Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from April 29, 2019 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 29, 2019: What a Beautiful Horse He Built You

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
The Rolling Stones  Too Much Blood (Alternate Take)   Favoriting Undercover - The Real Alternate Album  Red Tongue   
Daniele Patucchi  Sacrifice   Favoriting The Real Sound of Mark Grusane  BBE  0:17:32 (Pop-up)
Dennis Bovell  Bettah   Favoriting Brain Damage  Fontana  0:22:10 (Pop-up)
New World Music  Across the Water (Edit)   Favoriting Intellectual Thinking  From the Stacks  0:25:22 (Pop-up)
DJ Nate  Just Be Truu   Favoriting Take Off Mode  Planet Mu  0:29:59 (Pop-up)
DJ Pirna  Damnhomie (Instrumental)   Favoriting Track Runners Vol. 5  Philthtrax  0:31:47 (Pop-up)
Sam Gendel And Sam Wilkes  THEEM AND VARIATIONS   Favoriting Music For Saxofone & Bass Guitar  Leaving  0:36:02 (Pop-up)
Group Gentra Madya  Sambal Lada (Hot Chilli)   Favoriting Malam Minggu: Saturday Night in Sunda  Akuphone  0:39:47 (Pop-up)
Pepsi-Orlando & His Young Star Band  I Love You So   Favoriting Money No Be Sand: 1960s Afro-Lypso, Pidgin Highlife, Afro-Soul, Afro-Rock  Original  0:42:50 (Pop-up)
Women  Shaking Hand   Favoriting Women  Jagjaguwar  0:52:24 (Pop-up)
Gay Cum Daddies  Spite for Apples   Favoriting Metal Beach  Decoherence  0:57:04 (Pop-up)
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band  Ashtray Heart   Favoriting Doc at the Radar Station  Virgin  0:59:33 (Pop-up)
The Sediment Club  My Dungeon Shook   Favoriting Stucco Thieves  Wharf Cat  1:02:49 (Pop-up)
Shalabi Effect  Born Again Lesbians   Favoriting Feign to Delight Gaiety of Gods  Annihaya  1:05:11 (Pop-up)
Peter Evans  Mirrors of Infinity   Favoriting Lifeblood  More is More  1:09:54 (Pop-up)
Sote  Trans Force   Favoriting Parallel Persia  Diagonal  1:13:36 (Pop-up)
Glen Velez  Murcof   Favoriting External Combustion  Schematic  1:18:28 (Pop-up)
Katsunori Sawa  Strange Hell   Favoriting An Enlightenment Manual, Your Consciousness Of Truth  Opal  1:24:24 (Pop-up)
Joe Chambers  Catta   Favoriting The Almoravid  Muse  1:38:12 (Pop-up)
Pete La Roca  Candu   Favoriting Basra  Blue Note  1:48:10 (Pop-up)
Cecil McBee  Come Sunrise   Favoriting Alternate Spaces  Indian Navigation  1:48:45 (Pop-up)
"Blue" Gene Tyranny  Without Warning   Favoriting Trust in Rock  Unseen Worlds  1:55:26 (Pop-up)
Ornette Coleman  Zig Zag   Favoriting The Empty Foxhole  Blue Note  2:15:56 (Pop-up)
Lee Konitz & Karl Berger  Seasons Change   Favoriting Seasons Change  Circle  2:21:33 (Pop-up)
Slauson Malone  11/28/55, Trabul (ft. Medhane)   Favoriting A Quiet Farwell, 2016–2018  Self-Released  2:32:39 (Pop-up)
Rip Hayman  Part Two   Favoriting Dreams of India & China  Recital  2:34:36 (Pop-up)
Youmna Saba  Nafas   Favoriting Anthology of Electroacoustic Lebanese Music  Unexplained Sounds Group  2:54:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

I don't think I've been to that May co
Avatar 9:02pm

Okay, I won't touch that dial...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

the parking lot has fish skeletons
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Sam Segal:

Haha @Chresti, I was wondering whether this photo would land with the Los Angeles listeners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04pm
Sam Segal:

Don't you dare, @TDK!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:14pm

I heard herpes too
Avatar 9:14pm

..don't know that Undercover Rollings album.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

I don't either, TDK60.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Sam Segal:

It's pretty hit or miss all in all, but there are some great tunes.
Chris Farrell:

Really liked the opener. Settled in for another round.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks for coming back for more, Chris!
Avatar 9:20pm
still b/p:

Saw horses gamboling -- I say gamBOLing -- this morning. Lost only in the joy of spring.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Sam Segal:

@SBP, I say this totally genuinely: "Gamboling" is one of my very favorite words in the English language.
Avatar 9:23pm

..almost bought an LP version of "Rollings Stones Now" at WFMU rekkid faire, but said next time; have it on cassette anyway but LPs, you know..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Sam Segal:

Any eureka finds at the record fair this year, TDK?
Avatar 9:32pm

Greetings, Sam. That May Co. turned in to Macy's with a mall and skating rink around it. All gone now. The plan is for a mixed used project called NoHoWest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Sam Segal:

NoHoWest...sounds insidious. Hello, fleep!
Avatar 9:34pm

Well, I never finished making my sweet/potato, bok choi, chili, carrot, miso, & tofu soup (only prepped yesterday), so it's on the burner while listening to this burner.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
Sam Segal:

Also, this is from an Ed Ruscha series called "Thirtyfour Parking Lots in Los Angeles"

I haven't been to that May Co., but I frequented the one in eastern LA County in Whittier. It went down after the '87 'quake. I have a soft spot for suburban shopping malls. Strip away the racism and the capitalism and you'll find marvelous structures. As Ruscha well knew.
Avatar 9:36pm

Sam, don't know if "eureka!" -got 4 items, listened to parts of- the Chills- Something Beautiful / PJ Harvey- Uh Huh Her / Robert Rich- A Troubled Resting Place / G. Lewis & B.C. Gilbert- 3R4 (of Wire, reissue of 1980 noise ambient thing); all on a low budget.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Sam Segal:

@NGH: Sounds delicious. Don't burn your mouth!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Sam Segal:

Well put, @Dean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Sam Segal:

Sounds like a great haul, TDK. Love that Chills record.
Avatar 9:42pm

The giant flat parking lots are disappearing, it's a good thing Ruscha documented them.. Filling in is the new sprawl. And "NoHo" is an attempt to make North Hollywood sound chic. It's not.
Chris Farrell:

They are building an apartment complex in the parking lot of the mall by my house. I think possibly senior living but not sure.
Avatar 9:48pm
still b/p:

Big empty lots look pretty cool when you're flying in for a landing at night and see the grid of light pools. If there's a little fog on the ground, even better. Otherwise, the starkness and associations when viewed normally at ground level are...not favorable.
Avatar 9:49pm

I've found myself in parking a lot.

Agreed, fleep, and the same goes for NYC's Soho and SF's Soma, etc. I live near a street named Gilman. Two or three years ago somebody paints a huge sign on the side of a wall in my neighborhood that reads, "Gilman District," is if it were historic or some traditional moniker for the subdivision. But it isn't. It's a crass attempt to cool-ify an area of town in which a couple breweries, some precious coffee shops, etc., have moved.
Avatar 9:51pm

Dean, is that where the Gilman St. punk venue is/was?
Avatar 9:52pm
still b/p:

Love for somebody to open a joint called "Precious Coffee Shop."
Or maybe, "Precious Coffee Shop, Right?"

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

I like cement parking lots, better than asphalt blacktops. There are many parking lots in LA
Avatar 9:54pm

lotsa parking.. hee
Avatar 9:57pm

You should follow Women up by Men (not to be confused w/ The Men), the lesbian/trans band led by JD from Le Tigre.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

Don't it always seem to go...

I'm thinking "Self-Important Coffee Purveyors" would do.
Avatar 9:58pm

..when you said "noddy" I thought ya meant nodding off sleepy style but no, you meant nod your head to the math rock as ya can't find the 1 to dance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Sam Segal:

@NGH: I have heard of "The Men" but never "Men." Will have to check them out!
Avatar 10:02pm

who let this hippy outta his art studio?
Avatar 10:05pm

@Sam: I saw them twice at a lbgqt spot a twice in Bushwick. I somehow can get to said event w/ my leasbian friends, and end up being the only straight male there, as, I'm just there for the music! (well, and maybe a few drinks).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
Sam Segal:

Hahaha, @TDK, I meant "knotty"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm

greetings Sam and hoarse people
Avatar 10:07pm

things do get knotty....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Sam Segal:

Nice to see you, @Coel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09pm

so, did he use a saw horse to build the horse?
is it a saw horse he built?
did he use a horse in the building of the saw horse?
Avatar 10:10pm

now, I can use a naughty, knotty, hot toddy, served by a toddy...

Caught Shalabi Effect at Victo many years ago. Quite a spectacle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11pm
Sam Segal:

@Coel, if I knew how he made, I'd make one myself and I'd be able to stop looking for mine!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12pm
Franco Twinkie:

Is it to late for me to add my two cents about the May Co?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:12pm

Put up a sign with a catchy name to raise real estate value, Frogtown, Virgil Village...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Sam Segal:

Not even close, Franco. The deadline for May Co comments is 12 am ET.
Avatar 10:13pm

Damn, this Peter Evans! Seen him play a few times, yes, he's that good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Sam Segal:

Still need to check out one of his gigs. One of the few trumpet players who can interest me for an extended period of time on solo trumpet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm

maybe my friend Victor knows. he does that kind of work. he doesn't use any saw horses. his method involves robbing graves and a lot of stitching and mega-electricity.
Avatar 10:15pm

..it doesn't feel as if this has all been for naught.

Wish I could say I've heard Evans, but no.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16pm

never heard of may co. more cents please.
Avatar 10:23pm

coel: I found a Wikip. page on May Co. but am waiting for Franco or other south Californians to get their 2 cents in...

May Co. was a national(?) or regional(?) chain of department stores, akin to Macy's. In my town it sat next to a local department store, Hinshaw's, and to this day I can't remember where I first gazed at Dylan's Self-Portrait. Was it the record division at Hinshaw's (yes, I think so) or at May Co.?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24pm
Franco Twinkie:

Thank you Sam. With your blessing I will do my best. The May Co. my family shopped at was in The Eastland Esplanade, A glorious suburban fantasia that was built in West Covina in I believe 1958. It had out door breeze ways, planters with exotic plants, and multi-colored triangles of glass in a geodistic frame work over the sidewalks. But best of all there was a Wallachs Music City across the parking lot.

Was the Tower Records in Covina or West Covina, Franco? I picked up some amazing LP clearances there when they sold Riverside jazz for pennies on the dollar. A Monk box set, an Evans box set, a bunch of single LPs...
Avatar 10:27pm

Good to hear Sote, he was on my late friend's Isolate Recs label.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
Franco Twinkie:

Yes Dean, the record department at May Co. was great. I had my young retinas seared with album covers that one day I would own. It was in the parking lot of May Co. on a afternoon in November of 1967 I first heard Alone Again or by Love on KFWB
Chris Farrell:

Shalabi Effect song was my favorite during that set.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

Hi equestrians.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Franco Twinkie:

Tower was in West Covina. It occupied the building that was formally Desmonds, a fussy menswear store that had an electric shoe polisher that I was obsessed with as a child.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37pm

glad i waited. Thanks youz for explanations.
wikipedia eat yer heart out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38pm

...did y'all have 2 Guys (from Harris) stores out that way?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39pm
Sam Segal:

@DrJazz, right on time, yet again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39pm

(oh i guess it was harrison, not harris)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:40pm

Just horse sense, I guess...

Desmonds was in Whittier, too. Same shoe polisher.

This explains why I adore suburban shopping malls. When I ventured into foreign territory, to Victoriaville in Quebec, I could spend my mornings having coffee at the local mall. It was all perfectly familiar, despite the signage being in French. Otherwise, the layout, vibe, and offerings were identical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm

when i was little and started asking for records for xmas the 2 guys store was where my mother usually took us to pick them out ourselves.
there was a dedicated record store a town down rt.22 from 2 guys (in springfield,nj?) that my father would go to. Dazzling.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:44pm

Cool track!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:46pm

Harold Vick on sax.

Man, I remember picking up this McBee record a long time ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm
Sam Segal:

I bought most of my formative first albums at Best Buy. Now, they don't even sell CDs there anymore.
Chris Farrell:

Any of you folks ever rock out on a studebaker? I had a remake one that I use to listen to the animal house soundtrack on.
Avatar 10:59pm

Food coma approaching....
Avatar 11:00pm

@Sam: one Xmas, while buying gifts for my family, Best Buy had a sale of all CDs and records 50%-80% off. I spent more on myself that day then my family....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06pm
Franco Twinkie:

Drat! I wish I could spent more time on the topic of shopping centers, but I'm going to the desert early in the morning and nothing is packed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08pm

i almost bought a studebaker once. late 50s studebaker hawk. had i bought that car, by now it no longer would be the stupidest thing i've ever done.
Chris Farrell:

I didn’t mean to throw off any conversation about shopping centers. That is my bad. Gotta work on timing not my thing.
Avatar 11:12pm

@coel: So, you ended up buying a boat?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Franco Twinkie:

When I was a kid the man across the street had a Studebaker Hawk. One day he painted the car in the driveway,and while the paint was still wet, my sister and her friend stuck a bunch of cotton balls to it.
Avatar 11:13pm

Now I want to hear an amyl house remix of the Animal House sndtrk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16pm

ngh, c'mon it was a small boat...

Franco, did he like it?
Avatar 11:16pm

Chris Farrell:

My brother ended up taking the studebaker to Lawrence Kansas along with the records. A bob dylan blood on the tracks album went with them. Got it directly from my cleaning lady who cleaned his house.

I recently received an antique typewriter from him so overall it was fair.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18pm
Franco Twinkie:

Er, no.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:19pm

Thanks Sam, gotta turn in. Goodnight everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks for hanging out, as always, @Chresti!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23pm
Franco Twinkie:

Back to department stores for a minute. My aunt worked at The Bullocks Wishire at the same time Ornette Coleman was an elevator operator there. When my sister found out she used to interrogate her at the dinner table trying to jog her memory, but she was already loosing her marbles by then, so nothing came of it.
Avatar 11:25pm

Bullocks is another long gone upscale department store chain here, which also got turned into Macy's. There was also Buffums, some of which became Bloomingdales.
Avatar 11:27pm

Never mind the Sandra Bullocks....

ok, brain fading, thanks, Sam and friends....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27pm
Franco Twinkie:

Yes, Buffums. The one in Arcadia had a guy playing a Steinway for your shopping pleasure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29pm

you know what they say, "bullocks to macy's, buffums to bloomingdales".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm

i just saw that Franco -so, he didn't want a custom-made cotton ball art car?

Magnin (I and J), Orbach's... I believe we've discussed these sites here in the past.

Not long ago the architecture school library where I work in their free book offering had a study of shopping malls. Needless to say, I grabbed it. It was published, I'll guess, in the '60s, perhaps the golden era...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm
Franco Twinkie:

We thought it looked real sharp. But then it wasn't our car.
Avatar 11:32pm
still b/p:

Hard to avoid the cologne-and-perfume-for-sale STAANK in the big non-discount department stores. I want out shortly after I get in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35pm

shit, still b/p those monsters with their stink spray! that's assault! so glad i never experience that anymore.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36pm
Franco Twinkie:

The I Magnin in Pasadena was next door to Bullocks. There was a real nice rock wall with tall banana trees in passage way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm

so Chris Farrell what model studebaker did your brother have?
(i thought you were just bullshitting before but now i'm curious)
Avatar 11:37pm

We reached peak mall in the 90s and now we are faced with ghost malls, which have their own appeal if you are into decay sephlawless.com...
Avatar 11:37pm
still b/p:

Should be confined to one closed room in the store. And everybody who buys the scents and wears them out in public should have their daily ration cut by at least 75%.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm

seriously. neurotoxins.

But Orbach's delivered a waft of popcorn, too. And the delicate bell that indicated...what?...I'm not sure...the front door? Akin, I imagine, to the elevator bell Nanci Griffith so cleverly incorporates into her song about Woolworth's.

Not that bells have smells.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41pm

fleep that's awesome...and, i AM into decay!
...but at the same time am constantly outraged by the human's stupidity; the use of all those resources for something so relatively short-lived.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45pm

those bells were in code (obviously) and from pretty young i figured they must be a security code. like a sequence of 4-3-5 meant possible thief in aisle 244.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46pm

(well, i guess if they had 244 aisles they'd be longer codes than that...)
Chris Farrell:

It was a remake studebaker (the record player not car). It was plastic and black and white. Kind of a cool thing for a kid to have. The ones on the internet appear to be wooden. This was definitely a plastic updated remake version.

I've spent quality time over the years observing their decay, the day by day decline of business and shops and the concomitant arrival of generic stores. It's marvelous. These processes are my proxy for nature, I suppose. I really don't like nature much. Who cares about a bunch of stupid trees or some so-called grand canyon?

"Spill on aisle 12^18 log 4!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54pm
Franco Twinkie:

There was this discount store in West Covina called Scoa that had a donut pavilion in the middle of the store. The whole place smelled like rancid grease.

Rancid Grease. The name of my first band in high school.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56pm
Franco Twinkie:

Dean, that's great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

so it's one of those that has a turntable, radio, cassette or cd player or both...looks like it's a big fancy console but it's miniature. i wanted one when i was little.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm

hey isn't that Doug's department?!

(It's the topos frequented by Doug Schulkind, the "first band in high school" being some lilting phrase offered up on these here comment boards. It's never in fact anybody's first band in high school.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
Franco Twinkie:

Next week: Zody's, White Front and Unimart. Goodnight everybody.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

(i think he's had several dozen bands in high school)
Avatar 11:59pm

Sam, in addition to excellent music, your photo choice inspired 3 hours of retail chat, extra points for that. Thanks!

Zody's! Totally forgot them. And Big A. Really! There was a Big A!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

oh is that what started this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Sam Segal:

Hahahaha, I have enjoyed the chat board immensely tonight, folks. Well done.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

(just kidding)
Chris Farrell:

This one just has the record player.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Franco Twinkie:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am

i think eventually we have to give some time to channel home centers and rickle.
...and the pep boys while we're at it.

K Mart, far more ubiquitous. But it's where I have distinct memories of seeing Paul McCartney's first solo LP, ZZ Top's Tres Hombres, Jethro Tull's Living in the Past, etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02am

Thanks Sam! jolly good show
take care y'all.

I have a Pep Boys story. Next time, perhaps.
Chris Farrell:

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