Favoriting Norflax Oxdun Sidetower with Nick The Bard: Playlist from August 22, 2019 Favoriting

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The forgotten flypaper strip entangling the flotsam and detritus of pop culture.

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Favoriting August 22, 2019: Episode 80.2.5 - Me Underwears

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Juno Reactor  Samurai   Favoriting Virtuosity OST    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
ThrObak  LA Dreams   Favoriting Their SoundCloud page    0:09:05 (Pop-up)
Groovy Godzilla  Anime T-Shirts   Favoriting Godzilla Got Busy    0:11:10 (Pop-up)
Katsen  Constellation   Favoriting It Hertz!    0:14:41 (Pop-up)
Meeyo  In Love With You   Favoriting In Love With You    0:19:21 (Pop-up)
Witches In Bikinis  O.O.B.E.   Favoriting A Scary Kind of Love    0:20:56 (Pop-up)
Ultraboss  Straight For The Head   Favoriting Slave to the Passion 1    0:23:35 (Pop-up)
Toto  The Turning Point   Favoriting Tambu    0:27:36 (Pop-up)
Kimbra  Come Into My Head   Favoriting Vows    0:32:50 (Pop-up)
Starring  Get Over Here, Disco!   Favoriting The Wife of God    0:37:29 (Pop-up)
Malajube  Ibuprofène   Favoriting La Caverne    0:40:58 (Pop-up)
Tsuko G  Deja Vu   Favoriting Deja Vu    0:43:34 (Pop-up)
Tsuko G  Deja Vu   Favoriting Deja Vu    0:47:54 (Pop-up)
various        0:52:53 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

openign levels   Favoriting

Gargoys Quest II 


0:53:14 (Pop-up)
Caelan Wilson  We Are Number One but it's Windows XP   Favoriting Caelan Wilson's YouTube page  The remastered version!  1:08:04 (Pop-up)
Insane Ian  DiG DuG   Favoriting The Last Arcade    1:10:53 (Pop-up)
KOMPRESSOR  WANT TO GET WITH YOU   Favoriting UNDERGROUND ARCHIVES  At least for real, I got my copy of the song off his old mp3.com page  1:14:18 (Pop-up)
D A N K M U S  - I - S A I D - F R E N C H - F R I E S -   Favoriting Their YouTube Channel    1:18:37 (Pop-up)
seo4rent  Pickle Juice Is Yummy   Favoriting seo4rent's Youtube channel    1:20:59 (Pop-up)
Macho Man Randy Savage  promo on Billy Jack Haynes   Favoriting Wrestling Challenge, Nov. 23rd, 1986    1:21:33 (Pop-up)
various  Keyboard Crisis   Favoriting Jem and the Holograms - Keyboard Crisis Read-Along Cassette    1:23:30 (Pop-up)
Macho Man Randy Savage  promo on Swede Hanson   Favoriting Philadelphia Specturm, June 29th, 1985    1:37:43 (Pop-up)
Will Dill Pickle  Too Many Phones   Favoriting Too Many Phones    1:40:11 (Pop-up)
Bixlee  Straight Up   Favoriting Cover Charge    1:43:45 (Pop-up)
Little V  Halogen - U Got That [EPIC METAL COVER]   Favoriting ‎LittleVMills YouTube channel    1:48:09 (Pop-up)
The Cybertronic Spree  Dare to be Stupid   Favoriting Transformers 1986    1:51:18 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

main theme and more?   Favoriting

Godzilla (NES) 


1:55:31 (Pop-up)
The Most Serene Republic  You're A Loose Cannon McArthur...But You Get The Job Done   Favoriting Underwater Cinematographer    2:17:22 (Pop-up)
Space  1 O'Clock   Favoriting Tin Planet    2:21:07 (Pop-up)
Ludo  Manta Rays   Favoriting Prepare The Preparations    2:25:11 (Pop-up)
In Isolation  She's In Parties   Favoriting TRAPPIST-1    2:29:17 (Pop-up)
John Mapes  Me Myself I   Favoriting Covers The ladies  Joan Armatrading cover  2:32:45 (Pop-up)
W O L F C L U B  Can't Stop Falling In Love   Favoriting Infinity    2:36:05 (Pop-up)
Jessie Frye  Angel   Favoriting Angel    2:39:20 (Pop-up)
ATOM FORCE  Take Me Far Away   Favoriting 1988    2:44:18 (Pop-up)
The Protomen  I Still Believe (Great Design)   Favoriting The Cover Up (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)    2:49:34 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02am

Should we shed overwear?
Avatar 3:02am
Nick the Bard:

I HATE HATE HATE flat keyboards and their stupid ass caps lock getting in the way stupidness, blerghhghergehg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03am

Avatar 3:05am
Nick the Bard:

taller keys = easier typing, flat keys = made for tiny hands

Nick, do you like this song because it reminds
You of a 90s sci-fi club scene where the protagonist walks in with a Desert Eagle in his waistband and there are guys with videotape dreadlocks and girls from Asia drinking luminous cocktails?
Avatar 3:10am
Nick the Bard:

I like this song because it's 8 minutes long (;一_一)
Avatar 3:15am

Nick, what is your favourite =w= album, Post Pinkerton?
Avatar 3:18am
Nick the Bard:

The only two I really *know* are the green album (godawful) and the teal album (way more fun), everything else I haven't heard anything from or just kind of poked around at (the song Trainwrecks I REALLY like at least whatever album that's on)
Avatar 3:26am

@Nick Wow, you really are a special breed! Green is sterile. I don’t like the shenanigans of Teal. I think you’d dig this (and Red) youtu.be...
Avatar 3:27am
Nick the Bard:

My problem with the green album is the last five tracks all blend together TOO well, so it's like, you end up hearing one song without even noticing it
Avatar 3:43am

My problem is its predecessors are written by a (brilliant and flawed) human and Green is written by a formula.

This set is amazing.
  Swag For Life Member 4:17am

damn nick the bard you are keepin it real
Avatar 4:19am

This is the last Beckish, Beck song. Presented here by what sounds like The Stallion (Mang).
Avatar 4:22am
Nick the Bard:

What, you don't know old skool internet hero KOMPRESSOR?

  Swag For Life Member 4:23am

now im hungry for pickles
Dave in St Albans UK:

Hi Nick. Great to hear your show live for a change! I am listening in Battambang Cambodia right now. Its 15:41 and I am chilling in a cool room. It's too hot outside.
Avatar 4:44am
Nick the Bard:

It's too hot to be outside in NJ too (and I have to take the train home after the show, blech)
Dave in St Albans UK:

No air_con on trains in the city?
Avatar 4:48am
Nick the Bard:

There is, but just even the walk from the radio station to the path station isn't all that fun (and then I have to hang around Newark forever, and that's all open space with track repair work being done)
Avatar 4:52am
Nick the Bard:

and no, no Ricardo Milos appearances....yet anyway....
Dave in St Albans UK:

I have just been on a local bus for over 4 hours. The roads are a mess of potholes, mud and "road works". Everyone drives on any part/side of the road that takes their fancy. The trick is to avoid occupying the space of another vehicle by swerving away at the last second. I am stressed out. Your show is therapy! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54am

Good morning/afternoon/evening Nick and everyone! I hope you're having a good day.
Dave in St Albans UK:

Good mornooning all.
Curious Tom:

Ooh, I'll need to tell Nulsh about the art auction. Get him to submit his Captain Beefheart stuff.
Curious Tom:

If I had the skill, I'd submit a replica of the horrific Lionel Richie bust from the video for 'Hello'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11am

Ooh. I've never tried vinegar on pizza. I'm intrigued.
Avatar 5:21am
Nick the Bard:

I saw some guy trying it at a fancy pizza plae a good amount of years ago and just went with it. It's not bad and gives a nice contrast to the cheese really (and sometimes you get that giant sting of flavor from it too if you do it right)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27am

I'm going to have to try this now, and add it to the list of things that I put on pizza that I get judged for.
Avatar 5:29am
Nick the Bard:

and that list would consist of what?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31am

Pickles, figs, pears, apples, soy sauce, and fish sauce, so far.
Avatar 5:32am
Nick the Bard:

I don't see gummy bears on that list, so, I have you beat there :P
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33am

Ooh, do they melt and spread out, or just get kind of soft?
Avatar 5:35am
Nick the Bard:

depends on you use them, in the oven they spread out more, but not so much in the microwave (they just kind of melt and get all runny, but then solidify quick too)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38am

I wonder if swedish fish would behave differently, or still melt the same way. Also sour gummy worms....i have so many questions!
Avatar 5:40am
Nick the Bard:

Swedish fish do tend to hold their shape better when they get heated up, but they also tend to be made different (including being made with mineral oil)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44am

I wonder if it's the gelatin that helps gummies melt so readily. Also, now I have the gummi bears theme stuck in my head, so thanks for that :D
Avatar 5:48am
Nick the Bard:

I'm now wondering if the cheap ones melt better/worse than the more costier ones (and if the chocolate covered ones react any differently)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am

Looks like I'm going to have to raid our bulk department and do some science this weekend. I'll find out and let you know!
LiXiviated Life:

Shaking off the dust

Hey Nick, maybe you could market that pickle juice idea--name it something like "Porta-Pickle(juice)" :>) Great show
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