Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from November 26, 2018 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting November 26, 2018: moonlight bounce

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Saâda Bonaire  Invitation   Favoriting Saâda Bonaire  Captured Tracks  2013  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Daniel T.  Moonlight Bounce   Favoriting Heliotrope  Cascine  2018  0:04:42 (Pop-up)
Vaudou Game  Anniversaire   Favoriting Tata fatiguee  Hot Casa Records  2018  0:08:34 (Pop-up)
Kolorit  Untitled 01   Favoriting Workshop XXI  Workshop  2018  0:12:53 (Pop-up)
Jura Soundsystem  Jungle Ambient Tool   Favoriting Jura Soundsystem Presents Transmission One  Isle of Jura Records  2018  0:19:32 (Pop-up)
&Me  In Your Eyes   Favoriting In Your Eyes  Pampa Records  2018  0:19:54 (Pop-up)
Meera Atkinson  White   Favoriting Midday Moon: Ambient and Experimental Music from Australia and New Zealand 1980-1995  Bedroom Suck Records  2018  0:28:21 (Pop-up)
Marc Houle  Yummy   Favoriting Medic  Curle Recordings  2018  0:29:18 (Pop-up)
Juniper  Constellations in You   Favoriting Various Artists EP (3024-FYE1)  3024  2018  0:34:12 (Pop-up)
Cocktail Party Effect  Plusmk   Favoriting Death of an Algorithm  Transfigured Time  2018  0:40:58 (Pop-up)
Octo Octa  Beam Me Up (Please Take Me Away Mix)   Favoriting Devotion EP  Naive  2018  0:45:31 (Pop-up)
Paul Frick  Church 5 Loop 2   Favoriting Second Yard Botanicals  Apollo Records  2018  0:46:45 (Pop-up)
Gudrun Gut  Startup Loch_   Favoriting Moment  Monika  2018  0:50:52 (Pop-up)
M83  America   Favoriting Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts  Gooom  2003  0:56:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Iannis Xenakis 

Diamorphoses   Favoriting

GRM Works 1957-1962 

Editions Mego/INA-GRM 


1:04:14 (Pop-up)
VCSR  Untitled #32   Favoriting Tape #Q  Permanent  2015  1:06:33 (Pop-up)
Nathan Moody  Distant Black Cloud   Favoriting The Right Side of Mystery  Self-Released  2018  1:23:54 (Pop-up)
ELEH  Over Woven   Favoriting Touch. 30 Years and Counting  Touch  2013  1:28:41 (Pop-up)
Siavash Amini and Umchunga  1827   Favoriting The Brightest Winter Sun  Flaming Pines  2018  1:35:27 (Pop-up)
The Transcendence Orchestra  Barrington Park   Favoriting Modern Methods for Ancient Rituals  Editions Mego  2017  1:42:18 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Tomasz Bednarczyk 

Six Sounds   Favoriting

Illustrations for those who 



1:55:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Roman Berger 

Elegia in memoriam Jan Rucka   Favoriting

Experimental Studio Bratislava Series 1: Ina Hudba 



2:01:13 (Pop-up)
The Vegetable Orchestra  Carrot Pano Drama   Favoriting Green Album  Transacoustic Research  2018  2:05:05 (Pop-up)
Throbbing Gristle  Exotic Functions   Favoriting Journey Through a Body  Mute  1981/2018  2:09:32 (Pop-up)
Various (compiled by Felix Kubin)  Les Espirits   Favoriting Historische Aufnahmen / Historical Recordings Vol II (V/A)  Gagarin Records  2018  2:13:52 (Pop-up)
Citizen Electrical  A3   Favoriting Archive Spinoffs  Gertrude Tapes  2018  2:17:41 (Pop-up)
Maciunas Ensemble  Ice Cream Man   Favoriting Maciunas Ensemble  Editions Telemark  2018  2:22:00 (Pop-up)
Bing Crosby  What Do We Do with the World?   Favoriting Bob Stanley & Pete Wiggs Present State Of the Union  Ace Records  2018  2:36:50 (Pop-up)
Komeda  Binario   Favoriting What Makes it Go?  Minty Fresh  1998  2:40:17 (Pop-up)
Klaus Johann Grobe  An Diesem Abend   Favoriting Du Bist So Symmetrich  Trouble in Mind  2018  2:43:06 (Pop-up)
L'Eclair  Disco Dino   Favoriting Polymood  Beyond Beyond Is Beyond  2018  2:48:26 (Pop-up)
Moonchy & Tobias  Bon Bon   Favoriting Moonchy & Tobias  Hidden Shoal  2018  2:54:34 (Pop-up)
The Royal Arctic Institute  When Razors Were Works of Art   Favoriting Accidental Achievement  Rhyme & Reason Records  2018  2:58:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

David in London:

Morning Jesse, London calling.
Avatar 3:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey David, Polyglot receiving. How's Monday in London?

hello from Barcelona! morning here.

name of this track?
Avatar 3:32am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning, Jordi! This is new from Marc Houle--it's called "Yummy" and it is.

rainy morning here. at work now england weather haha. cheers.
Avatar 3:37am
Jesse Dorris:

I'm sure England won't mind if you take it.
David in London:

A little wintery Jesse, but not too bad overall. Your electronic soundtrack is undoubtedly helping get the week off to a decent start.

Totally agreed with David. Great start
David in London:

Hey Jordi. No, it’s fine. You have it with my blessing.

been living in Scotland time ago for six months. i like this weather :)
Avatar 3:51am
Jesse Dorris:

Thank you both for your ears and your atmospheric reports! Here in the WFMU environs it's oddly warm and, well, very dark.
David in London:

Jordi, el Barca to el Scotland is a real change!
David in London:

Jesse, always make a point of checking into Polyglot. The time difference makes it my Monday morning getting ready soundtrack. Perfect. Like this Gudrun Gut. Sehr gut.
b wad:

Tel Aviv, sick in bed but listening in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06am
Dave in Vermont:

Good morning. What was the movie you mentioned, that was sampled in the M83 track?
Ben Abs:

Morning Jesse and fellow international fmu-ers. Engaged in a bleary eyed commute atm. Thanks for the soundtrack
Avatar 4:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Very glad to be of service, David!

Hope you feel better soon, B Wad!

Dave, it's called "Don't Look Now" and it's a real trip
Avatar 4:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Hope this helps, Ben Abs!
Ben Abs:

Is pretty perfect actually. Danks
Avatar 4:11am

Hi everyone from a mild and sunny North London UK. Waking up to hear Xenakis. Am I still dreaming?
Avatar 4:17am
Jesse Dorris:

Who can even tell anymore??
Avatar 4:24am
Pete DJ TM5:

I LOVE this VCSR release
Avatar 4:24am
Pete DJ TM5:

I also found it on discogs now
Avatar 4:25am
Jesse Dorris:

It's really a wonderful find, Pete!
David in London:

Something of the Faust about this one on a pleasing way.
Avatar 5:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Yeah, they are really hammering it home!
b wad:

That cacophonous ensemble woke me up, and resolved itself into the most beautiful sounds.
Avatar 5:46am
Jesse Dorris:

C'mon Monday!
Avatar 5:53am
ben abs:

Thanks for the show Jesse
Avatar 5:54am

Bringing Monday from LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY!
Avatar 5:57am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks for your ears, everyone! Until next week....
Avatar 5:58am

Thanks Jesse. Another good one.



Loved the second and third part, Mr. Dorris!

Loved the second and third part, Mr. Dorris!
Avatar 7:43pm

Love Komeda (the band, not the composer). "Binario" is awesome. Cheers.
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