What kind of Prog would you like to hear, @michelewithoneL?
Morning friends!
The really real Ken here typing with his fingers. I'm glad you mentioned prog, Michele with one L because today we will embark on a musical journey with PFM, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Le Orme, Il Balletto di Bronzo and all those great prog rock bands from the Italian Renaissance.
Following Steveo's lead from last week, I did a bit of Yoko analysis. Evidence supports Steveo's assertion that there has been a slight drop-off in airplay of late. But this century Ken's Show rates at number six in the top ten shows playing Yoko. Results viewable here: public.tableau.com...
@Dieter: The fact that they had to dress in sleeveless shirts to do their competitive neti potting is quite fascinating to me.
fӨfӨ (:
Great job, David in London! Is there a way to check who played the most varied Yoko material? I'm pretty sure all those 23 plays by Mr Ken are just the Walking on Thin Ice song.
i miss listening to michele and fangry on fridays. they were fun. and relly goofy:)
Erin in TO:
This is the best Enter Sandman I've ever heard
fӨfӨ (:
Excuse me, Mr Ken, but Can, Faust, Pink Floyd and even Hawkwind are all prog rock bands! Of course they aren't as good as a keyboard solo from Keith Emerson but they still rock prog.
Listener Phillip In Bronx Little Italy:
i see @ken is making up for last weeks brit-pop show. i hear IRWIN was upset he didnt have anything to play.
I know, @f0f0, Can, Faust, Pink Floyd and even Hawkwind were all in the Prog Cart. Sucks I Cant Play Them Now Fucking Technology Am I Right?
fӨfӨ (:
David in London,
Yes, a filter would be great. Can you build a model based on Ken's archive to predict songs he would play on a given Wednesday? Then I can make alternative plans for that Mariah Carey show he's being working on.
Listener Phillip In Bronx Little Italy:
i LOVE RUSH TOO. have over 20 songs on my ipod touch.
Yikes... I'm late to the show.
What did I miss?
Tell me everything!!!
Colin in Durham, England:
I was so happy yesterday when Michele said she was still friends with Frangry. Bring back Shut Up, Weirdo please. I went back and listened to them all from the beginning and I’ve finished now. Need more
Listener Phillip In Bronx Little Italy:
SAD about drummer Neal Pert. i guess thats why they broke up. couldnt see the guy die of brain cancer:(::::
Imagine a world with no prog rock. What would Rick Wakeman be doing with his skillfull fingers? What would Geddy Lee be singing about ? What would be of our lives without Aqualung?!
Hey, Snoochie, you know how sometimes mad pipers orbit a blind god the size of a galaxy? And eldritch winds blow from the nighted gulfs of time and on them travel scents that hint at the coming of the monster of the prophecy? But also synths? That's prog.
Prog is like rock music, but you can't dance to it because it's in 23/8 time and just about the time you think you get the hang of it it changes to 5/4 time for a while before changing into a 'soundscape' for a bit.
@Ken thanks for the backup @Handy wow everything really makes sense now, thats kinda what i had in mind, but i wasnt thinking synths were also apart of the mix, so that i think is where my confusion was @AnonyParty that makes sense too, i always seem to be out of time. Gotta count more!
@f0f0 i made it through, needless to say im covered in prog juice now. @anonymousparty ill have to save that for when my mind is only focused on prog-education
one of my recurring nightmares is that im in a hotwheels/matchbox car and i go around a loopy loop and right as i launch of a ramp on the other side i wake up
fӨfӨ (:
Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause (and with both hands for better effect) for Snoochienucci!
Warmest congratulations on your prog rock graduation.
Me understand language you speak! Peter Ivers! Mysterious death indeed! He left behind some great music.
Ken you forgot to mention your addenda to Andy’s 7SD idea. Everything through the balloon delivery. Followed by a clown that pops the balloon in front of the kid.
Snoochie, now it's time for you to buckle down and get a prog job. We have an opening in the blind pipers department ... or, do you think you're good at understanding stuff from the POV of either light or geometry?
Raymond Scott is a gateway to PROG. This can only lead to Raymond’s original Powerhouse, followed by Rush’s cover section of the same in La Villa Strangiato.
"This Is A Very Unique Setup That You Could Either X-Ray Things or Convert Into Any Number Of Things."
fӨfӨ (:
I believe Rimsky played the piano on this one while Korsakov had a go with the theremin. It kind of sucks because we all know Rimsky mastered the Theremin.
(i took up tele skiing when I was learning so my skis would stay attached when I fell over so I wouldn't have to walk back up the hill. it is bound to catch up with me some day.)
fӨfӨ (:
"Emerson Kitamura and mmm (pronounced me-my-mo) began their collaboration in 2016"
Extremely long time no see guys.
I'm passing by, slowly going back to this insane thing that is WFMU.
(the only thing is that time wise, the only show that I can listen to in the beginning of the day is Wake 'n' Bake, and although I love Clay pigeon, I miss the diversity)
Thanks! But this supergroup couldn't exists without Handy and David in London. Also, this is the sort of thing that happens when there is no fantasy football equivalent for music bands.
Crateslinger: What the heck? "This Is A Very Unique Setup That You Could Either X-Ray Things or Convert Into Any Number Of Things."
fӨfӨ (:
I also succumbed to the Earth Wind and Ozzy earworm disease. But I found that playing Eddie Murphy's Boogie In Your Butt on repeat an hour before going to bed cures it. Unfortunately it only overrides it.
@Ken: that "world of production music" show was great! I think I have a bunch of cassette recordings of those shows.
I need a new belt on my cassette recorder to confirm. Speaking of the WFMU past, I was astonished to hear Don Sleppinan playing on Radio Ravioli. "Synthetic Pleasure" was the WFMU program from back in the day where one could hear such music.
@David In London: Princeton Gamma-Tech, in good old Princeton NJ. They made all kinds of different radiation detectors. Some were used to detect lead paint in buildings, and other ones were used for inspecting nuclear facilities.
fӨfӨ: if you don't wanna look it up: regular x-rays are picking up the xrays that go through a body or object, backscatter just means picking up the reflected rather than transmitted rays. so you can do it from one side, like this police van.... they don't have to get on both sides of you
this ebay listing is really crazy. is somebody really selling a police van with working x-ray setup? how come "X-RAY VAN" is not right in the listing title? talk about "burying the lede"
Maybe I should buy the x-ray van. Then I can drive around and take x-rays of .... things.
fӨfӨ (:
Thanks for the explanation, YETI BOB. What else can I ask for, fellow listeners! Listening to my favourite show while learning about the nature of things.
@steveo - I remember having NO (or something similar) at a dental visit when I was a kid sometime in the late 70s, and it remains the best trip I ever had. Nothing I ever had as a psychedelic explorer later on touched it.
@YETI BOB love from Pittsburgh, thank you for bringing WFMU into my life
Ken can you play that song about that girl doting on some guy named Phil. Then maybe Blind Man’s Thingee , then maybe Minnie Rippertons Lovin You (in demon voice) then some PROG?
@Fofo - any inside info about this last half hour? Is romance in the air around here for Valentine Week? (Which can only mean a request for some Clarence Carter Strokin' to really firm up the mood!!!)
Not Fabio again! Noooo! Yasus! We are tired of his seductive talk! We had enough! We are tired...WE WANT MORE FABIO!! YES YOU ADONIS LOOK-A-LIKE, TAKE ME!
This is giving me erectile dysfunction
mmm Fabio daddy like
Patty D:
Speaking of nightmares I took a nap at the beginning of the show with the radio on and the dreams I had were pretty gosh darn weird.