Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from August 22, 2019 Favoriting

Fabio's avatar View Fabio's profile Favoriting

The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting August 22, 2019

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dean Hurley  Dissension   Favoriting Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy Of Beyond  0:12:18 (Pop-up)
Robert Hampson  Antartica Ends Here   Favoriting Repercussions  0:13:13 (Pop-up)
Daniel W.J. Mackenzie & Richard A Ingram  Two Futures   Favoriting Half Death  0:23:32 (Pop-up)
Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson  Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas   Favoriting Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas  0:26:50 (Pop-up)
Harmonia  Schaumberg   Favoriting Live 1974  0:27:32 (Pop-up)
Johnny Depp & Benicio del Toro  Adrenochrome   Favoriting Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas  0:39:54 (Pop-up)
Jean-Claude Charlier et Son Orchestre  La Recontre Des Haleines Deux Bonnes Raisons D'Etre Beau   Favoriting Sssh....  0:41:12 (Pop-up)
John Gavanti  Higher & Higher   Favoriting John Gavanti  0:48:08 (Pop-up)
John Gavanti  Africa   Favoriting John Gavanti  0:48:26 (Pop-up)
Jerry Hunt  Cantegral Segment No. 19 (excpt)   Favoriting Phalba  0:53:24 (Pop-up)
Wojciech Rusin  Prima Materia   Favoriting The Funnel  1:13:24 (Pop-up)
Jüppala Kääpiö  Ape Regina   Favoriting Animalia Corolla  1:12:41 (Pop-up)
Acrid Lactations & Gwilly Edmondez  Metamorphosis Of So-Called 'Abstract' Labour   Favoriting You Have Not Learned To Play & Mock In The Psychic System  1:22:40 (Pop-up)
Cody Yantis  Before Language   Favoriting Place and Distance  1:25:54 (Pop-up)
Stuart Chalmers  Chamber of the Imaginary   Favoriting Sound Environments #1: Caves  1:32:47 (Pop-up)
Prima Materia  Roma, January 17, 1976   Favoriting The Tail of the Tiger  1:49:59 (Pop-up)
Fossil Aerosol Mining Project  Respooling the Relic   Favoriting Revisionist History  2:04:04 (Pop-up)
John Godbert  The Sealed Container (excerpt)   Favoriting The Sealed Container  2:05:30 (Pop-up)
Electrostatic Cat  Lethologica   Favoriting   2:18:16 (Pop-up)
Anne La Berge / Joe Williamson  The Hum (excerpt)   Favoriting The Hum  2:19:47 (Pop-up)
Fossil Aerosol Mining Project  A Resolute Nothing   Favoriting The Unlistening place  2:26:55 (Pop-up)
Anthony Moore  Erhu   Favoriting Unreleased Tracks, August 1999  2:39:58 (Pop-up)
Stephen Vitiello  The Light of Falling Cars   Favoriting The Light of Falling Cars  2:44:10 (Pop-up)
Impulsive Machinations  Seven Billion Simultaneous Thoughts (Eight, Dead)   Favoriting Conformity Contortion  2:50:16 (Pop-up)
Jackson C. Frank  Milk and Honey   Favoriting The Complete Recordings  2:54:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 3:13pm

Hey Brother, listening LIVE today!!!
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@ Ken: Alright, hope you enjoy the ride...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

Hey Fabio, Ken, everyone!
Avatar 3:16pm

hi folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm

Antarctica? Kewl.

I met Robert Hampson at an IHOP in Iowa City

Nice to be here.
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Bas NL:

Hi Fabio! Hi all!
Avatar 3:27pm
Linda Lee:

hi Fabio & fellow failures!
andy the painter:

hi fabio: lately having a good run of doing pleasant tasks at home while listening to your show. you are a very pleasant helpmate....thanks!
Avatar 3:29pm
Linda Lee:

why are there no listeners i can ID as female on the boards today? what's going on here? :-D
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Linda Lee:

it's like Radio Lysistrata! :-D
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I see a female listener, Linda.

@Linda it was that way at Rush concerts when I was young.
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Linda Lee:

haha! i'll bet! Deep Purple too! :-)
anyone who can really pass, Fredericks? :-D
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listener james from westwood:

"Sacrifice ... sacrifice ... sacrifice ..."
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I am female@LL

just in time for Harmonia
Avatar 3:36pm
Linda Lee:

oh! chresti! thank god! :-D

RIP, Hunter S.

Hi Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Drunken Creep:

Good afternoon all, sounding very nice here, glad to listen
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Linda Lee:

reading Fear & Loathing out loud was always a nice way to come down from a trip, back when.
Avatar 3:39pm

Is this a remote broadcast or is Fabio's mic blowing out a little bit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm

oh shit did Hunter S Thompson die?
Avatar 3:39pm
Linda Lee:

i'm actually hearing him ok.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

oh man, i missed harmonia? and hunter s. thompson stuff? failure to attend the program on time
Avatar 3:43pm

Not ƒuzzed out sounding? That "f" looks cool. I don't know how I did it.
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Linda Lee:

here! this is the magic i expect from Fabio. :-)
Avatar 3:44pm
Linda Lee:

i didn't really hear it, Fredericks.
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Rich in Washington:

That Fear and Loathing production Fabio mentioned is incredible. It's also got Buck Henry, Laraine Newman and lots of others on it. It's quite a thing to hear.
Avatar 3:50pm
Linda Lee:

that's just an audio recording, Rich? no video production? quick research doesn't show.

This guy sounds like Barney from the Simpsons
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm

hi fabio; my ears are happy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm

I met Hunter S. Thompson on the L train holding a pre-release copy of The Rum Diaries. I never mentioned his name and he never acknowledged that I recognized him, but we both knew what was going on. We spoke for a minute. "Lousy book," he said.
Avatar 3:58pm
Linda Lee:

i have questions, crateslinger. :-D
Avatar 4:01pm

So many @LindaLee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

@LL I've got a few minutes. He was wearing aviator sun glasses, and a button up short-sleeve and a lanyard around his neck. I think there may have been a whistle on it. He looked just like he looks in every picture you see. Some kind of hat. Floppy? Baseball? I can't remember. I saw the title on the book jacket. It was not released yet. I imagine he was in town visiting his publisher and was headed to Brooklyn to visit somebody - but I know nothing except that it was him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

It was about 1996 - 97
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@ Fredericks : looks like you used the LaTeX typesetting formatting style (unvoluntarily?)
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Linda Lee:

amazing. :-)
Avatar 4:04pm

@Crateslinger Was he alone? How did you make your approach?
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tim from champaign:

I read Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 for the first time last year. I couldn't help but compare it to the 2016 campaigns. It captured the bummer vibe of dollar signs, bad times and swastikas rising that 2016 had.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm

yeah - my best celebrity sighting, so far at least.
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@TimFromChampaign - That is the most I've laughed out loud reading a book, ever.
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Linda Lee:

there were people worth seeing on the L line by then, i guess. :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

what was his breath like? were his fingernails clean?
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tim from champaign:

yeah! I was super funny too.
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Linda Lee:

(i jest. i lived on Grand St in 85.)
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tim from champaign:

I wasn't super funny; the book was.
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...i'm just fucking around. i'd love to've run into Hunter S Thompson; though i'd probably stand there with my mouth hanging open.
Avatar 4:07pm
Linda Lee:

agree, Fabio. 78 - 82 in new york was really lovely.
Avatar 4:09pm

@LindaLee: Any interactions with significant personages back then?
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Gotta to love that dancing chicken on the turntable....
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Linda Lee:

also agree on Stroszek!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm

The best Herzog film is Ant Man: www.youtube.com...
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LaTeX typesetting formatting style

Definitely used it unintentionally. How do I do it again?
Avatar 4:12pm

On a mac Option + i then F will do it: ƒ
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thinks HST one of the most important Writers of our Time(s)
...Quality Time actually w/ him??...hmm....
Avatar 4:14pm

It ƒeels so good to use this ƒ. Actually, you can just do Option+f.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...memorable perhaps...
Avatar 4:14pm
Linda Lee:

@VincentNifiigance ~ you mean lower manhattan in the late 70s - early 80s? everyone was significant! :-) i can name drop, but that comes off goofy.
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or, according to *a certain white & blue website* , i.postimg.cc...
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When I hit option + f I get word-finder opened up.
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Linda Lee:

it's really true that the famous, the infamous & the nobodies all shared the place/time & loved it, so we all rubbed shoulders without comment.
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Option + i gets me page information. This is odd.
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\( Like this\)
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\(Like this\)
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@LindaLee: I hear you. I love that sentiment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm
Drunken Creep:

Echo VincentNifigance on appreciating the reality of Linda Lee's idea. We were in the same place, it was only the planet that moved!
Avatar 4:32pm
Linda Lee:

best part, for me: we could work 2, 3 days a week to make expenses & had the rest of the time free. that makes for a vital creative community!
Avatar 4:33pm

Thurston Moore nearly knocked me down as he rushed out of the New 9:30 Club and jumped in a red van that tore off down the street. That's all I got.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:34pm
tim from champaign:

@sphere - what was the rush?
Avatar 4:37pm
Linda Lee:

the person i remember most vividly is Jean Michel Basquiat ~ still SAMO when i met him. just a lovely, soft spoken guy, sleeping here & there, sewing clothes, if i remember right, for money. since he was basically homeless he kept his works in progress in a defunct mailbox.
Avatar 4:37pm
Linda Lee:

he gave hand-painted postcards to people he liked. i had one for a while.
Avatar 4:38pm

@ Linda Lee this is breaking my heart ..
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Linda Lee:

@Avrillinmay, why?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm
Rich in Washington:

That had to be a magic time and place, LL. I'm glad you experienced all that.
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Linda Lee:

it was just real nice. the freedom to live without sweating expenses was good.
Avatar 4:42pm
Linda Lee:

i'm on the hunt now for a similar situation! :-)
Avatar 4:44pm

One Eyed Jack's is a terrific film.
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the only film Brando ever directed
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@ tim - my guess is that he was going out for dinner (possibly with some folks from Dischord)
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@ Linda Lee : about Basquiat . it's too much of a melancholy feeling to put into words, in a such a short format, I'm afraid
Avatar 4:48pm

glad for you to have experienced it, too. wish you the best to find the new one
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@Linda - a friend of mine knew Basquiat in NYC, he would crash at her place (usually when he was coming down off a bender). Her boyfriend hated him. One time Basquiat took a sharpie marker and drew all over their refrigerator. Covered it with drawings. And her boyfriend put it on the curb one weekend and ordered a new one. And the garbage men took it away. (!!!!)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
tim from champaign:

@sphere - makes sense. going out to dinner is about the only reason I would knock people out of my way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Franco Twinkie:

Linda Lee, My one observation/encounter with Basquiat was this: In the mid-eighties I went to see a show of David Salle paintings at Larry Gagosians outpost on Roberson Blvd in L.A. I was the only person in the gallery when this yellow taxi cab drops off Michael and a realy stoned woman by the front door. Michael is wearing a filthy white tee shirt and holding a greasy food bag. Larry comes out of his office looking nervous and holding a framed drawing. Michael is now stuffing a hamburger into his mouth and says "I get half!" All this is happening right in front of me. Larry is trying to shush Michael and looking at me with a bewildered expression on his face. he hustles Basquiat and his stoned companion into the office and closes the door.
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ˆƒîˆ˜å¬¬¥ ˆƒiˆ©´®ed ø¨†.
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Linda Lee:

thank you for your good wishes, Avrillinmay!
@Megadano ~ of course they did! it was trash! :-)
hope your friend found a better boyfriend.
Avatar 4:59pm

@Fredericks looks like you got it (?) :)
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Linda Lee:

@Franco Twinkie ~ i feel i know the scene well. i've been both those raggedy creatures at once. there's no consciousness of 'how it looks' at all.
Avatar 5:01pm
Linda Lee:

that's the nice thing about it.
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Linda Lee:

& the sad part too. that's how we're remembered.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
Drunken Creep:

It's nice to listen and hang out among the comments board today. Fabio is delivering, and my ears are grateful. Today's egg is "If a lesson is for learning, and less is the opposite of more, does that make a lesson the opposite of a moron? After all, if someone learns a lesson, they become less of a moron." -The daily egg
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Franco Twinkie:

Well Linda, That's was how it was in 1980's art world - Piles of money and piles of drugs.
Avatar 5:08pm
Linda Lee:

right. & on the outskirts it was just piles of drugs. :-D
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:08pm

Fabio, all. Happy Thursday!

love this!!!
Avatar 5:15pm
Linda Lee:

.. which was not the term you'd use to talk to yourself about the situation. "drugs" is what?
Avatar 5:17pm
Linda Lee:

you'd never say to your friend: 'listen, let's go get some drugs." :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
Franco Twinkie:

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ˆˆ¥´ß å˜∂ ˆ† ˆß ƒ¨˜≥ †å˜˚ Avrillinmay.
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Drunken Creep:

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future transport:

hum is tinitus
cured with vinpocetine / periwinkle extract
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Linda Lee:

right, heroin. 'dope' in new york ~ & coke. preferably both, at about 2:1. :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Franco Twinkie:

I need to get under a blanket now. Good night.
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Linda Lee:

good night Franco Twinkie!
Avatar 5:24pm
future transport:

brain trauma / loud sound causes tinitus /hum
Avatar 🎸 5:26pm

MIND BLOWING SHOW, once again my friend!!
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@KenW: Thanks Ken!
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I have tinnitus
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ˆˆˆˆˆ˙√´ ∫´´˜ ´˜∆ø¥ˆ˜© †˙´ ß˙ø∑≤ †øø ƒå∫ˆø
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Had a multiband radio when a kid ... inbetween things & twiddling dials I could get things like this & a lotta synthy stuff!...
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future transport:

iii had it severely from signal corps brain concussion / vietnam war/ thought sound was coming from gopher holes or somewhere in the ground ../fog horn noises / completlely cured now ...Vinpocetine | Life Extension Magazine

www.lifeextension.com › magazine › aas › page-01
A 1986 review of eight independent studies of substances that enhance blood flow found that vinpocetine produced improvements in hearing as well as in “ringing” of the ears, or tinnitus, following trauma to the ear.29 A decade later, an open-label study of vinpocetine at a dose of 20 mg a day for 10 days following ...
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Linda Lee:

marvelous radio waves..
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...which means some signals were more off & some moron...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& then there's number stations...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& Alex Shulgin's talk of discovering a chemical that did one notable thing & that only: made music sound off-key!
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Vinpocetine = Rated Possibly Safe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm
Drunken Creep:

@revolution, nice wording!
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Drunken Creep:

Glad to tune into Strength Through Failure today, where the expenses are positive, and the smiles are free.
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I've petted electrostatic cats....
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future transport:

music sound off-key! / atonality is natural in mid eastern culture / we have been conditioned to a small dynamic range
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@ northguineahills There's a frisson for everyone when that occurs!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...or out of tune, actually...I imagine Portsmouth Sinfonia
Implication: there's a brain receptor just for that...
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Bas NL:

I love the Fossil Aerosol Mining Project..
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Linda Lee:

Fossil Aerosol Mining Company is a totally different band.
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future transport:

Vinpocetine = Rated Possibly Safe ???
you are afraid / cant eat a flower ?
What Does It Mean to Eat a Flower? | TASTE

www.tastecooking.com › mean-eat-flower
Apr 2, 2018 - Flowers have as much flavor and nutritional value as a lot of things that we put in salads. So why do we think of them as such a symbol of vanity .
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I have pet hypothesis that every Continent / Major Culture has their own Metaphysic / sort of Quaballah - which corresponds to each their own unique Scale (Music of the Spheres)...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Les Fleur du Mal
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Linda Lee:

ask the bunnies about eating flowers! they'll say it's perfectly ok.
Avatar 5:43pm
future transport:

.or out of tune, actually.
no , patti smith sang out of tune
and that was the feature , not the bug
we are conditioned into normalcy
atonality ...infinite microtones is the natural state ..en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Lapin de Révolution
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Linda Lee:

bravo! :-D
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The Blue Note: Major or Minor? Happy or Sad?
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future transport:

how far can you bend a note into who's wrongness?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Outside of Society - where I wanna be...
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future transport:

why is a major note happy a minor note sad
can a robot process that coneptually with its microphone ears
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Linda Lee:

personally i never heard patti sing off key. she has no range, but she can carry a tune.. marianne faithfull though ~ oh my god, i cringe.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

I am LATE.
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Linda Lee:

i literally wince.
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future transport:

every Continent / Major Culture has their own Metaphysic
WHY exclude Hyperborea ?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Who whut?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...to say nothing of Riddims...
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future transport:

Who whut?
the genius land of giants who the bible god genocided by flood and fire in our previous Tartaria / now the broken whirlled we are imprizoned in
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

Bang zoom. Pow! Weeee
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Linda Lee:

i'll tell anyone who asks: 'Strength Through Failure' is one of the best shows on this whole darn station. so there.
bravissimo, Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I tend to say each FMU-J is a World
...while on the subject...
Avatar 🎸 5:54pm

It s always a great show when I discover 3 or 4 new artists whose music I literally cannot live without, THANKS AGAIN Fabio!!!
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future transport:

bible god tried to kill all the giants good and bad
just to extinguish his own nephilim giant race of failures.. more good giants still in Hyperborea that cannot be eradicated in the far north inner earth
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Verily - & the James Last Shall Be First...
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Linda Lee:

Rev ~ i judge by how well i can travel through & what i bring back.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

We are the Gullivers of restless & obsessive listening...
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Bas NL:

Thanks Fabio! Great show!
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Linda Lee:

molto grazie, Fabio!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

Fabio's show is one of my favorites, I have a few shows I listen to that equally knock my socks off on a regular basis
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Thanks Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

Thanks Fabio!
Avatar 6:00pm
Linda Lee:

aren't we lucky!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

Thanks Fabio
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