Favoriting Radio Ravioli with Olivia: Playlist from January 17, 2019 Favoriting

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Genre-fluid, ambient textures, global sounds, punk energy, electronica, jangle pop, disco, post punk, soul, r&b, and more...

Wednesday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 19th, 9pm - Midnight: Radio Ravioli presents: Ravioli Tourism Monthly Open Lines Extravaganza - Home Edition (More info...)
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Favoriting January 17, 2019: Minty Rose

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Danny Lyon, Stephanie, Sandoval County, New Mexico

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Marianne Faithfull  That's Right Baby   Favoriting Come and Stay with Me: The UK 45s 1964-1969  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Richard Hell  Hell reading from his journals for June 7, 2004   Favoriting Robert Quine / Richard Hell  0:05:24 (Pop-up)
  ++ extra sounds     0:06:17 (Pop-up)
Suisse  Sun Sacrifice   Favoriting Alien Pulse  0:07:30 (Pop-up)
Maxine Funke  To The Beach / Ranuculas   Favoriting Silk  0:11:16 (Pop-up)
Hep Lad  >>[:}<<   >>[:]<<  0:12:47 (Pop-up)
Bessie Jones  interview with Antoinette Marchand   Favoriting   0:14:31 (Pop-up)
Hally Wood  Duma Yerry   Favoriting   0:14:43 (Pop-up)
Bessie Jones  interview with Antoinette Marchand   Favoriting   0:15:54 (Pop-up)
Hally Wood  Sangaree   Favoriting   0:18:05 (Pop-up)
Juaneco y Su Combo  Mujer Hilandera   Favoriting Masters of Chicha, Vol. 1  0:24:56 (Pop-up)
Sol Rezza  Rooms In Your Mind   Favoriting   0:31:29 (Pop-up)
Fireside Gospel Singers  Get Your Soul Right   Favoriting I Heard The Angels Singing: Electrifying Black Gospel From The Nashboro Label 1951-1983  0:48:04 (Pop-up)
Human Host  Muckle Flugga and The Cronk   Favoriting Special Moments with Muckle Flugga & The Cronk  1:05:33 (Pop-up)
Chester Hawkins  Metabolism Quartet / Nocturne for Poppy   Favoriting Metabolism Quartet / Nocturne for Poppy  1:10:31 (Pop-up)
Ocean Floor  Dream of the sleeping stones   Favoriting dream of the sleeping stones  1:22:27 (Pop-up)
Toni & The Hearts  Never Change Our Love   Favoriting Basement Beehive: The Girl Group Underground (V/a)  1:22:59 (Pop-up)
Matana Roberts  All Is Written   Favoriting Coin Coin Chapter Three: River Run Thee  1:36:38 (Pop-up)
The CBS Trumpeteers  I Want To Know   Favoriting I Heard The Angels Singing: Electrifying Black Gospel From The Nashboro Label 1951-1983  1:42:59 (Pop-up)
Radiophonic Workshop  Burials in Several Earths (part 1)   Favoriting Burials In Several Earths  1:47:00 (Pop-up)
Haley Fohr  Lithonia   Favoriting Overdue  1:48:23 (Pop-up)
Roy Montgomery with Haley Fohr  Apparition   Favoriting Suffuse  1:52:33 (Pop-up)
Yuzo Iwata  Up on a dragonfly   Favoriting Daylight Moon  2:03:51 (Pop-up)
Mikey Young  Enigmatic Cosmic Enforcer   Favoriting Your Move vol 1  2:02:00 (Pop-up)
Les Robots  One Way Ticket to the Moon   Favoriting Do the Robot! 7"  2:21:37 (Pop-up)
Qlowski  Needle   Favoriting Pure As Fear  2:25:13 (Pop-up)
Ju Suk Reet Meate  Side One   Favoriting solo 1978 + 1979  2:26:25 (Pop-up)
Seafeel  filter dub   Favoriting quique  2:34:00 (Pop-up)
Mdou Moctar  Kamane Tarhanin   Favoriting Ilana: The Creator  2:42:20 (Pop-up)
The C.I.A.  Fear   Favoriting The C.I.A.  2:46:50 (Pop-up)
Mind Over Mirrors  Matchstick Grip   Favoriting Bellowing Sun  2:49:56 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

John from Florham Park:

I am first ha ha
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Linda Lee:

i stand by my belief that the woman cannot sing. i respect her for her life story, but she can't sing. hello Olivia!
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First is the Worst!
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Granny Spicy Tuna:

Marianne's voice has been growing on me. There must be a solvent to remove it??!?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

++ yay
  Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

Sorry LL disagree....I love her '60's voice....of course it is always subjective. Cheers.
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I would love to have a party that is set to hours of Radio Ravioli
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Linda Lee:

i'm shamed to be blessed with a sharp sense of pitch. that means flat hurts. i cringe!~ frankly, i think she's always been conscious of her shortcomings & resented the fact that she made it on her looks. but of course she did! without the sexy schoolgirl vibe Oldham wouldn't have even seen her! & a desire for pop stardom means she'll go on with it anyway. the conflict ruined her, though.
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Linda Lee:

if we all agreed on music this board would be incredibly boring.
John from Florham Park:

@linda lee if you are talking about marianne faithful, you are right he claim to fame was being mick jaggers girlfriend
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

I'll take Marianne over Nico 10x.

If someone can sing on key and naturally (without putting unnecessary strain on their vocal chords) in my book that means they can sing... whether or not they sing WELL or in a way that appeals to me is a different story
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hello hello
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Linda Lee:

John, she was actually picked up at a party by a budding rock promoter, Andrew Oldham, who also managed the Stones. he made a pop star out of her! hit records & fame at 17! then Jagger hooked up with her.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

Love the sounds, Danny Lyon too.
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Krys O.:

Hello, Olivia and everyone!
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Linda Lee:

that's my issue with poor Marianne. she tends to fly flat as often as not. that means she's *not* on key, to my ears. have you ever seen her tv appearance with Bowie singing 'I Got You Babe'? it's painful to hear, she's so incredibly flat.

my ears are not so sharp... nope sounds like it's not worth looking up tho lol
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Linda Lee:

in any case the poor thing is old, heavy, lame & lonely in her Paris apartment as we speak. so bless her for making it, as addicts sometimes do make it. i'll leave her alone now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

bummer bro
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

Iggy played this one the other day on his BBC show - from Marianne's latest album. I thought it was pretty amazing: www.youtube.com...
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I can only hope I do as well when I'm heavy, lame and lonely.
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Granny Spicy Tuna:

Linda Lee, i'm glad i don't have that sharp sense, I think i have the opposite— i really enjoy "off" and discordant sounds. You would NOT like to hear me sing, though i DO have the capability of singing in tune, i just prefer not to.
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Linda Lee:

i love discord that doesn't try to be something else. adore it.
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I'm with Granny Spice. I enjoy me some off tune singing.
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Linda Lee:

mr donuts ~ i'm willing to bet very few lonely old people have cuddly photos taken with Mick Jagger over their toilet bowls.
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Linda Lee:

i did love 'broken english' & heard her sing at the bottom line on her comeback. i recorded the show clandestinely on my walkman, but it sounded so bad i taped over it.
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So many great vocalists don't sing well.
@Granny I'm the opposite, I don't think I have the capability of singing in tune and wish I could. I can hear the difference.
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Linda Lee:

lots of great vocalists aren't trained singers & therefore don't 'sing well'. billie holiday was self-trained. she could carry a tune in key, though. and how. just stay with the key. that's all i ask!
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Granny Spicy Tuna:

melinda: A friend of mine was working with a voice coach and discovered that the reason she sang so off key was because her sense of hearing tone was so keen it was throwing her voice off.
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hi Livies and listeners. Heating up a habanero chicken here if that sounds appealing to anyone
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Granny Spicy Tuna:

Linda Lee: i change keys unpredictably, it drives people crazy!
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Linda Lee:

yes, you get to the point where the instrument is off & it throws you.
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Passaic River Blues:

This track, I suspect, is a Marty McSorley-approved Andean banger.
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Linda Lee:

one of my favorite vocalists: Lou Reed. the man didn't even sing ~ but he did it in key!
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Linda Lee:

@Granny, that's not fair! :-D :-D
John from Florham Park:

Linda lee now your talking I miss Lou reed
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MB... sure does! Ill go start the car... you live in Jersey? See you in ten hours... better save me some!
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Linda Lee:

i'm afraid i stopped listening after 'magic & loss'. but that's more than enough! ~ sad to say, a beloved gentleman who raised me knew the Factory people, but never took me to see the VU!

Magic and Loss is great!!!
"Warrior King" is soooo due for a resurgence... surprisingly I don't think Ive heard it played on FMU yet.
Avatar 12:34pm
Linda Lee:

rock & roll wasn't really his thing.
Avatar 12:35pm
Linda Lee:

Johzon, i'm pretty sure i heard some of 'warrior king' on the station when Lou passed.

louie louie

yea... it just seems like the perfect song for the Orange Nero era

Life is like Mayonnaise soda
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Roll on over J. Once you cross the border i'm a 1/2hr or about 45mins away.

On my way!
Avatar 12:45pm
Linda Lee:

was it 'new york' that came just before 'magic & loss'? love 'new york'. ~ i'll ask now, though: what is it with these born-again heterosexuals? they're like ex-alcoholics!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

Linda Lee, heh. Yeah, i was a bit annoyed at Bowie saying that experimenting with homosexual experiences was the "worst thing" he had ever done. C'mon, dude!!!!
PERSONATOR from Highland Park NJ:

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Granny Spicy Tuna:

"Worst mistake" rather…

Olivia you're show is Pure Art, greeting from Tel Aviv

Radio Ravioli blows the mind
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Something like flashes, sparks, or magic missiles were coming out of my speakers earlier. It was crazy.
John from Florham Park:

Hey fellow WFMU listeners serious qusstion besides us from the tristate are where else do we have listeners, I know there are some from England, but where else do we have some listeners
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Baltimore MD here!
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I'm in Maine.
John from Florham Park:

Melinda ever run into Stephen king
John from Florham Park:

Zpulpa love your 98 rock
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
The Oscar:

Just tuning back in, from the outskirts of Boston!
John from Florham Park:

Oscar is there a way your patriots can lose on Sunday
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Granny Spicy Tuna:

San Juan Islands, Washington State in da house!
Mr. Palchepo.:

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@Granny Spicy Tuna, im planning a cross country trip that will hopefully take me up to the San Juans this summer! I have always wanted to visit.
John from Florham Park:

Granny do you ever listen to KEXP?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
The Oscar:

Dunno, but I'm glad to hear they're playing-- means no one will be at the grocery store when I go shopping!


Morning! My mom's name is Harriet. She always hated it. I think she's finally come to terms with it though.
John from Florham Park:

Palchepo wow interesting state OK
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Olivia is on and the day is much better
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@John not yet!
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I hope everyone is finding some coziness this winter!
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Passaic River Blues:

I know nothing about it, but "Philip K. Discs" is a genius name for a record label.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

zpulpa, wonderful! So beautiful, and some of the best kayaking and bicycling in the world (so the experts tell me)
Mr. Palchepo.:

@ John I don’t know if I’d go that far-interesting.
John from Florham Park:

@oscar that is good nobody to clog the aisles
And milinda oh well well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm

greetings Olivia and others
John from Florham Park:

I meant Melinda sorry
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Granny Spicy Tuna:

John: when i'm driving through/around the Seattle area, i often tune into KEXP. I also like KUPS in Tacoma.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Raviolinis!
John from Florham Park:

Palchepo was trying to be nice about it(G)
John from Florham Park:

Granny will check out kups too thanks
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I love how the message board always in some way brings up concerns of geography. Music and place, music is a place i suppose.
Hi from Holland:

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state of turmoil represent
John from Florham Park:

Holland aloha to you too
John from Florham Park:

@Zpulpa and other topics too
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Here in Puppetland, the weather is fine.
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Michael 98145:

aloha nui loa
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@John from Florham Park, of course!
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mahalo olivia. great show.
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the weather's always fine in puppetland,no?
(except when it rains and the puppets melt
but that never happened)
John from Florham Park:

Olivia I second that great show
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In Puppetland the rain is made from tinsel and unspooled cassette tapes, so no one gets seriously injured.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

nice! - and unspooling after passing playheads, presumably...playing?

almighty opp is an LA puppet show, which gives free tapes of their original music to some people in the audience
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yippie! i want to be in l.a. for the first time in my life now
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I should re-release all the unsold copies I have of my cassette from the early 90s. Even the tape itself is now vintage!
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liking cassettes and not liking cassettes. there is no contradiction.
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The Oscar:

For much of my childhood my family exclusively listened to cassettes (as well as the radio). Somewhere deep in my reptile brain, part of me still considers cassettes "normal" and CDs "fancy."
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@coelacanth∅ - how wonderful to think of the raindrops passing playheads as they fall.
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Haley Fohr and Susanne Languille also at that Matana Roberts show. Looking forward to a big evening.
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Nice to be back in the Ravioli after a week off.
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I also think about this a lot Olivia, and I always come back to my experiences making physical tape loops and making mixes on a four-track and how much joy and calm that has brought me, so I do think there is a special element to the physical form for me. Your show has inspired me to revisit my tape splicing and mixing activities! I think you play the tapes like an instrument!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm

Somebody once told me it's MAH-ta-na, but I honestly don't know. Anyone else?

Cassettes have a certain quality that I really like when I listen to them on a good deck. To me they sound best with 7506s on.
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zpulpa Do It!
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Rich in Washington:

I'm listening to this show through 7506s.
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Rich in Washington:

This mix is incredible, Olivia!
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I would not have recorded this (my one and only piece of music on the internet) if it were not for my discovering a love for Cassettes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

This is (another) great Ravioli today.

I like cassettes. they're compact and durable. cd cases seem more flimsy & disposable to me. Vynyl is best for artwork... I wanna make cassettes to sell on the street. tho I suppose cd's would make more sense. something about cassettes tho... the cases are such solid little artifacts... they'd be a much more practical self defense tool than a cd case or a record too. not that that should be high on the list of considerations. yep... cassettes have certainly well earned a spot in the top five mediums for conveying recorded music in my book
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

i was going to save that for later, zpulpa but i get a message saying "media cannot be played"

Sitting in rainy California, on an inner journey, accompanied by a soundtrack of the past, present and future. Thank you!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

I really laugh at those that are vinyl snobs because of some notion of superior sound quality. If you really want analog, and you want quality, you need to be listening on reel-to-reel tape.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm

@mrdonutsu - That's why I go to live shows, it's nearly as good as reel to reel.
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i still listen to cassettes (and use them for recording, as well as 8-track cassettes) 40-year-old cassettes sound fine
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@coelacanth∅, hmmm im not sure whats up, it works over here. perhaps it could be downloaded on the bottom right side of the page. It is a very rough bleep bleep boop thing, my feelings of tender murk :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

Johnzon the cases can be used to scrape frost off car windows too! (as i was forced to discover)

I only listen to live musicians. Right now two of my friends are listening to the show on headphones and interpreting each song on harp and flute. it seems like a good show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm

What people like vinyl - to a large part - is essentially the sound modification caused by en.wikipedia.org... Tape (even cassette) is much closer to the original sound of the music as it was recorded.
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All we ever seem to talk about is cassettes and the weather and weathered cassettes and cassette weather
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Booz hahaha!

good tip coelacanth!

Wow HF almost channeling Scott Walker on this track, at least through my little speakers.
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@Polyus I was thinking the same!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Yeah, seems we hardly ever discuss ravioli here anymore.
Hi from Holland:

All Hail Haley
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm

ravioli, stat

Also what zopa said. It’s nice when they come with screws so you can open them up and put their guts back in.
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To paraphrase my daughter, It's raining Ravioli...
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...or hailing it, as it were
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

diciassette - upside-down!
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This is some enveloping pasta, right here.

booz-reminds me of the great Albuquerque Cassette Tape storm of 1983, when a tornado hit a cassette warehouse and rained tens of thousands of tapes down on a suburban NM subdivision.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm

...oh wait, that only works with a 4-track.
- lotsa fun though!
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@Johnzon: Why was that not worked in to Breaking Bad, I wonder.
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Jeff Moore:

This Fohr / Montgomery is something! I'd initially assumed it must be Scott Walker!
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@Johnzon Ai, madre!
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@Johnzon, whoa whoa what!!!?? I want to learn more about that!
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Johnzon it probably sounded like radio ravioli!
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The Oscar:

I had a coworker once who used to have an 8-track of Trout Mask Replica, which he said was worn through enough that you could hear the opposite side playing backward as you listened. I would have LOVED to hear that.
Hi from Holland:

One more hour people!
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Stephen O'Malley called Fohr a female Scott Walker. (Apparently she hates that comparison.)
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@The Oscar - WOW
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Daylight Moon by who?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm

The Oscar that would've been the tape twisted/folded over partially to make that happen.
and yeah must've been amazing!

hey olivia & all! i’m late! sounds great, though!
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dangit. i missed the track info on the dragon fly song
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Just realizing that's my first comment, I've been following along with yall though! thanks for writing :)
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Ah, I see it now. Thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm

"Goodnight, daylight moon"

zpulpa- Im pretty sure I saw it on the news... but I was -5 at the time so I could be mistaken... but if I ever release an experimental cassette tape of Rock N'Roll disaster stories Ill be sure to... comment.

it has to have happened somewhere at some point. if it's rained frogs it's rained cassette tapes

i have this playing on my radio and phone at the same time and it sounds really cool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm

8-tracks are great! lots of possibilities. i bought an 8-track recorder just a few years ago, for recording purposes. i do just listen to tapes sometimes though. they sound lovely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Rich in Washington:

One of the first things I did when I got a 4 track was to take a tape of Iron Butterfly's In A Gadda Da Vida and play the title track flipped so that it played backwards and made a dub of it.
I played it for a guy I knew who ran a local record store and he flipped out because he loved it so much. I gave him the tape, knowing I could just make another.
I showed up a couple of months later and he was selling bootlegs of it, complete with the artwork mirror flopped, like we'd joked about earlier. He wouldn't give me a copy, claiming he'd actually had the idea years before.
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It would be so fun to have a Radio Ravioli listener tape exchange! anyone?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

wow Rich that's a great idea! 'sucks that fuckweasel didn't give you credit for it.
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I agree zpulpa!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

one of my earliest experiments along those lines was paranoid, backward - to check out the dancing devils. somehow it didn't work. didn't see devils.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

zpulpa i'm totally down!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm

(but then, i still haven't gotten around to remixing Olivia's marathon premium)
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Zpulpa, what a fine idea! RRTX is lit.
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Rich in Washington:

I was just kind of an old tossed off stoner joke, playing that song backwards. It wasn't really that original of an idea, but I just remember being kind of pissed about it at the time. The lesson was don't share creative ideas with people if I don't intend to do something with it myself. Live and learn.
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what would be the best way to organize something like this? Google Doc? :)
Mr. Palchepo.:

Why don’t we all just get together and exchange them in front of the record store guy and not let him have one?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm

i tried several things backwards...revolution 9; whole lotta love; Bowie; foghat; George Crumb; Yma Sumac...i just mean in-a-gadda-da-vita was an excellent choice (which i hadn't thought of). the drum solo alone must've sounded great!
ten years after's "boogie on" would be another, along those lines.

greetings from Ireland.
mighty show for dinnertime
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Mr.P i like that idea!
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I listen to Mary had a little lamb backwards its very trippy
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thanks zpulpa! if you email it to me -- olivia@wfmu.org -- I can maybe post on the playlist page or something
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The Oscar:

I'm young enough that most of my teenage playback experiments were digital, but I also fell down some FANTASTIC rabbit holes of Satanic Panic/Illuminati backmasking conspiracy websites. I probably know "Stairway to Heaven" better backwards than forwards at this point.
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@ olivia, sent!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:32pm

Oh wow, do any of those websites still exist?
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cool thanks! won't be able to do that til after the show but I will!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
The Oscar:

@Ike Man, that's a good question. Most of that action is on Youtube now, but I'm sure there are some .WAV treasure troves still out there, probably with twinkly star backgrounds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Rich in Washington:

There was some Australian gentlemen who was making hay on the Satanic Panic/Backwards Masking hysteria but also claiming that guilty people inadvertently made confessions that could be heard when playing their statements backwards. He was all over talk radio during the Bill Clinton/Lewinskly scandal and also the OJ Simpson case.
A total charlatan and conman. But hilarious and engaging radio.
Mr. Palchepo.:

Oscar, you’d have loved Oklahoma in the 80s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm
The Oscar:

@Rich I definitely stumbled across some of that too (not sure if it was the same guy you're talking about, but it could very well have been). Eventually I realized that "Yes" played backwards sounds a lot like "Satan," so there's pretty much always going to be a neverending supply of "Satanic" messages.
John from Florham Park:

@the Oscar will look it up on you tube, I am sure I can find more interesting stuff on there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

Heading out. Loved, loved, loved today's show & comments board. I'm in favor of all of you (except maybe for the Faithfull digs, I love MF).

Ha. I think I remember trying to get this Seafeel when it came out by mail order and through many a usps mishap it just never happened. Odd reunion 25 years later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm
The Oscar:

If anyone hasn't seen it, check out Mdou Moctor's remake of Purple Rain (as in, the movie). There's no Tuareg word for "purple," so the title translates to "Rain the Color of Blue with a Little Red In It."
Avatar 2:49pm
Itzall Ablurr:

I *H3aRt* "The C.I.A."
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 2:50pm

@Rich in WA@2:37, sounds good. That would be right up Station Manager Ken's alley, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm

so, for this tape exchange, are we talking about "weird" cassettes, like remix soundscape kinda things?
Avatar 2:51pm

i feel like anything's fair game rn coel, no rules as far as I know!
Avatar 2:52pm

As free as Ravioli!
Avatar 2:53pm

@coelacanth∅: Like Music for Carports?
Avatar 2:54pm

surely there are recipes/cooking instructions on cassette out there?
Avatar 2:56pm

I have a cassette recording of 4′33″ that I could contribute.
Avatar 2:57pm

4′33″, by the way, is the most heavily sampled track in history.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Rich in Washington:

That aforementioned guy was making his rounds on talk radio and I can't remember who - but some radio host wouldn't let him tell people in advance what was supposedly being said backwards, to let them decide for himself, and his whole act kind of collapsed. It was like Uri Geller v James Randi. Wish I could remember who...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

thanks olivia! been lurking & liking
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks, Olivia! Your show today was fantastic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

Thanks Olivia! (i was cooking...not ravioli,unfortunately)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

(and, what Rich said)
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