Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 1, 2020 Favoriting

WFMU Marathon w/ co-host Evan Davies
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Favoriting Jerry's Pigeons - Genya Ravan (Demo) [Rum Bar]
Favoriting Wanna Be With You - Yesterday's Children (45) 1966 [Showcase]
Favoriting The Way It Is - The Bad Beats (CD: Off The Hook) [Soundflat]

Favoriting Talkk - Nervous Eaters (CD: Record 10) [Hell On Earth]
Favoriting I'm No Run Around - Ginger Davis & The Snaps (45) 1961 [Swan]
Favoriting I Like Murder Too - Geoff Palmer (CD: Pulling Out All The Stops) [Rum Bar / Stardumb]

Favoriting Julia - The Lupines (CD: Mountain Of Love) [Speed Nebraska]
Favoriting Tell Her That - The Flies (45) 1964 [RCA]
Favoriting Off The Beach - Wire (CD: Mind Hive) [Pink Flag]

Favoriting The Outlaw - Prude Boys (CD: So Far) [Burger]
Favoriting They Took Me Away - I'm Glad, I'm Glad - Josephine (45) 1966 [Valiant]
Favoriting Madface And The Baby - Palmyra Delran & The Dopple Gang (CD: Come Spy With Me) [Wicked Cool]

Favoriting Be Bop Palooza - Bee Bee Sea (Digital single) [Wild Honey]
Favoriting All Over Town - The Au Go-Go's (45) 1965 [Jest]
Favoriting Get Outta Dallas! - Mal Thursday & The Cheetahs (CD: Mal Thursday's Greatest Hits That Missed) 2018 [Chunk Archives]

Favoriting You Never Come - The Unclaimed (Digital EP: The Unclaimed) [Groovie]
Favoriting Slip In Mules (No High Heel Sneakers) - Sugar Pie De Santo (45) 1964 [Checker]
Favoriting Cosmic Cave - Ex Hex (CD: It's Real) [Merge]

Favoriting Can't Go Back - The Kurt Baker Combo (45) [Wicked Cool]
Favoriting I'm Walking, Babe - The Unusuals (45) 1965 [Panorama]
Favoriting The Bottle - The Toxenes (Digital EP: Highway X) [Killjoy]

Favoriting I'm The One - The Mongrelettes (12" LP: The Mongrelettes) 2015 [Fuzz Overdose]


Listener comments!

  2/28 8:58pm Bill Kelly:

I thank you all in advance for the endlessly interesting comments and hopefully, your generous support!
  3:05pm Marley Dogg:

Time to donate people!
  3:08pm John from Florham park:

Hello fellow teens and older listeners
  3:16pm MrPFlyer:

hard to make it through work without being able to hear this show even if it's usually an archive for me. Live today and ready to pledge
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm efd:

Hey everyone! Let's get the phone ringing for Bill Kelly: 1-800-989-9368! Or use the banner over there on the left to pledge online right now!
  3:26pm MrPFlyer:

done deal efd...did online. Play on, Mr. Kelly et all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm happymaan:

Great show
Avatar 3:30pm DouglasInDallas:

The marathon's my favorite time of the year especially when the DJ's buddy up. Bill & EFD are two of my favorites! Can't wait to pick out my Sag For Life! Give til it hurts everybody!
  3:31pm Listener Robert:

LOL at the typo, Douglas!
Avatar 3:32pm DouglasInDallas:

LOL just noticed myself :P
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm Mr. Pumpy:

Sag for life!
  3:36pm Listener Robert:

If the Subgenius Church can have slack, we can have sag.
  3:37pm John from Florham park:

@Douglas what is this sag for life you speak of:)
Avatar 3:37pm DouglasInDallas:

Forgot about that Burger Boogaloo drawing. Gonna email to get in the running and get me even more swag even if I don't win!
  3:38pm John from Florham park:

@listener rob was a thinking the same thing myself:)
Avatar 3:39pm DouglasInDallas:

LOL I have to admit I've gotten a lot more sag over the years of listening and donating ha!
  3:42pm MrPFlyer:

bend those geetar strings, bang those drum skins
  3:43pm John from Florham park:

@Douglas don’t worry I have been known to mangle words too
  3:48pm McGroovey:

Hey, I like that Wire song. Their last few records have been a lot of more-of-the-same (not a horrible thing), but this song sounds different in a good way.
  3:51pm MrPFlyer:

the only band that mattered...not forgotten, nor so many others of the '70s
  3:56pm johnzo:

wooo Hamtramck!! listening in funky ferndale but Im planning on going to Al Harmaine in Hamtramck later!!
  3:59pm MrPFlyer:

Hamtramck...former home to Dodge main manufacturing plant
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The great DJ MatchUps begin !
Friends, know my pitch is always :
Swag For Life. I forgot to ge a career. & I do it anyway.
A small amount monthly automatically. EASY.
- & - as efd notes - it helps WFMU as a regular reliable drip feed of income.
If I can - you can.
If we all did - it would be powerful.
  4:06pm John from Florham park:

@RRN63 howdy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullos !
Avatar 4:13pm DouglasInDallas:

I listen to WFMU because I hate mattress commercials... Just upped my Swag for Life to Y3K baby! (Also just noticed the show page says Bill Kelly's black hole LOL)
  4:18pm John from Florham park:

@Diuglas I thought you meant sag for life:)RUNNING AND DUCKING
  4:19pm P-90:

Thanks to FMU I haven’t heard a mattress commercial in years. I mean YEARS.
  4:20pm scott:

...stuck in Dallas
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm artbrau:

you CAN allocate to multiple DJs easily if you pledge on the web
Avatar 4:30pm DouglasInDallas:

@P-90 me too! Mattress commercial free radio! Mouse of Today / Swag for Life since 2008 but Kenzo can't fix my profile page ha!
Avatar 4:33pm DouglasInDallas:

I could go a month or more only wearing FMU swag (and probably have before LOL)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm artbrau:

my wife has banned me from bringing any more WFMU t-shirts into the house.
Avatar 4:46pm Sid:

Just tuned in. Sag for life? Is there a bra-burning premium I hadn't heard of? As for Mars Attacks, Akkk akkk! Good lord, Bill, don't sprain something ranting at 70. Yikes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm Handy Haversack:

Pledging too early makes one feel left out later on. I think I'm going to start robbing my friends and making THEM pledge!
Avatar 4:49pm Sid:

Pledge in spurts. Like Richard Hell.
  6:53pm Bill Kelly:

Re: Ol' Bickham...You've just been purged from ever posting here.
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