Favoriting A440 / Stochastic Hit Parade with Bethany Ryker: Playlist from May 26, 2020 Favoriting

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Favoriting May 26, 2020: A440, Op. 5, No. 31 Hardcore Harpsichord

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Comments Images Approx. start time
Darius Milhaud  Sonata for Violin and Harpsichord, Op. 257: III. Clair et vif (1945)   Favoriting   Disques VDE-Gallo  Roger Elmiger - violin, Micheline Mitrani - clavecin    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jacques Duphly  Médée, Vivement en fort, 3e Livre (1756)   Favoriting         0:05:43 (Pop-up)
            0:18:28 (Pop-up)
Domenico Scarlatti  Keyboard Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 115   Favoriting Domenico Scarlatti and the Modern Era of the Harpsichord  NEOS Music  Andreas Skouras, harpsichord    0:19:38 (Pop-up)
Jukka Tiensuu  Fantango (1984)   Favoriting Live YouTube Performance by Päivi Vesalainen    Päivi Vesalainen, harpsichord here: https://youtu.be/7jR1BF10UJ4 
0:22:43 (Pop-up)
Jukka Tiensuu  Fantango (1984)   Favoriting      
0:27:58 (Pop-up)
Jukka Tiensuu  Études for Harpsichord: Drain (2000)   Favoriting         0:28:42 (Pop-up)
            0:37:44 (Pop-up)
Vittorio Rieti  Sonata Breve for Violin and Harpsichord: I. Alegretto mosso, III. Allegro (1967)   Favoriting         0:38:52 (Pop-up)
Josef Tal  Concerto for Harpsichord and Electronic Accompaniment (1964)   Favoriting         0:44:59 (Pop-up)
Karlheinz Essl  Sequitur XII by Karlheinz Essl, for Harpsichord and Live Electronics (2009)   Favoriting         0:49:36 (Pop-up)
Gary Noland  Deformed Fugue (1977, rev. 1990)   Favoriting         0:52:35 (Pop-up)
            0:57:32 (Pop-up)
Francis Poulenc  Concert Champêtre, FP 49 II. Andante (1927)   Favoriting         0:58:07 (Pop-up)
Sylvie Bodorová (b. 1954)  Gila Rome, Meditation for Viola solo. I. Distante e rubato II. Impetuoso III. Distante Audace (1980)   Favoriting     Jitka Hosprová - viola     
Klement Slavický  Fresky III. Allegro impetuoso (1957)   Favoriting          
Graham Wettam (1927 - 2007)  Prelude and Scherzo Impetuoso for Solo Piano (1967)   Favoriting     Caroline Clemmow - piano     

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Listener comments!


Buongiorno, Signorina la Professoressa
Avatar 8:03pm
Bethany Ryker:

Ciao amici!!
bLeubomberune b:

Bonjour Mlle. Bethany. A glorious evening for beautiful MUSIQUE

Have I heard of “Claire et vif”? ...drawing a blank at the moment
Listener Robert:

Hi, Ms. Ryker, knowing how much you're into cello, did you catch Yo Yo Ma's Bach suites that were streamed on YouTube this weekend? The effect he said the 5th suite had on him didn't work on me -- but maybe it's different when you're PLAYING it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

hi Bethany, thanks for the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

greetings Bethany & all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm

Hey Bethany, crew, all. Ever heard the (curiously named) virginal? It's an Elizabethan precursor to the harpsichord, has an even more bright, brittle sound. William Byrd and John Dowland wrote some beautiful music for it.
Avatar 8:17pm
Richard S:

More relaxing music!
Avatar 8:18pm
Richard S:

The graphic at the top of the playlist is either an illustration of how a certain musical instrument works or a system of dance notation.
Listener Robert:

Richard, it's what she was just explaining.

That’s why it’s called the “pianoforte” (or simply “piano”), because dynamics can be controlled by the force with which the keys are struck, unlike claviers that pluck the strings, which gives each note equal volume.
Listener Robert:

Richard, imagine the yellow circle is the string, running at right angles in and out of the screen. The pointy thing starts out cocked, and the action of the key pulls it past the string, plucking it. On the return, it pivots away so it doesn't strike twice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Kelly Jones:

This show could not be any more FANTASTIC. LOVING IT with the red hot intensity of a million suns, thank you Bethany.
Avatar 8:23pm
Richard S:

I figured it out quickly - it's just that I've seen some very strange notations for dance steps....
Avatar 8:24pm
Bethany Ryker:

Kelly, I'm charmed, thank you....I miss seeing you around!! SOON, we hope.

Yeah, a million suns, like that. Exactly!
Listener Robert:

The amazing thing with the piano is how the hammer after striking the string rebounds ballistically so as not to damp the vibration until the key allows the damper to come to rest on it.
Avatar 8:34pm

Ciao Maestra Bethany
Avatar 8:41pm

is anyone else hearing echos of This Charming Man
by the The Smiths in this..
Avatar 8:41pm

the "He knows so much about these things" bit..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

Loving the music in this show.
Avatar 8:43pm
Bethany Ryker:

Listener Robert you are awesome for giving a the diagram some explanation! I purposefully left everything unlabeled because, well, I get a kick out of that kind of abstraction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Harpsichord ! ...like skeletons schtooping on a tinroof
...you say that like it's bad...

Finally the harpsichord gets its due. Everything in moderation, including modulation.
Avatar 8:47pm
Richard S:

Are there "prepared" harpsichords like there are "prepared" pianos?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I like the stories how before they put iron bracings in pianos the tension of 88 strings would sometimes make them implode dramatically & unexpectedly - middle of night perhaps...
One of those Programs I wish was a Stream unto itself...well - many...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm

Hello, what a wonderful show.
Avatar 8:49pm
Bethany Ryker:

@Richard S: I'm still trying to answer that :) In the next piece by Essl you'll hear the performer pull string under the harpsichord strings (like flossing, I guess) and plucking the strings...but I haven't found anything formal calling for that in a score, etc. If anyone finds something, please give me a shout!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...like Brian Wilson did w/ piano o 'Pet Sounds' ('You Still Believe In Me')...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...no - not like that. That was jus plucking...
Avatar 8:51pm
Richard S:

A fascinating show - The Harpsichord, Then and Now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

love the harpsichord episode! thank you, Bethany!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

hooray for harpsichords!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I wonder what the play is on a harpsichord key. I imagine you have to press a bit hard - but no idea...Piano of course is named for PianoFortissimo - SoftLoud - which was the big thing about that...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

Thanks Bethany and crew, bye y'all!
bLeubomberune b:

Mlle. Bethany, a most interesting & musically learning experience
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Thanks Bethany!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thank You !

Another marvelous episode! Many Thanks!
Avatar 9:02pm

This was nice as always
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

Looking forward to more!
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