Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from October 15, 2019 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting October 15, 2019: No singles, no steadiness!

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Many Blessings  Devastator / Mighty Trust Krusher   Favoriting GODFLESH Streetcleaner: The CVLT Nation Sessions  Cvlt Nation  2019  https://cvltnation.bandcamp.com/album/godflesh-streetcleaner-the-cvlt-nation-sessions  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
33EMYBW  Drum3   Favoriting Anthropods  SVBKVLT  2019  https://svbkvlt.bandcamp.com/album/arthropods  *   0:09:35 (Pop-up)
Filmmaker  Dreamland Ops   Favoriting Unregulated  Opal Tapes  2019  https://opaltapes.com/album/unregulated    0:17:12 (Pop-up)
Autumns  Notice Me   Favoriting Pissing Away My Youth  Opal Tapes  2019  https://autumnsire.bandcamp.com/album/pissing-away-my-youth  *   0:20:46 (Pop-up)
MC Yallah X Debmaster  Teba Kuda Mabega   Favoriting Kubali  Hakuna Kulala  2019  https://hakunakulala.bandcamp.com/album/kubali  *   0:28:12 (Pop-up)
MC Yallah X Debmaster  Kubali   Favoriting Kubali  Hakuna Kuala  2019  https://hakunakulala.bandcamp.com/album/kubali  *   0:31:06 (Pop-up)
Sciama  Gleams of Past Existence   Favoriting Broken Circle  Auxiliary  2019  https://sciama.bandcamp.com/album/broken-circle    0:33:28 (Pop-up)
Jesuve  Bassesse   Favoriting Centrifugal Determinism  Total Black  2019  https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/centrifugal-determinism  *   0:38:45 (Pop-up)
Teitanblood  Accursed Skin   Favoriting Accursed Skin  Norma Evangelium Diaboli / The Ajna Offensive  2016  https://teitanblood.bandcamp.com/album/accursed-skin    0:58:08 (Pop-up)
Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean  Genesis of the Daffodil   Favoriting Tell Me What You See Vanishing and I will Tell You Who You Are  Not on Label ??  2019  https://chainedtothebottomoftheocean.bandcamp.com/album/tell-me-what-you-see-vanishing-and-i-will-tell-you-who-you-are  *   1:11:05 (Pop-up)
Baxaxaxa  Sepulchral Winds Return   Favoriting The Old Evil Demo 2019  Not on Label?    https://baxaxaxa.bandcamp.com/album/the-old-evil-demo-2019    1:18:30 (Pop-up)
Blood Chalice  Confession   Favoriting Sepulchral Chants of Self Destruction  Helter Skelter  2018  https://helterskelterproductions.bandcamp.com/album/sepulchral-chants-of-self-destruction-2    1:31:42 (Pop-up)
Pseudogod  Awakening Of Archdaemon   Favoriting The Pharynxes of Hell  Not on Label  2014  https://pseudogod.bandcamp.com/album/the-pharynxes-of-hell    1:33:46 (Pop-up)
Sadistik Exekution  Voltage by Sadism   Favoriting 30 Years of Agonizing the Dead  Nuclear War Now! Productions  2019  https://nuclearwarnowproductions.bandcamp.com/album/30-years-of-agonizing-the-dead (Reissue)  *   1:39:38 (Pop-up)
Chaos Cascade  Infinite Damnation   Favoriting Son of the Void (Chapter I & II)  Dunkelheit Produktionen  2019  https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/son-of-the-void-chapter-i-ii  *   1:43:56 (Pop-up)
Statiqbloom  Streetcleaner   Favoriting GODFLESH Streetcleaner: The CVLT Nation Sessions  Cvlt Nation  2019  https://cvltnation.bandcamp.com/album/godflesh-streetcleaner-the-cvlt-nation-sessions  *   1:57:44 (Pop-up)
Pankow  Glassy Memories   Favoriting Times  Artoffact  2019  https://pankow.bandcamp.com/album/times Recorded in the 80s  *   2:03:54 (Pop-up)
Radius  Interpolation [restoration ten]   Favoriting Interpolation Tapes + Obsolete Machines [Series Collection] Discography  Echospace  2019  https://echospacedetroit.bandcamp.com/album/interpolation-tapes-obsolete-machines-series-collection-discography    2:08:16 (Pop-up)
ASC  Nautical Depths   Favoriting The Waves  Silent Season  2019  https://shop.silentseason.com/album/the-waves    2:15:47 (Pop-up)
Gooooose  Plasma Sunrise   Favoriting Rusted Silicon  SVBKVLT  2019  https://svbkvlt.bandcamp.com/album/rusted-silicon    2:22:59 (Pop-up)
Slikback  Sonshitsu   Favoriting Tomo  Hakuna Kuala  2019  https://hakunakulala.bandcamp.com/album/tomo    2:27:43 (Pop-up)
Otim Alpha  Tongwen   Favoriting Tongwen (feat. Leo PaLayeng)  Kakuna Kulala  2019  https://hakunakulala.bandcamp.com/album/tong-gweno    2:30:41 (Pop-up)
Vitriol  Swarming Segments, Spirit Splinters of Stellar Dust   Favoriting Chrysalis  Iron Bonehead Productions ‎  2019  https://vitrioldeath.bandcamp.com/album/chrysalis    2:40:19 (Pop-up)
Brahmastrika  Mahakapalik Ashtakam   Favoriting Excarnastrial Commencenation  Dunkelheit Produktionen  2019  https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/excarnastrial-commencination  *   2:48:37 (Pop-up)
Grunt  Quacksalver Of Dying Breed   Favoriting Castrate the Illusionist  Freak Animal Records  2018  https://grunt-finland.bandcamp.com/album/castrate-the-illusionist    2:53:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:05am
Marcel M:

Yo! All! Please donate to WFMU and pledge to my show if you dig!!!
Avatar 12:06am
Marcel M:

Swag 4 Lyfe, monthly payments, starts at 10/month, 120 a year! Its the best way to help the station and you get two awesome new shirts for this marathon.
Avatar 12:06am
Marcel M:

Anyway, I'm going to shut up now! But do pledge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey, Marcel. Where's everyone tonight?
Avatar 12:20am
Marcel M:

Hey Ken! Dancing, I assume..
old ERIC thee hat:

Although I’m already swagging for life, I’d love to throw in a fifty, especially for that volcano shirt... but I’m broke till November.
old ERIC thee hat:

I wish there were a way to volunteer from home. Besides spreading the word and value of supporting FMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24am

My daughter swiped my What Was Music shirt.

Wow, that's fire.
Avatar 12:25am
Marcel M:

Yo Eric!

Who wears it better, Aitch?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28am
Chop Scott:

Wolfgang was wearing your shirt again. Cheers Brother!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28am

She's 17, so probably better on her. Likely only kid in Sydney that has one.
Avatar 12:35am
Marcel M:

She will start a massive trend, I'm sure!
Avatar 12:36am

I was wearing my What Was Music t-shirt on Friday, to my pain doctor’s appointment. Comforting.

Evening! By coincidence my kid and I were wearing matching WFMU shirts this weekend. I didn't realize until the dude at the burger joint was looking at us kind of funny. That What Was Music T is a great one. Both of 'em, but I've only got the latest version.

And when I say matching, I mean we were both wearing that yellow turtle shirt.
Avatar 12:40am
Marcel M:

I'm sure you guys looked adorable, RW

@Scraps: one of the many functions of the WWM shirt club.

Haha! Yeah, thanks.
old ERIC thee hat:

I feel like I’m always wearing my What Was Music shirt on Monday nights. Fools paradise is my Sunday shirt.

be careful with that coffee, dude

Kneeling In Piss is a current Columbus Ohio band..
Unrelated but I’ve been listening to them lately..

PS That MC Yallah X Debmaster stuff is wild amazing
Avatar 1:01am
Marcel M:

Thanks for the pledge, Denman!! And isn't it though? So good!

Totally. Stoked on the info. Haha sorry it isn't more. I listen too often not to, but also I'm dead broke right now haha.
Avatar 1:13am
Marcel M:

It all counts my man!!!

the EAS works!

*Dean Scream*
Avatar 1:28am
Marcel M:

did it... go over the air??? I have no idea if that worked
Avatar 1:28am
Marcel M:

Oh okay good haha
old ERIC thee hat:

Wonder if the EAS dude is a swag for lifer...

I'm streaming through TuneIn and it went out through that.
Avatar 1:30am
Marcel M:

Cool, thanks!

wfmu should have an IRC channel


Old eric, I tried an IRC channel on my show at kdvs and lea was this comment ability is basically the same

Learned *

Much better actually
Avatar 2:16am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

IRC channel? It's a 90s party up in here! I used IRC on my Atari ST, after all.
Avatar 2:18am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

I suppose a Discord would be more modern, but I think this is charmingly in-line with WFMU's vibe and values.

Ight I took a quarter off but when I'm back I'll drop the I
IRC link here. With a fully functioning chat function I figured
Wfmu was superior
Avatar 2:19am
Marcel M:

Would love to get a few pledges in before the show ends! Every amount counts! <3
Avatar 2:25am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

@Opal: I suppose the chat could be something more than HTML -- but as I said, it works as it is, at least for me.
Avatar 2:26am
Marcel M:

You will drop no such links in my playlist, begone, foul spirit!

These pieces are reminding me of Kellen303

What’s up Marcel!!!
Avatar 2:38am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

Loved the Radius, by the way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41am
coelacanth@ tomato talk∅:

greetings Marcel & ...what?...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42am

damn motherfucker i'm experiencing technical difficulties

Problem with this chat is the need to preview comments, and let's be frank, IRC is cooler and more dynamic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45am

FUCKKKKK! it wont play for more than about 35 seconds at a time!

Avatar 2:47am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

@groki: Eh. Probably a matter of opinion. Preview likely has to do with the prevention of shitposting, which I think it does admirably. In terms of IRC being cooler and more dynamic, I think that you'd really do better with Discord; IRC is still very Web 0.5.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47am

oh i missed some comment board drama?
Avatar 2:48am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

@ignatatus666: Internet Relay Chat. It's a type chatroom program that still gets a lot of users but is very, very old. I think the protocols date from the late 1980s. If you've ever used Slack or Discord it's very similar to a rudimentary version of those.

@Chris. Yeah, maybe you're right. But...

Avatar 2:53am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

@groki: All valid points! Although, given the authorship of Richard Stallman, I still kind of expect to see articles called "Reasons not to use razors" or "Reasons soap is bad for you" on the website. XD
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54am

anybody else having this issue with the stream?
Avatar 2:54am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

"Reasons not to finish coding operating systems." "Reasons I refuse to browse the net using anything but Lynx." ... the list goes on.

@Chris LOL
Avatar 2:55am
Marcel M:

try the mp3, coelacanth
Avatar 2:56am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

@coelacanth∅: No, but I'm doing it through Alexa/TuneIn. (Richard Stallman would no doubt have something to say about that.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56am

Fucking shit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57am

Chris i don't know what that means
Marcel i don't ever try anything else.

I was booted from discord
Avatar 2:59am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

@coelacanth∅: Search "TuneIn" on Google. That might work better for you.

@coelacanth∅: you could try stream it through VLC or another player. Just use the link http://wfmu.org/wfmu.pls as a source.
Avatar 3:00am
Chris in Kuala Lumpur:

See everyone on the next show...
Avatar 3:01am
Marcel M:

Goodnight all!! See you in two weeks!!
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