Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from June 5, 2020 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 5, 2020: NO TREND SPECIAL EVENT
Confrontational and righteously set against the faddish ways of youth subcultures, Ashton, Maryland's No Trend skirted the eighties DC scene with their negging anti-hardcore and nihilistic rejection of punk. Harshly contrasting with straight-edge, the band further distanced themselves with a sound informed by industrial, noise and art rock. Drag City has re-issued a box-set of the band's earliest material, and John Allen Zooms in with the producers, and some former band members to discuss the project.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Dirty Henley  Spin cycle   Favoriting     0:00:00 (Pop-up)
dennis moorman  For the peace within   Favoriting Circles of destiny  India navigation  0:09:44 (Pop-up)
John lewis  D&e   Favoriting The john lewis piano    0:16:52 (Pop-up)
Angel bat dawid  Transition east   Favoriting     0:28:09 (Pop-up)
Oakland Elemtary School Arkestra  Help! I'm Drowning in a Sea of Harmony   Favoriting     0:31:09 (Pop-up)
Asher Gamedze  State of emergence: 3rd /synthesis   Favoriting     0:34:07 (Pop-up)
Greg fox  Arising and passing   Favoriting     0:39:10 (Pop-up)
Cut hands  Immersion   Favoriting     0:43:59 (Pop-up)
Dan drohan  Kino   Favoriting     0:46:01 (Pop-up)
Tony palkovic  Every moment   Favoriting     0:48:36 (Pop-up)
Jan hammer  Song for my fathers vibes   Favoriting     0:53:46 (Pop-up)
Dave sewelson  Reflections   Favoriting     0:56:15 (Pop-up)
Jim McHugh  For big floyd   Favoriting     1:13:22 (Pop-up)
Bill nace  Part 4   Favoriting     1:16:39 (Pop-up)
Chuck johnson  Anamet   Favoriting     1:20:51 (Pop-up)
Oksun ox  Family fun   Favoriting     1:27:37 (Pop-up)
No trend Special Event,,  Reality breakdown   Favoriting     1:38:04 (Pop-up)
No trend Special Event,,        2:18:53 (Pop-up)
No trend Special Event,,        2:48:57 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
David (in London):

Greetigs JA and all Allenites attentive.
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Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning J.A
Avatar 9:01am

DIL! Yay! Hey, JA, and everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Good morning JA, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am
David (in London):

Ah, Jennica, hellooo! How are you today?
Avatar 9:02am
Lixiviated Life:

i'm buckled up.
Let's do this
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John Allen:

Mornin’ everyone
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Ok I'm ready for some JAZZ! Good morning everyone! JA, D(iL), jennica!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Krys O.:

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joe mulligan:

kickem when they're up when they're up when theyre up kickem when theyre down
Avatar 9:03am

Hi Garlic Loving YETI BOB.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:04am

The correct spelling is Dutty Henley
ami ad:

Hello D.J. Hello all.The coast is clear?Any glistener spillover?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
bore in suffern:

digging it
Avatar 9:04am

David (iL) - I'm swell. Thanks. Making reports in my work from home job. Will work out later, then have a vodka, then dinner with friends at their mansion (on their deck). YOU? Gardening?
Metronome Mike:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
David (in London):

Hey Yeti Bob - A tip o' the hat to you in Chicago.

Jennica - Sounds good I reckon. No, not in the garden today. Number crunching at the kitchen table. And Friday later is, as usual, yoga, then meditation, then booze!
Avatar 🎸 9:07am

Oh man today is the No Trend show, I forgot! I'm intrigued but also not 100% sure I can
handle it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Good morning JA, fellow AM crew. TGIF!
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John Allen:

No Trend today after 10:30. Trust me, you wont want to miss it

It’s like Steve Reich but drum machines
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Marley P. Dogg:

Morning JA, morning friends - hope everyone is as well as can be
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listener 126464:

Hi John, everyone. Don't put away the Woolite.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

This is super
Avatar 9:11am

i love no trend and know nothing about them. can't wait!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Handy Haversack:

Good morning, JA, J'All. Hope we're all OK today.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:11am

gm buddies
Avatar 9:13am

@YETI BOB - trust JA. @David (iL) - sounds heavenly. @Handy! Yay!
Avatar 9:13am

gm @adampsyche
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
David (in London):

Yo Handy.
Avatar 9:14am

Howdy folks!

good morning from the green, green, green Catskills...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
David (in London):

Nulsh, hello again mate.

Hi prudy.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Handy Haversack:

David, Jennica, YB, Nulshster! Hey, friends. Sure is good to see you all.
  Swag For Life Member 9:18am

Keep it coming, JA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

Good morning Drummers
Avatar 9:20am
John Allen:

Sorry duke, its all piano so far

Ping timeout
Avatar 9:21am

Hello again David! I missed huge chunks of WFMU this morning! Gonna have to hit the archives to get the end of Stan's show.

Handy! Did I hear congrats were in order amigo?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
George of Troy:

Hey John, good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am
David (in London):

Ice Age jazz was extremely cool.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26am

from the catskills. here indefinitely.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:27am

yes it is green green green can you believe may 9 we got 5 inches of snow, since then spring has exploded
Avatar 🎸 9:28am

HH: Congrats on 21 happy (I hope!) years. There is apparently no traditional gift for 21st anniversaries but somethng I found on the internet says you should go hear a brass band. Hmmm.
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Passaic River Blues:

Good looking out with that march, Sullivan County!
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Mike & Dusty:

John it’s for yr protection that i always act like i don’t know you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
bore in suffern:

@ja, can you post that blm info on the chat?
Avatar 🎸 9:31am

New music from Angel Bat Dawid is cause for celebration.
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Collectors take note, this is a limited edition 7" 45 that comes with a book and a poster.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Handy Haversack:

MacNulsh! Yes, pal, it's our twenty-first anniversary. To celebrate so far, Kate woke herself up with nervousness over getting band stuff dealt with for Bandcamp Friday (David IL, expect an e-mail!) and has gone back to sleep -- whereas I stayed up till 3 last night and dealt with our Bandcamp purchases then and so am only now staggering into consciousness.

Not sure what we'll do today. Maybe find another protest. Maybe just stay in and listen to the storms.

Thanks, Yeti Bob! Maybe there's a John Allen exception for global pandemics to the brass band rule?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am


@AmiAd: Thanks for saying that! How you doing?
Avatar 9:33am

Congrats Handy and Kate!! xo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am

morning everyone!
ami ad:

@Handy Haversack:Congratulations.That's a relationship.Hope you get to enjoy today.
ami ad:

@KakeGould:Taka the morning.What did I say?hehe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
David (in London):

OK Handy, will do. And congratulations, too. We got a little Bandcamp spike recently, too, which allowed me to blow the proceeds on booze. Hurrah!
Hey steveo.
Avatar 9:35am
Mike & Dusty:

@Handy congrats man! Keep on with your particular brand of keeping on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am

@Handy Congrats! We just passed 20 years last December (which sort of feels like five years ago these days). Actually spent a half an hour on the phone with the bank this morning to make sure my Bandcamp activity doesn't lock the account again.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:36am

Man that snare work is righteous
Avatar 🎸 9:38am

karlward: yeah. I never heard of Asher Gamezde before but you can kind of guess that this is a drummer-led ensemble.

@AmiAd: “The coast is clear? Any glistener spillover?” There you go!
Avatar 9:39am

Handy! Well mozaltov! Nice one!

Sorry, my nose is killin' me, Bandcamp? You on there? Share the link?
Avatar 🎸 9:39am

Debut album for Gamezde so I guess I can be excused for not hearing of him. But man, I've heard of him now!
Avatar 🎸 9:41am

Ooops, typo'd his name twice. Sorry Mr Gamedze! I'll get it right!
ami ad:

@JakeGould:Haha,thought so.Yeah,them glisteners are a tuff crowd,very loyal followers it seems.What are they on?I wonder which D.J. misses the transitions the most,won't be surprised if it's J.A.
Avatar 🎸 9:42am

And nice segue into the Greg Fox! I'm waiting for this record in the mail - I went-and-funded-him.
Avatar 🎸 9:43am

ami ad: I'm a pretty regular Glistener. I'm on a lot of cannabis and coffee, mostly...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am

I glisten every morning. Mostly on too much coffee.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Handy Haversack:

Wow, thanks, friends. Emotions are a little raw lately, that's for sure, which is what I'm going to say is the reason I'm tearing up from your well wishes.

I'll just say that Kate and I were kids when we got together. I was a total mess. Raised by wolves. Full of grief. And we have grown together over these years -- though she started way ahead of me maturity-wise and still maintains a comfortable lead! One thing we have been good at is finding good communities. QED.

Nulshomatic, not I but Kate is on Bandcamp. If you search Creek and Kills, you'll be in the right place. Trust: my musical stylings are best confined to *seriously* boozified karaoke rooms.

@AmiAd: I really don’t like speculating on stuff like that. Just I have strong aversion to blind loyalty of any kind. Jews and idolatry don’t mix.

@Handy: Belated huzzahs for you and Kate being together for 21 years!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:49am
Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Jake! How were things down your way yesterday? Kate said Greenpoint did not seem particularly curfewed as she walked back from (masked, distant) band practice a little past 8. WITH street garbage cans intact!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Congratulations, Handy & Kate! I slept in super late in your honor.
ami ad:

Thank you glisteners,appreciate the cooperation.

@Handy: On my side? Well, I will tell you that there are organized protests in Bay Ridge, but there is clear attempts to sabotage things to make them “All Lives Matter” and even “Blue Lives Matter.” Like groups and people nobody has ever heard of announcing a protest and then a few hours before suddenly the language of an update changes to being what I just described. The reality is this part of Brooklyn leans conservative. And there are definitely people out to clearly sabotage any liberal efforts for anything.

There are legit protestors organizing here though. And their peaceful protests are fine. But it’s so scattershot it’s better for me to just get on a train, head to Downtown Brooklyn and know there will solidly be something there.
ami ad:

Hmm,I think I need some thc to deal with this.

I spent $300 on No Trend stuff for my birthday - what does that mean?
Avatar 🎸 10:02am

@doctorrock: It means No Trend had a pretty good day!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Handy Haversack:

Ha, Ken! The honor is all ours!

Ugh, Jake, that's horrible. I wonder if it's similar in Staten Island -- lots of Blue Lives Matter flags flying there.

I'm still not quite feeling subway brave. Maybe that's stupid considering that I'm now perfectly willing to be in crowds again.

Avatar 10:03am
John Allen:

Dr rock, if the boxset is getting collectors to buy up the orinals, id say its done its job

@Handy: Well, I will say 100% the same.
Avatar 🎸 10:06am

I see that Dave Sewelson does a free-jazz show over on the Drummer stream - I have to check that out sometime!

Dirty little Felders
Avatar 🎸 10:06am

@HH: Outdoor crowd is a lot different from the subway, in terms of air circulation patterns
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:07am

So Dutty in here

hi everyone

Hey JA - what part of the catskills are you in? "where the birds lived"!
B in Central PA:

lol "the suspense is killing me..." drop that henley!
Avatar 🎸 10:10am

@HH: Even before COVID, subway air quality has been an issue: theconversation.com...
Avatar 🎸 10:11am

to be clear, i'm a cyclist and a public-transportation advocate. but the subways need to clean up their act.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Handy Haversack:

But at least they keep raising the fares, Yeti Bob!

@YetiBob: With that overnight cleaning happening — and a lack of heavy ridership — they are definitely cleaner now.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:13am

Avatar 🎸 10:13am

@Jake: I'm talking about particulate matter from wheels and brakes, and insufficient ventilation. Cleaning surfaces helps, but the whole system needs an overhaul

Can I put in a request for A Dozen Dead Roses?
Avatar 🎸 10:16am

@John: Great show today. Kids Arkestra was the bomb. Fantastic picks throughout. God bless the Sunwatchers. I'm heading out to do some errands, I'll be listening on my phone. Have a good weekend everyone, STAY STRONG!
ami ad:

@YETI BOB:How much better was/is the air outside while cycling?Doesn't a cyclist inhale deeper?
seth from muddy creek:

Habitat for Humanity. Join the cause peeps. Good way to look out for our sisters and brothers. In these times, we balance deconstructive with constructive engagement. Cheers
seth from muddy creek:

@Yeti Bob. What u riding? I still got me ‘92 Yeti Pro Fro

As much as I like the cultural resources — and general open-mindedness — that NYC offers, let’s face it: This city is disgusting.
Avatar 🎸 10:20am

@ami ad: I was just about to leave but I'll answer that! When I'm cycling I pick my own routes. I avoid congested streets and know a lot of alternate routes - not trapped in a can in a tube underground. But cities NEED public transit! Cars are not the answer! We just need a much, much better system - the systems in place are ancient and we can do so much better now.

If there were something like a high speed train between NYC and — let’s say — Buffalo that stopped in cities/towns along the way I think most people would just move out of NYC completely and deal with a commute.
Avatar 10:21am
John Allen:

Thea- undisclosed location between the rondout and the neversink
Avatar 🎸 10:21am

@seth: I've got an All-City Space Horse and I love it! Got it a few years ago. For 15 years before that I rode fixed-gear but my knees can't take that any more.
ami ad:

@Handy Haversack:I try to avoid the subway too,when I do,I go to the Myrtle-Broadway stop,JMZ,the ride is above ground mostly and I get off at the first stop in the city,Essex-Delancy and walk from there.
ami ad:

@YETI BOB:Thanks,I'm with you,ride safe.JobLess.
seth from muddy creek:

@Yeti Bob. AC Space Horse is such a sweet machine. I think that’s my next bike. But I’ve got like 5 bikes now plus a frame set or two...;|
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:26am
Handy Haversack:

Stay safe, Yeti Bob! Catch you later!

The main reason I rode a bike in NYC is I grew up near the beach in Brighton Beach so I rode the crappy/scary boardwalk that existed in the 1970s/1980s. And there is a great bike line that covers all of Ocean Parkway. So past having to deal with Sephardic rich-kid a-holes around Avenue X and stuff like that, it was a pleasant ride.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Handy Haversack:

I don't even know how to ride a bike. But I'm good at canoeing? I'm not sure I'm practical on these matters.

@ami ad, we had to go into Manhattan this week and will have to again on Monday. First time since mid-March. We took the ferry and walked, which I think is likely what we'll do Monday, too, if possible.
ami ad:

@JakeGould:Asking for a friend,where would you relocate to?Berlin,Portugal or free kurdistan?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am

@Handy Just Bandcamped me up some Creek and Kills!
ami ad:

Wise choice Handy,gave up riding a bike a few years ago,It's roaming the streets of Tel Aviv theses days.Felt like Vision Zero had a Zero Vision as far as cyclist/pedestrian safety.
Avatar 10:31am
Itzall Hear:

Good morning, Hi John.

@AmiAd: I think somewhere like Arizona or New Mexico. Otherwise in NY State I would just generally be open minded about what places exist upstate.

Unless you can truly choose where you live in New York City, it’s just endless compromise meaning you have someone like me living in a lunkhead paradise like Bay Ridge.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Handy Haversack:

Woods! Woods! That is so nice! Wow, really, thanks. I am really touched. I am going to tell Kate right now, and it's going to make her morning! We'll be seeing you for a quarantini come Sheila time!

@ami ad, we had a friend on a bike killed by a driver (no charges filed) at Bowery and Delancey twelve years ago, and any idea I had of learning how to ride a bike in the city died also.

I actually used to live in Park Slope in the early 1990s. Union Street near 8th Avenue. Very cheap rent. And Boeum Hill on Atlantic Avenue. Rent not that cheap but the extra cost was made up by all of the public transportation available in that neighborhood; could get anywhere in NYC in less than 30 minutes.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:34am
joe mulligan:

@seth you have a '92 Yeti?? hodad lets see some pics!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

I have only been to NYC once. And that was for a Knicks game back when Dr. J was with the 76ers. Knicks vs. 76ers. Dr. J stole a ball, went full court and dunked. He got a standing O from the Garden crowd. Pretty funny.
ami ad:

@JakeGould:Hehe,thanks,I'm in Bed-Stuy for about 10 years,over 7 at the same apt.,compromise like you say.Was thinking about Kingston,N.Y.,but hipsters seem to take over every nice piece of land.
Savage in Brooklyn:

So psyched for this. I love No Trend! Thanks.

David van der Stoke - good to see you on the board.. there was concern - your absence from Clay's show and his news item about the naked railway track sunbather raised some concerns:
Avatar 10:38am

this slams

Any chance to talk about the colab with Lydia Lunch on Heart of Darkness?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
David (in London):

morphester - Ha ha! Don't worry, I wasn't frightening the passengers on the 8.15 to Cheshunt by displaying my tackle to them.

Actually, I've been trying to ration my accu board contributions to certain times / shows. After the early morning show (my time), I've decided not to comment until the 2pm show. I can focus on work, and Wake is such a comment behemoth that I'm hardly going to be much missed.
Avatar 10:43am
John Allen:

Hey marni, that period isnt covered on the box set
Avatar 10:47am
Itzall Hear:

You want to play in a band? LEARN BASS. You'll always have a spot, at some level.

David van der Stoke - I am listen to W&B, but also commenting less - homeschooling focus.... today the HW went well - Human Civilization from the Big Bang to the first tools .. Hopefully pt2 will be as smooth???? ps Simon just had the K4-937 nuggets as part of lunch... Thank yer da for fast protein...
seth from muddy creek:

@joe mulligan. Lol. Gotta change platform for pics! heck yeah. Still ride it very few weeks. Almost my oldest bike cause I couldn’t ever break it (or at least only once and yeti was nice enough to reweld it for free!)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:53am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, morphe'! I slept right through WAB. Up too late last night. I should have made myself get up for the last hour, at least, to congratulate Clay. Hope you and wee Simon are well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
David (in London):

morphe - I think these boards can get rather obsessive if you let them. I mean, they are effectively our social life at the moment, but I decided to take a leaf from John from Florham Park's book and ease back on the pedal a little.

Do you know EH Gombrich's 'A Little History of the World'? That's a truly superb book for teaching history to small kids. Amazing guy, too.

Glad you are all enjoying the A-35.

Wow that little history of the world sounds amazing. Going to order that for my son. He’s only 19 months old :/ but don’t want to forget about it
Mr. Palchepo.:

I’m an old hardcore and I think one of the things people forget about is how fast it was changing. I respectfully disagree with those who believe that everyone wanted to write the same song over and over.
Avatar 11:03am
John Allen:

Yeah. Just look at SSD. Well, maybe don’t
Avatar 11:04am

Hey @John Allen....weird question. But you have a really great voice, and I just wanted to ask..... would you read me a story?

Also killer set, loving this
Avatar 11:06am
John Allen:

Jfc’ only if i can edit myself in real time
Mr. Palchepo.:

JA : or DYS.
Avatar 11:08am

of course
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
David (in London):

Naila - I remember one review which said "It's a lucky child who will have this read to them by a parent." His adult book about the history of art is also absoluely amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
dave wuz here:

no trend changed my life
Avatar 11:09am

amazing stuff JA thank you so much!
Avatar 11:10am
John Allen:

Word, Dave
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am
dave wuz here:

as a fucked up high school kid 81-85 this song spelled it all out
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:13am

this is a perfect song. i feel like i'm levitating.

I was there in the beginning years of No Trend & they quickly became one of my faves for their ability to clear a room & piss off the elite DCHC boys who considered themselves “open minded”.

Live in the echo
Avatar 11:15am
Mister Dobalina:

This is my wake up song. Coffee and this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am
dave wuz here:

hardcore- i never loved something so much and then hated it so much so quickly.
Avatar 11:18am

Loving all this 80s DC talk!
Avatar 11:19am
John Allen:

Hey Dan!

@david wow! I’m going to get that too. Thanks!
Avatar 11:21am

I am really enjoying this JA. Have to confess I am not familiar with No Trend, but I actually know a couple of the tunes I've heard so far.
Mr. Palchepo.:

@ Dave. Well put.
Avatar 11:27am

Hi John! I definitely remember No Trend!
Avatar 11:28am

love hearing how they did nothing but piss off the Punker Than Thous across the country
Avatar 11:30am

god i miss shows. Im in West Philly in the heart of the basement scene and we can't do any of the things
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Krys O.:

Great job, JA! Thanks for this special. I remember No Trend and used to play 'em on my show back in the day.
Savage in Brooklyn:

Man, this is so great. And so funny.
Avatar 11:38am

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:38am

cracking up over here. great show JA!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:39am
Handy Haversack:

I feel you, Jeffinc. We are updating Kate's band's website and taking down all the planned shows and putting up a statement about how much the band misses them and everything sucks donkey balls these days.

Holy shit, I bought my first LP at Joe's Record Paradise in 1984. Damaged.
Avatar 11:41am

@Handy it's absolute crap. However, I'm starting to see glimmers of hope in Philly - end of June, events are tentatively being scheduled and I'm living for em

@danjoseph, what a fun coincidence— it’s me, the woman who shot the back photo for Head Down,Hands Out.

Psychodrama !!! Had a cassette of theirs -- stage defecation and chicken fellatio fun !!

Got the cassette at Joe's, actually

The zine referred to was probably WDC Period, which John Stabb used to write a very amusing column in
Avatar 11:49am

Heya JA and kids. Catching the last 10 minutes, at least.
Avatar 11:50am

@SFW...wow, that is a coincidence! I'm going to go track down my copy right now....

was a dozen dead roses the tune with Lydia?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Handy Haversack:

Thanks for this, JA -- it went too fast! Thanks, Skeleton.

And thanks, Allenites, for all the kind wishes. Really does mean the world to have a place like this to come to.
Avatar 11:55am

@SFW that photo doesn't appear to be credited...remind me who you are?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Funny, but Jordan is my neighbor. I ran into him on Grand Street the other day. I had no idea he was involved in this...

@danjoseph - are you the Dan Joseph from 9353? That's a band that could use a retrospective - sadly absent from the DC punk histories many people compile, but really one of the best. Those Adult Swim compilations are hard to find.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Krys O.:

Thanks, JA!
Savage in Brooklyn:

The Turkington/No Trend/Flipper connections make all kinds of sense.
Avatar 11:58am

Yup, thoroughly enjoyed that! Cheers JA!
Bye folks!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:59am
listener 126464:

Thank you John, guests and FMU crew.
Avatar 12:00pm

@PJ Yes

SFW @danjoseph re: lack of credit/typical. I’m also one of the contributing photogs listed in the back of Banned in DC book, first name begins with S, last name begins with W, if you have it.

JA - pls do a 9353 show!
Avatar 12:06pm

@SFW, I do have, thanks!
Avatar 12:06pm

Yes John, do a 9353 show!
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