Centennial Songs - The Antique Phonograph Music Program with Mac Favoriting

Playlist for March 22, 2020 Favoriting
CS80 - Alice Blue Gown

100+ year old lo-fi recordings contextually presented.

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Title Artist Recording Images
Alice Blue Gown   Favoriting Edith Day  Victor 10" 1920  

Listener comments!

  1:01pm Mitch:

Is that a picture of Edith Day wearing a blue gown, or just some random woman?
  1:04pm Mitch:

Ah, I see, it's Alice Roosevelt. Same picture as on Wikipedia, but there she's wearing yellow.
  11:51pm krunkerio:

Hello! I would like to thank the author for this playlist, as I have really enjoyed it! https://krunkerio.io
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