Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from March 28, 2020 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting March 28, 2020

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Jane Antonia Cornish  Beyond the Sky   Favoriting Constellations  Innova    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Brave Timbers  Stillness   Favoriting Secret Hopes  Sound in Silence    0:10:23 (Pop-up)
M. Geddes Gengras  Comfort Station   Favoriting This Could Be The Last Time  Stunned Records    0:14:05 (Pop-up)
Ben Rath  Touch   Favoriting All in Good Time  Unknown Tone    0:23:25 (Pop-up)
Erik Griswold  Wind-Up Gamelan   Favoriting Yokohama Flowers  Room40    0:26:37 (Pop-up)
Ben Bertrand  Sanctus Hubble   Favoriting NGC 1999  Les Albums Claus    0:29:52 (Pop-up)
Flanger Magazine  Approaching Shore   Favoriting Breslin  Sophomore Lounge    0:34:14 (Pop-up)
Leigh Toro  Seven Rays   Favoriting The Eternal Navigation  Eilean    0:37:34 (Pop-up)
Richter & Syn  Terry   Favoriting (no album?)  Richter & Syn  from Soundcloud  0:42:30 (Pop-up)
Maxine Funke  Xylophone   Favoriting Silk  Feeding Tube    1:02:06 (Pop-up)
Fenne Lily  For A While   Favoriting On Hold  INgrooves    1:04:43 (Pop-up)
Allysen Callery  November Man   Favoriting (no album)  Allysen Callery  This album has yet to emerge, even here in early 2020, as is sometimes the case with an artist dealing with small labels etc. It's set to release later this year, and it's a beauty.  1:08:35 (Pop-up)
Alexander "Skip" Spence  Diana (12 string version)   Favoriting AndOarAgain  Modern Harmonic    1:11:08 (Pop-up)
Juliana Daugherty  Bliss   Favoriting Light  Western Vinyl    1:15:08 (Pop-up)
Andy Shauf  Lick Your Wounds   Favoriting The Bearer of Bad News  Tender Loving Empire    1:20:12 (Pop-up)
Adeline Hotel  Away Together   Favoriting Away Together  Ruination Record Co.    1:23:20 (Pop-up)
Moses Sumney  Doomed   Favoriting Aromanticism  Jagjaguwar    1:25:58 (Pop-up)
Hiss Golden Messenger  Dreamwood   Favoriting Devotion: Songs About Rivers and Spirits and Children  Merge    1:30:16 (Pop-up)
Kitka  Mze shina da mze gareta   Favoriting Evening Star  Diaphonica    1:33:37 (Pop-up)
Joni Mitchell  Blue Boy   Favoriting Ladies of the Canyon  Reprise    1:36:17 (Pop-up)
Lorkin O'Reilly  I Reside   Favoriting Heaven Depends  Team Love    1:39:10 (Pop-up)
Lisa O'Neill  Seven Sisters   Favoriting Pothole in the Sky  Plateau    1:43:45 (Pop-up)
Slow Dakota  More Than the Hangman   Favoriting Suite for Voice and Ukelele  Massif    1:47:53 (Pop-up)
David Running  While the Wind Runs Through the Grass   Favoriting Waiting By the Door  David Running  This is the only thing by him on Bandcamp. Not sure if there is other music by him out there...  1:51:58 (Pop-up)
The Chinworth Brothers  Geordie   Favoriting Six Songs  The Chinworth Brothers    2:06:28 (Pop-up)
The Brothers Gillespie  MacPherson's Lament   Favoriting Songs from the Outlands  The Brothers Gillespie    2:09:59 (Pop-up)
The Knights Project  Higher Germany   Favoriting The Shoreham Sessions  Woodland Recordings    2:16:49 (Pop-up)
Stick in the Wheel featuring Anna Roberts-Gevalt  In the Morning   Favoriting This and the Memory of This Mixtape  From Here  Anna sometimes goes by Anna RG, for her non-folk collaborations and projects. Of course, she is half of Anna & Elizabeth. Amazing musician (as is Elizabeth, and the Stick in the Wheel bunch, for that matter)  2:20:45 (Pop-up)
Mountain Man  Whale Song   Favoriting Magic Ship  Nonesuch    2:26:48 (Pop-up)
Anna St. Louis  River   Favoriting If Only There Was A River  Woodsist/Mare    2:29:33 (Pop-up)
Sunny War  I'm Human   Favoriting With the Sun  Hen House Studios    2:32:31 (Pop-up)
Yowler  Angel   Favoriting Black Dog in My Path  Double Double Whammy    2:34:51 (Pop-up)
Gwenifer Raymond  The Three Deaths of Red Spectre   Favoriting (single)  Tompkins Square    2:38:18 (Pop-up)
Serious Sam Barrett  Hang Me   Favoriting The Dime Horseshoe  YaDig?    2:45:05 (Pop-up)
Liz Tormes  Black Luck   Favoriting Limelight  Velour Recordings    2:48:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


This tree is impressive
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning, all. This show originally aired 11-24-18.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome, fig...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Love from Islington, London x

Good morning, Jeff
Avatar 6:07am

Good morning amigos! Hope everyone is well.

good morning from Chile... hope everyone is well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome jamesie, Nulsh, testingwithfire. I'm doing okay, trying to get used to all of this, as everyone is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09am

Good morning from Lockeddowntown, New Jersey! Hola, Chile! Hullo Islington! Hey Nulsh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome Kevin-san. Glad you're staying safe. Jersey needs everyone to really minimize movement.
upstate sean:

Morning all
upstate sean:

Sounding great, nice choice from the vault, Jeffrey
Avatar 6:14am

moshi moshi Kevin-san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome upstate sean, and thanks...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18am

Hello, Jeffrey, and all. Thank you for keeping your corner of the programming day aive and well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am
Robbo from Sydney:

Wow loved that Brave Timbers! Kids are all in bed here and now I'm enjoying the show - thank you

This is very comforting.
Listener Robert:

Station's up to almost 98% of fundraising goal. Racing between Staysh's big reveal and end of lockdown.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am
holland oats:

happy thanksgiving!
pete L:

thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning Sem, Robbo from Sydney, stalvey, Listener Robert and holland oats. Even were FMU to run out of money, the listeners will never lose their sense of humor!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23am
Jeffrey Davison:

pete L, you're welcome

This M. Geddes Gengras track is sublime...
Greetings from the besieged Jerusalem, Israel.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Is this a live show?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning ? and Toothgrinder Tom. This is an archive show from Nov 2018
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35am

Getting light out, time to don the day pajamas and go for a walk... ominous-looking sunrise out there for the NJ peeps
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37am

Good morning Planeteers. I hope all are well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome duke...doing okay, and trying to do my part to flatten the damn curve.
Ajay from Krommenie / NL:

Good morning. Archive or no archive...great set so far
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am
Jeffrey Davison:

Ajay from Krommenie / NL...thank you. Glad you're tuned in.
LiXiviated Life:

“Stay, I said
to the cut flowers.
They bowed
their heads lower.”
J. Hirshfield
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome LiXiviated Life...another good one
Avatar 6:49am

Hard to keep a safe distance on a shrunken planet.
Avatar 6:50am
ben abs:

Morning Jeffrey hope you're good, how was it going back through the archives to choose which so to air? How's things Nulsh?
Avatar 6:54am

Good mornin' ben abs! All good amigo cheers. Yerself?
I was wondering about how Jeffrey chooses which show to air - spoiled fer' choice I reckon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am
Jeffrey Davison:

Fredericks: Ha, good point!
ben abs: I'm okay. I try to pick shows that don't mention upcoming FMU events, record fair, etc. but also trying to pick shows that have a bit of a mix, rather than a show that has, for instance, two hours of ambient etc.

I love it when we olds have to describe how people listened to music back in the analog days... glad that some of the youngs are embracing vinyl
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am
Jeffrey Davison:

testingwithfire, with me it's more of an issue remembering what's what!
John from Florham park:

Goid morning fellow shrunken planet listeners
Avatar 7:09am

Mornin' JohnfFP! How are ya'?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome John from Florham park...
John from Florham park:

@Nulsh ok just woke up thinking about breakfast
John from Florham park:

@Jeffery thanks’
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Jeffrey and friends!
Avatar 7:18am

BOOOOODZ! How ya' doin' buddy?
John from Florham park:

@Buddha morning
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning NUuuuulssh! I am ok considering our president is a pyschopath. Sorry. That's where my head is these days.
Avatar 7:21am
ben abs:

Aye Nulsh, all good ere pal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning Buddha of Suburbia...yes, he is disturbed...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

Top o' the mornin to ya Jeffrey.
Avatar 7:21am

Good morning. What did I miss?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome, LynnsBrother and TDK60
John from Florham park:

@Ben abs morning
Avatar 7:27am

Boodz, please don't be giving too much headspace to Senor Trump. That way madness lies.
Take care of you and yours!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Nulsh it's hard not to when Trumpdemic is on every station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am
Andrew in Toronto:

A belated good morning Jeffrey and all other Planeteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am

this is killing me, whew.... gotta look this guy up. Moses!
Avatar 7:34am

I will now review all comments above and then, give a careful analysis of the proceedings...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning Andrew! Belated is really good, graded on the current curve!
BVP...agreed. Wonderful singer.
Earth Walker:

Hi Buddha hang in there
Peace and love
Avatar 7:36am

today`s setlist is amazing so many new interesting names. Morning Jeffrey and the chat!
Earth Walker:

Love the music today 12h36. French time
Avatar 7:37am

Mornin' TDK60! You getting a chance to get plenty practice in?
I was due to be away this weekend recording which was cancelled. My mates have set up shared drives and the like, I am trying to familiarise myself with recording software - normally just play into my phone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38am
Jeffrey Davison:

Welcome Earth Walker and Pavlik. I'm enjoying this show also! Usually flinging stuff around the studio, trying to cue up the next track, or gulp some coffee.
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 morning
Earth Walker:

And the music played on
Avatar 7:40am

Nice comments. Buddha, morning. I got really mad yesterday, commented on the political shituation on another show, then got reprimanded. They were right, we try to avoid politics here. But sometimes the insanity is too much. I share your feelings.
John from Florham park:

Dies anyone know what happened to ignataious666?
Earth Walker:

Hi 60
Earth Walker:

Hi John
Avatar 7:41am

Morning Nulsh. Yeh been practicing. Didn't know you're a musician. Yes? Which instrument. What kind of music? Morning Florham John.
Earth Walker:

Hi Jeffrey
Happy coffee. !!!
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 I try to avoid politics on here too, if we get full on political fighting then I think Jen would come down on us like a ton of bricks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43am

good morning. loved the joni. do you ever play any mary mccaslin mr. davidson?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44am
Jeffrey Davison:

John from Florham park: jeez, I don't know about Ignatatus666. Thought he had commented last week, but checked and he had not...
Avatar 7:44am

Or Agnes Obel ?
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 meant ken my bad
John from Florham park:

@Jeffery thanks was just wondering
Avatar 7:45am

John, I do try to slip subtle, sly comments from time to time, about freedom and equality, etc. Helps when the music is about that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am
Jeffrey Davison:

good morning dale and Zoot. I like both Mary McCaslin and Agnes Obel, though I'm overdue to play both. Agnes was in NYC late last year or early this year and her people reached out to me but it was not enough notice to set up a session...would have loved to.
John from Florham park:

@TDK60 live your sky comments:)
John from Florham park:

I meant sly comments
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49am
Jeffrey Davison:

Lisa O'Neill...what a voice
Avatar 7:50am

Holy Moly
Avatar 7:50am

Dale: Mary McCaslin?! Forgot about her, haven't heard her in ages, ages! Lots of songs about the prairies, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

yes tdk - way out west, etc.
Avatar 7:51am

TDK60, sorry bud, thought I'd bored you with this before! Acoustic guitar & banjo mainly - for some reason I get lumbered with lead work and solos when we record. I have a trusty ol' Telecaster for such occasions.
Got a USB lead to plug straight into my laptop, which I am going to try out today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

Way Out West is such an amazing record.
LiXiviated Life:

“Stay, I said to my loves.
Each answered,
John from Florham park:

@Dale morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

morning john from f.p.
Cooh John:

Good morning Jeffrey. I may reside far away but the music keeps me close. TOTH Sem, LynnsBrother, and fellow planeteers.
Avatar 7:54am

Nulsh, acoustic and electric guitar, and that other instrument (hee). What kind of music, might I inquire?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks again LiXiviated Life, and nice to see you there Cooh John.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am
Andrew in Toronto:

Thanks for the David Running, Jeffrey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am

our new(er) car came with the rest of a sirius subscription and i've been listening to canada's cbc3 and chansons. it's something different any way.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Dalz of Thundah'!
Avatar 8:03am

TDK60, I love improvising. I am pretty limited as a player, so I keeps it simple!
Avatar 8:04am

Nulsh, is it folk? Neo-noise-prog-hiphop?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am

hi buddhy ebsen.

The Bad News Bearer? I loved the original, with Walter Matthau
John from Florham park:

@Dale unfortunately you can’t get CBC 3 in the states because of rights issues, but yeah from what I heard it is great
Avatar 8:07am

I have the original Oar record by Skip Spence of Moby Grape
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am
Jeffrey Davison:

dale: don't really know much about CBC broadcasting. McGill has some good programming, and there are websites that have good music also (but are not so easy to locate)
Buddha of Suburbia:

My friend Fenne Lily!!!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Dale, remember? My Fenne Lily moment?
John from Florham park:

@Jeffery try CKUA great station out of Alberta
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

JfFp: thank you, will do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Haiku Henry:

I ordered Foxwarren's LP during Bancamp's last friday fundraiser. Andy Shauf's other band. Can't wait for it to come!
John from Florham park:

@Jeffery your welcome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am

didn't know that john from f.p - unfortunately the sound is so so compressed i won't be paying for it when the free period is up. that and the fact that most of the other programming is horrible.
John from Florham park:

@Dale have you tried deep tracks on it
Avatar 8:12am

I ventured out late last night for a walk, because there are less people. Amazing that the city was so quiet on a Friday night.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am

jeffrey - on out logitech squeezebox you can search by country or province and drill down into genre's from there. makes finding things fun. if i want speed metal from saskatoon i could probably find it pretty fast.
LiXiviated Life:

I listen to most broadcasts on FMU and each is unique in some way but for me yours is special. It’s welcoming and familiar. Very much like a Saturday morning. I’m thankful each week for you and these listeners.
Avatar 8:14am

TDK60! Neo-noise-prog-hiphop!!! Awesome!My new direction!
Honestly amigo, I struggle with things like convenient categories. Wouldn't know where to start. I always strive to attain that "thing" that I love - don't got no words fer' it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am
Jeffrey Davison:

Haiku Henry: welcome...didn't know about Foxwarren. Thanks.
dale: cool, I'll check that too. Thanks.
LiXiviated Life: thank you for the kind words. I love sharing music.
Avatar 8:16am
Jon Etter:

A very late good morning from Wauwatosa, WI. Thanks for the show and I hope you and all your listeners are staying safe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am

Morning Jeffrey and everyone
Avatar 8:17am

F.Y.I., Jeffrey, I for one would welcome two hours of ambient oriented music.
John from Florham park:

@Jon Etter we are
John from Florham park:

@Melinda morning
Avatar 8:18am
Jon Etter:

@John from Florham park, good to hear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am

yeah, deep tracks is decent. but even they get repetitive. david johansen's mansion of fun is good.
Avatar 8:18am

Nulsh, I shall abandon my silly attempt to cram you into a category. Ah, it's music right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am
Jeffrey Davison:

Jon Etter and melinda, good morning. Fredericks: soon, I hope.
  Swag For Life Member 8:19am

Hey gang, checking in late. Lovely old(ish) show, Jeffrey. I looked at the old playlist page, saw our old friend Spamoni was the first to comment back in '18. Man, what times.
Hoping for the very best for all of you in New Jersey and that area - well, for everyone but I know you are really under the hammer there. I don't do praying but I do do sincere and heartfelt hoping!
And love to you all, Planeteers. I'm sure this music is bringing some beauty and happiness to your day, as it is mine.
John from Florham park:

Ok my fellow listeners besides this station I listen to
CKUA our of Alberta, the current out of Minnesota, KEXP out of Washington this station of course, WMVY
Out if Martha’s vynard in Massachusetts, triple j out of australia and 3RRR out if Melbourne and on SiriusXM deep tracks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am
Jeffrey Davison:

jeremyo: welcome...seems like a million years ago...doing the best we can, thank you.
Avatar 8:22am

TDK60! That it is!
Avatar 8:24am

jeremyo, that's cool. spamomi was almost always first in!
John from Florham park:

@Jeremyo we are hanging in there,been talking plenty of walks
John from Florham park:

Damn I miss spamoni he was a good guy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am
Andrew in Toronto:

Damn right he was, John from Florham park
Avatar 8:28am

JohnfFP- I'm lucky living in NYC, having about 7 non-commercial stations to listen to on my actual radio.
  Swag For Life Member 8:29am

@JohnFFP yeah hanging in there, thank you! You too? I've been getting out, we're lucky to be on the edge of town with open fields yards away. Actually the main thing stopping me has been work, which is still manic for me since I always WFH. But I'm glad to be able to escape if I want to.

Jeffrey, I'm taking a look through your old shows, all of which would be a joy to hear, though I appreciate your rules for filtering. But you've done many lovely live sessions, would they fit the bill? Don Bikoff, May 12, 2012, for example. Or you had Allysen Callery in '13.
  Swag For Life Member 8:30am

@JohnFFP, just realised I misread your comment, so I'm glad to realise that you *are* taking plenty of walks - it's not just me! Stay well :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am
Jeffrey Davison:

jeremyo: thank you...was thinking of posting a live session as you suggest, though we're all trying to set up for streaming from home...alas, I'm the furthest thing from tech-savvy, so it's a-lot of learnin' I gots to do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am

I would vote for 3 hours of ambient a cappella banjos right now, FYI.
John from Florham park:

@Jeremyo don’t worry about it
@TDK60 there are other non commercial stations that are just as good too

Ok, fed the cat, made some coffee, and...yup, it's still 'I Am Legend' world out there. I can hear birds...and this fantastic show. Phew...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am
Jeffrey Davison:

Kevin-san...comin' up!
allanToronto: thanks and stay safe...btw, I have family in Toronto too...
John from Florham park:

@Allanfromtoronto very much so,BTW listen to here and now from Toronto on the CBC app sometimes, very good for news and nit hysterical like cable news is
John from Florham park:

@allantoronrmto sorry for messing your name up
Avatar 8:37am
ben abs:

Morning Jffp, tdk60, booooods!. Ignatatus666 commented on Polyglot on Monday night just for everybody's peace of mind. I imagine he's up less at these hours as he's a cabbie and is probably
not out and about as much at the moment
  Swag For Life Member 8:38am

Thanks for being (t)here, Jeffrey.
LiXiviated Life:

Welcome to “la vie antiseptique”
John from Florham park:

@Ben abs good glad he is all right

@Jeffrey.Thanks. Good health to you and yours. Aside from ransacked grocery stores, we're okay here. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am
Jeffrey Davison:

12539: thank you...
JfFp: thanks for the update...good to hear
John from Florham park:

@Jeffery your welcome
Buddha of Suburbia:

Has anyone watched Tiger King? On Netflix.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Ben Abs!
Avatar 8:43am

I can see across the Hudson to approaching dark gray clouds moving east over New Jersey. Rain coming..
Avatar 8:45am
ben abs:

@boods, I'm about 4 eps in. It's bonkers to say the least!
Avatar 8:46am
ben abs:

Wonder if Joe Exotic ever got airtime on fmu ;)
Earth Walker:

TDK John you mentioned other non commercial good radio stations
Can you please tell me which ones they are
John from Florham park:

&Earthwalker posted it at 821
Avatar 8:49am

Listening with headphones this morning. Bloody marvellous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am
Phillippe Bastille:

Good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Jeffrey Davison:

Now if I can only find someone to do my show for me, so I can stay home on Saturday mornings...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Jeffrey Davison:

Nulsh, thank you, and welcome Phillippe Bastille.
Avatar 8:51am

oh so this is the (or one of the) original versions of this song ...
I love, love Oscar Isaac's (for the Cohen movie: Inside Llewyn Davis)
John from Florham park:

@PB morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey JFFP! I hope all is well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

Avrilinmay: no, this version is recent...there are many older versions of Hang Me.
Avatar 8:52am

Earth Walker, not sure if you mean me or John or both. These are NYC and a few NJ stations: WFMU, WBGO, WNYU, WFDU, WKCR, WBAI, WNYE, WQXR.
Earth Walker:

Opps. Thanks John
John from Florham park:

@PB it is just had breakfast and going to take a walk in a few minutes
Avatar 8:53am

Good morning everybody and thanks for the show, Jeffrey, even if it is a re-run – hope that everything gets back to normal as soon as possible!
John from Florham park:

@Earth walker welcome
Avatar 8:53am

@Jeffrey listening to your beautiful show from past week, when *it* was starting to hit for real was such needed soothing company, it is pointless to be describing it in words that do not reflect the real dimension of how I was feeling. Simply thank you .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Jeffrey Davison:

zivilars, thank you, and yes, I long for normal.
Avrilinmay: the song from the movie, and the movie itself inspired by Dave Van Ronk. The song itself is of uncertain origin, so no definitive author, and may date to the late 19th Century, but this is far from definitive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am

Serious Sam had me up dancing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am
Jeffrey Davison:

LynnsBrother, glad to hear!
Avatar 8:57am

Thanks Jeffrey and all! Keep safe amigos!
Avatar 8:58am

Thanks Jeffrey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Andrew in Toronto:

Thanks, Jeffrey. Great show, as always.
Avatar 8:59am
ben abs:

Thanks Jeffrey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks for the company this morning, and listening to music with you all. Another archive next week. After that, not sure...
Peace and love, everyone. Be more careful than you think is necessary!
And you're welcome, all. WFMU forever.

@earthwalker. WEVL (weevil) out of Memphis is kind a good thing. It's pretty rare to discover a WFMU anywhere though IMO. CIUT out of the University of Toronto here is similarly eclectic, however, and they carry Democracy Now's daily radio program, a very interesting alt news source. Real info of any depth is so hard to find now. Personally, I'm hanging in here at woofmoo !!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Phillippe Bastille:

Thank you Jeffrey! Stay safe!
Dave in St Albans UK:

Hi Jeffrey. Wonderful show. A pleasure as always. Many great freeform/non commercial stations out there but WFMU and its other streams are the icing on the cake for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Jeffrey Davison:

Dave in St Albans UK: roger that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks for all the information, everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am

Thanks Jeffrey and thanks to WFMU for helping us maintain a little bit of sanity.
Avatar 9:02am

oh ! I made a dumb parallel. It had that banjo and that tone so I assumed it was Lead Belly's old. Thank you for the correction
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow dou dippers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Wow, that Gwenifer Raymond made me leap up in amazement. So grateful for the archives.
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