Favoriting Radio Ravioli with Olivia: Playlist from February 28, 2019 Favoriting

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Genre-fluid, ambient textures, global sounds, punk energy, electronica, jangle pop, disco, post punk, soul, r&b, and more...

Wednesday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 19th, 9pm - Midnight: Radio Ravioli presents: Ravioli Tourism Monthly Open Lines Extravaganza - Home Edition (More info...)
Wed. Apr 9th, 9pm - Midnight: Sam Cummins (RRR) and Jordanne (Dinosaur City Records) Guest DJ! (More info...)
Wed. Apr 16th, 9pm - Midnight: Radio Ravioli presents: Ravioli Tourism Monthly Open Lines Extravaganza? (More info...)
Wed. Apr 23rd, 9pm - Midnight: Live with Old Maybe (More info...)

Favoriting February 28, 2019: breakin' up (singles sliced 'n' stitched again)

breaking up 45s, taping them up back together again, and playing all the imperfections live.

get lost in the glitch, the groove, & the skips

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Sharon Jones  Making up and breaking up (mix)   Favoriting   + others  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
  mix       0:06:40 (Pop-up)
w/ 51717  guide for the perplexed   Favoriting paranoia star    0:08:59 (Pop-up)
w/ Senyawa  Tanggalkan Di Dunia (Undo the World)   Favoriting Sujud    0:16:50 (Pop-up)
Shintaro Sakamoto  From The Dead (33 speed)   Favoriting 7"    0:32:27 (Pop-up)
w/ Zoviet France  Something Spooked The Horses   Favoriting     0:38:39 (Pop-up)
Home Body  sketch   Favoriting spiritus    0:48:02 (Pop-up)
spellling  track 2   Favoriting mazy fly    0:48:13 (Pop-up)
  (((in the mix)))       0:48:26 (Pop-up)
Shintaro Sakamoto  Don't Know What's Normal   Favoriting 7"    0:54:54 (Pop-up)
mix w/ Duplex  Capillar   Favoriting Hy Brazil Vol 2: New Experimental Music From Brazil 2013    0:59:11 (Pop-up)
mix w/ Aiden Baker  Steep Uphill Climb   Favoriting Deer Park    1:08:33 (Pop-up)
mix w/ Arca  Entranas   Favoriting     1:30:01 (Pop-up)
mix w/ Puce Mary  To Possess Is to Be In Control   Favoriting The Drought    1:37:48 (Pop-up)
mix w/ Israel Martinez  Anda / Pasajero   Favoriting Pausa    1:57:00 (Pop-up)
Shintaro Sakamoto  From The Dead (normal speed)   Favoriting 7"    2:19:38 (Pop-up)
Jessica Pratt  Aeroplane   Favoriting Quiet Signs    2:43:02 (Pop-up)
U.S. Girls  Poem   Favoriting In A Poem Unlimited    2:49:21 (Pop-up)
H. Grimace  She's In A State   Favoriting Living Waters    2:53:14 (Pop-up)
Young Marble Giants  Cakewalking   Favoriting     2:56:45 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Michael 98145:

another serving. please.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

I've been looking forward to this show since I heard about it monday. Howdy everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

Howdy @Cmurtha, and all
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

Olivia, as you know, means Olive.
Avatar 12:02pm

I have a hunch this is gonna warp my weft.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, -tick- how -tick- are -tick- things -tick- today? -tick-
Avatar 12:06pm

headphones on, ready to walk to the soup place and spend my lunch break in a hypnotic daze.
Avatar 12:06pm

i feel my brain liquefying.
Avatar 12:07pm

Hi Olivia and listener friends!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Krys O.:


....all dis noisesees with mah oats
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Our spliced-up DJ is up for adoption this year: www.flickr.com...

THIS is ear love.

SAVE us? That's what we came to YOU for.
Avatar 12:12pm

Avatar 12:12pm
still b/p:

Someone's gonna break down the door to rescue the turntable's needle/cartridge.

..dreaming of a threesome with Daphne Orem and Delia Derbyshire

Brian Joseph Davis, I think ya girl just stepped it up.

hehe right, Fabio will save us from this madness :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

greetings Olivia and Ravioli aficionados
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

Olivia at it again with the scotch tape glory!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Devin B.:

Loving this!
Avatar 12:16pm

This is my first time listening to Radio Ravioli, but I really like what I'm hearing.
Avatar 12:19pm
Lixiviated Life:

Back in the last century, I attended a performance by John Cage.
He cut the words out of a number of pages of "Ulysses" and rearranged them in random order. He then proceeded to read what he had rearranged.
It was like most John Cage works; jarring, surprising in parts, boring in parts, sly, humorous, thought provoking and frustrating.
But most of all, memorable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm

@Lixiviated Life - That is a similar or same technique W. Burroughs used for his book Naked Lunch. Cut up technique.
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Cheri Pi:

this is the best thing since splicing sliced bread back together
Avatar 12:22pm
Cheri Pi:

...or something
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
Michael 98145:

difficult to do this with mp3s
Cooh John:

The records should be marathon prizes.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

This is pretty lit. I will have to find the 1st edition of this in the Archives.

This sounds so cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm
Rich in Washington:

Oh man. Just came back from a morning meeting to THIS.
Avatar 12:28pm
still b/p:

Frankenscotched. Sorta.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm
Rich in Washington:

This is just amazing!
Avatar 12:29pm

kinda want to hear this with 33's now. so many more permutations.
Avatar 12:30pm

yeah you're right zopa! cept its harder for me to part with my LPs
Avatar 12:30pm

but one of these days i can buy a bunch of dollar recs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Rich in Washington:

I still want to know how Christian Marclay does that piece pie-shaped wedges of disparate records together thing.
Avatar 12:31pm

claim the unpurchased at the next record faire.

In the storied record tinkery and tomfoolery tradition <3

They play this cut in rotation on my a.m. radio constantly during daylight hours...

@ Rich in Washington prolly' as simple as uses glue

I'm having a really hard time believing this was RANDOMLY chopped.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm
Rich in Washington:

This is spooking the horses!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

This is spooking my coworkers.
Avatar 12:41pm
still b/p:

Like the beers, not like the cheese, these are Craft Singles.

The female Tom Ellard. This is gorgeous, innit?
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Something spooked the horses. And here it is, still spooking the horses!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

my brain is thizzed on this
Avatar 12:50pm


Hi I’m a bit stoned with my son in London
Avatar 12:55pm

I read that sales are declining for Kraft American Singles. Strangely, people are beginning to prefer food.

Kraft American Singles® someone's car in the summer

This is exhilarating, Olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm
Rich in Washington:

It is! It really is.

This Duplex is like seizure muzak piped into an abandoned dystopian shopping mall..
Avatar 1:14pm

There are shopping malls that *aren't* dystopian?

And not just because it's the special singles week, either, Olivia...this is amazing. Have you been vinyl splicing for a long time?

I'm lovin' it (no McDs) :)
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

Brian I think just about everything is dystopian at this point.

This one is groovy!
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Avatar 1:21pm

I need to go to the ravioli cart for some victuals.
Avatar 1:21pm

Digging this California Dreamin' sad remix.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

I sort of remember a 70’s movie about a Corvette called Californa Dreamin’. I thought it was awesome.
Avatar 1:33pm
Lixiviated Life:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm
Michael 98145:

somewhere, someone is slapping their car radio ...
Avatar 1:47pm
still b/p:

The photos make it seem like the process is breaking one single and re-joining those same pieces as the same record but with some rough misalignments and random wonderful sonic results, but given what you've said and all the results that sound processed/affected, is it more about hybrids and new DIY partnerings and reassignments and, not mash-ups, but...frag-ups in the assemblies?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm

What would be a good name for the social disorder that makes folks like us here think this sounds great?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

I'm wrong about that Corvette movie. I looked for it. No idea what it was called. Basically a blond guy cruising around in a red Corvette with awesome hood scoops.
Avatar 1:52pm
still b/p:

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still b/p:

@crateslinger -- Corvette Summer?

This show brings me back to the first time I hear John Oswald's Plunderphonics. The super brilliant Plexure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm

Dangerous Loaners? Unemployable?
Avatar 1:54pm

Freeform encephalopathy?

First saw Marclay do this in late 80's. Love Maria Chavez in this same vein. Your work is fantastic. Thank you for all of this! You're right on target.
Avatar 1:54pm

WFMU needs a laser cutter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm

wow you and john allen will make a great dj tag team
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still b/p:

Heyyy, it's lickety splits music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm

@still b/p - that's it! Mark Hamill. O man. thanks my friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
Michael 98145:

@Brian for the win
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm

this sounds a lot like this laptop i'm on when i try to do too many things at once.
Avatar 1:57pm
still b/p:

The poster art and Annie's outfit, and Danny Bonaduce in the cast...you KNOW it's good cinema!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm
Michael 98145:

{ does anyone know how the marathon adoption program works? }
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm
Michael 98145:

i've had dental experiences like this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm
Rich in Washington:

No offence to Fabio, but I don't want this to end!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm

Charlie Purple:

this makes me want to smash ravioli and tomato sauce in to the grooves of a 45 and play it at 78 rpm
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm

Michael i think it's any donation totaling at least $180. (?- it might be $110.) you may adopt a "fixture/dog/etc;
for $365. you may adopt a radio host instead, if you prefer.
don't quote me on this. i've been able to most years but never did it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm

I have the streams coming from two different computers slightly askew. I think I am being ridiculous now and i should probably see if there is some work i can do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Rich in Washington:

@crateslinger: I often experience that phenomenon while listening at home, with the stream on more than one stereo and while transiting from one room from another, have that disorienting effect from the different time delays.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:08pm

Micheal as said above by coelacanth its 180 for a thing/360 for dj, you email the station using the link given on the fixtures page saying what you'd like, and its first come first serve. If there are steps beyond that I do not know!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm

I have one on either side of my head. It's like what Psychic TV used to tell us to do.
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still b/p:

André Previn died. Anything of his to cut up on the spot and integrate with sumthin' else?
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stephen adams in the uk:

im really enjoying this
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I have gotten 0 work done today. I shall consider that a success.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

right. i did try a few times and experienced the results of first-come-first-served. i tried to adopt Olive a few times and Ted Leonard (rest in peace) at least once but they were taken already in every instance.
i think i adopted a garbage can or a wad of wires a few times.
Avatar 2:13pm
Lixiviated Life:

Work is the enemy of the people
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Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

I am aımıng for the a microphone or dumpster. We shall see. This reminds me I need to email Olivia about trying to get Clay some Barış Manço! I should do this while its in my head, but I know I will not be doing it at the moment
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Michael 98145:

thanks for the adoption info. never tried that before...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm
Michael 98145:

this is pretty super
Avatar 2:18pm
still b/p:

All those old TV/movie/comic adventure plots in which two people find each other to bring together two matching parts of an amulet or map or message or artwork to further the story...today we have the seeds of a movie in which two people find that their pieces of 45 RPM records DON'T match and the two realize they get good 'n happy about things like that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm
Michael 98145:

sounds like most successful relationships

Avatar 2:19pm

lol still b/p !
Avatar 2:22pm

@ still b/p:, i luv it! my kinda romantic comedy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Michael 98145:

this really is good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Michael 98145:

where's Duane?

Olivia thinks Joe Frank sucks, got it.
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Avatar 2:28pm

oh no polyus! stop! not true!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm
Guido from Cologne:

Hello Olivia!
Do you use special dedicated stylus or dedicated ones?
The last half hour was fun though "fully automatic".
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:29pm

@M98145, today is Thursday, not Wednesday! (If it weren't for WFMU, I'd never know what day it is. Olivia is on? Then it's Thursday. Bryce is on? It's Friday. When there's a fill-in, I have no idea what day it is!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Joe C from Brooklyn In Staten Island:

I usually go to PREX every year for RSD. Last year I did not and stayed on Staten Island instead. Found a local shop I didn't know about, but nowhere near the magnitude of what's available at PREX. I love that record store.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Joe C from Brooklyn In Staten Island:

Folks at work are scratching their heads. I think it's worse if I explain it.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:35pm

Quail is WAY too bony. All those little bones, arrrrgh. So annoying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Franco Twinkie:

Hi Olivia. I thought I was the only person who played records held together with tape. I can't stand audiophiles who go on about...well you know how they are. Keep up the contrarian behavior!
Charlie Purple:

you need to get an obeast quail

I used to be a die hard pb&j guy for years and years, but at some point I got tired of the j.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:38pm

Quail is pretty good. Its gamier than your factory farmed chicken, darker meat, but leanish, so not like Duck. Duck tops the list of poultry for me.

Man, I wish I could be a cook-slave for the marathon maybe when I get back to the states, I'll slip away from the Ph.D and go back home to NYC for it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38pm

pb&j made me who I am today
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

i'm way late to this conversation but i remember the local commercial for princeton record exchange from when i was a kid and can recite their phone number from memory to this day because of it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm
Franco Twinkie:

I had some mole negro at this place in East L.A. The actual mole sauce was fantastic but the experience was ruined because they used quail instead of chicken or turkey. Why anyone bother with quail is beyond me.
Charlie Purple:

if you dont like quail you should try kangaroo
Avatar 2:46pm

Ruffed Grouse can be nice, too.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:46pm

You know what, I lied, I thought i had Quail, but I see quail is more like Squab, I've had Pheasent before which was boss. Though, if quail tastes like Squab its probably pretty good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47pm
Franco Twinkie:

If I could I would cook for you guys to pay back some of my debt to WFMU. But I live in Southern California. And believe you me, I can cook!

Kangaroo mole? Now that's fusion food!

I got my new four track to make audio collages inspired by radio ravioli but I used a power supply that zappped it and now I have to do some soldering I am no good at.... halp! Any solder whiz in Baltimore out there? Hello!
Charlie Purple:

I also make sushicheeseburgers
Avatar 2:49pm

I recall frying up some goose eggs long ago. Those were substantial.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:49pm
Franco Twinkie:

Charlie Purple, you are a culinary tight rope walker.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

I cannot stand quail, it is too grey looking and weird gamy tasting. It makes me a little nauseous. Give me a nice roasted organic chicken any day. Better than turkey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Franco Twinkie:

Thank you Wild Neal. My feelings exactly.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:52pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'd wager that seagull wouldn't be too good. The men on the Shackleton expedition subsisted on penguin while stranded on Elephant Island.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm

I bet seagull tastes like license plate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm
Franco Twinkie:

I've heard that penguin really stinks when you cook it.
Charlie Purple:

why didn't they just eat elephants?
Avatar 2:54pm

Weird. I was stream hopping and came across Fabio's bed music. That's, like, totes cog diss, yo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Michael 98145:

@ike 2:29, i meant Duane would probably have enjoyed that track
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Elephants live over on Monkey Island.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

I swapped out my desk chair for one of them there giant yoga balls. This is fun!
Bouncin' all over the place! Like one of them kiddie rubber balls with the handles without the handles.
Charlie Purple:

thats good I think they get music to spazz by on monkey island
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:57pm

I hear monkey Island is full of secrets and pirates
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Krys O.:

Thanks, Olivia!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:57pm

Great show Olivia!
Avatar 2:57pm
still b/p:

You want a bird dish?
"Kiviak is birds, specifically Auks, fermented inside a seal skin. So when Auks are in season they capture the birds and stuff [up to 500] in the seal skin, sew it up and leave it underground to ferment for a year, and then dig it up and eat it."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Michael 98145:

if i had a sitting ball, i'd probably forget and fall off and break my head
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm

thanks olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Franco Twinkie:

Brian, when I read you were stream hopping I though Great! some one caught a fish with there hands and probably cooked it like a boy scout by wrapping it river mud. But you weren't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

@m98145 - yeah I have to hold onto my desk...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks, Olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

bye olivia - great show
Avatar 3:00pm
still b/p:

Grest show, thanks. Other people didn't have radio like we had radio today.
Avatar 3:00pm
still b/p:

Grest...? GREAT!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

Thanks Olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Michael 98145:

{ must be the past tense }
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm

Thanks Olivia!
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