Favoriting Nick Name: Playlist from May 10, 2019 Favoriting

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Favoriting May 10, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Jim Sauter & Kid Millions  Falling Spider   Favoriting Safe & Sane  Astral Spirits  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bill MacKay  Dragon Country   Favoriting Fountain Fire  Drag City  0:12:56 (Pop-up)
One Of Hours  Two Heads For 35 Cents   Favoriting When You Hear the Music It's Yours  Guerssen   0:20:09 (Pop-up)
Drahla  Pyramid Estate   Favoriting Usleless Creatures  Captured Tracks  0:21:50 (Pop-up)
Andy Hawkins / Laura Ortman / Bob Bert / Algis Kizys  Down The Ladder, Up The Snake   Favoriting Various: BC-35: Volume Two / The 35 Year Anniversary Of BC Studio  Bronson  0:24:35 (Pop-up)
Aseethe  Throes   Favoriting Throes  Thrill Jockey  0:27:45 (Pop-up)
Spiral Wave Nomads  Blue Dream   Favoriting Spiral Wave Nomads  Twin Lakes Records  0:40:13 (Pop-up)
Care Of The Cow  Chinese Food, Part II   Favoriting Dog's Ears Are Stupid  Guerssen   0:42:38 (Pop-up)
Alexander  II   Favoriting The Pale Light Over The Dark Hills  Guerssen   0:49:55 (Pop-up)
Eric Copeland  Beat It   Favoriting Trogg Modal Vol. 2  DFA  0:56:00 (Pop-up)
Invasive Species  Tree Run   Favoriting Adapter  Baggage Claim  1:11:42 (Pop-up)
Shiroishi / Golia / Fujioka / Cline  Right Eye Sun   Favoriting Borasisi  Astral Spirits  1:13:12 (Pop-up)
Dustin Laurenzi  Lament I (Bird's Lament)   Favoriting Snaketime: The Music of Moondog  Astral Spirits  1:28:15 (Pop-up)
Isasa  San Antonio De La Florida   Favoriting Insilio  La Castanya  1:34:50 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine & Areski Belkacem  Je T'aimerai   Favoriting Vous Et Nous  Kythibong  1:42:57 (Pop-up)
Invasive Species  Conversation Pit   Favoriting Adapter  Baggage Claim  1:46:07 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine & Areski Belkacem  Vous Et Nous   Favoriting Vous Et Nous  Kythibong Records  1:54:37 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine & Areski Belkacem  Patriarcat   Favoriting Vous Et Nous  Kythibong Records  1:59:06 (Pop-up)
John Atkinson & Talya Cooper  Chillien   Favoriting Plains  Florabelle  2:11:18 (Pop-up)
Nickolas Mohanna  Tower   Favoriting Smoke  Aagoo  2:21:52 (Pop-up)
F-Dorm  Unconditional   Favoriting Commune  Scrapes  2:26:31 (Pop-up)
Alexander  II   Favoriting The Pale Light Over The Dark Hills  C / Site Recordings  2:35:31 (Pop-up)
Tim Hecker  That World   Favoriting Anoyo  Kranky  2:36:31 (Pop-up)
F-Dorm  Commune   Favoriting Commune  Scrapes  2:45:32 (Pop-up)
William Basinski  4(E+D)4(ER=EPR)   Favoriting On Time Out Of Time  Temporary Residence Ltd.  2:57:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13am

hey Nick
Nick Name:

Hello coelacanth∅
Avatar 12:25am

Hey Ken where were u from originally?

I believe its Hyde park
  Swag For Life Member 12:30am

oh cool you got vol2 of this I only heard the live skull track so far

H o w d y f o l k s .
farmer rye from Santa Cruz california:

What track is this ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am

'sup rw

Hey coel! Not much. Same ol' computer stuff. You? I really could use more stretching in my life and less slouching in this chair!
farmer rye from Santa Cruz ca:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40am

yeah i really fuck up my neck if i sit at the computers for too long. if my back bothers me it's time to go do some chin-ups -or even just hang for a few minutes; but that doesn't help the neck.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42am

but yes people don't realise how much stretching helps

Yep. I think the main issue for me is I find it kind of boring. I found a yoga class that was close by, cheap and fit my schedule but as soon as I worked it into my routine they closed the studio! I'm not the kind of guy who's good at organized activities, much less yoga, so I was kind of proud of myself for working it in.

I'm kind of liking this Care of the Cow. Sounds a little like Roches with Fripp.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54am

oh that's a bummer. i can relate though. i ride a bicycle a lot but i have to have a destination, even if i just make one up! as far as stretching goes, i have several excuses! but it would probably save my life if i somehow worked it in.
Avatar 12:58am
Dances with Moomins:

Hi all, grey morning in Finland today. @coelacanth0: I had same problem with neck. took monitor off the desk and on box down low next to desk, also alter where the mouse is ( high/low ) that computer neck pain is a killer, good luck
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59am

haha that's funny, i just noticed the title of that album "dog's ears are stupid" it reminds me of when i was little and my younger sister and myself decided we'd do a little play about how ugly human ears are and how beautiful dogs' ears are

I do a good amount of bicycling. My rule is if it's less than four miles I try not to fire up the car. I almost never drive to the grocery store. There's a nice mtn. bike trail near my house and the other rule is if I'm not working on location I have to make it around the trail. Yoga seemed like a good compliment to cycling. My legs get fucked up to the point where it wakes me up at night if I don't do the foam roller which I'm also not good at!

Hey DwM. Good morning in Finland! I've been considering one of those stand up desks but I'm very slow with change!!

Dog's ears kick human's ears asses.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04am

hey DwM! i've tried different arrangements. the arrangement now (for a while) is high up, which i did to force myself to sit up straight. it's if i let my lower back slouch then my neck gets it from looking upward. i just need to behave!
no problems with my wrists anymore. guess i found the right level for that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07am

the stand-up desks can help, but might also be even worse for you neck, because you'll be actually looking down the whole time.
part of my problem too is that my recording devices are all the type that are flat and you look down at them. there are no options.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07am

hahaha (@1.02 -just saw that!)
Avatar 1:08am

i have a request for some public enemy
Avatar 1:08am

i don't know, i just thought i'd throw that out there at random
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09am

heh, it seems unlikely!
Avatar 1:10am

that's cool :O)
Avatar 1:13am

this eric copeland is v. good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14am

rw i haven't even used my bicycle yet this year. since it was cold out it has rained about 5 days out of every 7, and i'm out of town a lot. coincidentally from where i live it's 4 miles in either direction to the 2 closest downtown areas/cafe's/post office/ pubs...i'd planned to walk to the post office today in fact but once again it was raining.
Avatar 1:14am

khd, I agree!
Avatar 1:15am
Blues Mandinga:

Nick Name:

Hello all , thx for checking in

8 mile round trip walk to the post office is a major commitment!

Hey Nick!
Marley Dogg:

Evening/morning everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37am

rw it's fine if i wear the right shoes; certainly not much by bike. but it's an almost straight line along the main street -3 miles of it 55mph directly alongside the road. if it's very nice out i take a slightly roundabout route probably adds another mile round trip.
but... if i don't feel like walking back there's a bus that runs almost door-to-door!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39am

hey Marley

hey Nick it's time for me to hit the pipe then the bed
Thank you! take care everyone
make sure you stretch

Night cc! Me too. Maybe not the pipe. Thank you Nick! Have a good evening/day everyone!
Avatar 1:46am

stay hydrated coel
Avatar 1:46am

night rw

stretchy dog eared hello
Avatar 2:24am

just chillien' :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44am
Granny Spicy Tuna:

oddly enticing

Nice show Nick, loved that last guitar piece.
Nick Name:

Hello Marley Dog / grtyvr / Katharsis / Khd / Granny Spice Tuna / BEAVO
Nick Name:

Have a good weekend coelacanth∅ / rw
Nick Name:

thx all - have a good weekend
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