Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from March 2, 2020 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting March 2, 2020: 2020 Marathon Show #1 with Special Co-host Michele

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Lionel Hampton  Stayin' Alive   Favoriting Saturday Night Jazz Fever  Laurie  1978  LP      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Nouvelle Vague  Just Can't Get Enough   Favoriting Nouvelle Vague  Peace Frog  2004  CD      0:07:59 (Pop-up)
Hugo Montenegro  The Bitch Is Back   Favoriting Rocket Man: A Tribute to Elton John  RCA  1975  LP      0:11:04 (Pop-up)
Sachiko Kanenobu  Misora   Favoriting Misora  Light in the Attic  2019  CD  From 1972    0:23:54 (Pop-up)
Kinloch Nelson  Lazy Susan   Favoriting Partly on Time: Recordings 1968-1970  Tompkins Square  2019  CD      0:28:21 (Pop-up)
Esso Trinidad Steel Band  I Want You Back   Favoriting Steel Pan-demonium!: Surface Noise 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  Pledge $75 or more and this can be yours!  *   0:34:12 (Pop-up)
Sachiko Kanenobu  Toki Ni Makasete (Leave It to Time)   Favoriting Misora        last chance!    0:35:39 (Pop-up)
Lee Hazlewood  It's an Actuality   Favoriting 400 Miles from LA: 1955-56  Light in the Attic  2019  CD      0:47:34 (Pop-up)
John Loudermilk  Road Hog   Favoriting Twelve Sides of Loudermilk  RCA Victor  1962  LP      0:49:39 (Pop-up)
John Prine  A Good Time   Favoriting The Singing Mailman Delivers  Oh Boy  2011  CD  live in 1970    0:52:46 (Pop-up)
Lee Hazlewood  Lonesome Day   Favoriting 400 Miles From L.A.: 1955-56        about to give this baby away!    1:06:39 (Pop-up)
Mike Alexander and the Pott Steelers  And I Love Her   Favoriting Steel Pan-demonium!: Surface Noise 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R  my very happy premium  *   1:09:08 (Pop-up)
Loretta Lynn  She's Got You   Favoriting I Remember Patsy  MCA  1977  LP      1:16:57 (Pop-up)
Dolly Parton with Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt  The Sweetest Gift   Favoriting The Queens of Country  MPI Home Video  2009  DVD  from Dolly's TV show - giving this away!    1:20:18 (Pop-up)
Patsy Cline  Walkin' After Midnight   Favoriting Live at the Grand Ole Opry  MCA  1988  LP  From 1957    1:23:09 (Pop-up)
Mini-Single File this week
Dick Liebert  The Bowling Song   Favoriting single  RCA Victor  1950  45  featuring Three Beaus and a Peep    1:33:50 (Pop-up)
Hot Chocolate  You Could Have Been a Lady   Favoriting single  RAK  1972  45      1:36:07 (Pop-up)
Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell  Ain't No Mountain High Enough   Favoriting single  Tamla  1967  45      1:39:05 (Pop-up)
Trash Kit  Disco   Favoriting Horizon  Upset! The Rhythm  2019  LP  our next prize!    1:49:51 (Pop-up)
The Slits  FM   Favoriting The Peel Sessions  Strange Fruit  1989  CD  live on John Peel, 1978; support frequent mutilations!    2:00:43 (Pop-up)
Las VulpeSS  Me Gusta Ser Un Zorra   Favoriting single  Dos Rombos  1983  MP3  "I Like Being a Bitch"    2:04:02 (Pop-up)
Teach Me Tiger  When You Were Mine/Time After Time   Favoriting I Think I See John More  Teach Me Tiger  1999  Cassette  featuring "she-punk" Michele    2:09:53 (Pop-up)
The Wild Irish Roses  All Tomorrow's Parties (Instrumental Bagpipe Edit)   Favoriting Full Bloom  POE  2019  CD  Happy birthday, Lou Reed    2:21:01 (Pop-up)
The Wild Irish Roses  Fox on the Run   Favoriting Live on Surface Noise, 2/10/20            2:24:38 (Pop-up)
Saor Patrol  Weramur   Favoriting Open Air Asylum  ARC Music  2014  CD      2:27:32 (Pop-up)
New Bermuda Stealers  2001   Favoriting Steel Pan-demonium!: Surface Noise 2020 Marathon Premium  WFMU  2020  CD-R    *   2:30:44 (Pop-up)
Stereolab  Tomorrow Is Already Here   Favoriting Emperor Tomato Ketchup (Expanded Edition)  Warp  2019  LP  gorgeous double LP reissue of this classic LP can be yours for pledge of $20 or more  *   2:43:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03am

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Handy Haversack:

Morning, all! Happy Marathon!
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geoff mcq:

hey hey
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yip yip yip yip yip happy happy happy happy happy
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Krys O.:

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Ken From Hyde Park:

Pledge pledge pledge! Yip yip yip! Happy happy!
John from Florham park:

@Snooch morning
John from Florham park:

@Melinda morning
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The Oscar:

Happy Marathon Monday!
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hey John
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Yeeeeeesssss…..lookin forward to the show Joe!!
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hey JFFP! how goes it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Good morning, guys!
John from Florham park:

@smooch it goes
Avatar 9:07am

thats for sure, just keeps on gooooooooing
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

Whether you're a mother or whether you're a brother it's SURFACE NOISE TIME!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Joe McG:

Thanks for joining me, folks! Michele with One L will join me presently.
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Rocky Horror:

The Bee Gees never sounded so jazzy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

Morning Joe and Michele!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

A Lionel Hampton / Tragedy double-bill would be quite a show!
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Morning everybody – excited for a great show!
Fielding Mellish:

I guess even Lionel Hampton needs to make a buck
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geoff mcq:

I bloody loved that first Nouvelle Vague album. I also used to have such a crush on Melanie Pain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

good morning! fundraising idea: charge 50¢ per clicky-star!
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This is an interesting combo of New Orleans piano and soft vocals, I like it
John from Florham park:

Love the jazz versions of songs
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Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning Joe!
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Rockford Files meets Elton John
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16am

@pantz haha, true
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Rocky Horror:

Steveo: That would prevent me fro clicky-staring everything
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Brian in UK:

Hey Joe & soon to be Michele with no Z.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

very true, rough morning and this song is making everything seem awright, thanks Joe!
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Michele with One "L":

let's do this!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

^ She's right here! ^
Listener Robert:

Wasn't a version of that Bitch piece used as theme for a TV game show emceed by Wink Martindale or somebody like that?

have you seen that family on youtube that covers depeche mode, the dad & his kids... I think they’re chilean or something... don’t quote me on that definitely from somewhere in latin america

toddlers. its really good.

whoops... columbia...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

but joe it's love
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

You're welcome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am

@rocky i recently discovered there's a 2000 clicky star limit and after that your oldest ones go away!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am
Joe McG:

Get in the running for our first prize of the morning: Sachiko's "Misora" CD! Gonna ask her if she'll autograph it for you, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Michele with One "L":

What up ratchicks!!!! Come down here tomorrow!?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Handy Haversack:

@Michele, I took the liberty of passing along bday wishes to Bagpipe from you. Hope that's OK and that you didn't actually hope he had a *bad* pinball birthday party.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Michele with One "L":

@handy - did you guys do the pinball at sunshine?
  Swag For Life Member 9:29am

Fellow GA listener here reminding everyone that Smyrna is pronounced "Smur-na" rather than "Smear-na." Happy Marathon and pledge pledge pledge!

@steavo what do clicky stars actually do... how do I view what Ive clicky starred Im guessing not on the phone ap?
Avatar 9:30am

@michele Can I catch a ride with you?
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Michele with One "L":

I'm living in Jersey City for 2 weeks....
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Handy Haversack:

@Michele -- yup! He had quite a time. And I had a couple of good games of Medieval Madness.

@steavo nevermind I just figured it out! wow Ive been clicky starrin a lot of songs I better head yet warning lest I run up against that 2k limit and lose everything Ive clicked for
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@michele oh yeaaa kk. I'll come out!

John from Florham park:

@Michele in other words no sleep for the marathon
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Michele with One "L":

@handy - medieval is my jam!!! I'm really into Funhouse now too
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Handy Haversack:

@steveo and @johnzo (and all the Os), I think they don't go away when you go past 2,000 -- they just don't display. And Kenzo is working on that.

@Michele, Medieval Madness and World Cup '94 always have a special place in my heart! I discovered one of my friend's seven-year-old is REALLY GOOD at pinball, too. Gonna have to take him out to play some.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

@johnzo right on
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

@handy nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am

i hope my pledge will at least cover the storage costs of all my clickystars :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am

Love that bass drum
Avatar 9:36am

ooooo nice!!!!
Avatar 9:36am

fantastic crazy cover!
Avatar 9:38am

Can't wait to get this premium, I'm a sucker for steel drums!
GListener MW:

AHHH I love this “I want you back” arrangement!!! I believe I first heard it on this very show a few years ago. is it on the Premium CD?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Joe McG:

We're going to give away the "Misora" CD after this song, not too many in the running! Kinloch Nelson soon, too.
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Joe McG:

Thanks to everyone who has supported us so far. :)
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David (in London):

Yo, Noiseniks, I'm here. Hello Joe and One-L. @Handy @Snoochie @John @et al
John from Florham park:

@David in London howdy
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Handy Haversack:

Morning, @David! How was the weekend?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:41am

Good Morning Joe and Michele. Have a nice marathon.
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modern blaze:

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Stillwell Coney Islander:

Love This Steel Pandemonium Band!!
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Handy Haversack:

Uh oh ... the Girl Scout Cookies have arrived at work!
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David (in London):

@Handy - It was terrific thanks. Fun and work on personal projects in equal measure. How about you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am

Be steel my heart . .

Steelepan... if ever .. skip Trinidad Carnival and go in the weeks before... "Panorama" -all about the music - no costumes... Ya go to the "Panyards" for the practice sessions and then the weekend
music contest.. There is a photo somewhere in the FMU archives of my friends Winston and Noel drinking their rum on a Trini beach from the FMU Pledge of past Flask...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am
David (in London):

Yo morphe-ster.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:45am

wait is the oven really out? i was gonna use that on wednesday to heat up bfast.

Misora was fantastic. Pledging now.
chresti Griffith Park:

Morning coffee ‘n noise..hi
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Marcel M:

Didn't know we had chimneys either!

Hey Joe and Michele!
Joshie in Oley, PA:

Is the chimney critter a premium?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am

When the chimney sweep finishes up, be sure to make that critter into a pie.
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Handy Haversack:

We had a jam-packed Saturday, @David. We had a bday party for the dog at the most Brooklyn place in Brooklyn, which happens to be in our neighborhood -- a craft-beer pinball-arcade speakeasy through a secret door. Tons of our (well, the dog's) friends came. Then Kate and I caught WFMU DJ Sinead spinning at another bar in the neighborhood. Then Sunday we barely moved. I managed to get the laundry done, but otherwise, we were kind of done in! The dog, too! Barely enough energy to chew on his bison bone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

One weekend folks just need to come to the station and have a series of 80s montages which will fix everything needed once and for all.
Adam West Coaster:

Thank you, sweethearts!!! I love WFMU!
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Webhamster Henry:

in re: critter in the chimney

Rich Hazelton's Inflatable Squirrel Carcass is named after a similar incident at 580 Springdale.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

Or souffle or omelette, whatever you prefer.
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Lixiviated Life:

I'm only here to listen to Michele talk.
(nothing personal Joe)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:48am

Is the chimney critter up for "swag for life" adoption rights?
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need more whiskey for the lee hazlewood voice
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final destination: lee marvin voice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am
David (in London):

@Handy - Your pooch must have had a whale of time. I hope novelty squeaky toys were involved. For you, even if not for the dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am
Joe McG:

I'm playing the CD but we're giving away the way cooler double LP version!

David - funny ya say Morphe-ster... Squatting in Flaxman Ct (lovely old building/flats off Southhamton Road/Euston Station) a friend
Chris Scott (writes semi-famous motorcycle books) called my Son Arnan -ski and myself Morphe-ster....
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Brian in UK:

Joe, had me blushing when Michele read out my comments too!!! Onward.
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Handy Haversack:

@David, I'm not supposed to play with them unsupervised!
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David (in London):

@Brian - I thought Brian S must be you! Did you hear on Serious Moonlight Sonatas yesterday when Roger accidentally read out my surname as well. Hilarious. He sounded very sheepish afterwards.
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David (in London):

@morphe' - I guess I just intuitively knew that it was your name.
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Brian in UK:

David (in London), delightful sunny day here at last. Back to the garden shredder now.
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Always love to hear Mr. Prine.

David.. thought of you on saturday in A'dam... There is a lovely toy shop "Mechanico??" that specializes in old school, yet new windup metal toys.... got my Simon a small hopping rabbit.. There was a fox mask which I did not get but i thought of yer ikon
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Brian in UK:

David, not I did not, think Joe called me Michael, would have preferred Handsome!!

❤️❤️❤️❤️ John Prine❤️❤️❤️❤️

David - check out Chris Scott's motorcycling adventures...
interesting guy...
He is given kudos from E. McGregor for info

Prine, Hazlewood 'n' chimblykill. Must be Monday mornin'. (in Sam Elliot's voice)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
David (in London):

@morphe - You're never too young for your first fox mask. I only ever take mine off to shower or eat dinner... And thanks for the steer on Chris Scott, will check him out.
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Brian in UK:

Other drugs are also available.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am
David (in London):

@'Handsome' Brian in Craven Arms - Mind your tie in the garden shredder.

David - I just looked at Chris' current website - It comes off a bit self-oriented - he should have done it in the 3rd person, but is a good guy with a wealth of knowledge...
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Michele's a pepper, I'm a pepper, wouldn't you want to be a pepper too?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

Morning Michele + Joe + fellow ‘FMU fans! Have a great Marathon!
-AndyIowa in Brooklyn
Nate K.:

"Drugs and the Weavers and I don't know . . ." This should be Jesse's show description.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am

And the drug weavers? Imaging THOSE clothes.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Yeah, the stupid cable company up here jacked up the rates another $12.00 this month. Makes me mad!
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Brian in UK:

@David strongly recommend this woman who travels solo on a Royal Enfield.
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Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

Come join the East Bay weirdness at Burger Booglaooooo!!!! Hi, Joe and Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am
Granny Spicy Tuna (e/em):

It's actually an all-zombie line-up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am
David (in London):

Thanks Brian, I'll certainly watch some of those. My friend Alex did a similar cross South American road trip a year or two ago, right from the northern tip down to Patagonia. He returned to London physically, but I think mentally he's still on the road.

David - just scrolled through the whole website - it is a bit much!!! The "Street Riding Years" (moto messenger in the 80s when I knew him) Broke his leg and never returned... The only people in London in the 80s I knew with jobs were messengers - all cyclists except Chris
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tom from Glasgow:

good morning comrades
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Sean from Bridgeport:

Have a great marathon, Joe!
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David (in London):

@morphe - Yeah, being a courier was a real lifestyle / enabler of a move into London job. I nearly tried it myself at one stage, but ended up at LOOT, the Free Ads Paper instead... And that was a blast, so a good decision in retrospect (plus I kept all my limbs intact).
Avatar 10:11am

this is sad... Not sure if anyone is familiar with the Russian Hall in little falls, but it had its last day i believe yesterday! First bar ive ever played at, have been consisntantly gigging there the last 5+ years, such a great family vibe and sad to see it go. Went last night for the last hoorah, still hoping it somehow comes back, but doesnt look likely. This song kinda hits me hard right now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am

Morning @Tom! Are you there, or are you still there (in the afternoon)?

Flipper??? I thought all 3 of the Flippers were dead????
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:15am
tom from Glasgow:

hey Ike! i got in yesterday but was sleeping it off, just got up and i;m gonna go Dunkin Donuts and then head in
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Handy Haversack:

I feel you, @Snoochie. We have said goodbye to a couple of out-gentrified places over the past couple months.
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tom from Glasgow:

i like the emphasis on steel-pan music Joe. will be getting this prem
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
David (in London):

@Snoochie, I second Handy on that. Times are so hard for small venues. It's such a gut-wrencher when a much-beloved one disappears after many years.

Trini Pan: My PoS friends are PhaseII supporters. I'll get the premium and pass it on.. Thanks Joe,Ml and all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am
David (in London):

I saw the film of Coal Miner's Daughter on the flight to the US back in 1980 when we spent a family summer there. I was qute young, but it was a great film. To this day I'm a sucker for an film that covering US coal mining, Matewan in particular.
Avatar 10:20am

@Handy, @DIL yeah such a weird feeling. Like loosing a home or something. Taking my last looks yesterday, just weird. Was nice to see everyone rallying one last time thou

I got your picture
Nate K.:

Dean Martin does a nifty version of this.
Avatar 10:21am

old country Joe at it again!

i got TWO vcrs, Joe. in case one if em breaks

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am
Joe McG:

Good for you, Annette! Luddites unite.

" I've got your vcr , she's got you"
Avatar 10:23am

"Hit were nineteen and twenty, and times was tough in Matewan ..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Joe McG:

Giving away "Queens of Country" after this song! Get in the running now!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am
David (in London):

@Snoochie - We've lost virtually all the key venues from the centre of London, large and small. The 100 Club is probaby the sole survivor, clinging on by its fingertips. The one silver lining is that the musical centre of gravity has moved up to Hackney and East London (where I live), meaning that I can now walk home from about 60% of gigs that I go to these days. But it's still sad that some old favs that had been there for decades are no more.
Avatar 10:30am

@DIL thats a shame man. Always cool to be able to walk to the spots but yeah you hate to see a scene fade away. The age of the internet i guess...

@David Coal Miner’s Daughter made a big impression on me too, as a youth. As well as another Appalachia-based movie called Where the Lilies Bloom.

“Casets”? What is “casets”?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am
David (in London):

@melinda - Wow, I don't know that one, thanks for the great steer. I'm going to check that out ASAP. Have you ever come across the book Albions' Seed by David Fischer? He traces the different groups that left the UK for the US over the centuries, and how their characteristics helped shape the areas that the US has today. Appalachia was settled by borderers who were tough, wild and unruly...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

What does a gutter ball get?
Andrea in Jersey City:

Hi Joe, I love your show. Whenever I get the chance to listen, I feel happy and lucky. The songs that you play are incredible, thank you times one trillion.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Handy Haversack:

@David, the FX TV show _Justified_ might interest you also.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Joe McG:

Aw, thanks, Andrea! :) Our next prize is an LP by the band Trash Kit.

Bringing the JAMS, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am
David (in London):

@Handy - Fantastic, thanks. First Mannix, now this. May I appoint you as my official US TV advisor? It's an unpaid post, but very prestigious. (You're welcome to add it to your CV.)

^ from Olivia ^
Earth Walker:

Ain’t no pledge high enough
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D. Lightfoot:

hello all
Earth Walker:

Kick in kids. Already did it two shows
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Handy Haversack:

@DIL, I'm having it tattooed on my forehead as we speak!
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Tell Matt Warwick to stop barking.

Hey Joe... where ya going with those 45s in yer hand?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am
David (in London):

@Handy - Great, then I will send you official certification.
Earth Walker:

Hi Morphe David Handy what up dudes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

Is that *the* David S. in Philly, the fill-in DJ?
Nate K.:

Trash Kit = the Burn It Down! #1 record of the year. FWIW.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am

Dave Mandl may have been one of the first DJs anywhere to post his playlists online (on Usenet circa 1993-95, IIRC). Or *the* first, perhaps?
Paul D:

Hello y’all Hi Michele! Happy Monday!
Earth Walker:

You got the whole world in your hands

you ever bottle that NJ flavor and put it up as a premium?

@David I do have that book and I haven’t made it past the first section about New England, my attention is poor, but I’m not giving up. My late husband read the whole thing and from what he reported it explains a lot about regional cultures in the US.

In fact I was telling someone about that book when I visited FMU last year for marathon!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hey Joe, Michele and everybody! Let's give Joe lots of cash this morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
David (in London):

Hey Earth Walker - Just talkin' nonsense as usual (well, I am at any rate), but glad to have you aboard now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am
Joe McG:

It would be cool if we could get to my goal this morning. I know it's early in the marathon, but I like early birds! Thanks, friends.
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David (in London):

@melinda - Yeah, it's a beast of a work, but I think it's one of those that you can dip into at any point and any time, so doing it sporadically over time would be no bad thing. I found it really interesting to see how, even after hundreds of years, characteristics of the old country map across to the new.
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Handy Haversack:

Hiya, Earth Walker! I'm scatting and bopping, per usual.
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Hugo (NL):

This is so good. Catch em live if you can!
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Handy Haversack:

Digging Trash Kit!

That was a killer track
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Hugo (NL):

Friends of The Ex
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Jeff Golick:

If you do the rest of the show in a British accent, Joe, I'll kick in $50.
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The Revenge of the She-Punks is on my to read pile.
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"You can learn from books."-Ringo Starr-A Hard Day's Night. 1964
Earth Walker:

Handy David cool cool cool salt of the earth
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Haha ... Matt Warwick is chomping at the bit to win Trash Kit.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Oooh! Reading and listening to records is one of my favorite activities! I hope I win!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

This Peel Sessions of FM is killer.

Andrea in Jersey City:

I wish I could feed this music through the speaker system of my office.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Holy Shit! Las VulpeSS is new to me. Smokin take on I Wanna Be Your Dog.
John from Florham park:

@Tim from Champaign I keep noticing hoe well read a lot of the people on that chat boards are, Glad of it too

David - yer song "Me Gusta Ser Un Zorra"
I want to/like to be a Fox
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Matt Fiveash:

So does that make Zorro a he-bitch?
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Barney Grubbs:

the foxess?
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Webhamster Henry:

Zorra is a vixen!
Andy Plants:

John from Florham park:

@Andrea would be worth getting into all kinds of trouble right:)
Andrea in Jersey City:

You can do it!!!
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Accoring to Google Translate

I like being a slut
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Brian in UK:

David (in London) Damon Hill was a despatch rider before he started racing motorcycles.

Never sure if 'Young Girl' was written before the event that never happened or after the event that did happen.
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Daybreak the Human:

Zorro translates to "fox" yet Zorra is a bitch in one sense and vixen in another.
Andrea in Jersey City:

Yes John, I feel this music would be quite liberating to my programmer coworkers. One coworker said his favorite music is Top 40. Top 40 is prison to me. Prison.
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Handy Haversack:

Wouldn't "Vulpess" mean "fox" of some sort as well?
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Michele with One "L":

THIS IS MY BAND!!!!!!!!!
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Michele with One "L":

Teach Me Tiger circa 1999!
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Handy Haversack:

This is great!!!! Songs that need no "Ls"!

Yessss I love this song!! Gmorning listener friends!
Andrea in Jersey City:

That's amazing Michele!!I love it!
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Daybreak the Human:

Never fear if your Accu heart is dark like mine appears to me.
I re-upped my swag 2 weeks ago and I believe there is a little icon lag time, but as the Mighty Joe McGasko is live perhaps he will confirm my theory.
John from Florham park:

@Andrea have not listened to commercial radio since I happened on this station, tired of hearing the same bullshit day after day,and your coworker needs help
John from Florham park:

@daybreak funny seeing you on here this time of day
Andrea in Jersey City:

Wow, that's freaking amazing, Michele!!!!
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Handy Haversack:

@Daybreak, I just wrote Joe a (presumably, horribly) annoying e-mail asking if I was able to be MORE profligate with my support of specific shows. Apparently, I'm radio promiscuous. I have small-c catholic taste!
Andrea in Jersey City:

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Daybreak the Human:

It is my lunch break
@John from FP
Gotta maximize my Marathon team-ups!
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modern blaze:

cd r rampage!
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Daybreak the Human:

Ha! @Handy
Andrea in Jersey City:

@Daybreak the Human, I like your picture a lot.
Andrea in Jersey City:

Good music increases productivity by 120,0000%
John from Florham park:

@Daybreak good for you
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Handy Haversack:

Kate and I were amusing ourselves thinking of band names for the bands we would be in for every WFMU show that we love. She took She-Bears for Creamo Coyl's.
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Daybreak the Human:

Its because the workers are not Unionized!
"More PRODUCTIVITY!!!" cry the Masters!
Worker's Rights!
For 4 Workers!
Worker's Rights!
For 4 Workers!
Worker's Rights!
For 4 Workers!
John from Florham park:

&Michele sheliab is one of those programs I can’t do without
Andrea in Jersey City:

Workers Rights need to include Better Music at Work
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Daybreak the Human:

Feb 10 in the Archive:
Wild Irish Roses
on Surface Noise!

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Handy Haversack:

Holy crap, I still love this song every damn time. We miss you, Lou.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Amen, Andrea! I had a job for a year where the "lite-rock" station played. I was about ready to go to my union rep to make a hostile work environment complaint.
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Daybreak the Human:

That's the archive link to the Wild Irish Roses Live on Surface Noise in case you just see WFMU .org part of the link.
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Joe McG:

Current Prize: Wild Irish Roses CD and Large black T-shirt with their logo on it.
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I dunno . . It is a nice and good song . . But . . It has been played out a bit.
Andrea in Jersey City:

I went to the memorial in Lincoln Center when Lou Reed died. I was going to a lot of dead rockers funerals back then (Pete Seeger, others). I started to dance and everyone looked at me, but they couldn't dance, they were too sad, or trying to look cool.
GListener MW:

I’ve been loving these Wild Irish Roses these past weeks! <3
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Joe McG:

Thanks for posting that, Daybreak!
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Daybreak the Human:

My Please Joe!
John from Florham park:

@Andrea in all seriousness this station keeps me sane in an insane world
@Tim I would have done it
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Daybreak the Human:

(my computer want me to beg)
Food Caboose:

Wow. It's like I'm listening to SMK's show but it's Monday!

The FMU archives are literally priceless, you couldn’t put a value on them. Unique and irreplaceable.
Andrea in Jersey City:

I contemplated running away when I was a child because of the smooth jazz radio station my parents played on the way to church. I am pleased to report that smooth jazz radio and religion is out of my life!
Avatar 11:27am

Any time I'm in a public space where the PA music is intolerably generic, I think, if you're looking for sounds that are low-key and won't offend anyone, why not go with "classical?" These "lite" stations make me queasy.
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Daybreak the Human:

VASTLY agree with P-90
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Hubig Pie:

Love them toraluaths and lemluaths
Andrea in Jersey City:

Roberto, classical would be so much better. I love most classical
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Handy Haversack:

It turns out that it is possible for two people to have different degrees of fascination with the National Bagpipe Center of Scotland. I would not have guessed that.
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Case in point: I was at a doctor's office last week and that Jason Mraz song that SM Ken used to play to coerce people into pledging was playing.
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Lixiviated Life:

wondering now just how many versions of All Tomorrows Parties are out there.
@ Joe McG maybe you could devote a show segment to playing every cover of that song.
John from Florham park:

@Andrea when I am not listening to this station I listen too WQXR
Andrea in Jersey City:

Great music has the power to get a human out of a mental rut. I've never met a human that doesn't like getting our of a mental rut!

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David (in London):

@Lixiviated Life - That is a top-notch suggestion.
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John from NP:

@Daybreak the live show was great!!
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Joe McG:

Last licks for WIR! Get your pledges in now to win.
Earth Walker:

Man this song rocks !

@Andrea that’s hilarious.

About the smooth jazz, I mean.
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tom from Glasgow:

LOVE this bagpipe stuff. i'm the only one of my friends who doesn't hate bagpipe music. (it's because i'm not actually from Scotland)
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Handy Haversack:

In space, no one can hear you groove.

Saor = freedom or some such root in Gaelic

Autotune pop is what drives me nuts.

Steel Pan Disco Zarathustra. Dig it, Mon.
Avatar 11:35am

You can tell I've been in a lot of waiting rooms lately.
Gareth Jones:

OK, so I wasn't entirely convinced by a CD of steel pan covers as a DJ premium. But now I've heard 2001, you've convinced me!
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Now if they really wanted to get edgy, they could play Fugazi's "Waiting Room" on continuous loop.
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Handy Haversack:

@Roberto, like, on a ... Repeater?
jamie in manchester uk:

nothing like a steel drum to take you on an instant mental vacation

Or maybe someone should record a song to the tune of “Closing Time”, but with new lyrics about “Waiting Room”, and with a real mellow smooth Jazz arrangement...
Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

The watches are likely charged kinetic-ly through the swinging of the wearers arms through their natural arm movements when walking.
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Love this Lab tune. A fave!!
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Joe McG:

Thanks to Trista and everyone on the comments board today who has pledged to WFMU or plans to pledge to WFMU. We really appreciate it!
Listener Alexandra:

Smaller but (hopefully) still mighty. And greetings from the Best Coast :)
Bill W:

do the job, Surface Noisers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am

YES!!! What they're saying! Don't wait! Do it NOW! Pledge now! Do it NOW! Donate now! NOW NOW NOW NOW!
Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

Yar! That be the Feeling I’m Feeling!
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I would sell my plasma to keep WFMU afloat. Thankfully, I don't have to...yet.
Paul D:

Is there any way to log on via the wfmu app?
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:53am

Thanks, Joe (and Michellllllllle)!
Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

Hit the little 3 line box in the lower right of the App and select Donate.
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Mark Hurst:

So true! Say it, Joe!
John from Florham park:

@Jie tell it like it is
John from Florham park:

I mean joe sorry
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Brian in UK:

Thanks Michele & Joe.
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Handy Haversack:

Sell pantz's plasma if you have to!
Andrea in Jersey City:

human curated music for humans.
human curated music for humans.
human curated music for humans.
human curated music for humans.
human curated music for humans.
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I'll make more
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Good team,good show .
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Handy Haversack:

Nice work, Joe and Michele!!!
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David (in London):

I'll buy pantz' plasma if necessary.
Andrea in Jersey City:

I'll go make more plasma too

Well done! Thanks Joe McG and Michele
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