Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from June 2, 2020 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 2, 2020: #BLM

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images Approx. start time
James Baldwin & Nikki Giovanni  a conversation live in London, 1971   Favoriting       James Baldwin and Nikki Giovanni live in conversation, London 1971, originally broadcast on Soul!    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Kellen303  Is It True?   Favoriting Lost Dubs 2017-2019  kellen303.bandcamp.com  2020  https://kellen303.bandcamp.com/releases 
0:01:02 (Pop-up)
Prince and the Revolution  Alexa de Paris (Extended Version)   Favoriting Mountains  Paisley Park/Warner Bros.   1986   
0:04:30 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra & His Astro-Intergalactic Infinity Arkestra  The Perfect Man   Favoriting I'm Gonna Unmask The Batman / The Perfect Man 7"  El Saturn Records  1974   
0:09:28 (Pop-up)
69  Ladies & Gentlemen   Favoriting 4 Jazz Funk Classics  Planet E  1991   
0:14:08 (Pop-up)
Julius Eastman  Evil Nigger   Favoriting Evil Nigger  Blume  2019  https://editionsblume.bandcamp.com/album/evil-nigger-gay-guerrilla 
0:25:01 (Pop-up)
Loraine James  Bite Me Bit   Favoriting Button Mashing  Haunted New York  2019  https://newyorkhaunted.bandcamp.com/album/nyh152-loraine-james-button-mashing 
0:40:39 (Pop-up)
J Dilla  Sunbeams (extended)   Favoriting More Donuts  Takara  2017   
0:44:20 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Panopticon! (excerpt)   Favoriting






0:58:12 (Pop-up)
Marsellus Pittman / Theo Parrish  Selector's Theme   Favoriting Essential Selections Vol.1  Sound Signature  1999   
1:06:53 (Pop-up)
Honey Dijon  Rise   Favoriting The Best of Both Worlds  Classic Music Company  2017  https://honeydijon.bandcamp.com/album/the-best-of-both-worlds-1 
1:20:11 (Pop-up)
AceMoMa  Time 2 Change (AceMoma Dub)   Favoriting EP2  Haus of ALTR  2020  https://hausofaltr.bandcamp.com/album/ep2 
1:23:50 (Pop-up)
Jus-Ed  The Center   Favoriting The Cape Verdean EP  Underground Quality  2018   
1:33:24 (Pop-up)
Kyle Hall  Ghosten 4 a Second X   Favoriting Equanimity EP  Wild Oats Music  2018  https://kylehall.bandcamp.com/album/equanimity 
1:43:06 (Pop-up)
Jlin  Black Ballet   Favoriting Dark Energy  Planet Mu  2015  https://jlin.bandcamp.com/album/dark-energy 
1:49:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Erykah Badu 

Next Lifetime (Instrumental)   Favoriting

Next Lifetime 





1:53:08 (Pop-up)
Underground Resistance  Riot   Favoriting The Riot EP  Underground Resistance  1991   
1:59:37 (Pop-up)
Nu Jacks  House Sensation   Favoriting Soul Jazz Records Presents Black Riot: Early Jungle, Rave, and Hardcore  Soul Jazz Records  2020   
2:04:05 (Pop-up)
Jasmine Infiniti  Trash   Favoriting Auricular Discipline II  Bound  2020  https://boundnyc.bandcamp.com/album/auricular-discipline-ii-bound003 
2:09:41 (Pop-up)
Moor Jewelry  True Opera   Favoriting True Opera  Don Giovanni Records   2020  https://moorxjewelry.bandcamp.com/album/true-opera 
2:13:13 (Pop-up)
Akwassa  Be Yourself (And Don't Let Nobody)   Favoriting African Airways Six: Mile High African Funk 1974–1981  Africa Seven  2020  https://moorxjewelry.bandcamp.com/album/true-opera 
2:15:19 (Pop-up)
Nel Oliver  Let My Music Take You   Favoriting Afro Exotique - Adventures in the Leftfield, Africa 1972-1982  Africa Seven  2020  https://africaseven.bandcamp.com/album/afro-exotique-adventures-in-the-leftfield-africa-1972-82 
2:20:36 (Pop-up)
Beverly Glenn-Copeland  Let Us Dance   Favoriting Keyboard Fantasies  Seance Centre  1986  https://www.seance-centre.com/shop/beverly-glenn-copeland-keyboard-fantasies-lp 
2:25:43 (Pop-up)
Grace Jones  White Collar Crime   Favoriting Inside Story  Manhattan Records  1986   
2:32:54 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  Let's Take it to the Stage (Amp Fiddler Laughin @ Ya Mix)   Favoriting Reworked By Detroiters  Westbound Records  2017   
2:37:50 (Pop-up)
Viola Klein  Reprise AoUFC   Favoriting Workshop 26  Workshop  2019   
2:43:48 (Pop-up)
Nature Boy  Watchusay (Demo Mix)   Favoriting Necessary Ruffness  Frame of Mind  2017  https://frameofmindrec.bandcamp.com/album/necessary-ruffness 
2:46:45 (Pop-up)
Brother D with Collective Effort  How We Gonna Make The Black Nation Rise?   Favoriting Dib-Be-Dib-Be-Dize / How We Gonna Make The Black Nation Rise?  Clappers  1981   
2:50:21 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Mr. Fingers 

Quazars   Favoriting

Outer Acid EP 

Alleviated Records 




2:57:16 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:02am
Jesse Dorris:

He-he-helloooo everybody
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks to Scott and Carol and everyone for working the night shift!
Avatar 3:03am

Good morning, Jesse!! Happy to be here (& hear:)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:04am

Hi Polyglotters all, love the Jesse, Marcel, Jesse show run, always intriguing.
Avatar 3:05am

This is really great. Thank you!
Avatar 3:07am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Aitch! Thanks, settle in—this interview is really fascinating!
David in London:

Morning Jesse and all Glotals. And the most esteemed Carol Crow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08am

hey Jesse and Carol and all
not gonna be up much longer but this is interesting
Avatar 3:09am

This is really resonating with how i have found my thinking changing since living abroad..
Avatar 3:11am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning David! How are things over there today?
Avatar 3:11am

Morning David in London!
Avatar 3:12am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Coela, happy to have you along for as much as you can! And there's always the archives!
Avatar 3:12am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi ToTetsu glad it's resonating. Living abroad does tend to rearrange the brain...
Avatar 3:12am

hey coelacanth∅:)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:15am

Watching what's happening in the USA from the other side of the world is horrifying, almost incomprehensible.
David in London:

Things OK thanks Jesse.
Hey Coelacanth.
Avatar 3:19am
Jesse Dorris:

It's a continuation of a long, long legacy in a brand-new, terrifying context.
Avatar 3:20am

it's far from incomprehensible, it's what we've been being prepared for for a long time www.unz.com...
Avatar 3:23am
Jesse Dorris:

"And some people call him peacemaker."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23am
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

hi, Jesse and WFMU folx.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24am
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

i would like my brain rearranged
Avatar 3:25am

Good evening.
Avatar 3:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Granny might I suggest some James Baldwin and Nikki Giovanni x Julius Eastman
Avatar 3:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Ausmanx, I'll give that a look.
Avatar 3:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Good evening, Fox!
Avatar 3:27am

if your game isn't running it could be an issue with drivers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29am
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Jesse, thanks!
David in London:

Hey Granny and Fox.
Avatar 3:36am

best not be black anywhere in the world... down the road from me today... junkee.com...
Avatar 3:36am

good morning everyone. hope you are alright despite it all.
Avatar 3:42am
Jesse Dorris:

Good morning, Nelo! And what a morning it is. Hope all is well with you.
Avatar 3:42am

This is so amazing. Thank you Jesse.
Avatar 3:43am

This is everything I need to hear right now.

Thanks for this
Avatar 3:44am
Jesse Dorris:

Thank you Fox! I wanted an opportunity to shut up and listen to Baldwin and Giovanni for awhile.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44am

Morning all
Avatar 3:45am
Jesse Dorris:

And you're very welcome Chaos_in_LA_LA thank you for listening
Avatar 3:50am

Thank you, I am. I am sitting in Berlin, just starting my day and feeling frustrated about it all. About all the shit going down in the US and all the equivalent shit happening here as well. While at the same time I am glad shit it boiling over, since it has been enough a long time ago. Hopefully things change because there is so much awareness right now.
Avatar 3:51am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Matthew!
Avatar 3:52am
Jesse Dorris:

Nelo, there have been marches and protests in Berlin, too, from what I've seen?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:54am

I hear you ausmanx, that was shit today in Redfern, Nothing incomprehensible about Police violence. Incomprehensible would be the PM on telly asking the bogans to shoot the protesters to protect their right to bear arms.
Avatar 3:57am

Jesse, yeah there have been several marches. Which is great! I am glad about it. A lot of the conversation is about what is going down in the US irght now. And it should. My hesitation is only that white folks here are quick with pointing fingers towards the US an overlook all the racism going down here. I am glad about the outrage and solidarity. I just wish there to be awareness for our own shit as well.
Avatar 4:04am
Jesse Dorris:

Yup. It's important to remember this is happening everywhere and also crucial to see how it's happening on your block, in your neighborhood, wherever you are.
Avatar 4:09am
ben abs:

Morning JD, sounds great, thanks for this
Avatar 4:13am

this is a really fine show, jesse, a great idea... we should do it more often! although there's not many people as good to listen to as Baldwin (one suspects his authority came partly from the fact that he sounds so patrician, sadly, like MLK and Malcolm and even the great Stokeley, but who cares, it's excellent)
Avatar 4:14am
ben abs:

www.versobooks.com - verso books have made 'the end of policing' by Alex S. Vitale a free download on their website for anybody interested
Avatar 4:14am
Jesse Dorris:

hey @ben thanks for your ears! And The End of Policing is essential reading
Avatar 4:20am

That idea of performative labour has really entered popular discussion in recent years
Avatar 4:21am

the price of the rent is my smile.
Avatar 4:22am
Jesse Dorris:

Right @ToTetsu? And the way he says it...@Ausmanx not sure he would agree with 'patrician' and I bet Malcolm wouldn't :)
Avatar 4:27am

i'm sure they wouldn't agree! but i have my doubts if Baldwin would have been invited to make that extraordinary Oxford Union appearance if he sounded like he was living in Sth Chicago!
Avatar 4:30am

to teach always has the potential to be a revolutionary act, esp in the social media era...
Avatar 4:34am
Jesse Dorris:

Indeed. As a black gay man in the 20th Century he demonstrated an expertise at code switching, on top of all his other genius
Avatar 4:38am

spot on, and a reason (among others) perhaps why stokeley has been somewhat written out of history, wheras he should be front and centre, but he wasn't so good at that!
Avatar 4:46am
Mary from lisbon:

Good morning everyone, great show thanks. hope everyone is alright
Avatar 4:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Avatar 4:50am
Jesse Dorris:

@Ausmanx yes and also because he went to Africa, which this country ignores at best
Avatar 4:51am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey, Mary thanks for coming along with us! How are you?
Avatar 4:53am

ah a simpler time when people didn't know why they shouldn't eat pork chops.
Avatar 4:53am

Good mornin' folks!
Avatar 4:56am
Jesse Dorris:

haha @totetsu I get her point about self-righteousness but also I mean I'm not eating any pork chops
Avatar 4:57am
Jesse Dorris:

Good morning @Nulsh! How's all with you?
Avatar 4:58am

one of the best shows ever on WFMU, i'll download and add to my playlist! thanks, jesse
Avatar 4:59am

Hey Jesse! I am grand thanks. Hope yer' likewise.
Avatar 4:59am
Mary from lisbon:

I'm ok, just feeling frustrated about all this that is happening and how when I open the main newspaper here at Portugal and its not highlighted on the front page. Its a global issue
Avatar 4:59am
Jesse Dorris:

Whoa that's very kind of you @ausmanx
Avatar 5:02am

i'm a bit biased cos i love JB so much, but the whole thing worked beautifully
Avatar 5:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Exactly, Mary. We all think it's not going on where we are but it's going on everywhere.

That was really good Jesse. the mix was well done.
You have a special talent for the long form show
Avatar 5:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Well thanks Chaos! It's a pleasure to be able to stretch out and really sink into the mix.
Avatar 5:11am

Thanks for sharing this Jesse. I would have never of encountered it otherwise. It hopeful to hear such a humanistic discussion form a time before discourse became whatever it is today. As someone not from America, I sometimes get annoyed by how the language about many of these issues is kind of hardened around ideas from american historical experience.. It can be hard to talk to american expats at time who try to police the language of discussion, just kind of ignoring how it doesn't apply to my countries very difference experiences of identity politic issues.. but I found this to be a very universally human discussion, despite how very much it is about the american experience.
Avatar 5:12am

the music was good to.
Avatar 5:18am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks ToTetsu! I was very glad to have the opportunity to listen to the conversation as well.

Not sure if it’s the playlist or the Dark roast but I am ready to finish this shift now!! Happy Mon/Tuesday Jesse
Avatar 5:28am
Jesse Dorris:

And back atcha @ignatatus666!

That interview turned into a courting. She was melting at the end
Avatar 5:45am

I made it.

your music going great with the sunrise. Good Morning ALL
Avatar 5:47am
Jesse Dorris:

Welcome @Davee!
Avatar 5:47am
Jesse Dorris:

Welcome Annette! Sun is coming UP
Avatar 5:52am
ben abs:

thanks JD, take care
Avatar 5:56am
Jesse Dorris:

That's it for me, friends. Thanks for your ears. Agitate, educate, organize! See you next week.
Avatar 5:58am
Clay Pigeon:

Hi Jesse and Polyglotters. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!
Avatar 5:58am
Mary from lisbon:

oh what a great show Jesse, loved everything
Avatar 5:58am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi Clay! Over to you! Hope to see you in person someday! Thanks to Carol for keeping things going!
Avatar 5:58am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks Mary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Great show, Jesse, thank you!
Avatar 6:19am
Mary from lisbon:

good morning Clay! Glad to hear you, hope you are alright. cheers from Portugal
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