Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from March 24, 2020 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting March 24, 2020: PANDEMIC SERIES #2: Couch is where the heart is

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images New Approx. start time
Villaelvin  Ghott Zillah   Favoriting Headroof  Hakuna Kulala  2020  https://hakunakulala.bandcamp.com/album/headroof    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Prolaps  Overrealmed   Favoriting Pure Mud Volume 7  Hausu Mountain  2020  https://hausumountain.bandcamp.com/album/pure-mud-volume-7    *   0:05:33 (Pop-up)
Svengalisghost  Cyberdreams   Favoriting V.A. Trap Configurations  June Records  2018  https://junerecords.bandcamp.com/album/v-a-trap-configurations      0:07:14 (Pop-up)
CRT  Survive by Virus   Favoriting State X-Ray  DKA  2020  https://dkarecords.bandcamp.com/album/state-x-ray    *   0:12:43 (Pop-up)
Cardopusher  Glass Tears   Favoriting Fed with Lies  Mechatronica  2020  https://mechatronica.bandcamp.com/album/fed-with-lies    *   0:18:54 (Pop-up)
Junq  Stealth Shadows   Favoriting COG003  Art Mechanical  2019  https://artmechanical.bandcamp.com/album/cog003    *   0:24:02 (Pop-up)
Blanck Mass  Starstuff   Favoriting I Fall in Love with the Light (V/A)  Sacred Bones  2020  https://sacredbonesrecords.bandcamp.com/album/i-fall-in-love-with-the-light-a-sacred-bones-compilation **$10 OR MORE TO HELP ARTISTS WITH CANCELED TOURS** 
*   0:30:32 (Pop-up)
Sharp Veins  Did u Think / Insecurity   Favoriting A New Old Times Sake  Not on Label  2020  https://sharpveins.bandcamp.com/album/a-new-old-times-sake 
*   0:36:32 (Pop-up)
Fire-Toolz  Synonym   Favoriting Synonym (Digital Single)  Not on Label  2020  toolz.bandcamp.com/album/synonym-single 
*   0:41:35 (Pop-up)
Nazar  UN Sanctions   Favoriting Guerrilla  Hyperdub  2020  https://nazar.bandcamp.com/album/guerrilla 
*   0:45:08 (Pop-up)
Narcissist Holocaust  Annihilated Friend Request (live)   Favoriting Avon Garde  Avon Terror Corps  2020  https://avonterrorcorps.bandcamp.com/album/avon-garde 
*   0:48:55 (Pop-up)
Order of Orias  Raging Idols   Favoriting Ablaze  W.T.C. Productions  2020  https://wtcproductions.bandcamp.com/ (Out April 30th) 
*   1:02:46 (Pop-up)
Ashtar  Aeolus   Favoriting Kaikuja  Eisenwald  2020  https://ashtarofficial.bandcamp.com/album/kaikuja (Out May 5) 
*   1:08:05 (Pop-up)
The Holy Flesh  Emissary II   Favoriting Emissary Vessel  Caligari  2020  http://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/album/emissary-vessel (Out March 27) 
*   1:13:41 (Pop-up)
Dødskvad  Pakt Med Dypet   Favoriting Krønike I  Caligari  2020  https://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/album/kr-nike-i (Out April 24) 
*   1:20:26 (Pop-up)
Escuela Grind  Indoctrinated (Outro)   Favoriting Indoctrinated  Armageddon / To Live a Lie / RSR  2020  https://armageddonlabel.bandcamp.com/album/indoctrination 
*   1:27:43 (Pop-up)
Natural Orthodoxy  Zero Hours Contract   Favoriting Natural Orthodoxy  Total Black  2020  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/natural-orthodoxy 
*   1:39:31 (Pop-up)
Richard Ramirez  Men of Hard Skin   Favoriting Dishonored Bodies  Total Black  2020  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/dishonored-bodies 
*   1:45:15 (Pop-up)
Bruce Roach  Queen of the Universe   Favoriting GUT  Potatoheadz  2020  https://potatoheadz.bandcamp.com/album/bruce-roach-gut-c-s    *   1:58:48 (Pop-up)
Assembler Code & Jensen Interceptor  Fold   Favoriting Rotorwerks EP  Solar One Music  2019  https://solaronemusic.bandcamp.com/album/rotorwerks-ep      2:00:52 (Pop-up)
Annechoic  Ba   Favoriting rw nw prt m hrw  Brokntoys  2020  https://brokntoys.bandcamp.com/album/annechoic-rw-nw-prt-m-hrw    *   2:05:57 (Pop-up)
Juzer  Busy Bees   Favoriting Old Reliable  Clear  2020  https://clear.bandcamp.com/album/old-reliable    *   2:12:03 (Pop-up)
Deterritory  Dreamless   Favoriting Boundary Problems  Pop Nihil  2020  https://popnihil.bandcamp.com/album/boundary-problems    *   2:17:56 (Pop-up)
3 Miles From Here  Until Then   Favoriting Heroes / Until Then  Platina  1989  https://www.discogs.com/3-Miles-From-Here-Heroes-Until-Then/release/1579583      2:23:46 (Pop-up)
Mother Juno  Next to You   Favoriting Mother Juno  Pop Nihil  2020  https://popnihil.bandcamp.com/album/mother-juno    *   2:27:41 (Pop-up)
Rashied Ali / Frank Lowe  Duo Exchange Part I (Movement 1)   Favoriting Duo Exchange: Complete Sessions  Survival  2020 / 1973  https://rashied-ali.bandcamp.com/album/duo-exchange-complete-sessions      2:30:56 (Pop-up)
L.F.T.  Red Pyramid   Favoriting Red Pyramid EP  Mechatronica  2020  https://mechatronica.bandcamp.com/album/red-pyramid-ep (Out March 27)      2:44:29 (Pop-up)
Weith  Obsesie   Favoriting Weith  Brokntoys  2020  https://brokntoys.bandcamp.com/album/weith-s-t    *   2:49:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am

Thanks for doing the show, music to isolate by.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02am
Phillippe Bastille:

This is nice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02am
Chop Scott:

Cheers Brothers!
Avatar 12:03am
Marcel M:

Aitch, Phillippe, MR CHOP!

Hello all !
Avatar 12:03am
Marcel M:

Huge thank you to Mr. Scott Williams and the WFMU skeleton crew for holding down the mother ship!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03am
Scott Williams:

BUDDIES! cheers.
Diezel Tea:

Good morning Marcel and fellow listeners. We almost have 200 cases now in Armenia, but we still have FMU. Great start to the set Marcel!

hopefully a ribbon will be awarded to the pretaped show that makes the most people think it's live.
Avatar 12:05am
Marcel M:

Diezel Tea! Feel like its been a while...

Yo yo BH

Yoooooo glad to be tuning innnnnn
Avatar 12:07am
Marcel M:

Yo Denman!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07am

greetings Marcel and comrades in isolation
Avatar 12:08am
Marcel M:

Hey coleacanth!

Man I look forward to doing this show and being here each week. Not much else to do! Happy to have you all here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08am
Phillippe Bastille:

Is there ever a father ship? Probably why those fancy speedboats are so reckless. Grew up without a a positive male role model in the marina...
Avatar 12:09am
Marcel M:

@Phillippe: Hah. I used to refer to my guitar as a boy to annoy people. It is odd why certain things are always female.
Avatar 12:10am

Diezel Tea:

Yeah Marcel it's been a while since I checked in. Started remote almost 2 months ago and hours changed. Thank Satan for the FMU archives of your show. I have some musical news pretty soon when I can talk about it I'll share with ya. Delays due to isolation all over Europe.
Avatar 12:11am
Marcel M:

Hey duck!

Well good to see you, DT. And cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11am

Phillippe you should write a self-help book for speedboats
Avatar 12:13am

We out here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13am
Phillippe Bastille:

They'd never listen. They need tough love. Like maybe low octane unleaded gas in the tank for a while
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14am

then they'd just fart a lot
Avatar 12:14am
Marcel M:

Yo mb!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14am
Phillippe Bastille:

This song makes doing sudoku kind of hard...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14am

-in public, without saying excuse me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15am
Phillippe Bastille:

@coel most likely
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16am

and ultimately they'd slip the slip and you'd never sea them again
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17am

i once was involved with someone who named her car eugene, a decidedly male name; but i'd bet lots of females do that - if they name their cars at all that is
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18am
Phillippe Bastille:

Ah, they'd wind up calling again in 6 months after running aground in the flats just east of Sieasta Key.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19am

Loving this run of electronic stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20am
Phillippe Bastille:

My mother-in-law named her car "baby blue buggy bumpers". No lie. It was a white Buick Riviera with tan upholstery. Not a speck of blue anywhere. That was one odd woman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21am

then i guess it's up to the big tugboat brothers of america to guide them in the right direction
Avatar 12:21am
Marcel M:

@Phillippe: hah! That long style name reminds me of a cat named by a young girl my sister used to babysit. She called him, "The Baby Boy So Cute."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am
Phillippe Bastille:

@Marcel now THAT'S a name I can get behind
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am

hahaha! -both of those!
Avatar 12:22am
Marcel M:

Haha yes. We call my cat that now sometimes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am
Phillippe Bastille:

@Coel or maybe some scared straight time in the DEA impound lot
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23am

now That's tough Love
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23am
Phillippe Bastille:

Unfortunately we refer to our cat as "That Cat We Used to Have"
Avatar 12:24am
Marcel M:

awww. Sorry to hear that Phillippe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24am
Phillippe Bastille:

She's in a better place
Avatar 12:25am

good evening, Marcel and Scott and everyone -- yes, great music to isolate too!
like instead of being cooped up in the apartment, for some reason i am feeling like i am in a tiny basement nightclub -- super-dark, super-secret, super-sinister -- dancing with Tom of Finland characters . . . !?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25am

i had one car that for some reason 2 (slightly similar) names came to me at once, so i sometimes referred to her as "Desdemona, also known as Dionysus"
Diezel Tea:

Damn, I just name my cars single words. Current one is Jacques, some of the former included Hilda and Schwarz.
Avatar 12:26am
Marcel M:

@Phillippe: Anywhere but here!!

@Slugluv: this feels like the most social thing I've done in a while!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26am

Phillippe sorry to hear that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28am

i normally name them a singular name (though never a single syllable, so far)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28am
Phillippe Bastille:

I didn't mean pet heaven or anything like that. We had to have her stay with someone while we got our house ready to sell, and it was such a long drawn out process, she bonded with our friend and her cats, so she's now Annie's cat. Our new house is a fixer-upper, so she really is "in a better place".
Avatar 12:29am
Marcel M:

Haha.. even better.
Avatar 12:30am

@ Phillippe Bastille -- oh, okay! glad to hear she is still alive and happy!
@ Marcel -- right?! i am hardly the most "social" person, but even us introverts have to get out sometimes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31am
Phillippe Bastille:

We've been driving beaters for so long we never name them anymore. It would be like naming the goldfish you win at the carnival.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31am

ahhhh! gloom lifted.
-all is right with th... oh, no it's not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey, chums. It's Tuesday already. How 'bout that?
Avatar 12:32am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32am

it usually takes a while for the name to come to me, so if the car is that short-lived it might not happen in time anyway... but so far that's never happened.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am

(i still haven't come up with one for my present vehicle though, and it's been ~7 months)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am
Phillippe Bastille:

@slugluv1313 thanks. I think she's getting more attention so it's all good.
Avatar 12:34am
Marcel M:

Hey Ken
Avatar 12:34am

I was not into giving F names to my cars either. Looking back i had "The Rover", "Cop Car", and "The T.U.F" which was short for 'Trampled Under Foot'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36am

haha. utility names.
Diezel Tea:

Oh, you're rocking the SV.
Avatar 12:38am

oh cool! Sharp Veins' recordings!
(i missed his show last night, bummer)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39am

...i did have 2 cars given to me (2 different occasions) by someone who just needed to unload them. i never considered keeping either -even before seeing &/or driving them.
one was called "the piece of shit ford" and the other was called "the mitsubishi feces"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41am
Scott Williams:

Daaaaaaamn, nice job SV!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41am
Phillippe Bastille:

@coel I had a fun run with cars for a while. My oldest has a couple of those mom and pop car dealerships, so for a while I was getting a car from him, driving it until I got tired of it, then trading it to him for another one. All beaters with something wrong with them of course. The one I had that was the best was a 2003 Impala SS. Fastest damn car I've ever owned. One of the prior owners had tweaked it a bit and it was sub 5 seconds to 60.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43am

i've got 3 of sv's albums -from bandcamp.
reasonably priced and excellent
Avatar 12:44am
Marcel M:

Indeed! Grab this one at the link posted ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46am
Phillippe Bastille:

All righty, well past my bedtime. Thanks Marcel and Scott. Catch up to you tomorrow, coel
Avatar 12:46am
Marcel M:

Night, Phillippe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46am
Scott Williams:

G'night Phillippe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47am

sweet, Phillippe. i'm not surprised. impalas were the standard that most car companies took notes from for over a decade. i think when chevy brought it back they were hoping to regain that status. (which of course is impossible nowadays)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48am

'night Phillippe

This track is tiiiiiiite
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52am
Scott Williams:

Marcel, look out! There's a hippy vaping some weird shit on your playlist!
Avatar 12:54am
Marcel M:

I must be smoking weirder shit thatn I thought cuz I've been scrolling through the comments till I finally realized what you were talking about! Haha.

Also notice the band name of the song I chose to post my photo on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55am
Scott Williams:

Hahaa, yeah just noticed the band-name echo

Hey Marcel! Who is that noise hippie taking his own temperature?
Avatar 1:00am
Marcel M:

Hey Jake! Not sure how he got in here... he didn't see the sign on the door.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00am

i didn't realise there were pictures on the playlist. scrolled to the left enough to see the artist name not even the edges of the images are visible.
Avatar 1:01am

@DiezelTea welcome back. Are you under curfew/quarantine in Armenia
Greetings Marcel M great set
What’s up Coel et al
Avatar 1:02am
Marcel M:

@coelacanth: the playlist thing was updated a few months or maybe longer ago and its much easier to upload. I'm bored so what else am I gonna do!

Hey Ignatatus!
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Marcel M:

god dammit I fucked it up, eh scott?
Avatar 1:02am
Marcel M:

Avatar 1:02am

Here we go!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03am
Scott Williams:

But holy shit, how tight was that impromptu legal!!??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03am

hey Iggy
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Marcel M:

@SW: Perfection
Avatar 1:03am
Marcel M:

Did I not say it right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04am
Scott Williams:

I just heard "WFMU in Jersey City"
Avatar 1:04am
Spinning Giant:

I only ever had a name for one of my cars, my first one, a '74 ragtop Pontiac Grande Ville, metallic caramel w/ tan top and spoked rims and whitewalls... Bessy was a treasure and a delight, and I miss her to this day...she could handle up to 13 passengers (okay, so not entirely legally) with the top down and people sitting on the trunk, yet she cruised like a dream, when she fired up her 454 to hit 70mph+, she lifted an inch or so from the ground with airflow below her (double-leaf suspension), and just floated...it always felt like I was driving Luke's landspeeder and/or the most comfortable white leather sofa in the world... equally good for stretching out crosswise and having a lunchtime nap at work, or getting down and dirty with your favorite lady on a Friday night, only ever got pulled over once by the fuzz, during university, coming home from a late late late night party with a cargo of misfits, all of them far too stoned (and carrying illegally, pre weed prohibition lifts)...all the copper wanted to know was: "man, where did you get this damn sweet ride...?!"
Avatar 1:05am
Marcel M:

I did it Scott LOL. I do all three.
Diezel Tea:

@666 not really under quarantine. Thanks for asking, though. We live in a very rural area. The closest "city" we live near has some shop keepers with masks and gloves on - had to go out yesterday for vegetables & stuff. Wife went to Yerevan yesterday to pick up her brother (who came from China BTW) and said everything is fine. We have almost 200 cases in the country now. 0 deaths. A few recoveries.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06am
Scott Williams:

Shit, really? I'm sorry, I missed it! Uggh. I'm a baaaaad board op
Avatar 1:07am

Hullo everyone.
Avatar 1:07am
Marcel M:

It was all worth it for that perfect timing on that one.
Avatar 1:07am
Marcel M:

Hey Fox!

@Scott: Whoa… You’re lit! You taking your temperature or something?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08am

spinning giant, i love it!
Avatar 1:09am

I am living a super nocturnal life, trying to avoid my roommate. She's so high strung.
Avatar 1:10am

At least I got her to smoke some weed, now!

@Fox: Well, then she must love living in these times!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11am

Marcel/Scott it all went down smoothly
-like inexpensive cognac
Avatar 1:11am

Phillipe that 200 ss makes sense
I think Chrysler was underrated at that time. I owned a 67 New Yorker that had Zero competition in a straight drag
Yes 0-60 in under 5 that car I believe had a 440 6 pack . Worse gas mileage in the world.
Avatar 1:11am

@Diezel: Thanks for that on the ground reporting. Love to read that stuff on here since MSM media can't seem to ditch the politics here in the US.
Avatar 1:11am
Spinning Giant:

@coelacanth0... It was a brilliant time in my life when I "owned" that car - maybe more accurately, she owned me.... Bessy was a great old gal...
Avatar 1:13am
Marcel M:

Yo Spinning Giant! Welcome.

Car talk tonight. I like it.
Avatar 1:15am

@JAke - yeah, she's rather stressed. I wish she'd just go stay with her boyfriend, but... oh well. I'm stuck with her.
Adam West Coaster:

Hey Marcel, Scott Williams, and other friends all! Sorry I’m late. I got my temperature checked at the front door before coming in. I’m hot blooded. Check it and see?

Wonder if vitamin D would help her? Anyway, hope you are doing well nocturnally.
Avatar 1:16am
Marcel M:

Hey Adam! Better late than never.
Adam West Coaster:

Thanks Marcel! The deep and guttural always draws me forth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17am
Ken From Hyde Park:

You've got a fever of a hundred and three?
Avatar 1:17am
Spinning Giant:

She was a thirsty devil though, but back then that wasn't even a real big concern... Oh and I forgot, when we got her up to speed for an intercity trip with a mission on our mind (i.e. A-->B ASAP), and gunned it in the passing lane, semis would see her gobbling up track from a mile back and pull the f*ck out of the way... and honk their approval as we passed them by ... good good times LoL...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17am
Chop Scott:

Chrysler in the '70s--Mopar all the way. Had a gear head brother that taught me how to drive with a '74 Fury III, totally jacked.
Avatar 1:18am
Spinning Giant:

Thanks & Cheers Marcel!
Adam West Coaster:

@Ken from Hyde Park, I’m hot blooded (I’m hot.)
Avatar 1:20am
Spinning Giant:

Adam, sounds like you need a stiff dose of ice and high octane spirits to repurify yourself...
Avatar 1:21am
Spinning Giant:

Chop Scott, sounds delicious
Avatar 1:21am

AARRRRGHHHH. Roommate literally just asked me AGAIN if I would be ok with her visiting her bf in Brooklyn, or if HE could come HERE?!?!

She is really not getting this.
Adam West Coaster:

@Spinning Giant, agreed! And I think I just caused Fabio to toss and turn a bit in his bed..but Clay Pigeon just threw two thumbs to the sky. Haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22am

Iggy that chrysler was a bad mutha -
when my grandfather finally stopped driving my older brother somehow ended up with his car. he only drove chryslers (after de soto went out of business)
Avatar 1:22am

We are living under the heel of a Governor who thinks he’s Stalin. He’s breaking the back of the common man with his curfews and quarantines. He makes up numbers to back his impositions. This Governor has given himself more power then the average person realizes. I’m glad I don’t have a television as people in the Tri-State area are both paranoid and brainwashed

@Fox: Yeeesh… How old is she? 17 or something?
Avatar 1:25am

I for one am quite thankful and joyful towards everyone who is self isolating, and helping to keep me alive!!
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Spinning Giant:

Fox, you need to tell your roommate to f-off, and choose where she is going to hunker down for the next 14 days...no ins no outs no ifs ands or buts...this is not a drill...the future of humanity depends on this lockdown...
Avatar 1:26am

I don't know what she does when I'm asleep during hte day. She goes out almost every day for a run or to buy groceries, and sees it as just as much of a risk as it would be for her to visit her boyfriend. I'm really on the verge of asking her to leave.

I know two people who have tested positive for COVID-19 at my day job. Big place so they don’t work directly near me or anyone I know, but this is real and people are affected.
Avatar 1:27am

She could totally just go and hang with him, and I wouldn't know.
Avatar 1:27am

Most of us were into fords, we had a 351 W Torino sweet ride. When I had that Chrysler I realized not to be prejudiced with a car. Get on it and if it handles you it’s a sweet ride. Hell I had an AMC hornet that out handled turns better then any other car including the Datsuns and VWs but if it hit a puddle it was finished until the wires dried out

Anyway… By Marcel, Scott and Fox! Be cool and be safe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28am

my grandfather's last car
3.bp.blogspot.com... (66 newport)
and the first of several cars my brother totaled.
Avatar 1:28am
Marcel M:

Night, Jake
Avatar 1:28am

@ Fox -- yes, what JakeGould said!
ugh, so sorry that you have such a crappy roommate!
Avatar 1:28am

Goodnight, Jake!
Avatar 1:28am
Spinning Giant:

If she leaves tell her to take any of her shit with her that she really cares about, and not to come back until further notice, then tomorrow call a locksmith to get your locks changed...
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sinister dexter:

greetings from Muskegon Michigan
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@ coelacanthø -- niiiice!

PS: For those who care, have not physically been in the day job office for 2+ weeks at this point. So no exposure on my side. Anyway… Double-be-safe all.
Avatar 1:31am
Spinning Giant:

Throw the rest in a dumpster (using whatever personal protective equipment you have at your disposal, if course)...
Avatar 1:32am

@ JakeGould -- glad to hear this!
yeah, i think half the reason a curfew & other restrictions were imposed here was b/c people were still doing dumb shit like getting into bar fights, etc.
Avatar 1:32am
sinister dexter:

anyone drive a classic?
Adam West Coaster:

@JakeGould, Thank you! I have been off for about a week now after COVID-19 started its creep into the school I work at. Be safe out there.
Avatar 1:33am
Marcel M:

Yo Dexter!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35am

by some definitions yes i drive a classic. in fact i've had a few.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35am
Scott Williams:

Keep on Escuela Grind'in' me, baby
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sinister dexter:

great show Marcel , love the heavy sounds
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Marcel M:

haha. Comment of the night to Cubeman.

Thanks Dexter!
Avatar 1:36am

Not anymore Dexter. I have to make sure I make it to work in harsh conditions. If I learned to save money then yes I would invest in a cool ass classic.
And I never named any of my cars yet they were all females.
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sinister dexter:

i like seeing them on the road
Adam West Coaster:

Steering wheels are disgusting!
Avatar 1:37am

I am loving this wall of sound.

you sound exquisite as always
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38am

can we get an amen brothers and sisters!
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sinister dexter:

what you drive coelacanth? i drive a 63 olson kurbside
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Spinning Giant:

Hells yes brother coelacanth!!!! Hallelujah!!!
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@cubeman what’s burning your peehole? We’re talking about cars. Should you start a chat about the D train I won’t be upset. I love the D train
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Marcel M:

Glad you are digging, rhett! Fox!
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Chop Scott:

Nice to see that you are prepared Brother!
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sinister dexter:

hey Marcel you heard of Jucifer?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43am

dexter that's a british vehicle? a van,right?

...like i said -by some definitions. i have a '96 (i think...the first year, whenever that was) audi a4.
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Spinning Giant:

dex, any relation to Titmilk? so delicious...
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Marcel M:

I assumed Cubeman was talking about the music. Or at least I hope he was!
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Marcel M:

@Sinister Dex: Yep!
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Marcel M:

@Chop Scott: indeed!
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sinister dexter:

american , chevy chassis , 96 a classic? dang i old
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sinister dexter:

me and my truck are antiques
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the car i just made my avatar i had for 14 years. it was 27 years old when i sadly decided i cannot afford to fix it.
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Marcel M:

Thats awesome lookin', Coel
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some people define "classic" as 20 or older. i've heard different things.
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sinister dexter:

Anaal Nathrakh? play Jucifer , they deserve it allways touring , see them , drive those old cars!
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@sinister dexter: Nice! I've got a 69' el Camino. Really wanted to get it on these desolate roads this weekend but i did not want to be 'that guy'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54am

i loved that car Marcel. it's one of 4-5 cars i dreamed of owning, as a child. (the most practical of them all)
i put a lot into it in that time but i just didn't have the money when the motor needed to be rebuilt and the chassis had a break in it.
that thing hauled ass. with 2 >6'tall bodybuilding friends and the one's >300# girlfriend we'd fly back from the dirt club every weekend averaging 95-110mph down the parkway. the car didn't even shake.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Marcel. Have a good week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57am

Dexter -like this one?usedcarsbox.com...
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sinister dexter:

straight six i got now is from an el camino , my top speed is 45 unless downhill , backroads only
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Scott Williams:

Listened to ZOSO for the 1st time in decades yesterday, 1st time I noticed the Levee Breaks->Pink Room connection
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sinister dexter:

thats my baby coelacanth
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Marcel M:

Night, Ken.

Sounds awesome, Coel.
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Marcel M:

@SW: Its a sample?? I never noticed it either!
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Scott Williams:

Not sampled, no, just real close.
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you haul things Dexter?
...i think the beatles may have used that model van to tour, at one point
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sinister dexter:

english ones different , i haul , what you got?
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Marcel M:

@SW: Ah! When I do listen to Zep its hardly ever that song (unless its a beastie boys sample). I'll check it out.

Jensen Interceptor is tite
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Chop Scott:

Leave Breaks has phenomenal drum capture...
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sinister dexter:

i do flea markets , buy sell antiques junk , making a coffee/snack truck , great for camping
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Chop Scott:

Opps! Levee...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04am

Wasn't expecting WFMU car-nuts. I had a '64 Buick Skylark imported to Sydney from North Carolina last year. Still getting used to the steering wheel being on the wrong side.....
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haha no nothing especially! just curious.
i do miss having a work vehicle though. i've had 5 volvo 240 wagons and it's astounding how much can fit in there. then there's the roof. it can take the weight.
now i want to get a stepladder from my sister's in ct to my house upstate and it was never an issue before. it's easier for me to borrow one now.
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sinister dexter:

drive that thing around Aitch , let people see , makes smiles
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I know, right?! Man, WFMU really does hate the true wierdos. They are all such normal people.
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Scott Williams:

@cubeman520, time for bed
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This very one, certainly gets some looks here in Oz, none of them. dealeraccelerate-all.s3.amazonaws.com...
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Marcel M:

Hes gone. Banned. No patience for that tonight!

Marcel...couch is where the heart is...I'm in high school and couch is where the start is...sexually reclining...
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Marcel M:

I wonder what that guy thinks weird is? Wavy Gravy?
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sinister dexter:

real nice Aitch
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oh missed some more wisdom from the square one?
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Does he often come here and spout nonesense?
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sinister dexter:

i get lots of smiles , open mouthed stares , and everytime some guy says ... how much?
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Marcel M:

First I've seen him. Its a shame because his first comment was pure gold.
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Kens icon is bopping to this song
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Marcel M:

@roni: haha
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Wait. I am lost in time. How long has JC been in curfew lock down? A week?
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Marcel M:

Its NJ wide and yeah I think a week.
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I guess Cubeman got worse
I drove off for a few minutes.
He appeared to be some listener changing his stage name to start shit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19am

Aitch great car. buicks were underrated -at least in the early-mid 70s. my father had 2 skylarks maybe '73? i drove one for a few months. excellent cars.
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Marcel M:

It rarely offends or bothers me, it just kind of ruins the playlist when people spout shit.
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I think Jersey started the day after the marathon
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Marcel M:

@Ignatatus: Ken lobbied really hard for that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22am

oh, yeah Aitch upload.wikimedia.org...
i knew someone with this car when i was little little. first time i'd ever heard of electric windows and door locks.

this is a cool show...like a combination of my two favorite tv shows...to catch a predator and lockdown...your the black metal Casey Kasem....
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A friend gave me his skylark it’s name was little crapper. Had street signs for flooring. No matter what rain and snow were coming in that car . However it was the best car I ever drove in winter conditions. Made it up snow ice hills in Woodlawn BX no problem. Car never died. NYPD took her. That’s another chapter.
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Marcel M:

@anton: I'll take it!
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sinister dexter:

what could you name your skylark Aitch?
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I wish we had cool
Ass radio like this when we were in high school

Oooh this Mother Juno is fun
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This Mother Juno is Deep
I second that
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Jesse Dorris:

That ? is me, forgot to log in. Hiiiiiii!
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Aitch just wanted to tell us we put the steering wheel on the wrong side!
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Marcel M:

Ohhh. I was like, a mystery man!

Hey Jesse!!
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yeah, digging the Mother Juno too
kinda Suicide vibe -- ?
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Hahahahaha Jesse!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33am

slugluv i could hear that
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sinister dexter:

it would be wrong , right? in Oz?
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ugh, did not realize cubeman had gotten worse
things are crappy enough as it is, no need for further bad vibes, negativity
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it could be wrong, it could be right . . .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38am

i only saw cubeBOY's first post; so did it turn out to be the comment board that disgusted him, after all?
i assumed it was the horrible noise. (the beautiful "noise")
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Marcel M:

I think it was the horrible noise.
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Marcel M:

But he started on an anti station rant. Which I will not tolerate.
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Hey folks
Don’t forget to stay tuned in right here
after Marcel M for another great WoofMoo program Polyglot Society with DJ Jesse Dorris
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Marcel M:

Indeed! Don't shut off radio.
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Marcel M:

listen to that delay.. what is this, fusion Jazz?
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YES! i gotta crash out soon, but definitely leaving the radio on :)
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Jesse Dorris:

Aww shucks thanks @Ignatatus666. And if that isn't tempting enough I've got a mix by none other than Simon Raymonde of Cocteau Twins and Bella Union to tempt you...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42am

He doesn't blow, he sucks?
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Marcel M:

@Aitch: He does both, he does it all!

well, the LED lighting on my cannon speakers did some work during the Ali/Lowe number
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Yay for Polyglot!
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Marcel M:

I had to mix that in there.. such a sick album. I may have to buy it myself. We got it at the station.. but alas I cannot touch it.
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Marcel M:

I may have to change my name to Jessie. I'm fucking up the order of things here.
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actually i'm very overdue for sleep, about 2 hours ago.
(sorry Jesse!)
Thasnks Marcel! take care everyone stay strong
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Marcel M:

Well damn, thanks for hanging everyone, this was a lot more fun with you all around.

And do catch live sets next week from Insect Ark and This is Where! Pre-recorded live at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn last month.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:49am

yeah i might leave the radio on for a while
but not the computer
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Jesse Dorris:

Three Jesse's in a row? Outrageous!
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Marcel M:

Night, Coel
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Jesse Dorris:

Great show, @Marcel!
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Marcel M:

One day I'll morph into the perfect Jesse...
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Marcel M:

Thank you sir!
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YES! totally psyched for Insect Ark!
saw them some years ago, opening for Martin Rev (at Elsewhere, i think) AMAZING!!!
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Marcel M:

Will not disappoint!
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great show, Marcel!
thanks for being here for all of us!
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Scott Williams:

Great show, Marcel! Thanks for making new stuff. G'night all!
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Marcel M:

Thank YOU Scott! Get some sleep!
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Marcel M:

Thanks, Slugluv.
Adam West Coaster:

Thanks Marcel for putting this together!
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Jesse Dorris:

Good night, Scott! Thanks so much!
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Marcel M:

My pleasure, Adam. Night all! Same time and place next week <3
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