Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 10, 2019 Favoriting

WFMU Marathon with co-host Kevin Nutt
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Favoriting The Door - Los Tones (CD: What Happened) 2017 [Off The Hip]
Favoriting All She Wants To Do Is Rock - Wynonie Harris (78) 1949 [King]
Favoriting Open Up Your Door (2018) - Richard & The Young Lions (CD: Volume 1) [Wicked Cool]

Favoriting Am I Going Insane - Miss Ludella Black (12" LP: Till You Lie In Your Grave) [Damaged Goods]
Favoriting Time - The Nation Rockin' Shadows (12" LP: 12 Groovy Hits, 12 Florida Bands) 1966 [Tener]
Favoriting Madface And The Baby - Palmyra Delran & The Dopple Gang (CD: Come Spy) [Wicked Cool]

Favoriting Sorry Anymore - The Lupines (CD: Mountain Of Love) [Speed Nebraska]
Favoriting I'm A Nut - Leroy Pullins (45) 1966 [Kapp]
Favoriting No More - The Sellwoods (7" EP: Two Stroke Smoke) [Chaputa]

Favoriting Baby You're The One - The Kryng (45) [Kuriosa]
Favoriting Hold Back The Sunrise - Ron Gray (45) 1966 [HBR]
Favoriting Life Without You - The Shivvers (CD: The Shivvers) 2005 [Hyped2Death]

Favoriting Man Leaves Town - Nick Waterhouse (CD: Nick Waterhouse) [Innovative Leisure]
Favoriting Peanuts - The Four Seasons (45) 1963 [Vee-Jay]
Favoriting Sucking The Life Out Of Me - The Len Price 3 (CD: Kentish Longtails) 2017 [JLM Recordings]

Favoriting Please Leave Me My Mind - The Woggles (2 x 7" EP: Please Leave Me My Mind) [Wicked Cool]
Favoriting I Lied - The Bucket City Distortion Racket (45) 1967 [Splitsound]
Favoriting Ay, Tus Ojos - La Trinidad (45) [Spazz]

Favoriting It's Too Bad - Yod Crewsy & The Dark Marbles (CD: Brit-Pop Faves) [Dark Marbles Music]
Favoriting I'll Believe It When I See It - The Sierras (45) 1963 [Goldisc]


Listener comments!

  3:18pm P-90:

Aloha and Good Luck today, DJ Bill Kelly and Brother Nutt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Townshend coined 'Power Pop' '66...
  3:31pm John from Florham Park:

Hello fellow WFMU listeners
  3:37pm Ciggy:

Garage Rock & Garbage Tax Returns
  3:45pm John from Florham Park:

It is a could rainy day here and listening to WFMU and drinking some coffee
  3:45pm John from Florham Park:

Boston used to have some good music stations like WBCN
  3:48pm John from Florham Park:

I meant cold on my second post
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm dale:

i was in keene a couple of years ago. it still looks that way. they kept the box stores on the outer fringe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm dale:

cheap booze in new hampshire!
  4:03pm John from Florham Park:

I drove through new Hampshire in 19 minute a few years ago
Avatar 4:06pm Sid:

It would be Praise 91-1. At least they got PLJ instead.
  4:10pm P-90:

That organ is SO good
  4:11pm John from Florham Park:

@sid when WPLJ went to 40 just after I moved to Florida I was shocked
  4:12pm John from Florham Park:

I meat top 40
  4:13pm John from Florham Park:

Damn having trouble spelling today
  4:13pm wicked sweet:

yeah a state monopoly on liquor turns out to be a good thing... sorta
  4:14pm Carmichael:

Heya Bill and Kevin.
  4:14pm wicked sweet:

oh yeah if you're on I-95 you can drive from mass to maine in under 20 minutes defitinely
  4:19pm John from Florham Park:

@wicked sweet a few years ago I was in Boston visiting the city and going to watch the red Sox play and went up to Maine and stopped at walkers point and tried to get in closer to take a pic but a secret service agent told me to get the hell out of there
Avatar 4:19pm Sid:

John, yeah PLJ thought rock was splintering too much in '83. Rock was the last time I listened to that station. The last 36 years of 95.5 were pretty much a loss as far as I'm concerned.
  4:23pm Motobro:

You’d better not mention the BR sox on here least King Kelly will stomp you like a cockroach
  4:25pm wicked sweet:

BCN was definitely cool for a time in the '80s
  4:25pm John from Florham Park:

@sud I admit in high school I listen to WNEWFM because of better DJs and better music, did not even know about this fine station then
  4:25pm John from Florham Park:

I meant Sid
  4:27pm John from Florham Park:

@WS I was in Boston in 1992 and I lived listening to Charles laqadara in the morning
Avatar 4:30pm Sid:

John, for me, FMU supplemented NEW, LIR and DHA back in the early 80s. As commercial music went downhill, FMU became more prominent in the mix.
  4:30pm wicked sweet:

@john that's my time frame as well. oh yeah and Laquidaria was on ZLX too which also had its moments. the ident sound for ZLX was from some Atari 2600 game
  4:32pm John from Florham Park:

@sid the only tine I really listen to WDHA anymore is Sunday mornings for Jim Monaghan all mixed up other then that I have this station on
  4:34pm John from Florham Park:

@WS I folllow Charles on Facebook and I have him as a favorite on radionomy which he does from Hawaii
Avatar 4:35pm Sid:

Haven't heard DHA in years. Glad they're still around though. Like WFMU, they've outlived almost all the other NYC rock stations.
  4:36pm John from Florham Park:

@WDHA keeps chugging along
  4:38pm John from Florham Park:

@sid there is a very good station from the jersey shore area called WRAT which is a pretty good station
Avatar 4:39pm Sid:

Cash Flow: BK drawing on his business ownership savvy!
  4:43pm Anon.:

The Woggles: Based "mostly in Athens, Ga., but starring Alabama boy Dan “Danelectro” Hall on the drums", according to a 2002 Tuscaloosa News item.
Avatar 4:44pm Sid:

John, yeah, RAT's been around for over 20 years now. Good to hear they're still a going concern.
  4:52pm John from Florham Park:

&sid 23 years for the rat
  4:54pm P-90:

Lawyer Ty Cobb is always nebulously described as “a purported distant relative of the baseball player of the same name.”
  4:55pm ty cobb:

The stories about Ty Cobb are total lies. They were perpetrated by a hack sports writer and in true form rumors carry more weight than facts. His family were strict abolitionists and Ty Cobb stood up for the black players on his team.
  9:54am bk:

Napoleon Lajoie was the biggest star of his day and the player most responsible for having blacks shunned for decades in MLB. He refused to play with them. Despite having been responsible for watering down the talent pool all of those years, he's in the HOF. Alleged WS fixer, the nearly illiterate Shoeless Joe, must be turning over in his grave. BTW...Jackson did, apparently, participate in the fix with poor base running and defensive mistakes.
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