Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from June 16, 2019 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 16, 2019: Tonight We'll Go For A Moon Ride

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
RY X  Untold (Brian Laruso's Lost In Ibliza Retouch)   Favoriting Unfurl  Infectious Music  2019  2nd album from Australian Ry Cuming  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hazard  Flood Gate   Favoriting Touch Sampler 00  Touch  2000  AKA BJ Nilsen    0:05:52 (Pop-up)
Dis Fig  Purge   Favoriting Purge  Purple Tape Pedigree  2019  AKA Felicia Chen  *   0:10:32 (Pop-up)
Staccato Du Mal  Su Ultimo Secreto (His Last Secret)   Favoriting Wierd Compilation Vol.II : Analogue Electronic Music 2008  Wierd  2008  AKA Ramiro Jeancarlo (AKA Fioritura)    0:14:04 (Pop-up)
Vendor Refill  Black Box   Favoriting Technology Doesn't Stop The Imp Next Door (V/A)  Dieyetribe  1997  AKA Tom Betts    0:16:35 (Pop-up)
Carlos Giffoni  There Are Other Gates   Favoriting Wierd Compilation Vol.II : Analogue Electronic Music 2008  Wierd  2008  Venezuelan artist    0:19:46 (Pop-up)
Thilges 3  Izdiucz   Favoriting Tempo Technik Teamwork (V/A)  Staubgold  2004  orig from 2nd album, "La Double Absence" released in 2007 / trio Armin Steiner, Gammon & Nik Hummer    0:24:33 (Pop-up)
Arturo Ruiz del Pozo  Lago de Totoras   Favoriting Composiciones Nativas: Music For Native Peruvian Instruments and Magnetophonic Tape  Buh  2015  composed 1976-78 / orig released on a 1984 cassette / Peruvian artist    0:28:31 (Pop-up)
Roel Meelkop  Ukigusa   Favoriting Yasujro Ozu: Hitokomakura (V/A)  And/OAR  2007  piece inspired by Yasujiro Ozu's 1959 remake of "Ukigusa" or "Floating Weeds" / Rotterdam artist    0:32:13 (Pop-up)
Christophe Piette  La Nuit II   Favoriting Six Tableaux de Quelpaert  Edicoes CN  2019    *   0:36:47 (Pop-up)
Aer  As You Wander Round   Favoriting Touch Sampler 00  Touch  2000  AKA Touch label founder Jon Wozencroft    0:38:16 (Pop-up)
Library Tapes  Fragment VIII   Favoriting Whispers From The Forests, Screams From The Mountains: New Suggestions For the Swedish Flora & Fauna (V/A)  Wire  2007  AKA David Wenngren    0:40:11 (Pop-up)
Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie  Lithium, The New Era   Favoriting Salero (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)  Erased Tapes  2016  of groups A Winged Victory For The Sullen, Aix Em Klemm, Sleepingdog, Stars Of The Lid, The Dead Texan & Windsor For The Derby / born in NYC and now based out of Brussels    0:43:48 (Pop-up)
Ivan The Tolerable & The Elastic Band  Great White Buildings   Favoriting Rations  Stolen Body  2019  Oli Heffernan's 20th album under the Ivan The Tolerable moniker / Tom Carter (Charalambides) on cosmic lead, Kevin Nickles (Ecstatic Vision/Writhing Squares) on flute and saxophone and members of King Champion Sounds (with whom Heffernan plays bass and organ) / Oli Heffernan (bass, guitars, synths, Organ Mees Siderius, drums, percussion), Kevin Nickles (flute / saxophone), Tom Carter (guitars / pocket synth) & Holly Habstritt-Gaal (Rhodes / trumpet)  *   0:46:43 (Pop-up)
Nick Murphy  Weak Education   Favoriting Run Fast Sleep Naked  Failure Classic  2019  AKA Chet Faker  *   0:53:47 (Pop-up)
Alien Sex Fiend  Mad Daddy Drives A UFO   Favoriting Fiendology: A 35 Year Trip Through Fiendish History 1982-2017 A.D. And Beyond  Cherry Red  2017  orig from their 1990 album, "Curse" / cover version of The Cramps "Mystery Train"    1:07:36 (Pop-up)
Mokira  Skaka Hund Skaka   Favoriting Whispers From The Forests, Screams From The Mountains: New Suggestions For the Swedish Flora & Fauna (V/A)  Wire  2007  Sweden's Andreas Tilliander    1:11:30 (Pop-up)
Psychic Graveyard  Dead In Different Places   Favoriting Loud As Laughter  Skin Graft  2019  debut album from trio Eric Paul, Paul Viera & Nathan Joyner  *   1:16:22 (Pop-up)
Demons  Sick By Water   Favoriting Wierd Compilation Vol.II : Analogue Electronic Music 2008  Wierd  2008  Detroit group Alivia Zivich, Mempis, Nate Young & Steve Kenney    1:19:24 (Pop-up)
Holly Herndon  Eternal   Favoriting Proto  4AD  2019  4th full-length album from this American artist now based in Berlin  *   1:24:14 (Pop-up)
David Lang (feat. Shara Worden)  I Am Walking   Favoriting Death Speaks  Cantaloupe  2013  Bang On A Can co-founder    1:28:32 (Pop-up)
Lubomyr Melnyk / Benedict Cumberbatch  The Pool Of Memories / The Secret (by John Clare)   Favoriting Rivers And Streams  Erased Tapes  2015  Ukranian composer & pianist    1:33:06 (Pop-up)
Caroline Shaw & Attacca Quartet  Entr'acte   Favoriting Orange  Nonesuch  2019  Attacca Quartet: Andrew Yee (cello), Nathan Schram (viola), Amy Schroeder (violin), Keiko Tokunaga (violin)  *   1:43:08 (Pop-up)
The Hands Free  Kellams Reel/Rusty Gully   Favoriting The Hands Free  New Amsterdam  2018  debut album by Nathan Koci (accordian), Eleonore Oppenhiem (bass), James Moore (guitar, banjo) & Caroline Shaw (violin)    1:54:04 (Pop-up)
Bob Bellerue  Music of Liberation 2 (excerpt)   Favoriting Music Of Liberation  Elevator Bath  2019  AKA Halfnormal, Redglaer / in groups: Dead Wolf Black, Feed The Dragon, Kilt, Noise Consequences, Redwound, Terrier  *   2:06:46 (Pop-up)
Kid Koala (feat. Trixie Whitley) / Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher & Billy Crystal  Lost At Sea / I Am Getting A Divorce   Favoriting Music To Draw To: Io / When Harry Met Sally  Arts & Crafts  2019  AKA Eric San from Canada  *   2:07:50 (Pop-up)
Hans Appelqvist  Jag En Gok   Favoriting Whispers From The Forests, Screams From The Mountains: New Suggestions For the Swedish Flora & Fauna (V/A)  Wire  2007  orig from his 2007 album, "Sifantin Och Mörkret" on Hapna Records    2:13:53 (Pop-up)
Nico Georis  Roberta In October (Dieffenbachia Camille) / Spring (by Edna St. Vincent Millay)   Favoriting Shirley Shirley Shirley!  Psychic Arts  2019  All music generated by plants / Plant to MIDI translations made using MIDI Sprout  *   2:17:13 (Pop-up)
Nick Zammuto  Tonight We'll Go For A Ride   Favoriting We The Animals (original soundtrack)  Temporary Residence  2019  of The Books  *   2:22:47 (Pop-up)
Jan Jelinek/Asuna / Kuno Sponholz, Meg Ryan, Billy Crystal & Estelle Reiner  Pulsating Primary Structure / I'll Have What She's Having   Favoriting Signals Bulletin / When Harry Met Sally  Faitische  2019  Asuna AKA Naoyuki Arashi  *   2:24:59 (Pop-up)
Mountain Range / Meg Ryan, Billy Crystal, Carrie Fisher & Bruno Kirby  It's Lonely Around People, Too (Teen Daze Remix) / How Long Do I Have to Hold Her Before I Can Get Up & Go Home?   Favoriting No album / When Harry Met Sally    2013  AKA Christoffer Berg / orig version on 2012 album, "No Ego" on Bad Panda Records    2:35:18 (Pop-up)
Arovane & Hior Chronik  After Tomorrow   Favoriting In-Between  A Strangely Isolated Place  2015  1st collaboration between Uwe Zahn from Germany & Chrinik    2:40:40 (Pop-up)
Tibor Szemzo  Skullbase Fracture   Favoriting Notes From The Underground (Experimental Sounds Behind The Iron Curtain)  Iron Curtain Radio  2018  from Budapest / orig. composed in 1984    2:44:50 (Pop-up)
Le Villejuif Underground  John Forbes   Favoriting When Will The Flies In Deauville Drop?  Born Bad  2018  French quartet Adam Karakos, Antonio Beltran, Nathan Roche & Thomas Schlaefflin from Villejuif,a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris    2:49:30 (Pop-up)
Prince and the Revolution  I Would Die 4 U   Favoriting Purple Rain (Music From The Motion Picture)  Warner Bros.  1984  6th full-length album from Prince Rogers Nelson / w/ Brown Mark (Mark Brown) (bass & voice), Wendy (Wendy Melvoin) (guitar & voice), Lisa Coleman (keyboards & voice), Matt Fink (keyboards & voice) & Bobby Z (Robert Rivkin) (percussion) / other Prince aliases: @3RDEYEGIRL, @PRINCE3EG, Alexander Nevermind, Azifwekaré, Camille, Christopher, Crucial, Ecnirp, Freddie "The Phantom", Gemini, H Man, His Royal Badness, Jamie Starr, Joey Coco, John Lewis, King, Majesty, Mr. Simple, P. Mann, Paisley Park, Prince Rogers Nelson, Rocker Happyfeller, Son Of A King, The Artist (Formerly Known As Prince), The New Power Generation Drum Corp, The Starr * Company, The Symbol, Tora Tora, Yo Grandma!, Yo Mama!    2:53:01 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Last call!!!
Good Morning
upstate sean:

Morning carol, all
David in London:

Morning Carol and all you Moonfaces out there across the silver globe.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Good Mornin Carol and Moon-listeners everywhere, enjoying listening live and from my own abode for the first time in many a week, so I've got that going for me :)
Avatar 6:08am

Happy to hear it, ignatatus! Good morning!
Avatar 6:08am

Morning, sean!
Avatar 6:08am
Linda Lee:

good morning! pleased to see the world still green!
Avatar 6:08am

Morning, David in London!
Avatar 6:08am
Linda Lee:

lush, actually!
Avatar 6:09am

Mornin' Carol!
Mornin' folks!
Linda Lee!
Avatar 6:09am

Good morning, Kevin! I am glad to hear that!
Listener Bop Monroe:

Greetings from Bay Ridge via Tannersville. Gmorning Ms. C., good sndtrk to toast and tea.
Avatar 6:10am

@Linda Lee@6:08: Me, too! Good morning!
Avatar 6:13am

Good morning Carol and all . Happy Father's Day
Avatar 6:16am
Linda Lee:

hey ho Nulsh! how goes it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16am

Good morning Carol and listeners. Especially spamoni, I hope the next scan brings better news
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:17am

@Linda Lee: possibly TOO lush (glares at over-grown backyard)
Avatar 6:17am

I'm good thanks Linda Lee. Got the house to myself! Yass!
Et vous?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17am

Serious full moon morning greetings, Ms. Crow, and all.
Avatar 6:19am
Linda Lee:

i'm not even sure i'm really awake, darlin'.
expecting friends from edinburgh this week. best wake up & get this cabin in shape! :-)
Listener Bop Monroe:

Avatar 6:20am

Thanks fred,i'm still glowing green from the nuclear shot they gave me yesterday with a warning don't go near kids. But they might want to glow also !!
Avatar 6:22am

Morning, Nulsh!
Avatar 6:22am

Ah cool! When they due Linda Lee?
Avatar 6:23am

How positive can you be when they say there's 9 tumors ?
Avatar 6:23am

@Listener Bop@6:10: Greetings from JC:)
Avatar 6:23am

spamoni, happy father's day to you! Good morning:)
Listener Bop Monroe:

Omg I forgot to have kids!
Happy Pappy Day all!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol Crow and friends! Can't stay on long as I am heading to work in a little. Just wanted to share some of my morning with u.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Happy Father's Day to all my dad friends and fur baby papas. Spamoni, how are u feeling? I hope u are ok.
Avatar 6:33am

Avatar 6:36am

Morning, Buddha!
Buddha of Suburbia:

Ha!! Nulshhhhhh! i can always count on you for putting a smile on my face with your morning greeting. Hellooooo *said in Wookie.*

I canny find my glasses!! Good morning all
Avatar 6:46am

@Buddha of Suburbia I'm doing ok, thanks
Avatar 6:49am

Hey Pablexa. On yer' heid?
Buddha of Suburbia:

@Spamoni, I am pleased to hear.
Buddha of Suburbia:

Carol Crow!!! Good morning, love!
David in London:

Ivan the Tolerable - great name, great track. Good pick Carol.
Avatar 🌜 6:51am

@Nulsh - They had fallen under the bed - Found them, but woke up the wife looking
Avatar 6:52am
I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 🌜 6:53am

Ima sorry Dave, I can't do that
Avatar 6:53am

This is great Carol.
Avatar 6:56am

"never wake a sleeping missus"
Avatar 6:57am
I was Dave Bowman:

I had a terrible dream a computer cut off my life support system.
Avatar 🌜 6:58am

@Nulsh - I think you asked me about being a happy Brummie the other week and I failed to respond - #UpTheVilla
Avatar 🌜 6:59am

@Dave - Did you see I mowed the lawn?
Avatar 7:00am

Pablexa, aye mate, you sprung to mind when I saw the result.
Avatar 🌜 7:00am

Morning Carol!! Ohh a friggin look just went off - Perfect timing
Avatar 🌜 7:00am

*Loon not look duh!!
Avatar 7:05am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...thanks for the reminder. I hope it rains so I have another excuse.
Avatar 🌜 7:06am

@Dave - I spent about an hour doing it - Then the following day my BIL showed up with the riding mower!!! That was much quicker
Avatar 🌜 7:08am

Avatar 7:09am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs, we need some of Erin's goats.

i missed the moon. gm @carolcrow and others
Avatar 7:13am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Oh CarolCrow I love when I have to work Sundays, because I get to spend my morning with you. I hope all is well! <3
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:14am

good morning carol and her sonateers.
Avatar 7:15am

Morning Pablexa!
Avatar 7:16am

@David In London@6:51: :)
Avatar 7:16am

Hey Dave Bowman!
Avatar 7:18am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Carol- waving from Minneapolis.
Dave Conehead:

As usual, you’re doing a great job Carol!
Buddha of Suburbia:

I am taking off kiddos. Have a beautiful Sunday everyone! Carol i will be listening as I finish getting ready. And happy Father's Day to all my dad friends!

they walk thru and all over me...
Avatar 7:21am

Good morning, agav!
Avatar 7:22am

@Aaron@7:13: Glad there's something good about work:) Hope all is well on your end!
Avatar 7:22am

Good morning, dale!
Avatar 7:23am

TTFN Boodz!
Avatar 7:23am

@Dave Conehead@7:19: You are very kind! Good morning to you:)
Avatar 🌜 7:24am

Avatar 7:26am

Morning, TDK60:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27am
John from NP:

Avatar 🌜 7:28am

You gotta ™ that shizz
Avatar 🌜 7:29am

JB IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am
John from NP:

Too lazy to get it to work from my flashlight/phone device. Hi Carol.
Avatar 🌜 7:31am

Ima seeing a lotta nature this morning (Standing naked in front of mirror)
Avatar 7:32am

Good morning, John from NP!
Avatar 🌜 7:32am

I spelled "Sitting down by the lake" wrong - It's cold too - Feels like 50
Avatar 7:38am

Hey TDK60!
Avatar 🌜 7:41am

Now I see a baby Loon - Happy Father's day Mr Loon
Avatar 7:51am

@Pablexa@7:41: :) :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:53am

no dialogue this week? national lampoons vacation? airplane?
Avatar 🌜 7:54am

@dale - Benedict Cumberbatch
Avatar 7:57am

@dale@7:53: Haha. I have some stuff in my kitty. Just haven't found a spot for it yet. Do not despair. It will come:)
Avatar 🌜 8:08am

Hey Nulsh.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:15am

never seen when harry met sally. and i'm cool with that.
Avatar 🌜 8:17am

..first sip of tea just taken....waiting on effect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31am

i love this part.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am

Oh, yes.

story of my life
Avatar 🌜 8:44am

Now I just saw Momma Duck and 7 baby ducks swim by and I started a fire with just 1 match!! Soo much nature!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am

Love this show. Thank you, Ms. Crow. Looking forward to next Sunday morning. Ciao for now.
Avatar 8:48am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Thank you CarolCrow, today's show was amazing. Have a wonderful rest of your day! :)
Avatar 8:49am

@Sem@8:45: Thank you so much for listening! Have a great day:) :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for the adventure this morning, Carol. Enjoy the full moon tomorrow, if there's a break in the clouds.
Avatar 8:51am

Many thanks Carol! Catch you next week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am

Thanks for the medical update. My family is coming over today, so... Great show too, Carol!
Avatar 8:52am

Thank you, Aaron!
Avatar 🌜 8:54am

Have a great week Carol
Avatar 8:54am

Thank you Ken! Nulsh! Doobois! Thank you everyone:)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:55am

thanks for waking me up gently carol. good sounds.
Avatar 9:08am

Thanks, dale:)
Avatar 9:10am

Many thanks to everyone for listening!! Hope you all have a great week & Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there:) :)
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