Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from May 29, 2019 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting May 29, 2019: Its late and I'm awake, or, what was tuesday?

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Caterina Barbieri  Fantas   Favoriting Ecstatic Computation  Editions Mego  2019  https://editionsmego.bandcamp.com/album/ecstatic-computation  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Tor Lundvall  Original One   Favoriting A Strangeness in Motion  Dais  2019  https://torlundvall.bandcamp.com/album/a-strangeness-in-motion-early-pop-recordings-1989-1999  *   0:08:42 (Pop-up)
Judith Juillerat  Phantasos   Favoriting Oneironautics  Unknown Pleasures Records  2019  https://hivmusic1.bandcamp.com/album/oneironautics-upr096-minimal-wave-cd-deluxe-flower-seeds  *   0:13:39 (Pop-up)
L'Avenir  Les Oubliés   Favoriting Les Oubliés  Soliel Noir  2019  https://lavenir.bandcamp.com/album/les-oubli-s  *   0:19:29 (Pop-up)
Potochkine  Destruction   Favoriting Mythes  Not on Label  2019  https://potochkine.bandcamp.com/album/mythes  *   0:24:30 (Pop-up)
Kompromat  Le Goût des Cendres   Favoriting Traum und Existenz  Clivage Music  2019  https://kompromat-official.bandcamp.com/album/traum-und-existenz  *   0:28:05 (Pop-up)
51717  Techelet   Favoriting Paranoia Star  L.I.E.S.  2018  https://liesrecords.bandcamp.com/album/paranoia-star    0:34:03 (Pop-up)
Satori & Salò Salon  Honoring the Dead   Favoriting Conditio Humana  L. White Records  2019  https://salosalon.bandcamp.com/album/conditio-humana  *   0:39:14 (Pop-up)
Šiamšu  A Holographic Pyrite Of Blazar Reflections   Favoriting Pyrites  URUBU Tapes  2018  https://urubutapes.bandcamp.com/album/pyrites    0:45:27 (Pop-up)
Bastard Sapling  Every Life Thrown to the Eclipse   Favoriting Insctinct is Forever  Gilead Media  2014  https://gileadmedia.bandcamp.com/album/instinct-is-forever    1:03:37 (Pop-up)
Golgothan Remains  Phantom Earth   Favoriting Perverse Offerings to the Void  Sentient Ruin Laboratories  2019  https://sentientruin.bandcamp.com/album/perverse-offerings-to-the-void  *   1:10:51 (Pop-up)
Vale  The Guilded Path   Favoriting Burden of Sight  The Flenser  2019  https://valeoakland.bandcamp.com/album/burden-of-sight  *   1:14:27 (Pop-up)
Abysmal Dawn  Obsolescence   Favoriting Human Obsolescence  Relapse  2014  https://abysmaldawn.bandcamp.com/album/obsolescence-deluxe-edition    1:20:14 (Pop-up)
Second Still  Spiders and Flies   Favoriting Violet Phase  Fabrika / Sentimental Records  2019  https://secondstill.bandcamp.com/album/violet-phase  *   1:24:44 (Pop-up)
Metro Crowd  Student   Favoriting Planning  Maple Death  2019  https://mapledeathrecords.bandcamp.com/album/planning  *   1:29:02 (Pop-up)
Mutter  Hassen   Favoriting Musik von Samplern und Demos  Di Eigene Gasellschaft  2019  https://muttermusik.bandcamp.com/album/musik-von-samplern-und-demos  *   1:35:41 (Pop-up)
Juma  Natural   Favoriting Selected Works 2LP  Bitter Lake Recordings  2019 / '81-'82  https://bitterlakerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/selected-works-2xlp  *   1:42:53 (Pop-up)
Olivia Neutron-John  16 Beats   Favoriting Olivia Neutron-John  Sister Polygon Records  2019  https://olivianeutron-john.bandcamp.com/  *   2:02:04 (Pop-up)
Adan+Ilse  Stigmata   Favoriting 2012 - 2019  Unknown Pleasures Records  2019  https://hivmusic1.bandcamp.com/album/2012-2019-uprgold-02-synth-pop-electro-pop-cd  *   2:08:28 (Pop-up)
Amato.Hurtado  Unis   Favoriting A Tribute to Genesis Breyer P'Orridge (V/A)  Unknown Pleasures Records  2018  https://hivmusic1.bandcamp.com/album/a-tribute-to-genesis-breyer-p-orridge-upr082-cd    2:16:06 (Pop-up)
Damas Prospect  Path is Clear   Favoriting Exode  URUBU Tapes  2018  https://urubutapes.bandcamp.com/album/exode    2:19:36 (Pop-up)
Anna Gardeck  Gestörte Zweisamkeit   Favoriting Bondage Women  White Ashes Bild, Schrift & Tontraeger Manufaktur  2014  https://whitesashestontraegermanufaktur.bandcamp.com/album/anna-gardeck-bondage-women    2:26:45 (Pop-up)
Wappenbund  Ruins   Favoriting Blood Fire  White Ashes Bild, Schrift & Tontraeger Manufaktur  2016  https://whitesashestontraegermanufaktur.bandcamp.com/album/wappenbund-blood-fire    2:36:26 (Pop-up)
Lucie Vítkova  Half of a Lady Suit   Favoriting Reality Tunnels (Idle Chatter 005) (V/A)  Fabrica  2019  https://fabricarecords.bandcamp.com/album/reality-tunnels-idle-chatter-005  *   2:43:04 (Pop-up)
Sukitoa o Namau  Nari   Favoriting Nari (feat. Badawi)  URUBU Tapes  2018  https://sukitoaonamau.bandcamp.com/releases    2:47:06 (Pop-up)
Luciernaga  Raga for LMC   Favoriting Alive in Dark Rooms  Fabrica  2018  https://fabricarecords.bandcamp.com/album/alive-in-dark-rooms    2:53:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:02am

whoa it is late and i'm awake 2
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04am
Chop Scott:

Aha! Now I remember why to stay awake and keep listening this week--Cheers!
Avatar 12:10am
Lost Cause:

This sounds like a Razormaid remix of a New Order Substance song..nice
Avatar 12:13am
Marcel M:

Hello all!

@Chop Scott: Much obliged!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21am

You after From Show will be a good combo next week. Cheers MM and all.
Avatar 12:26am
Marcel M:

Agreed, Aitch. Should work well.

Hey! Got work do do. Not feelin' it as the kids might say. Marcel, it's up to you. Thanks in advance.
old ERIC thee hat:

Marcel! What were Listeners...good evening
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am

So the artist, title, album, and label are four different languages (Russian, French, German, English)...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35am

Loving this synth stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48am

greetings Marcel and others
Avatar 12:49am

ugggh, at trivia night had friend that was being stalked by her ex to the bar (he followed her to the bar). (he'd had been posting nefarious crap on facebook and Instagram). So, talked to her, w/o looking like I was hitting on her the whole time (I'm married), but she had to go home and get her dog (her ex lived in the same apt complex), So, a mutual female friend went back w/ her to fetch said dog, I hope, she ends up ok. I hate hate, (cue razzy bailey - I hate hate....
Avatar 1:03am

you're good marcel, the new schedule pretty much starts with clay pigeon next monday

ngh, she'll be fine. You could text or have your wife text her to make sure she's alright. Seems late though. How was trivia? You kick butt?
Avatar 1:04am
Marcel M:

Thanks Roman. I think you are correct. Brain...mis..firing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04am


Marcel, whatever you're doing seems to be working. Thank you! Now back to it...

The station schedule table uses the same methodology that I use. Which is "days end when you go to sleep and begin when you get up". So Midnight-6am is listed at the bottom and not the top. Also, had a tornado warning in the area in MO tonight. But I wasn't in the red rectangle box and they quickly moved the warnings across the river from me.
Avatar 1:06am
Marcel M:

@BH: I wonder if any touched down anywhere.
Avatar 1:08am

@rw: we finally won again, so free booze! It was creepy, he was looking at her and her friend was giving me hints to not look too involved. Then she received posts on FB and Instagram that she was banging a drug dealer, (character smear), of her rebound. I was creeped out. I've had female friends stalked and intimidated before, but this was the first time I felt, "What Bloody Feck is happening?".

there's a Twitter account that just posts Tornado Warning advisories. So, there was a radar-indicated tornado around Elizabeth NJ and Staten Island. https://twitter.com/NWStornado/status/1133550915812651008 I can only see tweets about hail in Staten Island though
Avatar 1:13am
Marcel M:

I"m sandwiched by Jesse's on the schedule

This one's got a very rock & roll guitar sound.

ngh, that does sound creepy. Hopefully she's okay. She had her friend and her dog which should help.

I mean that last one. Golgothan sounded R&R.

Marcel, that's a good lineup! Looking forward.
Avatar 1:21am

@rw: I'll know more in the morrow. I guess I'm always that guy that looks not-intimidating yet, one that can hold one's own and empathetic. I wouldn't change that for my life. That's how I make friends. (I was rather somewhat scared).

@Marcel: *cues porn sndtrk* "bom, bocka twa!"! (or however the kids do it these days)>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23am

Abysmal Dawn so dark it's funny
Avatar 1:28am

Second Still has a nice Cocteau Twins sound to it!
Avatar 1:46am
Marcel M:

@NGH: For sure
Avatar 1:47am

g'd night friends!

Marcel, You're on last night next week! You may need to change your name.

'Night ngh!
old ERIC thee hat:

Yes. Annoy me Marcel. Please. Lol
Avatar 2:02am
Marcel M:

I must be annoying someone out there
old ERIC thee hat:

They can see me. I’ll just annoy them more tho.
old ERIC thee hat:

With great joy.

I haven't really been paying attention but maybe the confusion is that Frow's on three hours earlier next week. What Was Music is on 24 hours earlier next week. In any case it's gonna be good.

I got a good chunk of work done tonight. Thank you Marcel! I owe you. And I'm out. Take care everyone and watch out for the tornadoes.
Avatar 2:10am
Marcel M:

You should really giving me a cut of your paycheck at this point RW...

I think of my WFMU pledges as a business expense. I think I do about 1% or so. I should probably pledge more.
Avatar 2:16am
Marcel M:

I'm kidding!!!!!
Avatar 2:17am
Marcel M:

You do more than enough RW :-)
old ERIC thee hat:

You guys. Lol

I know. Thanks! Totally appreciate what y'all do. Amazing.
old ERIC thee hat:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:40am
Granny Spicy Tuna:

so have we figured it out yet?
old ERIC thee hat:

Sick selections.
Avatar 2:41am
Marcel M:

Thanks Eric.

The schedule? Yes. The new schedule starts Monday at 6am with Clays show. So I'll be on next Monday at midnight into Tuesday 3am
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43am
Granny Spicy Tuna:

oh! i meant what was music? just being silly… hello, Marcel and co…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44am
Granny Spicy Tuna:

it seems like several of the late nite djs are moving to earlier slots or moving on
Avatar 2:45am
Marcel M:

Oh, hah!
old ERIC thee hat:

We’re not goin anywhere Gilbert
Avatar 2:55am
Marcel M:

Thanks all. See you next week. On.... MONDAY!
old ERIC thee hat:

Marcel Moonday is what some call him.
old ERIC thee hat:

Here and there...
old ERIC thee hat:

In a roundabout kinda way
old ERIC thee hat:

old ERIC thee hat:

Yeah! Just riding it.
old ERIC thee hat:

old ERIC thee hat:

Sixes are wack.
old ERIC thee hat:

Sevens on the other hand...
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