Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from September 3, 2019 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting September 3, 2019: Don't Dirt My Shirt

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Imperial Cult  Spasm of Light   Favoriting Spasm of Light  Sentient Ruin Laboratories  2019  https://sentientruin.bandcamp.com/album/spasm-of-light  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Daniel Klang  Hard Pass   Favoriting True Neutral  Muzan Editions  2019  https://muzaneditions.bandcamp.com/album/true-neutral  *   0:30:26 (Pop-up)
Abby Echiverri  Ionosfeer   Favoriting Ab Initio  The Bunker  2018  https://thebunkerny.bandcamp.com/album/ab-initio-ep-the-bunker-new-york-032    0:38:51 (Pop-up)
Hiro Kone  Pure Expenditure (feat. Group A)   Favoriting Pure Expenditure  Dais  2018  https://hirokone.bandcamp.com/    0:44:14 (Pop-up)
Neil Campbell & Shit Creek  Cloud Market   Favoriting Arclight Trance / Cloud Market  Not on Label  2019  https://neilcshitc.bandcamp.com/album/arclight-trance-cloud-market  *   0:58:14 (Pop-up)
Pharmakon  Pristine Panic / Teeth by Jowl   Favoriting Devour  Sacred Bones  2019  https://pharmakon.bandcamp.com/album/devour  *   1:10:58 (Pop-up)
Avola + Foster  I   Favoriting Pure Salt  Not on Label  2019  https://avola.bandcamp.com/album/pure-salt  *   1:20:49 (Pop-up)
MSYLMA  Dhil un Taht Shajaret Al Zaqqum   Favoriting Dhil un Taht Shajaret Al Zaqqum  Halcyon Veil  2019  https://www.discogs.com/MSYLMA-Dhil-un-Taht-Shajarat-Al-Zaqum/master/1566350    1:25:16 (Pop-up)
Moor Mother  After Images   Favoriting Analog Fluids of Sonic Black Holes  Don Giovanni  2019  https://moormother.bandcamp.com/album/analog-fluids-of-sonic-black-holes  *   1:29:12 (Pop-up)
Samuel Kerridge & Taylor Burch  Transmission 7   Favoriting The Other  Downwards Records  2019  https://samuelkerridge-taylorburch.bandcamp.com/album/the-other    1:32:04 (Pop-up)
Arkady  The Skoptsy   Favoriting Tripped: 6 Years of Blankstairs Vol. I (V/A)  Blankstairs  2019  https://blankstairs.bandcamp.com/album/tripped-6-years-of-blankstairs-vol-i    1:37:43 (Pop-up)
Consumer  In Computers - Part 1   Favoriting In Computers  The Flenser  2019/2018  https://consumer89.bandcamp.com/album/in-computers  *   1:43:55 (Pop-up)
Child Abuse  Siam Road   Favoriting Imaginary Enemy  Skin Graft  2019  https://skingraftrecords.bandcamp.com/album/imaginary-enemy (Out Oct. 18)  *   1:58:27 (Pop-up)
Psychic Graveyard  Graveyard Bath   Favoriting The Next World EP  Skin Graft  2019  https://skingraftrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-next-world-ep  *   2:01:27 (Pop-up)
Meth.  Child of God   Favoriting Mother of Red Light  Prosthetic Records  2019  https://methil.bandcamp.com/album/mother-of-red-light  *   2:04:50 (Pop-up)
Hands To  Whag   Favoriting Scrine  Notice Records  2019/1988  https://noticerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/scrine-1988  *   2:09:03 (Pop-up)
Black Earth  Doctrines of Disassociation   Favoriting Gnarled Ritual of Self Annihilation  Sentient Ruin Laboratories  2019  https://sentientruin.bandcamp.com/album/gnarled-ritual-of-self-annihilation  *   2:13:52 (Pop-up)
Heejin Jang  Grey Empty Hope #657078   Favoriting #Stigmata  Muzan Editions  2019  https://muzaneditions.bandcamp.com/album/stigmata    2:19:56 (Pop-up)
Siavash Amini  A Recollection of the Disappeared   Favoriting Serus  Room40  2019  https://room40.bandcamp.com/album/serus  *   2:27:25 (Pop-up)
LVX  Apparition   Favoriting Loss Function  Not on Label  2019  https://lxvlxv.bandcamp.com/album/loss-function  *   2:36:17 (Pop-up)
Peter Kris  Compelling Invitation   Favoriting Mandan Moroni  Ota  2019  https://ostresamigos.bandcamp.com/album/mandan-moroni  *   2:40:44 (Pop-up)
The Slowest Lift  My Body Forms a Path   Favoriting Plutonic Shine  Not on Label  2019  https://theslowestlift.bandcamp.com/album/plutonic-shine  *   2:47:34 (Pop-up)
Mortuus Auris and the Black Hand  Fulgurites   Favoriting All that we Have is Just an Echo of What Was  Ota  2019  https://ostresamigos.bandcamp.com/album/all-that-we-have-is-just-an-echo-of-what-was    2:53:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03am

hey Marcel
i'll be listening for a while probably not commenting
Thanks for the show
Avatar 12:05am
Marcel M:

Hello all!

You are very welcome, Mr. Coelacanth

Ha! Nice transition.

Hello MM and Mr. C!
Avatar 12:06am
Marcel M:

Yo RW!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06am

Spasming lightly myself after this one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08am

Spasm of Dark must be really nasty

Once I finish this coffee I'm going straight to beer. Living at the extremes.
Avatar 12:18am
Marcel M:

Hey, Aitch!

@RW: sounds perfect to me.
Avatar 12:22am
Marcel M:

I'm mixing coffee with the green stuff. I'd love to have a few beers while on the air but I'd fall asleep driving home at 3am I'm sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25am
Chop Scott:

I'm listening Brother--Cheers!

Coffee and green stuff sounds good. Alert yet zoned. No falling asleep at the wheel! We need you back next week.
Avatar 12:31am
Marcel M:

Mr. Chop!!!
Avatar 12:34am

that rocked

I don't do much green but occasionally it's nice. I tried for a week once and couldn't figure out what to do with myself so I just cleaned the kitchen and worked like I always do. Then a client complained about shoddy work. At first I thought he was just being a dick but then I looked at the work and thought, "This does seem a little rough around the edges. Was I stoned when I did these?" Then I remembered.. Oh, yeah. I WAS!
Avatar 12:39am

clients need green n coffee too sometimes
Avatar 12:40am
Marcel M:

lol. I'm a study high, take the test high, get high scores kind of guy.

Yo Tak!

tak, most definitely. Maybe I should put together some gift baskets.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48am

Might punch a few hiro-cones myself now that you mention it.

When I was in college my friends and I wanted to do some acid but my radio shift was kind of late so we took it while I was on the air and met up later. For the last half hour I played the last side of Einstein on the Beach so I could put records away. The next DJ came in and started teasing me doing weird hand gestures which I didn't let him know but were totally working! And the record shelves were all expanding and contracting along with the music. Then I got in the car and it was freezing rain and I couldn't tell if my car was sliding around or if it was just me. The DJ came on air and told everyone to watch out for a bright yellow Toyota. I thought, "Cool. Duane's got my back."
Avatar 12:55am
Marcel M:

@RW: Hahaha. That sounds like a fun night.

So the fire alarm went off and the fire dept came. I threw on the longest track I had and dealt with it. They just left
Avatar 12:57am
Marcel M:

My shit is fire I guess

Ha! Where there's smoke...

The fire dept. didn't want to hang out and listen to records?
Avatar 1:05am
Marcel M:

they did inquire what the frequency was and wrote it down so I'd like to think they are driving back listening thinking, "what the fuck is wrong with that guy?"

Would it be fair to assume that Bryce would be the most prepared DJ if a long track was necessary due to a fire alarm?

Haha! They're going back to the station to make some chili while listening to your show.
Avatar 1:12am
Marcel M:

@BH: I think so, yes.

@RW: hah, I hope so.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Seems like there are fire alarm stories on a weekly basis. Did they seem upset about false alarms or someone putting buttered bread into the toaster all the time?

Fuck. I have too many stories... Years ago I was teaching at this weird college. The kind that advertises on TV: "Hey! Got nothing going on with your life? How about an exciting career in Fashion or Graphic Design?" One of the fashion students had a seizure because she hadn't taken her meds. There was mild panic and chaos for a few minutes but she was okay. Then a few minutes later the paramedics showed up and I thought, "What a bummer. They drove out here and there's nothing for them to do." But then I looked and they all had these huge grins on their faces. I wondered what they were so happy about and then realized they just got to visit a room filled with fashion design girls!
Fashion Tashjian:

Good morning from Hayastan Marcel and wackos.
Fashion Tashjian:

I have a confession to make. I usually listen to archives of this show when WnB is on FMU.

FT, it's okay. Just don't tell Clay. How does FMU play on that side of the globe? You get all the late night shows during the daytime, right? I'm on the west coast and usually sleeping during WnB. I often think FMU plays better from here and wonder if it's even better on the other side of the world.
Avatar 1:57am

Since my stroke, I don’t mostly use green stuff anymore because I have expressive aphasia (my writing is better than my speaking), and the aphasia is notably worse when stoned.
Avatar 2:00am

sounding like 2007 dhg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01am

+14 hrs here in Sydney. Weirdo WFMU night-noise = office daytime listening.
Avatar 2:02am

And acid, well, I’m depressed most of the time (stroke, effects of). In my experience, acid doesn’t go well with depression. Thirty years ago, we did an acid radio show; it was fun (weird).
Fashion Tashjian:

Marcel, we're in the future, man. This time of year we're 8 hours ahead of NYC and 11 hours ahead of LA.

Aitch, sounds nice. Maybe I should move to Australia.

Fashion T. Please let us know if you see trouble on the horizon.

being in the Central time zone and having a slight night owl sleep schedule only really means that shows ending at 3am Eastern end at 2am Central and that i'm never awake for anything before 11am Eastern.
Avatar 2:11am

seagulls eat baby kittens

Ha! Seagulls.

Okay, time for me. Thank you again MM for staying up into the wee hours for us! Good night all! Or afternoon or morning or future twilight or whatever it is wherever you are!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22am

Hello Marcel and all
Avatar 2:22am

Oh man. I just bit off a jagged sharp piece of my left top incisor. Doesn’t hurt — yet — but suddenly my visit to the dentist is moved up considerably. Fuck, he added.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30am

I enjoyed the Heejin Jang track
@Scraps: ouch!
Avatar 2:38am

Avatar 2:38am
Marcel M:

Oh no, Scraps. That sucks. Sorry to hear.

Hey Fred, Tak, BH, Tashjian, Ken and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44am

This bloke not Kiss' drummer I suspect
Red Tower:

Your show always compliments my literature...I'm reading Ligotti and your flowing uneasiness is the perfect soundtrack this morning.....
Avatar 2:50am

i missed listening to this show during holidays, one of the great perks of the night shift. thanks
Avatar 2:53am

Thomas Ligotti? Awesome. I only have Songs of a Dead Dreamer, but when you have a specific thirst, he’s the guy who slaked it.
Avatar 2:54am
Marcel M:

Happy to provide a soundtrack, Red Tower.
Avatar 2:54am
Marcel M:

I've never heard of him. Just looked it up and I'm intrigued.
Avatar 3:00am
Marcel M:

Bye all!
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