Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from April 29, 2019 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 29, 2019: not in Kansas anymore

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Ojerum  On the Swollen Lips...   Favoriting On the Swollen Lips of the Horizon  L-NE  2019  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Roger 23  Gathering Dust   Favoriting Is Demanding for a Cultural Negotiation  Ilian Tape  2019  0:26:57 (Pop-up)
Tintin  This Is How I Glitch   Favoriting NeuroDelta EP  Detroit Underground  2018  0:32:55 (Pop-up)
Metalized Man  Sweet Remains   Favoriting Losing Your Virginity: Metalized Boy's First Adventures in Manhood  Foul-Up  2017  0:38:13 (Pop-up)
DJ Rubio  Marlo My Man   Favoriting Western Medicine  Man Band rec.  2019  0:44:24 (Pop-up)
Suicideyear  Lousser   Favoriting Advent 18  LuckyMe  2018  0:50:11 (Pop-up)
Giraffe  (B1)   Favoriting Juni  Meakusma  2019  0:54:46 (Pop-up)
Ryan Lott  Green Timbers   Favoriting Pentaptych  self-released  2019  0:57:38 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nu Creative Methods 

Brikhebana   Favoriting

Nu Jungle Dances 

Souffle Continu 


1:01:01 (Pop-up)
mmph  Minuet (Forest West Drive Remix)   Favoriting Serenade: Remixed  Tri-Angle  2018  1:09:08 (Pop-up)
The Irresistible Force  War and Peace Live   Favoriting The Underground EP  Instinct Records  1993  1:14:14 (Pop-up)
Manuel Fischer  Mermaid Cocktail   Favoriting Roadkill Grill in Novosibirsk  Lobster Theremin  2019  1:18:30 (Pop-up)
DJ Sneak & Jesse Perez feat. KE  Back & Forth (Ricardo Villalobos Remix)   Favoriting Back & Forth  Hot Creations  2019  1:22:38 (Pop-up)
Look Like  Do You Love   Favoriting Garden of Eden  Royal Oak  2019  1:38:53 (Pop-up)
Pacific Coliseum  Wave Catalyst (Seb Wildblood UKG Flip)   Favoriting Ocean City (Remixes)  Coastal Haze  2019  1:44:28 (Pop-up)
Yusuke Yamamoto  New Life (Original Mix)   Favoriting Lost House Tracks Vol. 6  Houseworx  2019  1:48:57 (Pop-up)
Whodat  Funeral Song   Favoriting Workshop 26  Workshop  2019  1:54:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ståle Storløkken 

Orange Drops   Favoriting

The Haze Of Sleeplessness 



2:03:28 (Pop-up)
Don Muro  Off We Go   Favoriting Off We Go: More Synth Pop From 1970 -1979  Flannelgraph Records  2019  2:04:44 (Pop-up)
Single Gun Theory  Halo/Halo   Favoriting Nettwerk Sound Sampler (Food For Thought)  Nettwerk  1987  2:07:12 (Pop-up)
Va Banque  Kanon   Favoriting In Einzelteilen  Baumusik  2019  2:11:18 (Pop-up)
Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society  In Memory's Prism   Favoriting Mandatory Reality  Eremite Records  2019  2:16:07 (Pop-up)
Harry Griffiths  Llyn   Favoriting Haws Party Vol. 2  Haws  2019  2:38:00 (Pop-up)
Kero Kero Bonito  Dump   Favoriting Time N' Place  Polyvinyl  2019  2:45:55 (Pop-up)
Reynols  Ruavas Ruman Macia   Favoriting Minecxio Emanations 1993​-​2018  Pica Disk  2019  2:48:48 (Pop-up)
Os Novos Bahianos  eu de adjetivos   Favoriting É Ferro Na Boneca!  Mr. Bongo  1970/2019  2:51:04 (Pop-up)
Don Carlos  Crazy Latin   Favoriting Britxotica Goes Wild!  Trunk  2019  2:54:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01am

Morning everyone!
Avatar 3:02am

Hello there!
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

he-he-hello! How's everyone today?
Avatar 3:08am
Lost Cause:

"pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"
Avatar 3:16am
Lost Cause:

I like the Oz theme. I have a request for the "man behind the laptop" - something off of 'Mysterious Skin' Soundtrack would be great.
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

I am *just* off a plane back from Kansas, so couldn't resist. Listened to this album over and over to drown out the screaming children.
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

Lemme see if I can dig that up, I haven't heard that in ages.
Avatar 3:25am
Lost Cause:

'Flight of the Screaming Children' - I see a video with screaming children auto-tuned to Wagner's Flight of the Valkyrie. Glad you survived

Hi Jesse and everyone. Good to listen to the show live for the first time in weeks. Sounding good .....
Avatar 3:46am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey there, welcome aboard!

Great set so far
Avatar 4:18am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks, @Ajay! Gonna trip to pick it up a bit to keep us all going!
Avatar 4:55am
Jesse Dorris:

Is it just me...or is this song's tempo all akimbo

Brrrrr real cold Spring night

Gorgeous crescent moon to guide us
Avatar 5:05am
Jesse Dorris:

Oooh maybe I can sneak a peek
Avatar 5:09am
Jesse Dorris:

I'll never understand why this wasn't a massive hit.

The music this morning is perfectly curated to suit my Scottish countryside goings on.
Avatar 5:13am
Jesse Dorris:

Happy to hear that, Hamish! Site-specific. What kind of goings on are going on in the Scottish countryside this morn?

Probably a lot of Scottish this and that

Strolling around The Isle Of Skye, destination unknown, tent miles away. Flask of coffee half full, flapjacks finished. Village up ahead.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24am

Good morning, Jesse, and hello, polyglotists, uniglotists, and glotists in the machine.
Avatar 5:25am
Jesse Dorris:

Hamish that's quite a reverie! Heavenly.

Good morning Sem
Avatar 5:25am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya Sem!

Jesse always great playlists
Your show is one of my main run to on the archives when I’m not digging what’s playing on the air
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:27am

Skye is a lovely place
Steiner in Whately:

Lovely early morning music. Good morning everybody :)
Avatar 5:28am
Jesse Dorris:

That's very nice of you to say, glad to be of service!
Avatar 5:28am
Jesse Dorris:

Good morning, Steiner!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29am

@ignatatus666, good morning to you.
Avatar 5:31am
Lost Cause:

I thought we were listening to Tuxedomoon for a minute
Avatar 5:32am

Hello world.
Avatar 5:33am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh yeah, this does kind of have a tuxedomoon kind of thing to it!
Avatar 5:33am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Davee! Welcome aboard.
Avatar 5:33am

Cheers, thanks a lot.

Good morning!
Avatar 5:36am
Jesse Dorris:

And to you! How's you Monday looking?
Avatar 5:47am
Lost Cause:

Oh this track is nice, great arrangement and samples
Avatar 5:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Yeah the new KKB is a treat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am

Thanks for the show Jesse!
Avatar 5:57am
Jesse Dorris:

And thank you all for your ears! Whew, what a trip. That's it for me, until next week!
Avatar 5:58am
Lost Cause:

insert Citizen Kane clapping GIF...great show, especially considering you were running on fumes. have a a great week Jesse!
Avatar 6:01am

Good morning Pidge and Glisteners every where!! Hope you had a great weekend, we're Glistening here in beautiful Callicoon, N.Y. I hope everyone has a great day!! Wake and Bake Baby!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01am
lazy rider:

From Liberty Park in Queens, USA, Tukata-Tuk!!
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