Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from December 31, 2019 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting December 31, 2019: The best of what was.. *2019 Edition*

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Undeath  Enhancing the Dead   Favoriting The Compilation of Decomposition  Caligari  2019  https://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-compilation-of-decomposition  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Vastum  Reveries in Autophagia   Favoriting Orificial Purge  20 Buck Spin  2019  https://vastum.bandcamp.com/  0:03:33 (Pop-up)
Blood Incantation  Slave Species of the Gods   Favoriting Hidden History of the Human Race  Dark Descent  2019  https://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hidden-history-of-the-human-race  0:08:20 (Pop-up)
Coffins  Hour of Execution   Favoriting Beyond the Circular Demise  Relapse  2019  https://coffins.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-the-circular-demise  0:13:50 (Pop-up)
Tomb Mold  Planetary Clairvoyance (They Grow Inside Pt 2)   Favoriting Planetary Clairvoyance  20 Buck Spin  2019  https://listen.20buckspin.com/album/planetary-clairvoyance  0:16:53 (Pop-up)
Mortiferum  Putrid Ascension   Favoriting Disgorged from Psychotic Depths  Profound Lore  2019  https://mortiferum.bandcamp.com/album/disgorged-from-psychotic-depths  0:21:05 (Pop-up)
Jute Gyte  Angeles Novus   Favoriting Birefringence  Self-Released / Jeshimoth Entertainment  2019  https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/  0:28:25 (Pop-up)
Teitanblood  Sunken Stars   Favoriting The Baneful Choir  Norma Evangelium Diaboli  2019  https://teitanblood.bandcamp.com/album/the-baneful-choir  0:35:14 (Pop-up)
Verwoed  De Val   Favoriting De Val  Sentient Ruin Laboratories  2019  https://sentientruin.bandcamp.com/album/de-val  0:41:21 (Pop-up)
Sun Worship  Devoured   Favoriting Emanations of Destruction  Vendetta  2019  https://sunworship.bandcamp.com/  0:47:17 (Pop-up)
Cloud Rat  Webspinner   Favoriting Pollinator  Artoffact  2019  https://cloudrat.bandcamp.com/  0:54:22 (Pop-up)
Clipping.  La Mala Ordina (feat. Benny The Butcher, Elcamino)   Favoriting There Existed an Addiction to Blood  Sub Pop  2019  https://clppng.bandcamp.com/album/there-existed-an-addiction-to-blood  0:57:06 (Pop-up)
Zonal  System Error (feat. Moor Mother)   Favoriting Wrecked  Relapse  2019  https://zonal.bandcamp.com/  1:02:38 (Pop-up)
MC Yallah X Debmaster  Kubali   Favoriting Kubali  Hakuna Kulala  2019  https://hakunakulala.bandcamp.com/album/kubali  1:06:32 (Pop-up)
Injury Reserve  Jailbreak the Tesla (Feat. Aminé)   Favoriting Injury Reserve  Loma Vista  2019  https://www.discogs.com/Injury-Reserve-Injury-Reserve/master/1567493  1:08:53 (Pop-up)
Elcamino  Redrum   Favoriting Don't Eat the Fruit  GGBR Records & Tapes / Griselda  2019  https://elcamino-ggbr.bandcamp.com/album/dont-eat-the-fruit  1:12:11 (Pop-up)
Westside Gunn  Lunchin   Favoriting Flygod is an Awesome God  Griselda  2019  https://daupe.bandcamp.com/album/flygod-is-an-awesome-god  1:14:56 (Pop-up)
Benny the Butcher  Sunday School (feat. 38 Spesh, Jadakiss)   Favoriting The Plugs I Met  de Rap Winkel Records / Griselda  2019  https://derapwinkelrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-plugs-i-met  1:17:36 (Pop-up)
Billy Woods  Spongebob   Favoriting Hiding Places  Backwoodz Studioz  2019  https://billywoods.bandcamp.com/album/hiding-places  1:23:17 (Pop-up)
Little Simz  Boss   Favoriting Grey Area  Age 101  2019  https://www.discogs.com/Little-Simz-Grey-Area/master/1510205  1:27:10 (Pop-up)
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib  Fake Names   Favoriting Bandana  Keep Cool / RCA  2019  ttps://www.discogs.com/Freddie-Gibbs-Madlib-Bandana/master/1571782  1:30:06 (Pop-up)
JPEGMAFIA  Kenal Vs. Kel   Favoriting All my Heroes are Cornballs  EQT Recordings  2019  https://jpegmafia.bandcamp.com/album/all-my-heroes-are-cornballs  1:33:56 (Pop-up)
Danny Brown  Change Up   Favoriting uknowhatimsayin¿  Warp  2019  https://www.discogs.com/Danny-Brown-uknowhatimsayin/master/1639565  1:36:46 (Pop-up)
Elizabeth Colour Wheel  23   Favoriting Nocebo  The Flenser  2019  https://elizabethcolourwheel.bandcamp.com/  1:39:49 (Pop-up)
Years of Denial  Crow   Favoriting Body Map  Pinkman  2019  https://pinkman.bandcamp.com/album/body-map-pbd18  1:45:47 (Pop-up)
Boy Harsher  Fate   Favoriting Careful  Nude Club  2019  https://boyharsher.bandcamp.com/album/careful  1:53:32 (Pop-up)
Black Sun Dreamer  What Else is There   Favoriting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  Detriti  2019  https://detritirecords.bandcamp.com/album/black-sun-dreamer-post-traumatic-stress-disorder  1:58:30 (Pop-up)
Spellling  Haunted Water   Favoriting Mazy Fly  Sacred Bones  2019  https://spellling.bandcamp.com/album/mazy-fly  2:02:13 (Pop-up)
Xiu Xiu  Girl with Basket of Fruit   Favoriting Girl with Basket of Fruit  Polyvinyl    https://xiuxiu.bandcamp.com/album/girl-with-basket-of-fruit  2:07:08 (Pop-up)
Soren Roi  Crop   Favoriting Hopefucker  Bank  2019  https://bank.bandcamp.com/album/hopefucker  2:11:19 (Pop-up)
Broken English Club  The Modern Desire   Favoriting White Rats II  L.I.E.S. Records  2019  https://liesrecords.bandcamp.com/album/white-rats-ii  2:16:14 (Pop-up)
Taeter  Sedated   Favoriting Magnum Opus  No Rent  2019  https://norentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/magnum-opus-nrr129  2:21:48 (Pop-up)
Death Kneel  Adaptive Emotional Use   Favoriting Adaptive Emotional Use  Total Black  2019  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/adaptive-emotional-use  2:27:21 (Pop-up)
Only Now  Mutants   Favoriting Captivity  Discrepant  2019  https://discrepant.bandcamp.com/album/captivity-2  2:33:01 (Pop-up)
Autumns  Talking to Yourself   Favoriting Shortly After Nothing  Death and Leisure  2019  https://autumnsire.bandcamp.com/album/shortly-after-nothing  2:39:23 (Pop-up)
Spreaders  Shallow Breathing   Favoriting Psychotropes 2 (V/A)  Alrealon Musique  2019  https://alrealonmusique.bandcamp.com/album/psychotropes-2-alrn081  2:46:34 (Pop-up)
Oil Thief  Cologne   Favoriting The Colony  Total Black  2019  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/the-colony  2:48:30 (Pop-up)
Elcamino  Ghetto Love   Favoriting Don't Eat the Fruit  GGBR Records & Tapes / Griselda  2019  https://elcamino-ggbr.bandcamp.com/album/dont-eat-the-fruit  2:53:16 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:39pm
Marcel M:

Hey all!

Stay tuned for my picks for best albums of 2019. I have a lot to cram into 3 hours, so I won't be doing mic breaks or back announcing.


Well...lets hope all the songs are appealing...mmmm...in a universal sense!?!...:)

I know my son would probably really like this song!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10am

hey Marcel!

Adam West Coaster:

Sorry to be a bit of a downer, but we sure lost a great one out here in the Pacific NW. Elijah Nelson of Black Breath died this past weekend. His music, of course, made it far beyond this region. I used to love running into him at a record store he worked at called Everyday Music. Peeping his section of the employee picks was always a great education/re-education of all things metal, and he was a terribly sweet and assuming dude. Rest In Power, Elijah!
Avatar 12:33am
Marcel M:

@Adam: Thats awful news... no worries in sharing though. Sorry to hear. RIP.
Avatar 12:34am
Marcel M:

Hey Coelacanth, RW, CC !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Marcel. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit dodging mic breaks.
Avatar 12:36am
Marcel M:

Hey Ken!

Well... no need to dodge tonight!

AWC, Sorry to hear it man. I'm not familiar with Black Breath. Will look them up.
Adam West Coaster:

Thank you, Marcel!! Thank *you* for bringing so much inspired music to the airwaves week after week!
Adam West Coaster:

Thank you, RW! The band is definitely worth digging into.
Adam West Coaster:


Just a quick entry point.
Joseph Christopher Nase:

way back in the day i was on a pirate radio station back in austin. my favorite place. i had my own show. and I, just as you have, called it "what was music" i love your show and i loved mine. you do have great taste! i listen as much as possible, and i wanna thank you for sharing with us!
Avatar 12:53am
Marcel M:

@Joseph: Hah! Thats amazing. Did you also name it after the Harry Pussy album? Or coincidence?
Joseph Christopher Nase:

Harry Pussy of course. my fav bands!
Avatar 12:55am
Marcel M:

Ah ha!!
Joseph Christopher Nase:

i've told this small story a couple of times...the first time i saw Harry Pussy was at Emos back in austin...only 10 or so people showed up. i recorded it on cassette...since lost...second time i saw them people were hanging from the rafters!
Avatar 1:07am
Marcel M:

I wish I got to see them!

Digging the woozy bass line.
Joseph Christopher Nase:

you are saving my life right now...this is so perfect hip hop that i need right now...i dont know how to feel right now...but yr choices are perfect!

Ah! I had looked up this Hiding Places after hearing it on WWM? before. Gonna have to mark this one...
Avatar 1:30am
Marcel M:

@RW: One of my top favs of this year for sure.

MM, I think we've touched on this before but I've had trouble with hip-hop in general while at the same time knowing some of the most interesting stuff being done today is in the genre. I think because there's so much I'm just not interested in and I don't have the patience or whatever it takes to sift thru everything. My (old) age may have something to do with it too. Thanks for pre-sifting!

Ha! Speaking of old age, you're into a stretch I know from my kids now!

But don't worry, my kids have pretty good taste.

May be getting too chatty here but for Xmas my son got me two tickets for us to see Swans!
Avatar 1:52am
Marcel M:

@RW: Nice!

Cool, huh? I remember playing the first EP on my college radio show. The speed either wasn't listed or wasn't clearly listed but it sounded great at both 33.3 and 45!

Back when I was just a little older than he is now!

And I'm going to shut up now and get back to work...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57am

Hello Marcel and all
Avatar 1:59am
Marcel M:

Hey Fred
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07am

and i'm going to try to sleep.
Thanks Marcel gnight folks

'night coel! Hey fred!

Hey Marcel! Going to bed soon, but stopping by to say hi. So hey!
Avatar 2:21am
Marcel M:

G'night, Coel!

Hey Jake!

Greetings Marcel
I was waiting for this song to whisper Nowhere places it just would have fit perfectly
Love tonight’s program
I’ll be listening on the archives during the morning show

I'm out. Thanks as always Marcel. See you in 2020. Take care and good night everyone!
Avatar 2:36am
Marcel M:

Yo, Ignatatus!


We used to say
Why-Oh in the Bronx
Avatar 2:51am
Marcel M:

Great hanging with you all!

Next week, Jonathan Herweg fills in.

The following week, a live set from Begotten!

S P R E A D E R S ! ! !

Happy New Year Marcel
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