Favoriting Frame Duggy Louder with Jan Turkenburg: Playlist from August 30, 2019 Favoriting

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Eclectic radio with a heavy Dutch accent.

Monday 1 - 4pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 30, 2019: FDL234 - Waterland Sounds

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Images Approx. start time
Wim de Bie  Proloog   Favoriting De Fluiten van Ver Weg, De Wereldmuziek der Cananefaten  1996   
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Vinkenoog / Spinviscombo  Ja!   Favoriting Ja!  2006   
0:06:14 (Pop-up)
Komrij en Gauthier  Twee Koningskinderen   Favoriting dansen op spijkers  2009   
0:12:49 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ad Veen en Pieter de Boer 

Lion Du Ball (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting

Crazy Sounds in Music 




0:16:00 (Pop-up)
Ramses Shaffy & Liesbeth List  Pastorale (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting   1968  written by Boudewijn de Groot (music) and Lennaert Nijgh (lyrics) About a girl who falls in love with the sun. He doesn't approve. 
0:18:29 (Pop-up)
Spinvis  Ik Wil Alleen Maar Zwemmen   Favoriting Dagen Van Gras, Dagen Van Stro    "I'm not interested in what you want to tell me, how you are, how that deal went, I don't care what your opinion is, I just want to (go) swim(ming)" 
0:22:26 (Pop-up)
Aafke Romeijn  Afstandsbediening   Favoriting Je Doet je Best Maar  2016  "remote control" 
0:26:43 (Pop-up)
Duo Cuydt Busch  Lacher (Lach-plaat)   Favoriting   1920      0:30:08 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  A) prelude   Favoriting Atlantis  1973   
0:32:54 (Pop-up)
Clemens Krijger  Hekate   Favoriting Dream Ghaser  2016 
0:33:44 (Pop-up)
Rita Zapora  Waterland   Favoriting Als ik kijk     
0:37:43 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  B) Prologue (Don't know)   Favoriting Atlantis  1973      0:41:36 (Pop-up)
Fay Lovsky  Niemand   Favoriting eigen weg  2000   
0:44:52 (Pop-up)
Leo Aalders  Twee afgetrapte schoenen   Favoriting Mooi Onbereikbaar  1996   
0:46:20 (Pop-up)
Nits  Toe in the water   Favoriting Doing The dishes  2008   
0:49:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

field recording   Favoriting





0:51:39 (Pop-up)
Freek de Jonge  Dan lach ik mij dood (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Piet Paaltjens recordings  2017   
0:53:50 (Pop-up)
Skarl  Stumper   Favoriting Serenade  2006   
0:57:21 (Pop-up)
Olaf Zwetsloot & Def. P.  De laatste Stop   Favoriting Eindhalte Fantoomstad  1996   
1:01:25 (Pop-up)
Meindert Talma  Rika   Favoriting Piet Paaltjens recordings  2017   
1:05:29 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  C) The rise and fall (under cloudy sky)   Favoriting Atlantis  1973      1:09:35 (Pop-up)
Boudewijn de Groot  Achter De Hemelpoort   Favoriting Lage Landen  2007  "God?" replied Peter "That name I have never heard before, but don't think you're not welcome here, behind Heaven's Door"    1:12:28 (Pop-up)
Hans Dorrestijn  Een beetje Bach   Favoriting Liederen van wanhoop en ongeloof II  1990  recorded 1 maart 1990, Theater Hedon Zwolle 
1:18:20 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

field recording (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting





1:19:00 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  D) Theme of Atlantis   Favoriting Atlantis  1973      1:21:14 (Pop-up)
Ton Lebbink  Voetbalknieën   Favoriting Luchtkastelen    mid 80s 
1:24:15 (Pop-up)
or Galis, Wim T Schippers  Soep Van De Dag   Favoriting Wim T. Schippers'Radiopraktijken, Vroege vlagen (1973-1984)  1982  Wim Schippers does a lot of the Dutch Sesame Street voices, among which Ernie 
1:28:40 (Pop-up)
Jules Deelder  Leert uw vogels kennen   Favoriting         1:31:52 (Pop-up)
Kruisbrink en van Essen  Leert uw vogels kennen   Favoriting Dichter bij muziek     
1:32:34 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  Interlude & Fanfare   Favoriting Atlantis  1973      1:38:07 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ad Veen en Pieter de Boer 

Rendez-Vous (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting

Crazy Sounds in Music 




1:46:30 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  E) The Thread (Suddenly)   Favoriting Atlantis  1973   
1:48:28 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  F) Destruction (Rumbling from inside the earth)   Favoriting Atlantis  1973      1:50:09 (Pop-up)
Earth and Fire  G) Epilogue (Don't know)   Favoriting Atlantis  1973      1:53:08 (Pop-up)
Boudewijn de Groot  De Vondeling Van Ameland   Favoriting Eiland in de verte  2004   
1:53:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Earth and Fire 

Interlude (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting





1:59:00 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
Rich in Washington:


You're live! yay
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Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Rich, Hi MB, hi everybody else! Welcome to the journey to the land of the Cananefates!
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Linda Lee:

my ignorance of the language pains me now. hello!
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Jan Turkenburg:

Ja means yes ;) Hi Linda! Vinkenoog was like the Dutch Ginsberg. I think they were friends even.
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Linda Lee:

ja! ja! ja! ja! ja! ja! ja! i was just about to say, i hear the same kind of refrain here as in Ginsberg's 'Howl' and "Kaddish'.
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Jan Turkenburg:

I'm just curious how a shower of Dutch language words will be percieved. I just can't imagine how it must be like to listen to this and not understanding. Fascinating.

Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee! Nee!
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:12pm
Jan Turkenburg:

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Linda Lee:

i hear music. pure sound. i can hear almost any language this way too, including English. listen for the pure sound.
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Linda Lee:

we don't dig behind notes for meaning. the notes speak as notes. same with words. :-)

I'm one of those folks who never cared about lyrics so I kinda tend to listen to everything as music. But most people I know would focus on the words and be like I don't like this because I don't understand it.
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Linda Lee:

right. that's very limiting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Rich in Washington:

I have this remarkable ability to either not understand lyrics or interpret them totally wrong. I guess that's why I'm drawn to artists who embrace the tone-poem/James Joyce approach to lyrics-as-sounds.
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Linda Lee:

not that the choice of words isn't totally purposeful. you're *supposed* to listen for meaning! :-D

music is essentially a language. It uses a similar part of the brain as language. I'm not sure if that means anything in this situation. That idea is always interesting to me for some reason when listening to foreign lyrics.
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Linda Lee:

still the true international language, music. ~ though there, too, you have people who are turned off to anything unfamiliar, even tonally.

@Rich I just realized yesterday the main phrase to Mr. Misters kyrie is a latin. Took me long enough haha. I was listening to Pages their earlier band and ended up on Kyrie some how Lol
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Linda Lee:

they tend to be dim people.
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Linda Lee:

when was "pastorale" recorded, Jan? love it!
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Pastorale is from 1968
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Linda Lee:

i guessed! :-) thanks!
Avatar 2:32pm
Mr Fab:

Well lyrics are often inconsequential. I think that's why I turnd to so much International and instrumental music. The lyrics may be just as dumb in foreign languages but they won't bother me. They sound kind of cool and exotic.
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Jan Turkenburg:

The strange female voice you hear is from vocal artist Greetje Bijma
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Linda Lee:

i think listening to 'foreign' sounds is healthy. keeps the cobwebs out.
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Linda Lee:

Greetje sounds a bit like Nina Hagen.
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:40pm
Jan Turkenburg:

I think you can easily make that comparison, though Greetje is more into jazz and experimental classical music
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Linda Lee:

i'd like hearing more of her.

this Rita Zapora has a real nice voice
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:42pm
Jan Turkenburg:

You will, I got all the cd's of her I could get from the library. Clemens Krijger is like Alan Parsons Project. He hires the musicians he need, so she only appears on three tracks of this CD
Avatar 2:43pm
Linda Lee:

was that an exploration of the Hecate goddess figure?
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:43pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Yes she has, MB. She is a new talent emerging here.
Dave in Bangkok Thailand:

Earth and Fire. Defines the Dutch offshore radio period of the 1970's. I am transported to the North Sea and Radio Veronica.
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Linda Lee:

i really, really love this track. i think i'm in love with the singer retroactively. :-)
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:45pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Dave, yes definitely!
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Linda Lee:

oh my, listen to Fay! what is "niemand', Jan?
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Jan Turkenburg:

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Linda Lee:

cool! i've learned a Dutch word! thanks! :-)
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Jan Turkenburg:

I am nobody, I have nobody, I need nobody, nobody is my best friend. We're a perfect couple nobody and i
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Linda Lee:

my new theme song. :-D
thank you!
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Linda Lee:

i see my favorie hindu diety is on the 'earth and fire' album cover ~ Ganesha! he helps us cross barriers & move through our difficulties.
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Linda Lee:

how amazing, too, the sound of a New Orleans funeral march matched with Dutch. :-)
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Jan Turkenburg:

There was always a lot of symnolism in the artwork of Earth and Fire. Especially their first concept albums had mostly esoteric themes and always had lot of mellotron sounds involved.
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Linda Lee:

right up my alley. :-D
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Jan Turkenburg:

'Stumper' would roughly be a synonym for 'Loser'
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Jan Turkenburg:

It's not very often used. This is a Frysian group. Maybe in Frysian it's used more, although these lyrics are in standard Dutch.
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Linda Lee:

my other theme song! :-D
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Mr Fab:

This is some really cool cramps /Nick Cave type lowdown stuff. Is this guy like the Dutch Tom Waits?
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
Jan Turkenburg:

They always remind me of Tom Waits. Don't you think so?
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Linda Lee:

that's just the name i came up with, too. that barrel-house piano.
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Linda Lee:

& that coughed-up voice..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

Hello Duggy Frames!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

@Jan: Is Frysian from North Netherlands? I've been the Netherlands once, a long time ago, and we went to islands in the North (my favorite part of the trip)
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Linda Lee:

i would *love* to know what Zwetsloot is talking about. i like the arrangement!
let me guess: he's singing about his frustrating daily life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm

I like the Netherlands
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Jan Turkenburg:

Yes, Fryslan is in the north. Frysian is an official language. The Islands are great indeed. I've visited three of them with my late partner and one we even visted very often. Very dear memories I have on Schiermonnikoog...
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Jan Turkenburg:

@Linda Lee he is comparing life to a voyage by metro
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Linda Lee:

ahaha! good! thanks.
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Linda Lee:

i'm glad you have those great memories, Jan.
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Jan Turkenburg:

It's Def P. who does the rapping btw
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Linda Lee:

aha! thanks. that makes sense. :-D
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Linda Lee:

who was the vocalist with Earth & Fire?
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:12pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Jerney Kaagman
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Linda Lee:

thanks! beautiful voice! i really like them ~ brand new to me.
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Linda Lee:

Hemelpoort = Heaven's door, yes?
i know 'himmel', of course know 'port'.
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:16pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Yes, see the update in the playlist
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Linda Lee:

yes! got it! :-)
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Jan Turkenburg:

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Jan Turkenburg:

I guess, you get the idea of what he's telling if you run that thru google translate
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Linda Lee:

never used google translate. maybe i could try it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23pm

@Linda Lee: Be careful not to trust it much though, Mary Wing got burned this week
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Jan Turkenburg:

Indeed, you have to calculate the fact that some words are completely wrong. I will have a go at it later an correct the worst faults

Fun set today Jan! Just getting tons o work done while I listen.
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Linda Lee:

no, won't trust it too much. google..
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Jan Turkenburg:

t was a seven-day trip and the nights were long
But I usually had good company and I was rarely scared
On the other side of the hills, the grass was not always green
I'd lie if I said I wanted to do it again

It was at nightfall when the sun was on the horizon
That I found my travel destination at the end of the fields
I had read and heard in a thousand books and stories
From the peace in paradise behind the gate of heaven

The gate was small and sober, a simple wooden door
In a wall of rough stone and of an indefinable color
No halo, no heavenly light, no proudly flying flag
Only a sign that said "We are open on the last day."

I knocked hesitantly because this was such a moment when
the big void opens when you hear that you are not welcome
At the end of a tough journey and tired to the bid
But I would get an answer to the question: "Who or what is God?"

The gate opened and a bearded man looked at me kindly
"It's your last day today," he said, "you can go inside
My name is Peter and you have heard of me perhaps? "
"Of course," I said, "but what I wanted to ask, can I see God for a moment?"

Peter was silent for a moment and looked at me puzzled
"Who do you say," he asked with a frown, "I didn't understand you well"
I said it again and Peter reacted a little disturbed
"God," he repeated, "I have never heard that name
There is no one called that wayhere behind the gates of heaven ”

"And Jesus," I cried in despair and with my throat tight
"I know Jesus," said Peter, "but there are quite a lot of them"
"And Allah," I tried, "or Yahweh, does that sound familiar?"
"No, I'm sorry," said Peter, "but don't think you're not welcome now."

I left the gate for what it was and went back into the fields
Paradise without God had no sense at all for me
After many hours of walking by the light of sun and moon
I saw a shabby hut between dahlias and asters

A hermit so it seemed, a weirdo or a shepherd
And the end of my journey because behind the cabin it went no further
Who would live on the border of everything and nothing?
Maybe an outcast, the devil or something?

I approached the hut and looked curiously through the window
A couple sat at a table, drinking tea and eating fruit
They beckoned me in and when I was sitting with them
I discovered heaven in the veins of the tabletop

There I saw the dust of the ages between the crumbs of breakfast
And the clockless clock of eternity ticked on the wall
The couple smiled at me and said in a low voice
"Welcome to our home, pleasant, we are Him"

“You searched for us and you found us if that is the meaning of your existence
Then there is nothing to say and you can go in peace ”
I asked: "why are you so silent about your presence?"
They answered: "Knowing puts an end to infinity"
Dave in Bangkok Thailand:

Great show today Jan. I am tired after today's journey from Cambodia. I will catch up via the archive. Night night everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

It was good enough for me to figure out a Dutch listener would be coming to Paris for a few months. I'm glad he found a human to translate his newsletter since then
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Linda Lee:

great!!! :-) thanks Jan!
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Bye Dave! Thanks for joining!
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Jan Turkenburg:

@Linda 'There is no one so hot here behind the gates of heaven' must be "there's no one called that way here"
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Linda Lee:

right. once in a while a word seems 'off', so it has to be different.
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Linda Lee:

like in the hut: 'a hermit so it seemed, a queer or a shepherd'.
that struck me as funny. a queer being a homosexual..
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Jan Turkenburg:

queer would be weirdo in this case :-)
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Linda Lee:

yes, right. :-D
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Jan Turkenburg:

"zonderling" ehm... 'outcast' 'strange fellow' or something
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Jan Turkenburg:

I love those mellotrons here!
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Linda Lee:

i do too. great.
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Jan Turkenburg:

and they are getting weirder and spookier....
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Linda Lee:

fabulous!! :-)
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Linda Lee:

must leave the house & get some outside work done. thank you Jan! a great show!
Avatar 🦆 Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Thank you for being here, Linda. You're very good company!
Avatar 3:48pm
Linda Lee:

thanks! you too, Jan! :-)
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Mr Fab:

Thanks again Jan. Stick around for Georgy Girl,Here we gooooo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm

Thanks Jan, great show!
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