Favoriting Rock and Roller Derby with Suzy Hotrod: Playlist from August 2, 2020 Favoriting

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Six-pack abs for the seedy underbelly with Gotham Roller Derby's own Suzy Hotrod. Rock and roll, punk, and things with a good beat that make you dance, sweat, and/or punch something.

Sunday 8 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wednesday 10am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Favoriting August 2, 2020

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Mooney Suzuki  Say Man What Time Is It?   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ronnie Fujiyama with The Devil Dogs  Coney Island   Favoriting 0:01:07 (Pop-up)
Peter D. Kelley  Rock To The Jukebox   Favoriting 0:03:19 (Pop-up)
The Schizophonics  Black To Comm   Favoriting 0:06:35 (Pop-up)
The Bags  Babylonian Gorgon   Favoriting 0:09:52 (Pop-up)
The Cramps  No Club Lone Wolf   Favoriting 0:12:19 (Pop-up)
Spoiled Brats  No I Don't   Favoriting 0:16:36 (Pop-up)
Pearl Harbor & the Explosions  Shut Up and Dance   Favoriting 0:16:46 (Pop-up)
Ike & Tina Turner  Shame Shame Shame   Favoriting 0:20:19 (Pop-up)
Cloud Factory  Amnesia   Favoriting 0:26:55 (Pop-up)
Rabies Babies  Rape is Rape, Even if the Rapist is in a Band That You Like   Favoriting 0:30:09 (Pop-up)
Ratas En Zelo  Ratas   Favoriting 0:32:37 (Pop-up)
Shadow Show  Shadow Box   Favoriting 0:35:48 (Pop-up)
The Go-Go's  Club Zero   Favoriting 0:39:54 (Pop-up)
The Rosalyns  Give Him a Great Big Kiss   Favoriting 0:42:51 (Pop-up)
The Belles  Melvin   Favoriting 0:45:23 (Pop-up)
Pretenders  Hate For Sale   Favoriting 0:47:36 (Pop-up)
Jimmie Haskell And His Orchestra  Blast Off!   Favoriting 1:01:18 (Pop-up)
Jeff Hughes  Our Spaceman Did Come Back   Favoriting 1:03:15 (Pop-up)
Giuda  Space Walk   Favoriting 1:05:36 (Pop-up)
Adam & The Ants  Apollo 9   Favoriting 1:09:09 (Pop-up)
Barrence Whitfield & The Savages  Girl From Outer Space   Favoriting 1:12:10 (Pop-up)
Sonny Day And The Tony Ray Combo  Creature From Outer Space   Favoriting 1:17:17 (Pop-up)
Ramones  Zero Zero UFO   Favoriting 1:19:27 (Pop-up)
The Marathons  Chicken Spaceman   Favoriting 1:21:38 (Pop-up)
The Byrds  Mr. Spaceman   Favoriting 1:23:50 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Ford & The Luzers  Mr. Flying Saucer Man   Favoriting 1:25:48 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Supersonic Rocket Ship   Favoriting 1:28:05 (Pop-up)
CTMF, The Dear Watsons  Why Don't You Smile Now   Favoriting 1:35:35 (Pop-up)
Sugar and the Lollipops  I Can Dance   Favoriting 1:38:26 (Pop-up)
Little Barrie  Surf Hell   Favoriting 1:41:27 (Pop-up)
The Slits  I Heard It Through The Grapevine   Favoriting 1:44:11 (Pop-up)
The Kaleidoscope  Jenny Artichoke   Favoriting 1:48:18 (Pop-up)
The Catalinas  The Coco Cherry Mash   Favoriting 1:50:55 (Pop-up)
Astronauts  I'm Gonna Buy Me A Dog   Favoriting 1:56:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Roller time!
Avatar 3:02pm

Itz Suzy Time, lets ROCK !!
Avatar 3:03pm

Way to come out skatin hard!!
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Hiya Suzy, Rock and Rollers!

Let's get wheels ROLLIN' with my great Hot Rod friend! Hope all is well with you Suzy. I'm fine, be safe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm

Hey hey listeners! Out to an early lead are Ken, Motorbro, Pauly, and Jett.
Avatar 3:13pm

WHOOOHOOO! Greetings y'all!
Avatar 3:13pm
Ruth Booth:

So what are today's snacks???
Avatar 3:15pm

RUTH, skate gurl skate!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

Love the GD Cramps. Hola Suzy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

Hi Ruth.
Avatar 3:17pm
Ruth Booth:

Hi Medson!
Avatar 3:17pm

MEDS !!!
wfmu listener phillip:

hey @suzyhotrod and fellow hot rodders:)

@wfmu listener Phillip How is the mouth situation doing? Are you chewing yet?

I've always loved Pearl Harbour, lady is so cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22pm

I will be put on a warning for playing too much Cramps, before I stop playing too much Cramps.
wfmu listener phillip:

@Jett my oral surgeon wasnt there friday so monday he'll take out the sutures and i can eat. something soft at first. looks like its healed.

As far as I'm concerned you can just play The Cramps for the rest of your show!!!

@wfmu listener Phillip The worse part is behind you now. Just be gentle with the chewing. Little by little it'll be like normal again.

Howlin' banana!
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 3:28pm

yep, that was me who's played Cloud Factory before and entered it in lower case
wfmu listener phillip:

@Jett yes. soft food first nothing hard or very chewy like chicken or steak or pizza. I think pasta is ok and potatoes. and ramen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm

EFD. The iconic 90's MTV employee himself. Good at other jobs, not good at typing.
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

Counterpoint: Good at typing, not good at hitting the Shift key
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Great song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So is this.

@wfmu listener Phillip Eventually you're going to have to get bolder and try chewing that stuff like steak and chicken even if it hurts a bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
Chop Scott:

Afternoon Suzy & Ruth! EFD!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

join the smoothie wagon, its so nice in the summer. you can also join the "i hate cleaning a blender" squad. @Rev Rab, thanks! New discoveries this week for me: Ratas En Zelo and Rabies Babies. Happy to share it with you all.

hi suzy happy to hear u love the show !!!!
Avatar 3:43pm
Ruth Booth:

Hello Chop Scott!
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

hi Chop Scott! Hi Ruth!
Avatar 3:44pm
Ruth Booth:

Happy Sunday, EFD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
joe mulligan:

oh man I hate cleaning the blender. AND the Omega juicer. blessed with double duty.
Avatar 3:45pm

Watch out for the bkades when cleaning the margarita machine.

The MELVIN guy has arrived!
wfmu listener phillip:

@Jett yes I know but I'll wait maybe a good two weeks let it settle some more before chewing on something hard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
joe mulligan:

it would be so much easier if someone invented a blender cup with a "quick release" blade... uh-oh.. dibs!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

Good afternoon Suzie, Suzie Crew, folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48pm
dave wuz here:

roughies > smoothies
John in Bklyn:

I wonder if she likes King Buzzo over Dale Crower?
Avatar 3:50pm

They'll slice off a chunk of finger off in a flash.
And you don't want that in your margarita...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...few weeks ago I said :
¡ Hola Amigos !
Sunday our lucky Funday
...if the heat done perturb ya
Suzy will Derby ya
she'll joyride & slam ya
your endorphins demand ya
what dopamine can ya
hope to get high on
you deny tuning in on
Suzy the smasher
the skate Queen tune basher
Garage Psych or Soul
Vintage Rawk'n"Roll
Pop Punk & trash
or an 80s Smash
It's time! It's time!
For some tunes
...not this rhyme...
- & I just wanted to let ya know my opinion has not changed nor my writing improved...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
joe mulligan:

@dave wuz here could you also say roughies>smoothies>juices?
John in Bklyn:

Chrissie is, was and always will be. Amen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Hughie Considine:

That was a set worth being proud of.
wfmu listener phillip:

sure I remember those days when women put all sorts of makeup around their eyes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

You can get an actual Margarita in your margarita I guess that means.

@wfmu listener Phillip Believe me, when someone puts some food in front of you that you're dying to dig into, you'll give it a shot. I'm not encouraging you to do something harmful. You will know, believe me.
Avatar 3:55pm

Joey X and Miss American Thighs checking in from Flatbush!

I live in Queens, no giant cockroach water bugs here!
wfmu listener phillip:

@Jett I know I've already got my mouth set on a bucket of kfc.

Even though I've been in Queens for so many years, my heart will always be in Brooklyn. I am a Manhattan baby.
wfmu listener phillip:

I know what Suzy hotrod is talking about. their called American cockroaches and some do FLY. soo lookout
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Gecko to eat roaches?
...plus good insurance for the Daddy Rothmobiles...

I hear ya! @ wfmu listener Phillip, when you jump the shark, just be very gentle/dainty, but go for it!
wfmu listener phillip:

my mother was terrified of them shed scream her head off seeing one. I'd have to jump out of bed and kill it
John in Bklyn:

The roaches in Houston are HUGE, they're EVERYWHERE and they fly, too. I've seen the giant ones in my old Astoria rehearsal studio.
Steve Harsh:

Reporting from Queens, where i grew up. Many such critters. Smaller ones are cockroaches, larger ones are water bugs (or so we called them)

People in this chat are having a conversation about boiler room cockroaches.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Hughie Considine:

There's a lovely bit of dialogue in "Desperate Living" involving roaches uttered by a henchman of the Wicked Queen Carlotta.
John in Bklyn:

Boiler room cockroaches? Are they the ones that take football bets over the phone?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm

I like that term "boiler room cockroaches"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Hughie Considine:

We've hit a new low.
Avatar 4:04pm

Suzy, put a cup a white vinegar in the wash.
Get a CPAP ozone cleaner and put it in you're gear bag, zip it up and run it a few times.
Dungaroos Kipawah:

When I lived in New Orleans, I learned the euphemism that dubbed those big oily roaches “palmetto bugs.” And they fly. I briefly had a small house where you could see through the floorboards to the ground—on humid nights (any nite bet May and October) they would swarm up from the depths en masse and make a horrifying clicking racket. I could see them grinning in triumph. A shoe heel can only accomplish so much gruesomeness. Had to break that lease
Avatar 4:08pm

La kook ka rahatcha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
Michael 98145:

we need more geckos
wfmu listener phillip:

the big ones the american cockroaches they are super easy to kill. they eat any kind of poison are killed easily. the german cockroaches not so much.
wfmu listener phillip:

wow! the pretenders have a new album out? seriously? news to me.
Avatar 4:13pm

My roommate in college went home and brought back a Madagascar hissing cockroach. It was in a shoebox. He waited until we were very high and then decided to show us his new pet. I moved out shortly thereafter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

Dungaroos: I live in the Marigny in an old wooden house split into 3 apartments. I have made my place as roach-proof as it's possible to make a place (glue traps all over the floors of the closets, boric acid, caulking in the gaps), and still every so often one manages to get in. Then I become like the cartoon elephant when it sees a mouse. Completely ruins my day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

JoeyX and Miss American Thighs! What a treat to digitally see you here! I miss you!
wfmu listener phillip:

wow. @suzyhotrod love this set
Avatar 4:21pm

Hello FMU friends!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
Hughie Considine:

I lived in a converted yurt with three human-sized hissing Malaysian cockroaches who were my bandmates at the time.
Avatar 4:22pm

The comments above suggest that summer is overrated....
Dungaroos Kipawah:

@Mariano: I know the struggle. Persist. That place I mentioned was up on Freret right by River Rd. Had another place on Calhoun that was similar, but not much you can do anywhere in the tropics, save steel yourself when you flip the lights on. In Manhattan, I see them now and then—the waterbug variety of big’uns. Calling these jumbo roaches “palmetto bugs” has provoked gales of laughter at my expense several times. Haha.

Miya Masaoka composed a piece for Madagascar cockroaches in which they crawl over her body. The interruption of a burglar detection laser by the bugs' antennae triggers computer-generated sounds sampled from their hisses. See and hear for yourself: https://vimeo.com/95526461
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all. Splashdown. I got roaches,some days a lot,some days not.

@wfmu listener Phillip There is a new Pretenders album called "Hate For Sale" and it is not all that bad.
admiral crisp:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Houston ! ..we have a cockroach...

@SuzyHotRod Don't you check them after you byrne them???
Avatar 4:33pm

Cockroaches are good people, ok? I’m tired of defending the underdogs, gawd!!!
Avatar 4:34pm

When’s the last time a cockroach fucked u over, eh?

the B side of "Our Spaceman Did Come Back" was a down tempo tune in case our spaceman didn't come back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

Rory: every time one of the bastards knocks years off my life with jump-scares.
Andres in Nutley:

Gotta wear it in the rain
admiral crisp:

it's like wearing brand new chucks
Avatar 4:37pm

Mariano: heheheee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm

I burned out the CD player making bootleg band CDs, so when I ripped CDs in sometimes the results were sporadically static. Eep!

Hope you bought a Schott leather jacket, they will last longer than your lifetime, Top Quality @SuzyHotRod I own 2 Schott's myself.
Avatar 4:38pm
Joe B:

Hey Suzy and everyone
Peter Kaprelian:

!ya funny you started that rocket ship set just as Reddit popped with "Egypt rejects Elon Musk's theory that aliens built the pyramids."

Eep-Oop-Ork-Ah-Ah, you know what that means....@SuzyHotRod ❤️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm

good thing we have Elon to put forth such profound theories
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:40pm

@Joe B! Help real fast. What the deal with CTMF and The Dear Watsons? Same people? 2 names? Why does Billy Childish have so many wonderful bands that overlap. How does this work?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
Hughie Considine:

"41 Schotts" was the Boss's endorsement, I'm pretty sure...

shoutout to Yoenis Cespedes, who now has more free time to listen to the radio this summer/fall
Avatar 4:41pm

Elon Musk made a really weird masculine stance with an orange jacket. Never take a person like that seriously. Again, cockroaches don’t do that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

i have no problem with cockroahces
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

Leather: Schott is #1. I have their women's cut and its perfect, but its made of lamb leather and its disintegrating from use cause it's too soft for rock and roll.
ami ad:

Elon built my hotrod.

Suzy any Nick Lowe b4 u go??? thnx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
joe mulligan:

@Jett I called the marketing guy at Schott once to ask if he was interested in software to boost their remarketing.. he said they don't do that cause the jackets never die and people buy once. I said well I do still have mine from 1989
Avatar 4:43pm
Joe B:

I think the dear watsons was just for a 45/singles club releases.
Avatar 4:45pm
Joe B:

and I think the dear watsons was when Nurse Julie was pregnant/raising newborn. I know wolf howard is in it but not sure who else from the usual cast of characters
Avatar 4:46pm
Joe B:

best motown cover of all time here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm

"too soft for rock and roll" < love this, Suzy Hotorod :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm

To be less cool, its too soft for constantly carrying a backpack cause you live in the city and need to carry 16 hours worth of things at once. The shoulders are wrecked.

Hollie Cook has a lovely tribute to Ari Up called, "Ari Up."

@Joe Mulligan I hear ya. I miss Ari Up so much, she was such a cool person. Possibly the best Motown cover, I agree.
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

Great show Thanks Suzy!.Thanks skeleton crew.

I know you're as cool as rock n roll my little sister, Suzy!
Avatar 4:50pm
Joe B:

re the Dear Watsons - yeah, looking at discogs, looks like all their releases are for the Damaged Goods singles club, and cover earlier Childish tunes or covers that Childish was already known to do in other bands. don't know if they ever played gigs.
Avatar 4:50pm

Yes, great tracks Suzy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Hughie Considine:

Cockroaches love artichokes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm

Ohhh, had completely forgotten about "Jenny Artichoke"! Great song.
J in park slope:

So great and rare to hear slits! Ty!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

I had a Schott for 15 years or so, but it finally cracked on the elbow and wrist level (a month-long stint in a overheated hospital was the final straw). Got a new one, horse leather (lighter, I'll see how it fares). The beer pocket is really convenient

Haven't heard "Jenny Artichoke" in ages.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm

thanks, Suzy Hotrod!
thanks, Skelecrew!
cheers, rock and roll fans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Hughie Considine:

Gotta love that beer pocket, @fred.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

Thank you Suzy, great show! Thanks to the Crew, bye everyone.

Dear Watsons were slated to play ATP2.0 in 2016: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/oct/05/sleaford-mods-the-raincoats-and-more-for-stewart-lees-atp-20
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Mike From Brooklyn:

Thanks for another great show Suzy! (Who's not too soft for Rock & Roll.)
Steve Harsh:

Thank you Suzy and FMU crew - great show!

Think Hasil Adkins and The Cramps (She Said) were listening to Eep-Oop-Ork-Ah-Ah??

Thanks for a supercool show, little sister. @SuzyHotRod ❤️
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Suzy and thanks, Ruth!
Avatar Pledges Rock AND Roll Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 4:57pm

Another great show, Suzy. So glad your back!!! Cheers!
Yes, thanks skelecrew!
Avatar 4:57pm

Avatar 4:58pm

Shout out to the Fringe Factory! My favorite program on rock n soul!
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Joe B:

The Astronauts did record this before the Monkees
Avatar 4:58pm
Joe B:

thanks Suzy, great show

The Astronauts have lots of great music in their repetoirr.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
Tommy in Neversink:

I think the Monkeys covered I'm Going to Buy Me a Dog

Hello @Joe B, hope you are well!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Tommy in Neversink:

Oh...people are already on this ....nevermind
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Joe B thanks for the production research. I got all twisted around on Discogs trying to figure it out.
Frank Zaatar:

Yeah, that was the episode wjere Mike wrote a song. Pretty ironic.
Avatar 5:01pm

Robbie White:

Lux stole the title NO CLUB LONE WOLF from the Tex Rubinowitz (of Tex Rubinowitz & the Bad Boys in DC) song of the same name. The license plates on Tex's Caddy read NO CLUB.
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