Favoriting Old Codger with Courtney T. Edison: Playlist from July 9, 2020 Favoriting

The Old Codger: playing 78 RPM records like they're going out of style!

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting July 9, 2020: Everything he touches turns to mold.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Approx. start time
Josephine Baker  Sans amour   Favoriting 0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Victoria Spivey  Baulin' Water Blues - Part 1   Favoriting 0:03:08 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Irving Kaufman  Masculine Women! Feminine Men!   Favoriting 0:09:31 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Cole Porter  Maidens Typical of France   Favoriting 0:12:26 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Boswell Sisters  Does My Baby Love?   Favoriting 0:13:57 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Claude Thornhill  The Doll Dance   Favoriting 0:16:03 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Hoagy Carmichael  Cosmics   Favoriting 0:18:44 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Brox Sisters  Iyone, My Iyone   Favoriting 0:26:21 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Vaughn De Leath  All By Myself   Favoriting 0:29:02 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Lil Johnson  So Long Babe, I'm Gone   Favoriting 0:32:04 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Ruth Etting  Button Up Your Overcoat   Favoriting 0:35:04 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Sophie Tucker  He's a Good Man to Have Around   Favoriting 0:37:49 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Charles Ives  They Are Here   Favoriting 0:44:16 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Fabian André & His Orchestra  The Man Who Came to Rhumba   Favoriting 0:47:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Ikey Robinson Band  The Stinger   Favoriting 0:49:54 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Billie Holiday  Big Stuff   Favoriting 0:52:35 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Sabu  Darn That Dream   Favoriting 0:55:30 (MP3 | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10:08am
Lolabelle Pancake:

Came in early, sweeping up (cigar ashes, empty bourbon bottles, losing scratch tickets, KFC leftovers), emptying the spittoons, and opening the windows to get some fresh air in the Codger's poutin' shanty. See you all tonight for the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am

Good morning, Miss Pancake. I'm especially looking forward to tonight's Codger program which by my count will be his ONE HUNDREDTH show!

I hope you've been able to make some progress on ending this very upsetting Fablo situation. I worry that his appalling "music" choices may put off potential new listeners who turn in early for Courtney's show.
Avatar 11:34am
Lolabelle Pancake:

Hello, Reggie. Courtney plans to announce that tonight marks his 100th show on WFMU. Of course, he hosted thousands on WPOX before the owners of that station were indicted on Payola charges.

As for Fablo, imagine sitting down for a sirloin steak dinner and your appetizer is raw hog entrails. That's the sort of program menu WFMU offers on Thursday. Courtney is seeking legal counsel, which he will also address on tonight's show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am
Otis Fodder:

Hi Lolabelle, I sent my fan mail to Courtney as requested, by telegram. Apologies it took so very long. Rather hard to find a telegram office in 2020. Take care. Stop.
Avatar 11:50am
Lolabelle Pancake:

Hello, Otis. Courtney said that station manager Ken is intercepting all telegrams and refusing to share the contents with Courtney. STOP. Courtney is turning over all this evidence of malfeasance to his attorney, Charles "Buster" Binderfloss. STOP.
Avatar 5:53pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Hello, Lolabelle here, reporting for duty. Six minutes to the weekly redemption of WFMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

Standing by and ready here. I've turned down the current noise on my radio and will turn the volume back up at 6pm.
Avatar 5:58pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Fablo appears to be playing a whole show of some Italian musician Courtney has never heard of. It can't be good.
Avatar 5:59pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

I just turned on the station feed in Courtney's bunker. He called this music "repulsive."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

He's probably dead. Courtney, on the other hand, is still here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

And his show was riddled with internet problems. Can't imagine that would be allowed to be a problem here.
Avatar 6:04pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney's program is only carried on the radio, not on the internet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

Tinnie Time!
aloha, Lolabelle Pancake and company
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Mary was so fidgety due in part to the cloud of flies that swarmed around her.
Avatar 6:05pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Hello, Mr. Spoildiddy.

loved that Josephine Baker, you grump
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
dave wuz here:

soft as old linen, hard a chinese arithmatic
Avatar 6:06pm

Hi Courtney!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Hopey Sockmonkey:

Wonderful Josephine Baker opening! Greets, All.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

I'm surprised they allowed Mary a less harsh TP. I would assume that harsh was what they had and they liked it that way.
Laura L:

Lolabelle, that appetizer Fablo served up was the raw entrails of the most bristly Italian variety of hog! This may require the services of an international lawyer!
Avatar 6:07pm

Hah! When I was a kid, we were grateful for that wire brush!
Avatar 6:07pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney says hello, Jennica. He wants to know if you're "jailbait" (under 35). That is, assuming you are of the lady persuasion.
Avatar 6:07pm

And Hi Lolabelle
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

Such coddling, really.
Listener Robert:

Wait a minute...how could the OWNERS of WPOX be indicted for payola?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Hopey Sockmonkey:

Fabblo, haha.
Avatar 6:10pm

Lolabelle, please tell Courtney that I’m very young, and while not under 35, I’m sure I’m still considered jailbait at 51.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

I think Ken finds the operator system those requires to be unusably confusing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Sherwin Sleeves is somewhere up in New Hampshire, being intriguing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

That Irving Kaufman was a caution.
Avatar 6:12pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Jennica, Courtney says you should call him. You know his phone number, right? It's "6."

oh dear, this is shocking
Avatar 6:12pm
Mailman Tom:

I wonder what Irving Kaufman would say about today's times
Avatar 6:13pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Tom: Ask him! He's a resident at the Van Halen Nursing Home.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

those gay 20s!
Avatar 6:14pm
Marshall Stacks:

Courtney - that's a feminine name. What are your pronouns?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

I'm aticipating the word "underpants"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Gaylord Fields:

Hi, Lolabelle. Can you either confirm or deny a story I read about Aimee Semple McPherson's "kidnapping" actually being a monthlong marathon "pancake and Canadian bacon session" (I'm quoting the story there) with Courtney?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

I think Irving (Kaufman...mind you) was trying come off less into it than he was.
Listener Robert:

I hope the Old Codger has the companion ad for Scott paper towels. I won't spoil if you don't know the caption.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

some noel coward would slip right in nicely...
Avatar 6:15pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Gaylord: Let me ask Courtney in-between platters. BRB, as the kids say.
Avatar 6:17pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Gaylord: When I asked Courtney about Sister Aimee, he got a gleam in his eye, took a long puff of his Rancho Malario, blew smoke rings, and put his finger in the middle of one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Gaylord Fields:

Boffo! Thanks, Lolabelle!
Avatar 6:18pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

He wants to know if you were "familiar" with Sister Aimee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Gaylord Fields:

I'm merely pushing 60, but my grandfather owned a juke joint near Baton Rouge that had a black-and-tan thing going on, and was always available for Sunday night services.
Avatar 6:22pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Was that the place renowned for gospel & booze? Excellent combination. Praise the Lord Calvert.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

The gleam in Courtney's eye:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Gaylord Fields:

That's about the size of it. It was called a "cafe" but ain't no Brazil juice was served in that sacred space.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

Well, corn flakes were made to discourage masturbation. www.mentalfloss.com...
Avatar 6:26pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

He's talking about ME!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

when ocotgenarians throw their underpants at the old caodger, well, you can use those granny panties as sails on your dinghy.
Listener Robert:

Is "dinghy" what the kids are calling it these days?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

kids these days!
Avatar 6:31pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Tell me about it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

did someone say granny panties?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

if your social security number has more than 3 digits you're a kid.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

ha ha!
Avatar 6:34pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney recently found out that when you write something funny, if you add "LOL" right afterwards it makes it twice as funny!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

The song selection so far suggests Courtney is feeling "bothered" and needs some relief. I suppose he's expecting volunteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

it can also be used to show indifference toward anything misunderstood LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

ROTFLMAO. as if.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

TIL Old Codger's celebrating 100!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

(learned TIL on reddit from a twerp half my age)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

geritol and a good physic will put him in the pink.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

PEPCO totally ripped off this jam in a television commercial stressing "Conservation" pffffffff
Avatar 6:38pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney once tried flirting with Ruth Etting, but he got an icy stare from Moe "The Gimp" Snyder and quickly exited the room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

There is nothing wrong with Courtney that couldn't be fixed by a good high colonic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

hope this song has 'petting' in the lyrics.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

probably a wise choice. Moe can be prickly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Floradix Hundwasser:

I've been listening in on the Radiola, and I must interject! I take great umbrage at your aspersions cast upon the breakfast I served you, Courtney.

Perhaps I can tempt you with some prune scones in banana aspic?

I'm famous for my aspic, you know.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

You know, some of these brats today have never enjoyed the simple pleasure of seeing a touring bank robbing gang visit their town.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

boods! welcome to 1927.
Avatar 6:42pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Floradix, Courtney says to take it up with his attorney, "Buster" Binderfloss.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...there's this other DJ on the new crosstown station
- Jehosaphat H. Tesla
...you should really check him out...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

Hopefully Buddha is above 35, and avoids jailbait status.
Avatar 6:42pm
Mailman Tom:

Didn't Sophie Tucker sing "Something to Remember Me By" ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Floradix Hundwasser:

I'll buster his binderfloss all right!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

Courtney's attorney sounds like a Wow character
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

such language!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

Dagnabbit, I didn't think these tubes would ever warm up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I thot Rudy Valley was a place between two hills...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Floradix Hundwasser:

@RR3, I adore Tesla. And he loves my aspic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

rudy vallee was on CHiPS for pete's sake. sold out for his vernors soda habit.
Avatar 6:45pm
People Like Us:

Yay Charles Ives!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Dale! Hi Granny Spicy Tuna! Thanks for the shout out on Instagram.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Hey, Boods! Great to see ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Cel-Ray no doubt...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

This is Charles Ives? Is this Burl's crazy uncle?
Avatar 6:47pm
People Like Us:

this is quite something
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

mr ives born in 1874. he's seen a thing or two.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

It's not everything, and it's not nothing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...i think we've filled that gap in Ergo Phizmez's ancestral tree...

More clave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

my toe's a-tappin'!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

Somebody tell Courtney what Instagram is. On second thought, don't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Before Link Wray was banned for Rumble Fabian had his Thumbs.

More surface noise means more enjoyment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

instagram is just a vaporous brownie camera.
Avatar 6:52pm
Mailman Tom:

Give me that Dixieland!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I'm all Thumbs with this telegraph...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

This makes the goats uppity.
Listener Robert:

That "They Are Here" sounded like that guy in the nursing home who, if prompted, starts singing everything he knows (which is everything), barely stopping to inhale. My ol' pal Irwin excerpted him as "Downloading the Repertoire".
Avatar 6:55pm

I’ve always loved this Billie
Avatar 6:56pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Robert: That was Courtney's old friend Jack Mudurian. Like Tiny Tim, he knew every song ever written and could sing them all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

I believe Ives had a cameo in One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest
Listener Robert:

Brainiac, do you love pina colonics?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

I'll take mine straight up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Thanks for the music for the bin fire, Courtnaenae! *snaps*
Paperwork was never so much fun.
Thank you too, Lolabelle Pancake (rambunctiousness be darned)

aloha all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Such a crush on this young Holliday woman from N'Orleans if I'm quite candid...

I love this show so much.
Laura L:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Lolabelle, please pass on our thanks to Mr. Edison. Here's to the next 100.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

All those close, personal friends relegated to 'all those other guys' status.
Avatar 6:59pm
Lolabelle Pancake:

Courtney thanks you all for tolerating his irascibility.

Courtney!!! Thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Thank you Grandpa. Can I have my allowance now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

We're pretty irascibility-tolerant.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Fablo might swipe that Ives cut for his show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

bye bye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
Otis Fodder:

I fell asleep out the shanty, why am I covered in scratch tickets and chicken bones?! Right after I clean up I'll be listening in the archive. No need to pass this on to Courtney, Lolabelle. Thanks much!
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