Favoriting Norflax Oxdun Sidetower with Nick The Bard: Playlist from December 2, 2019 Favoriting

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The forgotten flypaper strip entangling the flotsam and detritus of pop culture.

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Favoriting December 2, 2019: Episode 94.3 - I doubt this is even anything near a clean cut den of unhelpful bad dudes.

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Pluffnub  Comfortably Numb (Best Cover On The Internet!)   Favoriting Pluffnub's YouTube Channel    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mylets  A Itch   Favoriting Retcon    0:05:47 (Pop-up)
Richie Kotzen  Plaid Plesiosaur   Favoriting Richie Kotzen    0:08:28 (Pop-up)
the Plumber  Pants and Anti-Pants   Favoriting mmm.Good  or Liquid Plumber, they changed their name at some point to avoid lawsuits, but I'm also not even sure how "real" their albums are anymore  0:12:44 (Pop-up)
Texas  Like Lovers   Favoriting Titan A.E. OST    0:14:24 (Pop-up)
Mego vs Spago  The Chryogenic Freezing Process   Favoriting lemondemon.com / old skool mp3.com  SUPER obscure Neil Cicceriga project  0:19:05 (Pop-up)
History Teachers  Iceman   Favoriting historyteachers YouTube channel    0:23:00 (Pop-up)
Roll On Red  Jagged Heart, Jagged Soul   Favoriting Zeros and Ones, My Love    0:25:32 (Pop-up)
The Plaid Jackets  Adam West is Batman   Favoriting The New Adventures of The Plaid Jackets    0:28:50 (Pop-up)
Gren  Metro   Favoriting Gren's YouTube channel  recorded in 2019 from the sound of it? Or at least WELL AFTER they originally broke up (at least going by their Facebook post)  0:32:16 (Pop-up)
Radioactive Chicken Heads  I Looked Into the Mirror   Favoriting Music For Mutants    0:35:15 (Pop-up)
DeRiften  Docking Bay 94   Favoriting DeRiften's YouTube channel  Aurelio Voltaire cover  0:38:12 (Pop-up)
iamcam5301  The Lampshade Song   Favoriting iamcam5301's YouTube channel    0:43:12 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

main titles  

Dick Tracy (NES) 


0:46:19 (Pop-up)
The Boingo Connection  Four Am   Favoriting Smooth Jazz Cocktail Hour vol. 3    1:00:14 (Pop-up)
Poolside  Kiss You Forever   Favoriting Pacific Standard Time    1:04:35 (Pop-up)
Laid Back  Fly Away / Walking In The Sunshine   Favoriting Keep Smiling [Remastered]    1:09:57 (Pop-up)
Koto  Jabdah   Favoriting Masterpieces    1:18:31 (Pop-up)
Jessica  Like A Burning Star (12" Version)   Favoriting Disco Fox 80 Volume 5    1:25:45 (Pop-up)
Gianni Durante  My Heart Is On Fire (Extended Edit)   Favoriting Queen Of The Night    1:31:05 (Pop-up)
Laser Dance  Humanoid Invasion (Original 12" version)   Favoriting Future Generation - The Digital Edition    1:37:12 (Pop-up)
Miro Miroe  Ready Steady (Extedned version)   Favoriting Ready Steady (Extended Version)    1:44:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
George Alistair Sanger, David Hayes 

Main titles   Favoriting

Dick Tracy (NES) 


1:50:47 (Pop-up)
Tangerine Dream  Vanishing Blue   Favoriting Ride On The Ray - The Blue Years Anthology : 1980-1987    2:02:10 (Pop-up)
Andre Texias  Shambler   Favoriting Agony    2:11:20 (Pop-up)
Highway Superstar  Visiondome   Favoriting Visiondome    2:17:39 (Pop-up)
George Ergemlidze  Saturnian   Favoriting Simplicity - EP    2:21:39 (Pop-up)
Kalax  Shibuya Lights   Favoriting III    2:25:47 (Pop-up)
Centric81  Avaans   Favoriting Colours    2:31:33 (Pop-up)
CONNÖR  LIVING IN A MOVIE (feat. MICHELLE B)   Favoriting Part III: Living In A Movie    2:36:36 (Pop-up)
The Midnight  America Online   Favoriting America Online    2:41:21 (Pop-up)
NINA  Automatic Call   Favoriting Automatic Call (Single EP)    2:47:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
George Alistair Sanger, David Hayes 

Main titles   Favoriting

Dick Tracy (NES) 


2:52:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02am

Oh yeah, what was that show on FMU 20+ years ago where they played stuff like this, tapes with no labels found at thrift shops, etc? Oh, hi Nick!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02am

Kid's going to town on that drum machine.
  Swag For Life Member 3:03am

Incorrect Music?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03am

Yeah, I think that was it, thanks @opurt!
  Swag For Life Member 3:05am

Why does every show change on WFMU feel like the good old CBC days of "regular programming" to Brave New Waves or Nightlines?

Hey Nick
This is NTB painfull
Sounds like a karaoke group that takes itself seriously
I’ve heard their conversations late nights in random diners
You just want to tell them they suck but you kinda rather want to see them strung out on the streets in a year instead
Avatar 3:07am
Nick the Bard:

Tongiht's show was supposed to be WAY WAY WAY something else, but, for whatever reason I couldn't focus on it at all, so, we're getting what we're getting tonight, maybe next week we'll get the other thing (probably another cold coming on, ugh)
Avatar 3:09am

@ mariano -- yes! Incorrect Music! previously known as Atrocious Music :)
was also thinking that this could easily be a selection from Music of Mind Control

I won’t ask then if it was an outerscope
Related Vegetable soup theme
I’ll keep that one for a later conversation question
And I didn’t mention the Earths a big blue marble when you see it from out there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12am

I just remember this one tear-inducingly hilarious recording of what sounded like some 13-year-old boy whose voice is changing singing along to Rod Stewart's "Tonight I'm Yours" while plinking along on one string of a guitar.
Avatar 3:13am
Nick the Bard:

anyting with Outerscope is probably going to be happening two shows from now (assuming I can get next week's to happen as I want it to), I need to sit down and actually rewatch the stuff first, and, my wrain no berk correctightly

Richie Kotzen really is good. I’ve heard Eddie Trunk speak on him
Many times. Thanks for playing that.

Oh good luck watching that
Last time I researched the show the posts were videotaping a tv playing the show
If I remember I’ll do more looking into it. Any quality I find I’ll send to your inbox
Avatar 3:20am
Nick the Bard:

It's super easy to find (both outerscope and vegetable soup), it's more just a matter of trying to figure out the timing on stuff really (and going at a break neck pace to get this show ready here isn't really conductive to that sort of thing)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22am

I feel like I should be starring in a Shaft-like movie.
Avatar 3:25am

@ mariano -- i found this!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27am

Holy shit, @slugluv, that is IT! Thanks!
Avatar 3:29am
Nick the Bard:

Wizz-o had an entry here - wfmu.org...
Avatar 3:32am

@ mariano -- i could not remember this at all, so i searched! :)

Gren makes me want to hear sour grapes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36am

The collective mind of the Accuplaylist never ceases to amaze me. Somebody always knows what I'm talking about!
Avatar 3:42am
Nick the Bard:

and the dj's need the help from it too at times
Avatar 3:56am

I felt like an outsider not signing in
Avatar 4:02am
Nick the Bard:

Yeh we don't need three of Boingo Connection on the playlist
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19am

Damn. And I'd just made myself a smooth jazz cocktail...
Avatar 4:23am
Nick the Bard:

You could just combine it into one big glass
listener monica:

good morning slugluv if you are still up!
Avatar 4:29am
dan in wisconsin:

All right. The Koto brought me out of the woodwork. Italo is like mixing a fine wine with sharp cheddar. Great stuff.
Avatar 4:34am
dan in wisconsin:

It's possible that Dragon's Legend was also the first song to contain a video game sample, but the more I think it was probably a Hip Hop track. Maybe it was an early Adrian Sherwood produced song. He did a lot of early Ministry production.
Avatar 4:38am

hiya, monica!
good morning to you too -- alhough i am actually going to (finally, hopefully) get some rest
listener monica:

although i have been tuned in to 91.1 since at least 1971, there was a period when hardcore punk was all the rage among WFMU disc jockies. I was forced to seek other music on the FM dial. Enter Matt-Pinfield era WRSU, which coincided with a brief move for me to New Brunswick. I became a regular at the Melody, a dance bar. The soundtrack somewhat resembled this.
Avatar 4:49am

yes! if i remember correctly, you moved to New Brunswick, just shortly after i had moved out (& didn't you live in teh same building?)
i remember The Melody too, although was there only a few times
listener monica:

we did live in the same building!
listener monica:

ivan kral opened up a video store downstairs...
Avatar 4:59am

right! i remember you telling me that!
years later, i met him again while working at Tower Books -- he came up to the register, i am thinking, "gee, this person looks awful familiar!" -- then i see his name on his credit card and i am like DUH! how could i *not* recognize you!
wondering if that building in New Brunswick is fancy condos now? when i moved there in 1980, my roommates and i were told that it had been an empty abandoned old department store

FYI headed out of JFK I hate day traffic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54am

Where you off to, @ignatatus666?

Dropped a client
Headed back to Peekskill
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59am

Ah, I see.
Avatar 6:06am
Pete from Melbourne:

Hey guys did the format change today or am I on acid that I don’t remember taking? Very green...
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