeche Mode at the University she was at. She held the phone out the window so I could listen in to the whole show....
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so two of you saw the The The Depeche Mode tour in here, h aha
Colin in Durham, England:

How did I miss this? I was driving all afternoon too this would have been an excellent soundtrack! I’ll download the show and listen later. Missed you Vicky
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Hello Durham!
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A little tame compared to the Heaven 17 original
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Rich in Washington:

Love this set!
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I like both
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let's face it, we are giving our age away
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

i'm awake! hello People Like Us and WFMU folxes!
ami ad:

Say it loud.
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Rich in Washington:

yeah, this song's in my head a lot lately.
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That bass solo on the original...so good!
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Kat in Chicago:

Adrianna Krikl going into the bandcamp wishlist
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i really did not know Information Society was from the states. especially MN.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Any Teardrop Explodes / Julian Cope enthusiasts about this morning ?
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Rich in Washington:

Hey Mx. Granny!
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Kat in Chicago:

mornin' Granny!
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Yeh, we don't need. / Well thanks Vicki, gotta run..
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Public service announcement: Don't sleep in the road when drinking rice wine when it's a hot summer (or ever): www.theguardian.com...
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Rich in Washington:

Oh wow. I'd always assumed that Information Society was a UK band.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

Hey there, Rich, how's the Lower Columbia today? Smoky here in the Bay Area
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I liked Teardrop Explodes yes
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, Mx. Granny!
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oh gawd i hope no one swears on this track
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

Howdy Handy!!!!
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Rich in Washington:

@Granny: It's just sunny and warm up here. Weather's supposed to return to normal tomorrow, though - rainy and wet.
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@Rich Right?
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Listening Out There:

How do you spell FCC?
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Oh wow, this came out in 2016?! I had no idea Information Society was still around in 2016.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

Shout out to Skeleton Matt! And everyone keeping this WFMU life raft afloat!
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Rich in Washington:

The FCC's nothing without you in the middle!
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this is cute
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they are all working at home
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Hubig Pie:

My fav OMD
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Rich in Washington:

This makes me want to track down every cover of Fascist Groove Thang, even though I generally abhor doing those 'every version of <---> song' type shows.
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The The holds a special place in my musical awakening. In 1981 met a friend at college who was a DJ had many new wave import singles and albums, and hearing The The was like being struck by musical lightening. Matt was the first artist I loved and wasn't widely known, which set me on a path to find more like him.

Better "(WDNT) FGT" than, say, "Yesterday."
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nice kraftwerk cover...
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i KNOW you're joking
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Let No Fascist Groove
be the International Anthem.

enjoyed today’s show. thanks!
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@PLU: (i heard the Depeche Mode tour, didn't see it...)
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thanks diana :)
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ha yes true
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

Rich in Washington: i used to love those "every version" blasts until i was stuck in a tour van with someone playing a 2-hour cassette of "Sweet Georgia Brown"
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What a set! sooooo good.
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oh I've played that played on a tractor, Mx.
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Fantastic set! Glad I dropped in, thank you!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

on a tractor!!!!??!?!?!
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this is already less corny than normal Hamilton.
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well not personally - i played it from youtube

Waka waka!
Justin Patrick Moore:

It wouldn't be Do or DIY without some Muppets. I do feel better now.
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this is the first hamilton song i've heard
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me too steveo!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

<where's the back panel in this here cartoon?>
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now this I would pay hundreds to see
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I, too, have avoided hearing it
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Muppet Hamilton makes it bearable.
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Beaker singing 'Feelings':
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what nickycol said.

@steveo: My brothers are really into Hamilton. And play the sndtrk whenever I visit.
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joe mulligan:

that was a perfect transition from Hamilton to JCS. amazeballs
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thanks, Stanley!
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

I didn't know Judas was in Hamilton!
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"I've been your right hand "thing" all along"

"Hamilton is just '8 Mike's but in Colonial Williamsburg"
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i'm not anti-ham; just haven't bothered to hear it... do you like it ngh? i mean, i like musicals in general,,,
Justin Patrick Moore:

Thank you for a very enjoyable morning.

* 8 Mile -stoopid phern
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Likewise, so great you all joined me on the comments
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Krys O.:

Never had any interest to see Hamilton, but I'd pay for this version.
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well this is Muppet Christ Superstar now :)
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We'll have to do this again sometime!

This is blowing my mind

I'd like to hear a Muppets' Sweeney Todd.
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Webhamster Henry:

Muppets' Assassins.
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Devin B.:

Nothin' but hits!!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Let us now adjourn to the Cocktail Bar!
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Handy Haversack:

YAY! Svantana!
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HAHAHAA poggers

jb nyc:

great show! the hits just keep coming!
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@steveo: the content is decent: the music above average... I'd watch it...maybe...
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

make mine a dinghy!
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did Ken take control of the mothership again?
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Yay, my favorite! Cocktail bar!
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Hamilton sounds great to me just because the "popular" world hardly ever seems to give any respect to intellectual hip-hop. Is that just my perception? I like the idea that thousands of nerdy hip-hop groups could be spawned from kids loving Hamilton.
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sounds about right
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@People Like Us segues are brilliant!
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thanks :)
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ditto re: @ike
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northguinea - I played this back then too :)
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THIS is so silly and so good... I mean, she was working as a waitress...
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why does my brain mix songs in this exact same way all the time?
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Handy Haversack:

So glad this made the cut before I have to jup off for a meeting.

Thanks, Vicki! Absolutely smashing show today. Loved being here for it.

Thanks, Board Matt!
Colin in Durham, England:


Great show, PLU. Thank you.

Next 3 hours I’m alternating between Corrosion of Conformity and Descendents albums.
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Hubig Pie:

Gimme a double shot 'a Green Chartreuse, then.
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@Ike: that's why I support it. If it gets even a handgul kids into history, even tangentially.
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Stay healthy, Vicki and thank you for another wonderful show!
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Give me liberty or give me the next cocktail bar
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Handy Haversack:

But Hubig -- the double!?
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Krys O.:

Thanks so much, Vicki! Such a joy to listen.
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ok, snert! thanks for the larfs, Vicki (and great sounds!)
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omg im in rapture rn
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Kat in Chicago:

another fabulous segue
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don't forget folks - for your calendar - 11 Sept - look here: wfmu.org... - and 25 new shows
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Hubig Pie:

Handy, then I introduce my face to the floor

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my young teen was very happy to learn that he shares rick astley's birthday (and hopefully he can hear this through the door)
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Kat in Chicago:


Well Vicki having listened to your show, the only thing I can say is. IZ GOOD !. looking forward till whenever you fill in again.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...man that felt good...
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@NGH@11:53, oh...right, history too!
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what a finish. please visit us again sometime soon.
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Webhamster Henry:

And in case you can't get enough PLU: here's the month long Radio Boredcast from 2012: wfmu.org...
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

this is making my brain feel funny
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joe mulligan:

this show made my day. standing o-vations, please come back soon Vicki!
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thank you for today Vicki, much needed escapism and new things.
Rich in Bristol:

Rickrolling may be a meme, but this is also a serious tune.
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thanks for listening everyone - and remember many older People Like Us shows to your left - wfmu.org...

One of the most gut-busting funny videos my son and I have ever watched is a mix of Rick Astley "NGGYU" with stratospheric high notes. Sadly, it seems to have disappeared. There are plenty of so-called high-pitched mixes on YT, but none is as good as the one I'm thinking of.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I wonder if there's also a mashup with this and "Mother" from Danzig?
Colin in Durham, England:

New PLU!!!!
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this song plays at the end credits of the internet
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thank you Henry, yes - Radio Boredcast - wfmu.org...
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Kat in Chicago:

Optimized! is ripe for a revisit too, I'm too lazy to find the link haha
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And thanks chat for being so excellently singular and diverse
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Rich in Washington:

So great to hear you on the radio today!
Thanks for a fun show!
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People Like Us:

also check out Optimized! People Like Us WFMU Residency wfmu.org...
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People Like Us:

ha ha nickycol!
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People Like Us:

yes thank you chat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Kat in Chicago:

THANK YOU VICKI and Skeleton Matt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Webhamster Henry:

Well I hope you can make it to Buffalo, in one way or another! Hear ya next time!
ami ad:

Thank you DJ,Crew. Toodles.
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People Like Us:

oh i missed a person out on the tracklist
will add later
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Krys O.:

My comments are out of sync as I'm listening/typing at work between calls and emails.

Hit after hit after hit
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rolling mashup segues -- brillIANT
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joe mulligan:

flute! flute! flute! would be a good encore cheer
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thanks Vicki! my dog is all trim now!
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Hi Krys O!
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Vicki needs to find me a kleenex (i lultzed....))
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son in room, son bagging up


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People Like Us:

glad your dog is all neat and tidy now


@Vicki brilliant brilliant show, thank you! :D
The Butterman:

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as my sides reach orbit, I bid you all a fine peace out LMFAOOOOOoooooooo
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thank you
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Hubig Pie:

Never gonna bake you pie
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Jason from Houston:

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Have a happy day, all.
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This was his Jim Morrison phase.

From Seattle and started tuning into WFMU daily. KEXP could never. Thanks for this great set
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Thanks People like us & Skelton Crew! Peace and love, ya’ll!
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Thanks Vicki.
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People Like Us:

thanks all!

Yes. very good, and Cheerio.

Awesome Show!! thanks Vickiiiii
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

TTFN, Vicki, and thank you! Also, Matt!
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Definitely a show for the archives.
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