Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from April 1, 2019 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 1, 2019: coasting

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Scott Walker  Jesse   Favoriting The Drift  4AD  2006    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Beth Gibbons & the Polish National Radio Symphony  III. Lento--Cantabile-Semplice   Favoriting symphony no. 3, "symphony of sorrowful songs"  Domino  2019  conducted by Krzysztof Penderecki (!?!?!)  0:06:24 (Pop-up)
Sarah Davachi  Perfumes II   Favoriting Pale Bloom  Superior Viaduct  2019    0:21:20 (Pop-up)
My Disco  Hong Kong 1987   Favoriting Environment  Downwards  2019    0:28:01 (Pop-up)
Anthony Moore  A Likely Outcome   Favoriting Arithmetic in the Dark  Touch  2019    0:31:22 (Pop-up)
Will Burns, Hannah Peele  Change   Favoriting Chalk Hill Blue  Rivertones  2019    0:36:30 (Pop-up)
JAB  Distant Patterns   Favoriting Erg Herbe  Shelter Press  2019    0:43:37 (Pop-up)
Stan Hubbs  Golden Rose   Favoriting Crystal  Companion Records  2011    0:55:35 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Geir Sundstøl 

Kraag   Favoriting





1:07:20 (Pop-up)
Colin Potter  Mainland   Favoriting A Gain  Joyful Noise  2019    1:07:49 (Pop-up)
David Javelosa & Baby Buddha  Chantilly Lace   Favoriting Everyone Is My Age  Dark Entries  2018    1:13:20 (Pop-up)
kellen303  Planet X   Favoriting whb  Keysound Recordings  2019    1:21:25 (Pop-up)
Head High  Higher the break   Favoriting Into It  Power House  2019    1:21:56 (Pop-up)
Cearley & Dwinell  May   Favoriting Fake Time  In Poly Sons  2018    1:28:12 (Pop-up)
June Chikuma  Broadcast Profanity Delay   Favoriting Les Archives  RVNG Intl.  2019    1:46:25 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Maze & Lindholm 

Part III   Favoriting

Where The Wolf Has Been Seen 

Aurora Borealis Recordings 



2:01:06 (Pop-up)
Patrick Cowley & Jorge Socarras  You Laugh at My Face (Tobias. Version)   Favoriting You Laugh at My Face/Watch the Flash  Foom  2019    2:01:55 (Pop-up)
Ambien Baby  Sequencial   Favoriting En Transito  FATi Records   2019    2:06:57 (Pop-up)
Dabrye  Tape Flip Too   Favoriting Three/Three  Ghostly International  2018    2:12:30 (Pop-up)
Delta Rain Dance  Trancemission Five   Favoriting Trancemission  Delta Rain Dance  2019    2:13:21 (Pop-up)
Kilchhofer, Anklin  Flor   Favoriting Moto Perpetuo  Marionette  2019    2:16:13 (Pop-up)
American Pleasure Club  Let It Go Out   Favoriting Fucking Bliss  Run for Cover Records  2019    2:20:15 (Pop-up)
Shelter  Immersion   Favoriting Profondeur 4000  Growing Bin Records  2018    2:23:06 (Pop-up)
Meitei  Kawanabe Kyosai (Pt. 1)   Favoriting Komachi  Métron  2019    2:27:35 (Pop-up)
Nautil  Clapoti 1   Favoriting Fear and Anxieties  Semantica Records  2019    2:35:54 (Pop-up)
Apparat  Dawan   Favoriting LP5  Mute  2019    2:41:33 (Pop-up)
Tmboy  No one   Favoriting Steam  Self released  2019    2:45:38 (Pop-up)
Kokoko!  Blvd Lumumba   Favoriting Liboso  Transgressive Records  2019    2:50:02 (Pop-up)
Nico Georis  The Greenhouse Reel   Favoriting Shirley Shirley Shirley  Psychic Arts  2019    2:53:45 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:04am
Jesse Dorris:

he-he-hello, everyone!
UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what a loss. But so happy to be back with you.
Paul in WA:

Greetings from Everett WA Jesse!
Avatar 3:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Hello, Paul! How is Everette treating you tonight?
Paul in WA:

Well what can I say? The weather's mild and the weed is Legal!
Avatar 3:10am

Woa. I totally remembered this immediately from THE GREAT BEAUTY soundtrack. Different version though. SO great. Thanks.
Paul in WA:

Springtime is beautiful Dude
Paul in WA:

I just moved out here from Pompton Lakes in September
Avatar 3:13am
Satis-factory records:

Good morning Jesse and folks!
Avatar 3:14am
Jesse Dorris:

Sounds like a little piece of heaven. I'm just back from Northern California, totally seduced by the landscape
Avatar 3:14am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @DocBlueDog. This is Beth Gibbons from Portishead singing!!!???!!!
Avatar 3:15am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning, S-F! How are you?
Avatar 3:17am

Oh wow. Sweet. I'll have to find the version from the film and compare.
b wad:

Hey Jesse.
Jus walk-in’ up here in rainy Tel Aviv.
Be gentle :)
Avatar 3:21am
Jesse Dorris:

Rainy Tel Aviv! Wouldn't you know I have a rather rainy set ahead for you, at least for awhile.......
Avatar 3:23am
Satis-factory records:

All good in Manchester! Grey as far as the eye can see
Avatar 3:24am
Jesse Dorris:

Grey in here, too! But a warm grey.
b wad:

Loving it
Avatar 3:39am
Lost Cause:

Welcome back Kotter! How was Sonoma?
Paul in WA:

Some folks out there may not know that Pompton Lakes is a little town in Northern New Jersey. Miss you Folks! They still haven't figured out pizza here yet!
Avatar 3:46am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning Jesse, b wad, and the slew of polyglotters polygottling the globe.
Avatar 3:47am
Lost Cause:

@Paul in Wa - last time I was in Everett I saw Dog the Bounty Hunter's doppleganger, not even kidding. Nice weather up in WA though.
Avatar 3:47am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks, Lost Cause! Sonoma was kind of mindblowing in its beauty. It's hard to believe people just walk around and live their lives in that kind of magnificence.
Avatar 3:48am
Jesse Dorris:

They really need to up their pizza game, then, Paul. I mean that's just common courtesy.
Avatar 3:48am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey, Diezel! Welcome aboard!
Avatar 3:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Also, just FYI, to all of you lucky ducks who won prizes (and THANKS AGAIN SO VERY MUCH for donating during the drive), I'm not sure when they will hit the shipping circuits, but hopefully soon. DJ Premium CDs too.
Paul in WA:

What's a doppelganger?
Avatar 3:50am
Lost Cause:

@Paul - the spitting image of - a double
Paul in WA:

Avatar 3:56am
Lost Cause:

thanks on the update Jesse and glad you enjoyed your trip. missed your show, fo sho.
Avatar 4:05am
Diezel Tea:

After a few years of looking into this, I'm convinced that the weather in North Jersey/NYC is the same as Yerevan, save for it's a bit drier here.
Avatar 4:12am

@DiezelTea: Yo!
Avatar 4:17am
Diezel Tea:

Potter is the same age as my mother. I imagine her somehow folling around with sequencers and analog synths between taking care of her dogs and reading the bible. Interesting mental image. Hey B/wad! Sadly, not making it to Tel Aviv this month as our CEO is visiting the Yerevan branch this week, so that's where our travel budget went for April. But, it's on the radar for the future this year. It'll be great to geek out over what FMU geeks geek out over. ))

Can’t find that Beth gibbons piece only a preview. That is an amazing song.
Avatar 4:20am

100% man
It'll be like meeting my brother from another mothership.
Avatar 4:21am
Lost Cause:

Loved the Stan Hubbs but how the hell do you overdose on Cannabis? Believe me, in my younger years I tried :)
Avatar 4:24am
Jesse Dorris:

Beth Gibbons just officially came out friday so it may still be in distro hell.
Avatar 4:25am
Jesse Dorris:

Heh you and me both, Lost Cause.
Paul in WA:

You raid the fridge or fall asleep
Paul in WA:

Or you sit at the top of the stairs and smoke a cigarette
Avatar 4:30am
Diezel Tea:

@Paul in Wa or you end up recording the greatest song ever written only to hear it the next day and delete it. ))
Paul in WA:

I do that all the time! I sacrifice much of my creative efforts to the Gods.
Avatar 4:32am
Jesse Dorris:

Or you listen to Music Has the Right to Children on repeat until you realize it's somehow 2 pm the next day already. That story, like Hubbs', might also be apocryphal, who can say.
Avatar 4:37am
Lost Cause:

Or you do a 1000mg edible in a recording studio, are unable to find the door to get out, and wake up with your Korg MS-20 still playing the sequence from the night before.
Paul in WA:

It's kind of like when the monks do the mandala an then destroy it
Avatar 4:39am
Lost Cause:

@Jesse - ha! BOC is the shiz when the herb kicks in. As much as I hate to admit it, my desert island cannabis album is still 'Loveless' by MVB - on headphones.
Avatar 4:40am
Jesse Dorris:

Hahaha this record is starting to reverse and consume itself.
Paul in WA:

I just found this really cool jigsaw puzzle app for my old I pad
Avatar 4:41am
Lost Cause:

Lol, I meant MBV...
Avatar 4:42am
Jesse Dorris:

my desert island anything is Loveless. Or maybe Blue Bell Knoll. Or MHTRTC. Oh god or Midtown 120 Blues. Or Music to Play in the Dark. Ok nevermind.
Avatar 4:44am
Lost Cause:

Coincidentally I was listening to the Lost in Translation soundtrack the other day - what a gem that is. And yeah Midtown 120 would be up there. And i'm partial to Garlands when it comes to Cocteau Twins.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46am

Good morning Jesse and listeners
Avatar 4:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Good morning, Fred! Welcome to April.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59am

Sonoma? They have a very good distillery over there, uncreatively called "Sonoma County Distilling Co.". They made some very good wye, wheat whisky and more usual stuff, usually in small batches
Avatar 5:05am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh damn, I didn't get a taste of any of that, Fred! Wine, all the time.
Avatar 5:05am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning fred. So, y'all, what's everyone doing to their friends/family/foes for April Fool's? I've got no ideas.
Avatar 5:07am
Diezel Tea:

Is this really from 2019?
Avatar 5:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Not a joke. Comes out in a couple weeks. Got a kind of Mo'Wax vibe though, I like it.
Avatar 5:09am
Lost Cause:

Jesse I got a request in the future if you can oblige. Play your favorite Razormaid remix - I would love to hear that!
Avatar 5:10am
Kevin_Ringwood_ UK:

Morning Jesse, haven't heard much of your show before, but our clocks went forward an hour yesterday and I'm a little earlier to my desk than normal... Great stuff - thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13am

@Diezel Tea: I'm not doing anything today except rest. With Sonic Protest and another festival going on, I need it. My brain only seems to be able to ask for some more sleep
Avatar 5:15am

Good morning Jesse and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15am

Good morning, Jesse, and hello, Polyglotists, polywantacrackerites, and polyester potentates, if any are on the stream or roaming at large in the wild.
Avatar 5:17am
Jesse Dorris:

Oooooooooohhhhhh Lost Cause you might just get your wish next week, which I suspect is going to be bigger and bolder and rougher and tougher ;)
Avatar 5:17am
Diezel Tea:

Ah, jealous of the Sonic Protest I am.
Avatar 5:17am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey, Kevin! Fortuitous--welcome and thank you for your ears! Glad you're liking the show.
Avatar 5:17am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Davee! And hiya Sem, how are you??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21am

All good here, Jesse, hope all there likewise.
Avatar 5:27am
Lost Cause:

good lawds this sequence is gorgeous
Avatar 5:28am
Jesse Dorris:

Aww thanks. I highly recommend this album, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36am

@Diezel Tea: then you should either try to come over next year (if it happens) or get in touch with them to set up side dates in Yerevan (they actually do that quite a bit, it helps share the costs for bands from the US/Oz/NZ)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46am

Thanks for a great show today Jesse!
Avatar 5:46am

Have loved this week's show Jesse.
Peace guys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am

Lovin' these spins. Thank you, Jesse.
Avatar 5:55am

So cool. and Kokomo so great. Thanks for a great night.
Avatar 5:55am
Lost Cause:

Jessed played 'Kokomo'? I think I would've noticed that track..;o)
Avatar 5:56am
Jesse Dorris:

Thank you all very much for your ears! That's it for me, glad you enjoyed! Until next week....
Avatar 5:56am

Kokoko damn auto correct
Steiner in Whately:

Sounds beautiful, Jesse. Good morning!
Avatar 5:56am
Diezel Tea:

@fred I'm gonna look into connecting with them, thanks for the encouragement. @Jesse great set this week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am

Thanks Jesse!
Avatar 5:58am
Jesse Dorris:

Hahah Lost Cause, c'mon pretty mama! lol

Great show as always
Enjoy your day
Avatar 5:59am
Lost Cause:

I expect the Fennesz remix of Kokomo next week

Thanks Jesse! That was a lovely 3 hours of music.

Morning Clay and Glisteners! Grtz, from museumcity Brugge
Miles D:

echo pk HERe hello hello. "US" was ok but yeah I'm not entirely sure about it ...idk..
Avatar 6:02am
Rocky Horror in Miami, FL:

Good morniong Clay and Wake n' Bake staff!!
Good morning Glisteners and Glowsters!!

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