Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from June 26, 2020 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 26, 2020

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Don  Dirty   Favoriting       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Don  Dirty   Favoriting        
Don  Dirty   Favoriting        
Don  Dirty   Favoriting        
Don  Dirty   Favoriting        
Don  Dirty   Favoriting        
Julianna barwick  Inspirit   Favoriting       0:06:15 (Pop-up)
Lee gamble  3,4 synthetics /dollis hill/rufige   Favoriting       0:12:08 (Pop-up)
Gareth williams  Nothing on   Favoriting Flaming tunes      0:16:50 (Pop-up)
David bowie  Can you hear me   Favoriting Young americans      0:20:25 (Pop-up)
Samuel Goff  Transmissions part 2   Favoriting       0:25:22 (Pop-up)
Gate  Smoke   Favoriting Fear of music      0:39:14 (Pop-up)
The puddle  High on the hog   Favoriting The shakespeare monkey    2009  0:42:41 (Pop-up)
Mosses  Msr   Favoriting Tv sun    2020  0:46:48 (Pop-up)
The frogs  Smile   Favoriting       0:52:05 (Pop-up)
Wooden glass w billy wooten  Day dreaming   Favoriting       0:53:57 (Pop-up)
Roy ayers w adrian young  Shadows of the east   Favoriting Jazz is dead    2020  1:03:01 (Pop-up)
The section  Burning bush   Favoriting Forward motion  Warners  1973  1:06:05 (Pop-up)
Euglossine  Blue dream   Favoriting     2020  1:11:37 (Pop-up)
Jan hammer  song for my fathers vibes   Favoriting You still got it jan      1:16:13 (Pop-up)
Laraaji  Enthusiasm (dexter story remix)   Favoriting     2018  1:18:36 (Pop-up)
Laraaji  This too shall pass   Favoriting     2020  1:22:13 (Pop-up)
K-lone  Palmas   Favoriting     2020  1:26:02 (Pop-up)
Bill bergman  You belong to the city   Favoriting Midnight sax    1987  1:31:30 (Pop-up)
ed kuepper  gasoline song   Favoriting       1:43:35 (Pop-up)
the necks  Nice Policeman, Nasty Policeman   Favoriting next    1990  1:50:00 (Pop-up)
Dial  Eleven   Favoriting Trace    2020  1:55:07 (Pop-up)
Anla courtis  angry cat choir's annual jazz meeting   Favoriting       2:02:29 (Pop-up)
A space for sound  Side a1   Favoriting Sound bath mixtape vol. 1    2020  2:05:26 (Pop-up)
mia doi todd w. sam gendel & josh johnson  titanua sacophonica   Favoriting       2:14:47 (Pop-up)
steve reich  mallet quartet III: fast   Favoriting       2:17:32 (Pop-up)
carl stone  gancy & figli   Favoriting       2:22:19 (Pop-up)
speaker system  of our spiritual strivings   Favoriting     2020  2:36:17 (Pop-up)
Alan Braufman  Sunrise   Favoriting The fire still burns    2020  2:40:02 (Pop-up)
Daniel carter matthew shipp william parker gerald cleaver  Scintillate   Favoriting       2:44:22 (Pop-up)
Art Ensemble of Chicago  Prayer for jimbo kwesi   Favoriting The third decade    1985  2:49:03 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Krys O.:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Marley P. Dogg:

I think I could listen to this on a loop for at least 48 hours
Avatar 9:01am

mornin', JA
Avatar 9:01am

Just transitioning from Clay to John Allen. Good morning everyone!
Avatar 9:03am
John Allen:

Marley, c’mon over
Hey everybody
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Marley P. Dogg:

Morning John!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Handy Haversack:

Morning, JA, J'All.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Rob (Jerzcity):

mornin', JA, JAAMmers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Good morning all!
Avatar 9:08am

Hi there, EVERYONE! I am stepping away b/c peeps are coming to look at the house; I'll be listening though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am

Hey JA! We're syncing in and out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
George of Troy:

God morning, John!
Avatar 9:09am
Lixiviated Life:

ok, you go now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
George of Troy:

LOL *Good
Avatar 9:10am
John Allen:

Mornin george
GListener MW:

Julianna Barwick epicness <3
GListener MW:

new from her, it seems? This is beautiful, JA
Avatar 9:13am
John Allen:

New record from julianna july 10th
Joe Mulligan:

Lee gamble gives that vibe of a dnb rave in the desert at 5am about 2 miles away
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Never thought I would see the day that JA played Garth Brooks
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Good morning JA, fellow AMers. Late getting moving this AM, finally got out of the shower and in fact I have nothing on yet, unless you count some perfume and my medical alert tag. Fixing that now.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Oh I misread that artist, much better, carry on
Avatar 9:22am
John Allen:

Yo karl, you cant unsee garth brooks
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:22am

Carlos Alomar represent
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:23am

I grew up in Houston, I saw enough Garth Brooks to kill a man
Gozo Pete:

Howdy from Gozo to all. Stuck here in quarantine.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25am

OOOH I love my Bowie in the AM
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I refuse not to listen.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Handy Haversack:

RevRab11/63: Did your internet situation improve? Hopefully so!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The WiFis I steal in my trap came back on after months.
How I learned to stop worrying & love Uranus in Taurus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Otherwise I might have on some tags & fumes & be outside the Library in good healthy air & sunlight.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Handy Haversack:

Glad to hear it -- I think!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am

good morning
JA amazing show as always, ty.
Avatar 9:47am
Mike W:

good morning to George Henderson and nobody else
(except you)
Avatar 9:48am
John Allen:

Safe distancing with the puddle
Avatar 9:55am


Can only quote that quote to say thank you JA!!!!!
"Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am

lol morphe I remember hearing that on wftmu years ago I think ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

oh its up on JA page lmao .. dunce cap on and walking to corner

BnowB - it is JA's own description of his own show on the top of the playlist.. but from a listener.. Must go buy sneakers for a 9 year old who says "I hate you for making me go buy new sneakers and a bathing suit??????????"

BnB - no more punishment corners only inner angst!!!
off to Spain's Macy's CortesIngles.. UGGGHHH
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am

lol morphe I realized.. and kids... what can ya do.. I loved shopping for sneaks as a kid. Love Spain. Enjoy the day morphe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:06am

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Handy Haversack:

See you later, morphe'!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Krys O.:

I disliked clothes shopping as a kid. The dawdling was the worst part.
Avatar 10:09am
John Allen:

I always hated it when the racks would collapse
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

funny Krys-O .. Yea I hated trying on endless clothes especially at the mall but kicks .. that was fun for me. :)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:09am

gm even
Avatar 10:09am
Bri The Beatnik:

I always loved clothes shopping as a kid, it seemed to bring me happiness.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Handy Haversack:

For me, the "Husky" section was the worst part. Thanks, J. C. Penney.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am

How about trips to mall for mom to shop... ugh and ya sit hidden in some clothes rack reading a book until she done.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Too much @ stake. Style - parents...bad combo.
Changed size too much back then...
New kicks on thuh foot tho' - wonderful.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:13am
listener 126464:

hiding in clothes racks worked during a game of dept. store manhunt
Avatar 10:13am
Mike W:

my favorite part of Dean Wareham’s book is when he drily notes that his parents sent him out there as a kid in sneakers that never had the right number of stripes (three)
Avatar 10:14am

love the SHOW!!!
Avatar 10:14am
Mike W:

to this day i only want to wear Levi’s jeans, because that was the ubiquitous unattainable brand for me as a kid
Avatar 10:14am
Bri The Beatnik:

My mom hates shopping! But I always hated it when my Dad stopped in Sears to shop for himself. That was soo boring to me as a kid.
Avatar 10:15am
John Allen:

Hey Faye, cmon up and do a domestic partner remote
Avatar 10:16am
Mike W:

those racks were like instant forts, i wanted a rack to build around at home
Avatar 10:16am

I would love to! miss you guys say hi to Lula!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am

smoooooth jazz hammer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

Googled "when all you have is Jan Hammer"... and got this quotetab.com...

Crushing it today. Thanks for the music

Avatar 🎸 10:36am

Awww, I slept late today and missed the Laraaji selections (as well as all of W&B). But we've still got over 2 hours of JAZZ! Happy Friday John and all the regulars - 3Moons, Jennica, Handy, morphe' & everyone!
Avatar 10:36am
Lixiviated Life:

Right now I'm playing your broadcast and at the same time playing the Naked Lunch audiobook.
This should be interesting
Avatar 10:36am
Mike W:

like an iron glove cast in velvet
Avatar 🎸 10:38am

Lixiviated Life: Yesterday Trouble played a track from a Suzanne Ciani album called "Lixiviation". Made me think of you for some reason!
Toronto WFMU fan:

What is the name of this FUNKY backing track you're speaking over?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, Yeti Bob! Congrats on sleeping in. I could have used another hour or two!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am

Good morning, John and all! A little late tuning in here, but I did catch some Jan Hammer...so there's that.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:41am

and is there a term for the music that djs play while they do the legal?
Plasma hot radiance:

Thank you for this cleansing music. This is not dance floor this is dance ceiling music for the pandemic. Keep it dreamy =^]
Avatar 10:43am
Mike W:

@adampsyche Legalbed
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am

Sklar has played on eleventy-million great records.
Avatar 🎸 10:44am

@HH: It was nice to sleep in. I've been having this problem for weeks where I wake up at 5AM, extremely anxious and unable to get back to sleep. (Thankfully there's Clay Pigeon to help at that hour!). But for the last couple of days I've actually been sleeping. I think it's because I finally started getting a bit more exercise - it's not like the causes of my anxiety have lessened!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
BnowB on the BMX:

hiding in clothes rack reading confederacy of dunces as i'm listening in
Gozo Pete:

Good to hear something from Mr Kuepper. Thanks John

the bed sounded like Don Henley - All She Wants to Do is Dance. Not quite it, tho
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
BnowB on the BMX:

Yeti- sorry to hear that. I get the same wake up anxious gotta get up feeling its pretty horrible. Grateful for clay too and like you I been riding bike more and feel more tired.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am

hey good morning, sounding great; i got a new job; counting my blessings but time for saying stupid things on the message board is tight; hope all are well
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:49am
Handy Haversack:

I had that today at, Yeti Bob. Unfun. Glad you kicked it today!

We're paddling later, which hopefully will help with *tomorrow*.
Avatar 10:49am
Mike W:

someone in NZ posted a short video of Ed K playing live recently, on a TV show i think, and he was really great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am

speaking of bed music, this sounds like Marcel M's bed music...
Avatar 10:51am
Lixiviated Life:

@ Yeti Bob @10:38
I'm honored to be brought to mind by association with that noble scientific process.
Things need to dry out utterly and completely to reveal the silts and sediments they carry.
It's only then that you can see things clearly.
Besides, "Its the little things that count".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am

YETI BOB, i feel ya
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

Gees, I didn't know that The Necks could get funky.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am

Who's manning the boards? Turn it up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am

it sounds like i'm in hell
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:05am
Handy Haversack:

Speaking of Marcel M, I finally had a chance to listen to River Cult all the way through last night. Good stuff!
Avatar 11:06am

meanwhile, my cat is sleeping through this without a twitch
  Swag For Life Member 11:06am

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am


I'm on the Andaman coast where there are A LOT of wild beach cats. this track is garnering interest from them :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Marcel some fine amplifier tone abuse from what little I heard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Bay of Bengal - wow!...
Avatar 🎸 11:08am

@BnowB: Thanks. Physical activity really helps. I've been working in the yard - pulling down dead trees and stuff - and getting back on my bike (some of the bike trails in Chicago have reopened with a "Keep It Moving" policy, it's not too hard to maintain separation). And re Confederacy of Dunces: That's such a fun book!! I read it on the train to New Orleans and then tried to find some of the places described in the book. Made for a fun day walking around. (Canal St, Prytiania, etc..)
Avatar 11:08am
Lixiviated Life:

I had forgotten how much HST seems to owe to WSB writing style.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hm. They were gun buds...not my favorite thing about them...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am

Such a wonderful book. And yea getting out helps and really exercising for my morning ptsd anxiety whatever... its really important. Even coming on clay show and saying hi to all the good wfmu family.
Avatar 🎸 11:12am

@HH: I'm hoping to get out on a kayak this weekend! Either on Lake Michigan or the Chicago river. I've paddled the river before, never been out on the lake ... if it's calm enough this weekend I'm going to try it.
@RevRabbit: I hate guns and I like WSB, always a bit hard to reconcile. I wish all the gun nuts would just drop it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am

i'm planning to hike the first 52 miles of the long path next weekend
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Wull - not the only kinda Libertarian thing the Aquarius Burroughs got on about...tho' that was long before the Libertarians opened the backdoor into Govt. for the FarRight...this time @ least.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am

I note that A Space For Sound (Rena Anakwe)"*Includes free PDF of 'The End Of Policing' by Alex S Vitale*" with every download... aspaceforsound.bandcamp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...he was a Queer Junkie Genius - I would hope saying leave off the bangstix not too much like telling a Black man whose life is threatened daily by pigs to be peaceful...
Avatar 11:17am
Lixiviated Life:

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @ 11:14
The typewriter is mighter than the .22 caliber
(especially if you hammer them repeatedly over the head with the thing)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- but that's just the thing: everybody in the Wild West w/ a gun pointed @ everybody else...
Avatar 🎸 11:18am

@Steveo: That's awesome! I had to look up "Long Path" ... I thought maybe that was a nickname for the Appalachian Trail or something. It looks great!! Good plan.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:19am

I don't get to listen much these days as we have no internet but mobile in our Catskills neck of the woods and we need to save our GB for work but I'm always glad to tune into this show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am

thanks Yeti
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:20am

Really digging hearing the dialogue between Sam and Josh's alto's on that titanua sacophonica. Each voice, both liquids, but flowing independent. Thanks for the morning set JA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Have thot of HST's compare/contrast to Kerouac - mad subjective journalism as a lifestyle w/ total dedication to Writing - but to WSB - maybe one of those too obvious to see things!...

no, Andaman Sea not BoB

Lots of primarily Muslim fishing islands...hence no dogs. and few cars! Leaving the Burmese, Persian and Siamese cats as apex rulers with free reign of the fertile coast...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Amazing nok.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:23am

@YetiBob- big up on paddling Illinois waterways! Have fun. I've been paddling the Kankakee River south of Chicago much over the past few months. Really some of the nicest wetlands in this part of the country.
Kat in Chicago in the app:

Just tuned in this past hour, the musics are good today. Even the cats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

I love to kayak not sure how your paddling but sounds like an amazing day for that adventure. Bissout
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Handy Haversack:

@Yeti: Be careful on the lake! (I say not knowing anything -- you might be a total expert.) I just know that several people who don't know what they're doing die every year, at least off the MI shores.

But that sounds awesome. I hope you make it out on the waters!

I would LOVE to do some exploring by canoe in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior one day. One day ....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Our nation is a pretty remarkable chunk of real estate. Speaking of wild west.

I could go for a disco
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

still heading out for the weekend someplace, Handy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am

er, rather a few days (not sure to where but saw you mention a couple of days(?) ago)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:32am
Handy Haversack:

Next weekend, spod, yeah, we're going to go up to Vermont.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am

sweet! hope it's great
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:34am
Handy Haversack:

Thanks, spod! Me, too. Definitely going to be weird -- weird to do ANYTHING, and lots of new negotiations to deal with.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am

What John? What??? I’m listening...was doing the dishes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Vermont's been handling the lack of Federal rational intent fairly well - little state & all...

Shopping take 2- no we are/were in and out in 2 minutes -
converse and a swimsuit for /simon - naught for me...
All I need is a shave and a shower...

Handy - I too was a Husky wearer - the wee bear on the side --- we had food in the house except Thursday before payday when it was Butter or mayonaise sandwiches
on Arnold's white bread ...
Remewmber crying in Dave's clothes on Ovingtion Ave in Bklyn ..
Avatar 🎸 11:39am

@WillCrete, HH: I learned how to canoe/kayak in the Boy Scouts and I'm pretty good at it. I don't own a boat right now - there are a few places that rent kayaks by the hour and that's what I've done in summers past. So far this season they have been closed but I think they are starting to open up again. I think it's pretty safe - in terms of boat safety - they don't want renters dying and I don't think they rent boats when conditions are dangerous. You either go up and down the river a few miles (there's Chinatown! too bad we can't dock and get lunch...) or paddle around on Lake Michigan a bit, not going too far from the shoreline. People do it with their kids. As far as COVID risk - I don't know - now we're more afraid of airborne transmission and less fearful of fomites (surface-clinging particles)? Is it dangerous to rent a boat? Maybe this is the summer I buy my own boat. I've never been on the Kankakee River, WillCrete. Would be great to check that out. And Handy, a canoe camping trip in the Boundary Waters region is on my "things to do before I die" list (which I really ought to get busy with, because, y'know, you never know...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am

Thanks John Allen for another amazing show.
Have a great day all you kind listeners.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:45am
Handy Haversack:

YB: Look up "Save the Boundary Waters." It's on my list, too, and I want it still there when I can do it!

Take care, all! Thanks, JA! Thanks, skeleton!

Gonna get a little food in and hit the water.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am

@Yeti p20 Boundary Waters are awesome. I spent a summer up there during my undergraduate years at a research station. So many ticks and mosquitoes though.
Avatar 🎸 11:51am

@Andrew_in_WI: All the most beautiful, paradisical places I've been to are also heaven for mosquitos. I think God does it to teach us a lesson.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:52am
listener 126464:

Thank you John Allen, FMU crew.

Handy and all .... It is dumbfounding about people who do not care about destroying nature - they are a sub-species ...even hikers who litter in pristine wilderness????
I've been to the Himalayas but skipped Everest... The whole of Mount Blanc is littered with litter = tuna cans and TP and condoms and used tampons????
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

What a great show this morning. Cheers y'all.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:54am

@ Yeti Bob, Andrew_in_wi: I'll echo that enthusiasm for the boundary waters. Quetico Provincial Park is truly magnificent. And their prohibition on outboard motors brings a remarkable daylong intensity to the soundscape there

Handy - have you skooted across the lakes in the Adirondacks - me no - just up and down Marcy a lot..
Avatar 11:56am

Heya JA and civilians. Diggin' this cacophony.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Love the new Daniel Carter et al - thanks John and crew - have a splendid summer weekend

Errata - up and down CloudSplitter a lot (Native name for Marcy)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Such a great Joseph Jarmen melody on this "Prayer for jimbo kwesi" ... the AEC manifesting the calligraphy of chant with it.
Avatar 🎸 11:58am

It's great to hear the Art Ensemble. I love this record, haven't heard it in a long time. Thanks for another great show John!! Will check out the archives for the part I missed (Flaming Tunes!). And thanks to WillCrete, HH and Andrew for boating encouragement - I've got to stop just talking about this and do it. I've already got a van with roof racks - I'm going to spend this government COVID bonus check and buy a boat. Later y'all!

Thanks JA and all at WFMU online UNI...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Thank you JA! Great show!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

thanks, JA! glad i caught a little more of your show than usual today. most enjoyable.
hope to see you all soon. have a good one
Avatar 12:00pm
John Allen:

Thanks for being here everybody/ stay masked out there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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