Good morning Jeff, I love your show.. I dont really have any people in my life that understand and know the history of reggae like you do. I learn a lot by listening to your show. One of my favorite songs is Dennis Brown’s “in their own way” but no one else I have met knows this song. Are you familiar? Was it popular at some point in time?
another amazing show!
and i also have a song question -- what is the the song and artist behind "everything is moving so fast/to slow down and think/Is a thing of the past" -- ???
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Listener comments!
Cool Runnings:
John from NP:
Ken From Hyde Park:
another amazing show!
and i also have a song question -- what is the the song and artist behind "everything is moving so fast/to slow down and think/Is a thing of the past" -- ???
Jeff just played it again -- gotta track it down :)