RIP Rob Hunter.Thanks for all the psychedelics acknowledgements. I also thank Bill Kreutzman for his book which shares the fact that he still takes mushrooms before playing. Maybe I'll smoke some DMT today to honor all.....
Dave from Bklyn - saw Hot Tuna in Central Park(1974 0r '75??).. We were smoking DMT (I was 14-15). Jorma was asking for some.. Please do not tell anyone I went to see Hot Tuna - nor about the Grateful Dead at Red Rocks 1977??? Carried out the weed from NYC on an airplane.. The Hells Angeles knew how to use children...
Rachel Bo Bachel:
I love this Jewish plan! Is Nachum gonna make a surprise appearance?
Normally I am not into these Ken Burns things, but the first episode of Country Music, "The Rub", should be commended for talking a lot about how much influence African-Americans had on country (despite Kris Kristofferson embarrassing himself by calling it "white soul music" or something like that, a common misconception). They sprinkle in a lot of good Charley Pride interview bits too. And on another note, they also mention the infamous con artist who started a radio station just to push his goat gonad male-enhancement surgery scams which is apropos of not much, but very amusing to me.
Pretty confident that a few years ago there was a “Jew or Not Jew” call in for “Seven Second Delay.” Listeners had to call in and identify themselves as a Jew or not. They kept a tally. Team Jew won! GO JEWS!!!
Hi Ken, hi everyone. 7SD T-Shirt feedback -- I wore mine and area beer depot clerk commented that he liked the shirt. And my daughter has commented the guys on the shirt look like "cool dudes."
So I've been on a political news moratorium for the past 2 months. I can't stomach it all anymore. With that said, are impeachment talks moving forward? Is there any teeth to this or is it just more hand wringing?
@ tim - the impeachment talk has turned very real. Pelosi has declared a formal inquiry. To show that this is real Trump tried to "work this whistleblower thing out" with Pelosi. of course, no deal.
Anybody who hates that dumb Don Felder song that Matt Warwick plays every week, please paint Don Felder being eaten by a giant squid, or being eaten by a flying shark, or being eaten by a flying giant armored chihuahua, or being eaten by a giant squid that's being eaten by a flying giant armored chihuahua.
Uh, rule by these corpo-technocrats would now in fact be preferable to what we've got and are getting. They, at least, have some level of competence and connexion to reality.
…and I think the Colour Revolutions of which I've heard, the Arab Spring, and a fair number of N.G.O.s were good ideas.