Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from April 5, 2019 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 5, 2019

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
neil rolnick  wake up   Favoriting         0:00:00 (Pop-up)
randy holden  malibu run   Favoriting         0:11:24 (Pop-up)
gandalf  can you travel in the dark alone   Favoriting s/t  capitol  1969  LP  0:14:09 (Pop-up)
gate  caked   Favoriting saturday night fever  mie  2016  LP  0:17:34 (Pop-up)
roger miller  hammers   Favoriting the big industry  ace of hearts  1987  LP  0:28:53 (Pop-up)
gang green  voices carry   Favoriting another wasted night  taang!  1986  LP  0:32:28 (Pop-up)
moving targets  always calling   Favoriting s/t  taang!  1986  LP  0:35:49 (Pop-up)
royal trux  white stuff   Favoriting white stuff  fat possum  2019  LP  0:38:11 (Pop-up)
mastercraft  on a journey   Favoriting   on the moon records  1989  12"  0:41:48 (Pop-up)
sharon van etten  seventeen   Favoriting remind me tomorrow  jagjaguwar  2019  LP  0:45:58 (Pop-up)
chris forsyth  the man who knows too much   Favoriting all time present  no quarter  2019  12"  0:50:36 (Pop-up)
kent eanes  tzigane   Favoriting fresh air  bwl records  1983  LP  0:57:20 (Pop-up)
jessica pavone  and maybe in the end   Favoriting in the action        1:07:03 (Pop-up)
carlo domenico valyum  check up   Favoriting cronovisione italiana  undogmattisch  2018  CD  1:11:33 (Pop-up)
william parker  heavenly home meditation on peace (part one)   Favoriting         1:15:58 (Pop-up)
alice clark  looking at life   Favoriting         1:22:54 (Pop-up)
oyvind torvund  jungle alarm   Favoriting         1:26:03 (Pop-up)
pyrolator  rush hour in singapore   Favoriting         1:34:23 (Pop-up)
florian vogelfrei & friends  stuck in the middle   Favoriting         1:37:06 (Pop-up)
o yuki conjugate  kyrie   Favoriting scene in mirage  emotional rescue  1984/2017  LP  1:40:27 (Pop-up)
colin newman  fish 11   Favoriting provisionally entitled the singing fish  4ad      1:45:46 (Pop-up)
Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano  canzona per sonare no. 4   Favoriting         1:49:32 (Pop-up)
going  bmen   Favoriting III  meakusma  2019  LP  1:56:14 (Pop-up)
va banque  kanon   Favoriting in einzelteilen  baumusik  2019  LP  2:12:56 (Pop-up)
martina lussi  silverside last treack   Favoriting         2:15:10 (Pop-up)
led zeppelin  all of my love   Favoriting         2:19:47 (Pop-up)
nico georis  the greenhhouse reel   Favoriting shirley shirley shirley        2:26:17 (Pop-up)
robert plants  through with the two step   Favoriting         2:35:51 (Pop-up)
iggy pop  the horse song'   Favoriting         2:40:26 (Pop-up)
apparat  means of entry   Favoriting         2:43:59 (Pop-up)
hearts & minds  electroradiance   Favoriting         2:45:01 (Pop-up)
talk talk  it's getting late in the evening   Favoriting         2:48:16 (Pop-up)
joni void  no reply   Favoriting mise en abyme        2:53:54 (Pop-up)
nico georis            2:57:02 (Pop-up)
JAZZZ            3:04:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03am

*bolts upright from a deep sleep* JAZZ!
Avatar 9:04am
ben abs:

Avatar 9:06am

hello from the other side
  Swag For Life Member 9:06am

break on through Randy

Lovin' me this Neil Rolnick.

So good on headphones.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am

wake up lil suze!
Avatar 9:14am

You'll always hear surf music again..
Avatar 9:15am

yes please
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am

Hello everyone!
. Is the pop up player borked for anyone else? Since wed. its not worked for me no matter what I do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Krys O.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Krys O.:

I was having issues with the popup player earlier this week, Cmurtha. I tried another browser and then it sort of righted itself yesterday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
tom from Glasgow:

pop-up's workin OK for me, even at work where it never worked before Radio Rethink. usin' Googo Chrome
Avatar 9:21am

Cmurtha: I had problems with pop-up last night on the Drummer stream, couldn't tell if it was on my end or what.
Avatar 9:23am
John Allen:

soliciting your favorite pop up stories this morning/ good morning everybody
Avatar 9:23am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning JA
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:24am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Works OK on my laptop with Win10 and Firefox. At first, the "Play" oval just spun, but music started when I refreshed the window. Also works OK on my Android phone with Chrome browser.
  Swag For Life Member 9:26am

the Panasonic SC-ALL05 is a great way to listen to FMU online - very good sound quality with nice bass
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am
Doug in JC:

@Cmurtha are you using any sort of adblockers? I had to disable mine with the new pop up player where I didn't have to before
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am

good morning, just thought I'd pop, uh, in and say hi
Avatar 9:27am
Diezel Tea:

Howdy from Yerevan. Been one hell of a busy day, so I'm rather late to the comments board. Great job you're doing JA, and hello FMU friends, old one and the other listeners. It's my friend's son's 1st birthday today, so I'm gonna get his some type of musical instrument he can't destroy. I already goit him a Hohner recorder which he's taken to. ))
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:27am

Favorite pop up story: Hearty White's "How Trees Work." I like the part where you get to the last page and a bunch of cut out letter "A"s fall out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Doug in JC:

I usually just import wfmu_mp3.pls into itunes and stream that way though
  Swag For Life Member 9:28am

David Sedaris has great stories JA
Avatar 9:30am

..ah, got to see Roger M. during this piano tour, yeh!

just tried it on Win10 and IE. Worked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Doug in JC:

My copy of chrome is automatically blocking the player from running unless I specifically tell it to load unauthenticated scripts. Something is wrong with their HTTPS certification
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am

Thanks for info guys. I am doing windows 10 firefox, my ad blocker is off, I've done some ip/dps stuff to really 100% be sure , but since wed the pop up just is stuck in "connecting" forever, I have no problems streaming though. I can see if it runs in another browser/hope it will fix itself (As it has done before).

Not exactly so but, at the start of "Hammers," thought of silent movies with SF's ClubFoot Orchestra..
Thanks JA

Ha Gang Green!!

Love it!
Avatar 9:35am
Jersey Cowboy:

Robert Tables:

My favorite JC pop up restaurant Taste of Poland lost their store front recently. They used to be at the Legal Grounds cafe on Grand St on Weds-Friday evenings. But it seems it's not Legal Grounds anymore, new name on the awning.

if this song has to be sung, it might as well be gang green to do it. Aimee Mann sounds so insipid. Not that i feel strongly about it or anything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Doug in JC:

@Robert I am learning about this way too late, I guess. I found an amazing pierogi place in fairfield, nj recently
Avatar 9:41am

..saw M. Targets (w/Govt. Issue) really good live, sorta Husker/Burma sounding..
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:41am

Oh yeah Royal Trux, do what you came here to do.

I am all cineaste today: thinking of Spinal Tap going through security...
Curious Tom:

Wasn't Sharon Van Etten in the new Twin Peaks?
Robert Tables:

@Doug is it Rosa-Ly? Looks amazing.

Oh, and I just found out on their website that Taste of Poland are still doing deliveries until they find a new store front. Yay!

If you cannot get pierogi s - get really good ravioli and make the onions - almost - no potato optinns -gnocchi? Forget not the sour cream!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

Watch the video for Seventeen. Features a grown up Rachel from The Trachtenburg Family Slide-Show Players... directed by Maureen Towie.. makes me cryyy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am
Doug in JC:

@Robert it is Rosa-Ly! Their hours are pretty terrible but I guess they mostly do wholesale. You can eat in or get refrigerated stuff to go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am

Sharon Van Etten has a small role in several episodes of the amusingly batshit-crazy Netflix series The OA. I prefer my parallel universes a little less California new-agey, but what a cast. Irene Jacob shows up too.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:59am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

@fletcher i hate crying
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am


@cmurtha. ok, download VLC and paste www.wfmu.org/wfmu_ogg.pls
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am

I second that. VLC is good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am
Doug in JC:

There are two typos in the popup source code that are serving HTTP instead of HTTPS content. Your security settings are probably blocking it from coming through. There should be a tiny shield icon in the address bar in Firefox and Chrome. If you click on it you can tell it to ignore the problem and it will start working
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

Morning, John - I came for the JAZZ...and stayed for the _______________(fill in the blank)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

M͟O͟R͟E͟ ͟J͟A͟Z͟Z͟
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
tom from Glasgow:

Avatar 10:54am

good this morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Phillippe Bastille:

A late good morning to y'all. Beautiful song -- I'm stepping in at the right time!
Avatar 10:57am

I am really appreciating the softness of the show this morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am
Phillippe Bastille:

Looks like I missed the pirogi discussion. I miss a good pirogi. And a good Gołąbki. and some good kishka. (sigh) why did my granny take those recipes to the grave with her?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am
tim from champaign:

Howdy everyone! I'm having trouble with pop up too exactly as cmurtha described.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey Zpulpa, there's a chance (a very minute chance at this point) that I may head up on the 14th to the X-Ray thing. If you are still in the area, are you up for shotgun?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

what @zpulpa said! Love the bubbling electronics (synths?) and general grooves on this Going track...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:02am

Is there a cool "jaaaazz" like way to say "dub"? Asking for a friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am
Phillippe Bastille:

@tim I had to pop over to TuneIn to get a good stream. Working fine, though I think its a few seconds behind.
Avatar 11:05am

@ Phillippe Bastille, ooooh that would be awesome, I have a friend visiting that weekend and have to stay in the DMV, but thanks for the offer!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am
tim from champaign:

@Phillippe - thanks! I ended up playing through the windows player.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:08am

Hopefully listeners have disabled their Jazz Shields for today's show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
Phillippe Bastille:

@zpulpa Sounds like you have some fun lined up! I'll likely still be in the middle of moving or putting the finishing touches on this place to sell, but if I'm free I'm going to try to head up and put some faces to the voices and commenters. A longshot at this point.

hey check this out if you find the time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
tim from champaign:

Irwin - you solved my tech issues!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
Phillippe Bastille:

@Irwin I have a jazz to John Mayer converter running in the background
Avatar 11:09am
John Allen:

Irwin, I may have to make your comment invisible
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am

see who don't eventies think you played to reflection on my nerves. And
that noise withough. I listened yesterday. It's no really grates on you were you played the who don't eventies thing did'nt
see who had records of liked
it when you but I could'nt
see who had records of like we're supposed to remember what you played to us whole folk
thing for. This early
seven care. Then you were going for. This early
seven care. This early
seventies thing did'nt
see when you but I could'nt
see when you play thing thout friends of liked
it when you were going for. Then you were going or who had records of liked
it when you play thing for. Then you played that you played to really fetishize the first time and Bonnie whole folk
thing for. Then you were you play thing thout friends of liked
it when you were going for. Then you were going or who had records of like Joe Belock a
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:12am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Jazz Sheilds, my new band name!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:13am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Misspelled on purpose, naturally.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:14am

Not to be confused with Jazz Brooke Shields, the speed metal outfit out of Florida.
Marley Dogg:

Morning everyone- happy Friday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am
tim from champaign:

My dream is open up a jazz brunch themed restaurant called Montage. Fretless 6 string bass, soprano saxomaphone, eggs benedict,, white wine spritzers, the whole deal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am

. . .acid washed jeans. . .
Avatar 11:21am

24/7 diner that keeps wfmu on forever is a dream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

Did you say "acid washed jeans" before or after he started playing Zeppelin?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

zpulpa also known as my kitchen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

is this Don Henley?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

lol @crud
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am

did you have the big hair in the 80s JA?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

"Acid washed jeans" was my contribution to the JAZZ brunch, and before the Zep. I had no idea it would make this happen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am
tim from champaign:

My Jimmy Page filter must be on because I can only hear synth, drums, bass and Robert Palmer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Phillippe Bastille:

martini bar called Bimbo's. Rat Pack, Tracey Thorne, etc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

That said, I love this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am

it's bubbly synth zeppelin
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am

can you play the one with sandy denny next?

the context here made this song sound brand new. very cool
Avatar 11:26am

[insert obvious AOR joke here]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am

Someone needs to ejaculate "JAZZ!" after this.
Mr. Palchepo.:

I’m i the only one who expected some rich kids on steroids to jump out of their trans am and pick a fight with me during the zeppelin?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

This Nico Georis thing is really growing on me.
Santos L Halper:

Enjoying the space JA.

@zpulpa: how was the Noura Mint Seymali show? I saw them (+ Fatoumata Diawara) the night before you in Savannah, thought it was pretty cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am
Phillippe Bastille:

@Mr happened to us townies all the time
Avatar 11:38am
Itzall Ablurr:

I LOVE Robert's plants. Especially those lush Germaniuns!

Tom from Glasgow - I've been big on Hamish Imlach and Matt Mcginn for 3-4 years..
I play "Cod Liver Oil and The Orange Juice" or "McGinnn's "Troubled Waters..." I play them 3-4 times so they are in my head in the street!!! Any sign of Hairy MarY???
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:42am

jimmy's page
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

Zombie Birdhouse is kind of the Robert Plant solo record of Iggy Pop records.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am

What's it gonna be Iggy, a horse or a dog??
Avatar 11:46am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am

wants to be a doggie, but feels like a horsie
Curious Tom:

Morphe, there's actually a Matt McGinn pub in Glasgow. It's full of, erm, shall we say colourful characters.

It is now named after McGinn or it is where he drank? He was officially banned on the BBC for years - they thought he was Soviet not just a Good Damn anti- Soviet Socialist!!!! Find his Indonesian style candle lit puppet show video - stupendous... I'll look now
Curious Tom:

It's just named after him but has his 'Two Heeded Man' poem outside.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am
Phillippe Bastille:

Thank you for this great song, JA. I quickly forget how atmospheric this band could be once you've stripped away the pop
  Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Oh, Talk Talk on April 5th. Lovely.
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Heavenly Presentation
Avatar 11:56am

@Santos L Halper, Oh! That show was amazing! I had a blast and was really impressed. Super fun to dance to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Phillippe Bastille:

Great show, JA. I'll see y'all later

Thanks Curious Tom e Tom Glasglow...
Find that McGinn Puppet show!!
Thanks JA ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Thanks JA and all, it's a forward-moving Friday morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

thanks wonderful delightful beautiful show
Avatar 12:02pm

matty from brooklyn:

Love that you can hear Matt's laugh off mic
Avatar 12:10pm

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